/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006 by Massimiliano Torromeo * * massimiliano.torromeo@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "selector.h" #include "debug.h" #include "filelister.h" #include "gmenu2x.h" #include "linkapp.h" #include "menu.h" #include "surface.h" #include "utilities.h" #include #include //for browsing the filesystem #include #include #include #include using namespace std; Selector::Selector(GMenu2X *gmenu2x, LinkApp *link, const string &selectorDir) : Dialog(gmenu2x) { this->link = link; selRow = 0; if (selectorDir.empty()) dir = link->getSelectorDir(); else dir = selectorDir; if (dir[dir.length()-1]!='/') dir += "/"; } int Selector::exec(int startSelection) { FileLister fl; fl.setShowDirectories(link->getSelectorBrowser()); fl.setFilter(link->getSelectorFilter()); prepare(fl); OffscreenSurface bg(*gmenu2x->bg); drawTitleIcon(bg, link->getIconPath(), true); writeTitle(bg, link->getTitle()); writeSubTitle(bg, link->getDescription()); if (link->getSelectorBrowser()) { gmenu2x->drawButton(bg, "start", gmenu2x->tr["Exit"], gmenu2x->drawButton(bg, "accept", gmenu2x->tr["Select"], gmenu2x->drawButton(bg, "cancel", gmenu2x->tr["Up one folder"], gmenu2x->drawButton(bg, "left", "", 5)-10))); } else { gmenu2x->drawButton(bg, "start", gmenu2x->tr["Exit"], gmenu2x->drawButton(bg, "cancel", "", gmenu2x->drawButton(bg, "accept", gmenu2x->tr["Select"], 5)) - 10); } unsigned int top, height; tie(top, height) = gmenu2x->getContentArea(); int fontheight = gmenu2x->font->getLineSpacing(); if (link->getSelectorBrowser()) fontheight = constrain(fontheight, 20, 40); unsigned int nb_elements = height / fontheight; bg.convertToDisplayFormat(); unsigned int firstElement = 0; unsigned int selected = constrain(startSelection, 0, fl.size() - 1); auto folderIcon = gmenu2x->sc.skinRes("imgs/folder.png"); if (!folderIcon) { folderIcon = gmenu2x->sc.addSkinRes("imgs/folder.png"); } bool close = false, result = true; while (!close) { OutputSurface& s = *gmenu2x->s; bg.blit(s, 0, 0); if (selected >= firstElement + nb_elements) firstElement = selected - nb_elements + 1; if (selected < firstElement) firstElement = selected; //Screenshot if (fl.isFile(selected)) { string path = screendir + trimExtension(fl[selected]) + ".png"; auto screenshot = OffscreenSurface::loadImage(path, false); if (screenshot) { screenshot->blitRight(s, 320, 0, 320, 240, 128u); } } //Selection unsigned int iY = top + (selected - firstElement) * fontheight; if (selectedskinConfColors[COLOR_SELECTION_BG]); //Files & Dirs s.setClipRect(0, top, 311, height); for (unsigned int i = firstElement; i < fl.size() && i < firstElement + nb_elements; i++) { iY = i-firstElement; if (fl.isDirectory(i)) { folderIcon->blit(s, 4, top + (iY * fontheight)); gmenu2x->font->write(s, fl[i], 21, top + (iY * fontheight) + (fontheight / 2), Font::HAlignLeft, Font::VAlignMiddle); } else gmenu2x->font->write(s, trimExtension(fl[i]), 4, top + (iY * fontheight) + (fontheight / 2), Font::HAlignLeft, Font::VAlignMiddle); } s.clearClipRect(); gmenu2x->drawScrollBar(nb_elements, fl.size(), firstElement); s.flip(); switch (gmenu2x->input.waitForPressedButton()) { case InputManager::SETTINGS: close = true; result = false; break; case InputManager::UP: if (selected == 0) selected = fl.size() -1; else selected -= 1; break; case InputManager::ALTLEFT: if ((int)(selected - nb_elements + 1) < 0) selected = 0; else selected -= nb_elements - 1; break; case InputManager::DOWN: if (selected+1>=fl.size()) selected = 0; else selected += 1; break; case InputManager::ALTRIGHT: if (selected + nb_elements - 1 >= fl.size()) selected = fl.size() - 1; else selected += nb_elements - 1; break; case InputManager::CANCEL: if (!link->getSelectorBrowser()) { close = true; result = false; break; } case InputManager::LEFT: if (link->getSelectorBrowser()) { string::size_type p = dir.rfind("/", dir.size()-2); if (p==string::npos || dir.length() < 2 || dir[0] != '/') { close = true; result = false; } else { dir = dir.substr(0,p+1); selected = 0; firstElement = 0; prepare(fl); } } break; case InputManager::ACCEPT: if (fl.isFile(selected)) { file = fl[selected]; close = true; } else { dir = dir+fl[selected]; char *buf = realpath(dir.c_str(), NULL); dir = (string) buf + '/'; free(buf); selected = 0; firstElement = 0; prepare(fl); } break; default: break; } } return result ? (int)selected : -1; } void Selector::prepare(FileLister& fl) { fl.browse(dir); screendir = dir; if (!screendir.empty() && screendir[screendir.length() - 1] != '/') { screendir += "/"; } screendir += "previews/"; }