#include "browsedialog.h" #include "FastDelegate.h" #include "filelister.h" #include "gmenu2x.h" #include "iconbutton.h" #include "utilities.h" using namespace fastdelegate; using std::string; BrowseDialog::BrowseDialog( GMenu2X *gmenu2x, Touchscreen &ts_, const string &title, const string &subtitle) : Dialog(gmenu2x) , ts(ts_) , title(title) , subtitle(subtitle) , ts_pressed(false) , buttonBox(gmenu2x) { IconButton *btn; buttonBox.add(new IconButton(gmenu2x, ts, "skin:imgs/buttons/left.png")); btn = new IconButton(gmenu2x, ts, "skin:imgs/buttons/cancel.png", gmenu2x->tr["Up one folder"]); btn->setAction(MakeDelegate(this, &BrowseDialog::directoryUp)); buttonBox.add(btn); btn = new IconButton(gmenu2x, ts, "skin:imgs/buttons/accept.png", gmenu2x->tr["Enter folder"]); btn->setAction(MakeDelegate(this, &BrowseDialog::directoryEnter)); buttonBox.add(btn); btn = new IconButton(gmenu2x, ts, "skin:imgs/buttons/start.png", gmenu2x->tr["Confirm"]); btn->setAction(MakeDelegate(this, &BrowseDialog::confirm)); buttonBox.add(btn); btn = new IconButton(gmenu2x, ts, "skin:imgs/buttons/select.png", gmenu2x->tr["Exit"]); btn->setAction(MakeDelegate(this, &BrowseDialog::quit)); buttonBox.add(btn); iconGoUp = gmenu2x->sc.skinRes("imgs/go-up.png"); iconFolder = gmenu2x->sc.skinRes("imgs/folder.png"); iconFile = gmenu2x->sc.skinRes("imgs/file.png"); } BrowseDialog::~BrowseDialog() { } bool BrowseDialog::exec() { if (!fl) return false; string path = fl->getPath(); if (path.empty() || !fileExists(path) || path.compare(0, CARD_ROOT_LEN, CARD_ROOT) != 0) setPath(CARD_ROOT); fl->browse(); const int topBarHeight = gmenu2x->skinConfInt["topBarHeight"]; rowHeight = gmenu2x->font->getHeight() + 1; // gp2x=15+1 / pandora=19+1 numRows = (gmenu2x->resY - topBarHeight - 20) / rowHeight; clipRect = (SDL_Rect) { 0, static_cast(topBarHeight + 1), static_cast(gmenu2x->resX - 9), static_cast(gmenu2x->resY - topBarHeight - 25) }; touchRect = (SDL_Rect) { 2, static_cast(topBarHeight + 4), static_cast(gmenu2x->resX - 12), clipRect.h }; selected = 0; close = false; while (!close) { if (ts.available()) ts.poll(); paint(); handleInput(); } return result; } BrowseDialog::Action BrowseDialog::getAction(InputManager::Button button) { switch (button) { case InputManager::MENU: return BrowseDialog::ACT_CLOSE; case InputManager::UP: return BrowseDialog::ACT_UP; case InputManager::DOWN: return BrowseDialog::ACT_DOWN; case InputManager::ALTLEFT: return BrowseDialog::ACT_SCROLLUP; case InputManager::ALTRIGHT: return BrowseDialog::ACT_SCROLLDOWN; case InputManager::LEFT: case InputManager::CANCEL: return BrowseDialog::ACT_GOUP; case InputManager::ACCEPT: return BrowseDialog::ACT_SELECT; case InputManager::SETTINGS: return BrowseDialog::ACT_CONFIRM; default: return BrowseDialog::ACT_NONE; } } void BrowseDialog::handleInput() { InputManager::Button button = gmenu2x->input.waitForPressedButton(); BrowseDialog::Action action; if (ts_pressed && !ts.pressed()) { action = BrowseDialog::ACT_SELECT; ts_pressed = false; } else { action = getAction(button); } if (ts.available() && ts.pressed() && !ts.inRect(touchRect)) { ts_pressed = false; } if (action == BrowseDialog::ACT_SELECT && (*fl)[selected] == "..") { action = BrowseDialog::ACT_GOUP; } switch (action) { case BrowseDialog::ACT_CLOSE: quit(); break; case BrowseDialog::ACT_UP: if (selected == 0) selected = fl->size() - 1; else selected -= 1; break; case BrowseDialog::ACT_SCROLLUP: if (selected <= numRows - 2) selected = 0; else selected -= numRows - 2; break; case BrowseDialog::ACT_DOWN: if (fl->size() - 1 <= selected) selected = 0; else selected += 1; break; case BrowseDialog::ACT_SCROLLDOWN: if (selected+(numRows-2)>=fl->size()) selected = fl->size()-1; else selected += numRows-2; break; case BrowseDialog::ACT_GOUP: directoryUp(); break; case BrowseDialog::ACT_SELECT: if (fl->isDirectory(selected)) { directoryEnter(); break; } /* Falltrough */ case BrowseDialog::ACT_CONFIRM: confirm(); break; default: break; } buttonBox.handleTS(); } #include void BrowseDialog::directoryUp() { string path = fl->getPath(); string::size_type p = path.rfind("/"); if (p == path.size() - 1) { p = path.rfind("/", p - 1); } if (p == string::npos || path.compare(0, 1, "/") != 0 || path.length() < 2) { quit(); } else { selected = 0; setPath(path.substr(0, p)); } } void BrowseDialog::directoryEnter() { string path = fl->getPath(); if (path[path.size()-1] != '/') { path += "/"; } setPath(path + fl->at(selected)); selected = 0; } void BrowseDialog::confirm() { result = true; close = true; } void BrowseDialog::quit() { result = false; close = true; } void BrowseDialog::paint() { unsigned int i, iY; unsigned int firstElement, lastElement; unsigned int offsetY; gmenu2x->bg->blit(gmenu2x->s, 0, 0); drawTitleIcon("icons/explorer.png", true); writeTitle(title); writeSubTitle(subtitle); buttonBox.paint(5); // TODO(MtH): I have no idea what the right value of firstElement would be, // but originally it was undefined and that is never a good idea. firstElement = 0; if (selected>firstElement+numRows - 1) { firstElement = selected-numRows + 1; } else if (selected < firstElement) { firstElement = selected; } //Selection const int topBarHeight = gmenu2x->skinConfInt["topBarHeight"]; iY = topBarHeight + 1 + (selected - firstElement) * rowHeight; gmenu2x->s->box(2, iY, gmenu2x->resX - 12, rowHeight - 1, gmenu2x->skinConfColors[COLOR_SELECTION_BG]); lastElement = firstElement + numRows; if (lastElement > fl->size()) lastElement = fl->size(); offsetY = topBarHeight + 1; //Files & Directories gmenu2x->s->setClipRect(clipRect); for (i = firstElement; i < lastElement; i++) { Surface *icon; if (fl->isDirectory(i)) { if ((*fl)[i] == "..") { icon = iconGoUp; } else { icon = iconFolder; } } else { icon = iconFile; } icon->blit(gmenu2x->s, 5, offsetY); gmenu2x->s->write(gmenu2x->font, (*fl)[i], 24, offsetY + 8, ASFont::HAlignLeft, ASFont::VAlignMiddle); if (ts.available() && ts.pressed() && ts.inRect(touchRect.x, offsetY + 3, touchRect.w, rowHeight)) { ts_pressed = true; selected = i; } offsetY += rowHeight; } gmenu2x->s->clearClipRect(); gmenu2x->drawScrollBar( numRows,fl->size(), firstElement, clipRect.y, clipRect.h); gmenu2x->s->flip(); }