/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006 by Massimiliano Torromeo * * massimiliano.torromeo@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "menusettingrgba.h" #include "gmenu2x.h" #include "iconbutton.h" #include "surface.h" #include "utilities.h" #include using std::string; using std::stringstream; constexpr unsigned int COMPONENT_WIDTH = 36; MenuSettingRGBA::MenuSettingRGBA( GMenu2X *gmenu2x, Touchscreen &ts_, const string &name, const string &description, RGBAColor *value) : MenuSetting(gmenu2x, name, description) , ts(ts_) { edit = false; selPart = 0; _value = value; originalValue = *value; this->setR(this->value().r); this->setG(this->value().g); this->setB(this->value().b); this->setA(this->value().a); updateButtonBox(); } void MenuSettingRGBA::draw(int valueX, int y, int h) { Surface& s = *gmenu2x->s; MenuSetting::draw(valueX, y, h); s.rectangle(valueX, y + 1, h - 2, h - 2, 0,0,0,255); s.rectangle(valueX + 1, y + 2, h - 4, h - 4, 255,255,255,255); s.box(valueX + 2, y + 3, h - 6, h - 6, value()); gmenu2x->font->write(s, "R: "+strR, valueX + h + 3, y, Font::HAlignLeft, Font::VAlignTop); gmenu2x->font->write(s, "G: "+strG, valueX + h + 3 + COMPONENT_WIDTH, y, Font::HAlignLeft, Font::VAlignTop); gmenu2x->font->write(s, "B: "+strB, valueX + h + 3 + COMPONENT_WIDTH * 2, y, Font::HAlignLeft, Font::VAlignTop); gmenu2x->font->write(s, "A: "+strA, valueX + h + 3 + COMPONENT_WIDTH * 3, y, Font::HAlignLeft, Font::VAlignTop); } void MenuSettingRGBA::handleTS(int valueX, int y, int h) { if (ts.pressed()) { for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { if (i!=selPart && ts.inRect(valueX + h + i * COMPONENT_WIDTH,y,COMPONENT_WIDTH,h)) { selPart = i; break; } } } MenuSetting::handleTS(valueX, y, h); } bool MenuSettingRGBA::handleButtonPress(InputManager::Button button) { if (edit) { switch (button) { case InputManager::LEFT: dec(); break; case InputManager::RIGHT: inc(); break; case InputManager::ALTLEFT: update_value(-10); break; case InputManager::ALTRIGHT: update_value(10); break; case InputManager::ACCEPT: case InputManager::UP: case InputManager::DOWN: edit = false; updateButtonBox(); break; default: return false; } } else { switch (button) { case InputManager::LEFT: leftComponent(); break; case InputManager::RIGHT: rightComponent(); break; case InputManager::ACCEPT: edit = true; updateButtonBox(); break; default: return false; } } return true; } void MenuSettingRGBA::update_value(int value) { setSelPart(constrain(getSelPart() + value, 0, 255)); } void MenuSettingRGBA::dec() { update_value(-1); } void MenuSettingRGBA::inc() { update_value(+1); } void MenuSettingRGBA::leftComponent() { selPart = constrain(selPart-1,0,3); } void MenuSettingRGBA::rightComponent() { selPart = constrain(selPart+1,0,3); } void MenuSettingRGBA::setR(unsigned short r) { _value->r = r; stringstream ss; ss << r; ss >> strR; } void MenuSettingRGBA::setG(unsigned short g) { _value->g = g; stringstream ss; ss << g; ss >> strG; } void MenuSettingRGBA::setB(unsigned short b) { _value->b = b; stringstream ss; ss << b; ss >> strB; } void MenuSettingRGBA::setA(unsigned short a) { _value->a = a; stringstream ss; ss << a; ss >> strA; } void MenuSettingRGBA::setSelPart(unsigned short value) { switch (selPart) { default: case 0: setR(value); break; case 1: setG(value); break; case 2: setB(value); break; case 3: setA(value); break; } } RGBAColor MenuSettingRGBA::value() { return *_value; } unsigned short MenuSettingRGBA::getSelPart() { switch (selPart) { default: case 0: return value().r; case 1: return value().g; case 2: return value().b; case 3: return value().a; } } void MenuSettingRGBA::drawSelected(int valueX, int y, int h) { int x = valueX + selPart * COMPONENT_WIDTH; gmenu2x->s->box( x + h, y, COMPONENT_WIDTH, h, gmenu2x->skinConfColors[COLOR_SELECTION_BG] ); MenuSetting::drawSelected(valueX, y, h); } bool MenuSettingRGBA::edited() { return originalValue.r != value().r || originalValue.g != value().g || originalValue.b != value().b || originalValue.a != value().a; } void MenuSettingRGBA::updateButtonBox() { buttonBox.clear(); if (edit) { buttonBox.add(new IconButton(gmenu2x, ts, "skin:imgs/buttons/l.png")); buttonBox.add(new IconButton(gmenu2x, ts, "skin:imgs/buttons/left.png", gmenu2x->tr["Decrease"])); buttonBox.add(new IconButton(gmenu2x, ts, "skin:imgs/buttons/r.png")); buttonBox.add(new IconButton(gmenu2x, ts, "skin:imgs/buttons/right.png", gmenu2x->tr["Increase"])); buttonBox.add(new IconButton(gmenu2x, ts, "skin:imgs/buttons/accept.png", gmenu2x->tr["Confirm"])); } else { buttonBox.add(new IconButton(gmenu2x, ts, "skin:imgs/buttons/left.png")); buttonBox.add(new IconButton(gmenu2x, ts, "skin:imgs/buttons/right.png", gmenu2x->tr["Change color component"])); buttonBox.add(new IconButton(gmenu2x, ts, "skin:imgs/buttons/accept.png", gmenu2x->tr["Edit"])); } }