/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006 by Massimiliano Torromeo * * massimiliano.torromeo@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "inputdialog.h" #include "buttonbox.h" #include "gmenu2x.h" #include using namespace std; using namespace fastdelegate; #define KEY_WIDTH 20 #define KEY_HEIGHT 20 #define KB_TOP 90 InputDialog::InputDialog(GMenu2X *gmenu2x, InputManager &inputMgr_, Touchscreen &ts_, const string &text, const string &startvalue, const string &title, const string &icon) : Dialog(gmenu2x) , inputMgr(inputMgr_) , ts(ts_) { if (title == "") { this->title = text; this->text = ""; } else { this->title = title; this->text = text; } this->icon = ""; if (icon != "" && gmenu2x->sc[icon] != NULL) { this->icon = icon; } input = startvalue; selCol = 0; selRow = 0; keyboard.resize(7); keyboard[0].push_back("abcdefghijklm"); keyboard[0].push_back("nopqrstuvwxyz"); keyboard[0].push_back("0123456789. "); keyboard[1].push_back("ABCDEFGHIJKLM"); keyboard[1].push_back("NOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); keyboard[1].push_back("_\"'`.,:;!? "); keyboard[2].push_back("¡¿*+-/\\&<=>|"); keyboard[2].push_back("()[]{}@#$%^~"); keyboard[2].push_back("_\"'`.,:;!? "); keyboard[3].push_back("àáèéìíòóùúýäõ"); keyboard[3].push_back("ëïöüÿâêîôûåãñ"); keyboard[3].push_back("čďěľĺňôřŕšťůž"); keyboard[3].push_back("ąćęłńśżź "); keyboard[4].push_back("ÀÁÈÉÌÍÒÓÙÚÝÄÕ"); keyboard[4].push_back("ËÏÖÜŸÂÊÎÔÛÅÃÑ"); keyboard[4].push_back("ČĎĚĽĹŇÔŘŔŠŤŮŽ"); keyboard[4].push_back("ĄĆĘŁŃŚŻŹ "); keyboard[5].push_back("æçабвгдеёжзий "); keyboard[5].push_back("клмнопрстуфхцч"); keyboard[5].push_back("шщъыьэюяøðßÐÞþ"); keyboard[6].push_back("ÆÇАБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙ "); keyboard[6].push_back("КЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧ"); keyboard[6].push_back("ШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯØðßÐÞþ"); setKeyboard(0); buttonbox = new ButtonBox(gmenu2x); IconButton *btnBackspace = new IconButton(gmenu2x, "skin:imgs/buttons/l.png", gmenu2x->tr["Backspace"]); btnBackspace->setAction(MakeDelegate(this, &InputDialog::backspace)); buttonbox->add(btnBackspace); IconButton *btnSpace = new IconButton(gmenu2x, "skin:imgs/buttons/r.png", gmenu2x->tr["Space"]); btnSpace->setAction(MakeDelegate(this, &InputDialog::space)); buttonbox->add(btnSpace); IconButton *btnConfirm = new IconButton(gmenu2x, "skin:imgs/buttons/accept.png", gmenu2x->tr["Confirm"]); btnConfirm->setAction(MakeDelegate(this, &InputDialog::confirm)); buttonbox->add(btnConfirm); IconButton *btnChangeKeys = new IconButton(gmenu2x, "skin:imgs/buttons/cancel.png", gmenu2x->tr["Change keys"]); btnChangeKeys->setAction(MakeDelegate(this, &InputDialog::changeKeys)); buttonbox->add(btnChangeKeys); } void InputDialog::setKeyboard(int kb) { kb = constrain(kb, 0, keyboard.size() - 1); curKeyboard = kb; this->kb = &(keyboard[kb]); kbLength = this->kb->at(0).length(); for (int x = 0, l = kbLength; x < l; x++) { if (gmenu2x->font->utf8Code(this->kb->at(0)[x])) { kbLength--; x++; } } kbLeft = 160 - kbLength * KEY_WIDTH / 2; kbWidth = kbLength * KEY_WIDTH + 3; kbHeight = (this->kb->size() + 1) * KEY_HEIGHT + 3; kbRect.x = kbLeft - 3; kbRect.y = KB_TOP - 2; kbRect.w = kbWidth; kbRect.h = kbHeight; } bool InputDialog::exec() { SDL_Rect box = { 0, 60, 0, gmenu2x->font->getHeight() + 4 }; Uint32 caretTick = 0, curTick; bool caretOn = true; close = false; ok = true; while (!close) { gmenu2x->bg->blit(gmenu2x->s,0,0); writeTitle(title); writeSubTitle(text); drawTitleIcon(icon); buttonbox->paint(5); box.w = gmenu2x->font->getTextWidth(input) + 18; box.x = 160 - box.w / 2; gmenu2x->s->box(box.x, box.y, box.w, box.h, gmenu2x->skinConfColors[COLOR_SELECTION_BG]); gmenu2x->s->rectangle(box.x, box.y, box.w, box.h, gmenu2x->skinConfColors[COLOR_SELECTION_BG]); gmenu2x->s->write(gmenu2x->font, input, box.x + 5, box.y + box.h - 2, ASFont::HAlignLeft, ASFont::VAlignBottom); curTick = SDL_GetTicks(); if (curTick - caretTick >= 600) { caretOn = !caretOn; caretTick = curTick; } if (caretOn) { gmenu2x->s->box(box.x + box.w - 12, box.y + 3, 8, box.h - 6, gmenu2x->skinConfColors[COLOR_SELECTION_BG]); } if (ts.initialized()) ts.poll(); drawVirtualKeyboard(); gmenu2x->s->flip(); switch (inputMgr.waitForPressedButton()) { case InputManager::SETTINGS: ok = false; close = true; break; case InputManager::UP: selRow--; break; case InputManager::DOWN: selRow++; if (selRow == (int)kb->size()) selCol = selCol < 8 ? 0 : 1; break; case InputManager::LEFT: selCol--; break; case InputManager::RIGHT: selCol++; break; case InputManager::ACCEPT: confirm(); break; case InputManager::CANCEL: changeKeys(); break; case InputManager::ALTLEFT: backspace(); break; case InputManager::ALTRIGHT: space(); break; default: break; } } return ok; } void InputDialog::backspace() { // Check for UTF8 characters. input = input.substr(0, input.length() - (gmenu2x->font->utf8Code(input[input.length() - 2]) ? 2 : 1)); } void InputDialog::space() { input += " "; } void InputDialog::confirm() { if (selRow == (int)kb->size()) { if (selCol == 0) { ok = false; } close = true; } else { int xc = 0; for (uint x = 0; x < kb->at(selRow).length(); x++) { bool utf8 = gmenu2x->font->utf8Code(kb->at(selRow)[x]); if (xc == selCol) input += kb->at(selRow).substr(x, utf8 ? 2 : 1); if (utf8) x++; xc++; } } } void InputDialog::changeKeys() { if (curKeyboard == 6) { setKeyboard(0); } else { setKeyboard(curKeyboard + 1); } } void InputDialog::drawVirtualKeyboard() { //keyboard border gmenu2x->s->rectangle(kbRect, gmenu2x->skinConfColors[COLOR_SELECTION_BG]); if (selCol<0) selCol = selRow==(int)kb->size() ? 1 : kbLength-1; if (selCol>=(int)kbLength) selCol = 0; if (selRow<0) selRow = kb->size()-1; if (selRow>(int)kb->size()) selRow = 0; //selection if (selRow<(int)kb->size()) gmenu2x->s->box(kbLeft + selCol * KEY_WIDTH - 1, KB_TOP + selRow * KEY_HEIGHT, KEY_WIDTH - 1, KEY_HEIGHT - 2, gmenu2x->skinConfColors[COLOR_SELECTION_BG]); else { if (selCol > 1) selCol = 0; if (selCol < 0) selCol = 1; gmenu2x->s->box(kbLeft + selCol * kbLength * KEY_WIDTH / 2 - 1, KB_TOP + kb->size() * KEY_HEIGHT, kbLength * KEY_WIDTH / 2 - 1, KEY_HEIGHT - 1, gmenu2x->skinConfColors[COLOR_SELECTION_BG]); } //keys for (uint l=0; lsize(); l++) { string line = kb->at(l); for (uint x=0, xc=0; xfont->utf8Code(line[x])) { charX = line.substr(x,2); x++; } else charX = line[x]; SDL_Rect re = { kbLeft + xc * KEY_WIDTH - 1, KB_TOP + l * KEY_HEIGHT, KEY_WIDTH - 1, KEY_HEIGHT - 2 }; //if ts on rect, change selection if (ts.initialized() && ts.pressed() && ts.inRect(re)) { selCol = xc; selRow = l; } gmenu2x->s->rectangle(re, gmenu2x->skinConfColors[COLOR_SELECTION_BG]); gmenu2x->s->write(gmenu2x->font, charX, kbLeft + xc * KEY_WIDTH + KEY_WIDTH / 2 - 1, KB_TOP + l * KEY_HEIGHT + KEY_HEIGHT / 2, ASFont::HAlignCenter, ASFont::VAlignMiddle); xc++; } } //Ok/Cancel SDL_Rect re = {kbLeft-1, KB_TOP+kb->size()*KEY_HEIGHT, kbLength*KEY_WIDTH/2-1, KEY_HEIGHT-1}; gmenu2x->s->rectangle(re, gmenu2x->skinConfColors[COLOR_SELECTION_BG]); if (ts.initialized() && ts.pressed() && ts.inRect(re)) { selCol = 0; selRow = kb->size(); } gmenu2x->s->write(gmenu2x->font, gmenu2x->tr["Cancel"], (int)(160 - kbLength * KEY_WIDTH / 4), KB_TOP + kb->size() * KEY_HEIGHT + KEY_HEIGHT / 2, ASFont::HAlignCenter, ASFont::VAlignMiddle); re.x = kbLeft + kbLength * KEY_WIDTH / 2 - 1; gmenu2x->s->rectangle(re, gmenu2x->skinConfColors[COLOR_SELECTION_BG]); if (ts.initialized() && ts.pressed() && ts.inRect(re)) { selCol = 1; selRow = kb->size(); } gmenu2x->s->write(gmenu2x->font, gmenu2x->tr["OK"], (int)(160 + kbLength * KEY_WIDTH / 4), KB_TOP + kb->size() * KEY_HEIGHT + KEY_HEIGHT / 2, ASFont::HAlignCenter, ASFont::VAlignMiddle); }