/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006 by Massimiliano Torromeo * * massimiliano.torromeo@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "linkapp.h" #include "debug.h" #include "gmenu2x.h" #include "menu.h" #include "selector.h" #include "textmanualdialog.h" #include "utilities.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef PLATFORM_DINGUX #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBOPK #include #endif using fastdelegate::MakeDelegate; using namespace std; #ifdef HAVE_LIBOPK LinkApp::LinkApp(GMenu2X *gmenu2x_, Touchscreen &ts, InputManager &inputMgr_, const char* linkfile, bool opk) #else LinkApp::LinkApp(GMenu2X *gmenu2x_, Touchscreen &ts, InputManager &inputMgr_, const char* linkfile) #endif : Link(gmenu2x_, ts, MakeDelegate(this, &LinkApp::start)) , inputMgr(inputMgr_) { manual = ""; file = linkfile; dontleave = false; setClock(336); selectordir = ""; selectorfilter = ""; icon = iconPath = ""; selectorbrowser = false; #ifdef PLATFORM_DINGUX consoleApp = false; #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBOPK isOPK = opk; if (opk) { struct ParserData *pdata = openMetadata(linkfile); char *param; if (!pdata) { ERROR("Unable to initialize libopk\n"); return; } file = linkfile; param = readParam(pdata, "Name"); if (!param) ERROR("Missing \"Name\" parameter\n"); else title = param; param = readParam(pdata, "Comment"); if (param) description = param; /* Read the icon from the OPK only * if it doesn't exist on the skin */ param = readParam(pdata, "Icon"); if (param) { this->icon = gmenu2x->sc.getSkinFilePath((string) param + ".png"); if (this->icon.empty()) this->icon = (string) linkfile + '#' + param + ".png"; iconSurface = gmenu2x->sc[this->icon]; } if (iconPath.empty()) searchIcon(); param = readParam(pdata, "Exec"); if (!param) ERROR("Missing \"Exec\" parameter\n"); else exec = param; #ifdef PLATFORM_DINGUX param = readParam(pdata, "Terminal"); if (param) consoleApp = !strcmp(param, "true"); #endif param = readParam(pdata, "X-OD-Manual"); if (param) manual = param; param = readParam(pdata, "X-OD-Daemon"); if (param) dontleave = !strcmp(param, "true"); edited = false; closeMetadata(pdata); } #endif /* HAVE_LIBOPK */ string line; ifstream infile (linkfile, ios_base::in); while (getline(infile, line, '\n')) { line = trim(line); if (line=="") continue; if (line[0]=='#') continue; string::size_type position = line.find("="); string name = trim(line.substr(0,position)); string value = trim(line.substr(position+1)); #ifdef HAVE_LIBOPK if (!opk) { #endif if (name == "title") { title = value; } else if (name == "description") { description = value; } else if (name == "icon") { setIcon(value); } else if (name == "exec") { exec = value; } else if (name == "params") { params = value; } else if (name == "manual") { manual = value; } else if (name == "dontleave") { if (value=="true") dontleave = true; #ifdef PLATFORM_DINGUX } else if (name == "consoleapp") { if (value == "true") consoleApp = true; #endif } else if (name == "selectorfilter") { setSelectorFilter( value ); #ifdef HAVE_LIBOPK } #endif } else if (name == "clock") { setClock( atoi(value.c_str()) ); } else if (name == "selectordir") { setSelectorDir( value ); } else if (name == "selectorbrowser") { if (value=="true") selectorbrowser = true; } else if (name == "selectorscreens") { setSelectorScreens( value ); } else if (name == "selectoraliases") { setAliasFile( value ); } else { WARNING("Unrecognized option: '%s'\n", name.c_str()); break; } } infile.close(); if (iconPath.empty()) searchIcon(); edited = false; } const string &LinkApp::searchIcon() { string execicon = exec; string::size_type pos = exec.rfind("."); if (pos != string::npos) execicon = exec.substr(0,pos); execicon += ".png"; string exectitle = execicon; pos = execicon.rfind("/"); if (pos != string::npos) string exectitle = execicon.substr(pos+1,execicon.length()); if (!gmenu2x->sc.getSkinFilePath("icons/"+exectitle).empty()) iconPath = gmenu2x->sc.getSkinFilePath("icons/"+exectitle); else if (fileExists(execicon)) iconPath = execicon; else iconPath = gmenu2x->sc.getSkinFilePath("icons/generic.png"); return iconPath; } int LinkApp::clock() { return iclock; } const string &LinkApp::clockStr(int maxClock) { if (iclock>maxClock) setClock(maxClock); return sclock; } void LinkApp::setClock(int mhz) { iclock = mhz; stringstream ss; sclock = ""; ss << iclock << "MHz"; ss >> sclock; edited = true; } bool LinkApp::targetExists() { return fileExists(exec); } bool LinkApp::save() { if (!edited) return false; ofstream f(file.c_str()); if (f.is_open()) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBOPK if (!isOPK) { #endif if (title!="" ) f << "title=" << title << endl; if (description!="" ) f << "description=" << description << endl; if (icon!="" ) f << "icon=" << icon << endl; if (exec!="" ) f << "exec=" << exec << endl; if (params!="" ) f << "params=" << params << endl; if (manual!="" ) f << "manual=" << manual << endl; if (dontleave ) f << "dontleave=true" << endl; #ifdef PLATFORM_DINGUX if (consoleApp ) f << "consoleapp=true" << endl; #endif if (selectorfilter!="" ) f << "selectorfilter=" << selectorfilter << endl; #ifdef HAVE_LIBOPK } #endif if (iclock!=0 ) f << "clock=" << iclock << endl; if (selectordir!="" ) f << "selectordir=" << selectordir << endl; if (selectorbrowser ) f << "selectorbrowser=true" << endl; if (selectorscreens!="") f << "selectorscreens=" << selectorscreens << endl; if (aliasfile!="" ) f << "selectoraliases=" << aliasfile << endl; f.close(); sync(); return true; } else ERROR("Error while opening the file '%s' for write.\n", file.c_str()); return false; } void LinkApp::drawRun() { //Darkened background gmenu2x->s->box(0, 0, gmenu2x->resX, gmenu2x->resY, 0,0,0,150); string text = gmenu2x->tr.translate("Launching $1",getTitle().c_str(),NULL); int textW = gmenu2x->font->getTextWidth(text); int boxW = 62+textW; int halfBoxW = boxW/2; //outer box gmenu2x->s->box(gmenu2x->halfX-2-halfBoxW, gmenu2x->halfY-23, halfBoxW*2+5, 47, gmenu2x->skinConfColors[COLOR_MESSAGE_BOX_BG]); //inner rectangle gmenu2x->s->rectangle(gmenu2x->halfX-halfBoxW, gmenu2x->halfY-21, boxW, 42, gmenu2x->skinConfColors[COLOR_MESSAGE_BOX_BORDER]); int x = gmenu2x->halfX+10-halfBoxW; /*if (getIcon()!="") gmenu2x->sc[getIcon()]->blit(gmenu2x->s,x,104); else gmenu2x->sc["icons/generic.png"]->blit(gmenu2x->s,x,104);*/ gmenu2x->sc[getIconPath()]->blit(gmenu2x->s,x,gmenu2x->halfY-16); gmenu2x->s->write( gmenu2x->font, text, x+42, gmenu2x->halfY+1, ASFont::HAlignLeft, ASFont::VAlignMiddle ); gmenu2x->s->flip(); } void LinkApp::start() { if (selectordir!="") selector(); else launch(); } void LinkApp::showManual() { if (manual=="" || !fileExists(manual)) return; // Png manuals string ext8 = manual.substr(manual.size()-8,8); if (ext8==".man.png" || ext8==".man.bmp" || ext8==".man.jpg" || manual.substr(manual.size()-9,9)==".man.jpeg") { //Raise the clock to speed-up the loading of the manual gmenu2x->setClock(336); Surface *pngman = Surface::loadImage(manual); if (!pngman) { return; } Surface *bg = Surface::loadImage(gmenu2x->confStr["wallpaper"]); if (!bg) { bg = Surface::emptySurface(gmenu2x->s->width(), gmenu2x->s->height()); } bg->convertToDisplayFormat(); stringstream ss; string pageStatus; bool close = false, repaint = true; int page = 0, pagecount = pngman->width() / 320; ss << pagecount; string spagecount; ss >> spagecount; //Lower the clock gmenu2x->setClock(gmenu2x->confInt["menuClock"]); while (!close) { if (repaint) { bg->blit(gmenu2x->s, 0, 0); pngman->blit(gmenu2x->s, -page*320, 0); gmenu2x->drawBottomBar(); gmenu2x->drawButton(gmenu2x->s, "start", gmenu2x->tr["Exit"], gmenu2x->drawButton(gmenu2x->s, "cancel", "", gmenu2x->drawButton(gmenu2x->s, "right", gmenu2x->tr["Change page"], gmenu2x->drawButton(gmenu2x->s, "left", "", 5)-10))-10); ss.clear(); ss << page+1; ss >> pageStatus; pageStatus = gmenu2x->tr["Page"]+": "+pageStatus+"/"+spagecount; gmenu2x->s->write(gmenu2x->font, pageStatus, 310, 230, ASFont::HAlignRight, ASFont::VAlignMiddle); gmenu2x->s->flip(); repaint = false; } switch(inputMgr.waitForPressedButton()) { case InputManager::SETTINGS: case InputManager::CANCEL: close = true; break; case InputManager::LEFT: if (page > 0) { page--; repaint = true; } break; case InputManager::RIGHT: if (page < pagecount-1) { page++; repaint=true; } break; default: break; } } delete bg; return; } // Txt manuals if (manual.substr(manual.size()-8,8)==".man.txt") { vector txtman; string line; ifstream infile(manual.c_str(), ios_base::in); if (infile.is_open()) { gmenu2x->setClock(336); while (getline(infile, line, '\n')) txtman.push_back(line); infile.close(); TextManualDialog tmd(gmenu2x, getTitle(), getIconPath(), &txtman); gmenu2x->setClock(gmenu2x->confInt["menuClock"]); tmd.exec(); } return; } //Readmes vector readme; string line; ifstream infile(manual.c_str(), ios_base::in); if (infile.is_open()) { gmenu2x->setClock(336); while (getline(infile, line, '\n')) readme.push_back(line); infile.close(); TextDialog td(gmenu2x, getTitle(), "ReadMe", getIconPath(), &readme); gmenu2x->setClock(gmenu2x->confInt["menuClock"]); td.exec(); } } void LinkApp::selector(int startSelection, const string &selectorDir) { //Run selector interface Selector sel(gmenu2x, this, selectorDir); int selection = sel.exec(startSelection); if (selection!=-1) { gmenu2x->writeTmp(selection, sel.getDir()); launch(sel.getFile(), sel.getDir()); } } void LinkApp::launch(const string &selectedFile, const string &selectedDir) { drawRun(); save(); //Set correct working directory string::size_type pos = exec.rfind("/"); if (pos != string::npos) { string wd = exec.substr(0, pos + 1); chdir(wd.c_str()); } //selectedFile if (selectedFile!="") { string selectedFileExtension; string selectedFileName; string dir; string::size_type i = selectedFile.rfind("."); if (i != string::npos) { selectedFileExtension = selectedFile.substr(i,selectedFile.length()); selectedFileName = selectedFile.substr(0,i); } if (selectedDir=="") dir = getSelectorDir(); else dir = selectedDir; if (params=="") { params = cmdclean(dir+selectedFile); } else { string origParams = params; params = strreplace(params,"[selFullPath]",cmdclean(dir+selectedFile)); params = strreplace(params,"[selPath]",cmdclean(dir)); params = strreplace(params,"[selFile]",cmdclean(selectedFileName)); params = strreplace(params,"[selExt]",cmdclean(selectedFileExtension)); if (params == origParams) params += " " + cmdclean(dir+selectedFile); } } INFO("Executing '%s' (%s %s)\n", title.c_str(), exec.c_str(), params.c_str()); //check if we have to quit string command = cmdclean(exec); // Check to see if permissions are desirable struct stat fstat; if( stat( command.c_str(), &fstat ) == 0 ) { struct stat newstat = fstat; if( S_IRUSR != ( fstat.st_mode & S_IRUSR ) ) newstat.st_mode |= S_IRUSR; if( S_IXUSR != ( fstat.st_mode & S_IXUSR ) ) newstat.st_mode |= S_IXUSR; if( fstat.st_mode != newstat.st_mode ) chmod( command.c_str(), newstat.st_mode ); } // else, well.. we are no worse off :) if (params!="") command += " " + params; #ifdef PLATFORM_DINGUX if (gmenu2x->confInt["outputLogs"] && !consoleApp) command += " &> " + cmdclean(gmenu2x->getHome()) + "/log.txt"; #else if (gmenu2x->confInt["outputLogs"]) command += " &> " + cmdclean(gmenu2x->getHome()) + "/log.txt"; #endif if (dontleave) { system(command.c_str()); } else { if (gmenu2x->confInt["saveSelection"] && ( gmenu2x->confInt["section"]!=gmenu2x->menu->selSectionIndex() || gmenu2x->confInt["link"]!=gmenu2x->menu->selLinkIndex() )) { gmenu2x->writeConfig(); } if (selectedFile == "") { gmenu2x->writeTmp(); } if (clock() != gmenu2x->confInt["menuClock"]) { gmenu2x->setClock(clock()); } gmenu2x->quit(); /* Make the terminal we're connected to (via stdin/stdout) our controlling terminal again. Else many console programs are not going to work correctly. Actually this would not be necessary, if SDL correctly restored terminal state after SDL_Quit(). */ pid_t pid = setsid(); if (pid == (pid_t)-1) { WARNING("Failed to create new process group\n"); } ioctl(1, TIOCSCTTY, STDOUT_FILENO); int pgid = tcgetpgrp(STDOUT_FILENO); signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); tcsetpgrp(STDOUT_FILENO, pgid); #ifdef PLATFORM_DINGUX if (consoleApp) { /* Enable the framebuffer console */ char c = '1'; int fd = open("/sys/devices/virtual/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind", O_WRONLY); if (fd < 0) { WARNING("Unable to open fbcon handle\n"); } else { write(fd, &c, 1); close(fd); } fd = open("/dev/tty1", O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) { WARNING("Unable to open tty1 handle\n"); } else { if (ioctl(fd, VT_ACTIVATE, 1) < 0) WARNING("Unable to activate tty1\n"); close(fd); } } #endif execlp("/bin/sh","/bin/sh", "-c", command.c_str(), NULL); //if execution continues then something went wrong and as we already called SDL_Quit we cannot continue //try relaunching gmenu2x gmenu2x->main(); } } const string &LinkApp::getExec() { return exec; } void LinkApp::setExec(const string &exec) { this->exec = exec; edited = true; } const string &LinkApp::getParams() { return params; } void LinkApp::setParams(const string ¶ms) { this->params = params; edited = true; } const string &LinkApp::getManual() { return manual; } void LinkApp::setManual(const string &manual) { this->manual = manual; edited = true; } const string &LinkApp::getSelectorDir() { return selectordir; } void LinkApp::setSelectorDir(const string &selectordir) { this->selectordir = selectordir; if (this->selectordir!="" && this->selectordir[this->selectordir.length()-1]!='/') this->selectordir += "/"; edited = true; } bool LinkApp::getSelectorBrowser() { return selectorbrowser; } void LinkApp::setSelectorBrowser(bool value) { selectorbrowser = value; edited = true; } const string &LinkApp::getSelectorFilter() { return selectorfilter; } void LinkApp::setSelectorFilter(const string &selectorfilter) { this->selectorfilter = selectorfilter; edited = true; } const string &LinkApp::getSelectorScreens() { return selectorscreens; } void LinkApp::setSelectorScreens(const string &selectorscreens) { this->selectorscreens = selectorscreens; edited = true; } const string &LinkApp::getAliasFile() { return aliasfile; } void LinkApp::setAliasFile(const string &aliasfile) { if (fileExists(aliasfile)) { this->aliasfile = aliasfile; edited = true; } } void LinkApp::renameFile(const string &name) { file = name; }