/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006 by Massimiliano Torromeo * * massimiliano.torromeo@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "gp2x.h" #include "background.h" #include "cpu.h" #include "debug.h" #include "filedialog.h" #include "filelister.h" #include "font.h" #include "gmenu2x.h" #include "helppopup.h" #include "iconbutton.h" #include "inputdialog.h" #include "launcher.h" #include "linkapp.h" #include "mediamonitor.h" #include "menu.h" #include "menusettingbool.h" #include "menusettingdir.h" #include "menusettingfile.h" #include "menusettingimage.h" #include "menusettingint.h" #include "menusettingmultistring.h" #include "menusettingrgba.h" #include "menusettingstring.h" #include "messagebox.h" #include "powersaver.h" #include "settingsdialog.h" #include "textdialog.h" #include "wallpaperdialog.h" #include "utilities.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //for battery #ifdef PLATFORM_PANDORA //#include //#include //#include #endif //for browsing the filesystem #include #include #include //for soundcard #include #include #include using namespace std; #ifndef DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_PATH #define DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_PATH \ GMENU2X_SYSTEM_DIR "/skins/Default/wallpapers/default.png" #endif #ifdef _CARD_ROOT const char *CARD_ROOT = _CARD_ROOT; #elif defined(PLATFORM_A320) || defined(PLATFORM_GCW0) const char *CARD_ROOT = "/media"; #else const char *CARD_ROOT = "/card"; #endif static GMenu2X *app; static string gmenu2x_home; // Note: Keep this in sync with the enum! static const char *colorNames[NUM_COLORS] = { "topBarBg", "bottomBarBg", "selectionBg", "messageBoxBg", "messageBoxBorder", "messageBoxSelection", }; static enum color stringToColor(const string &name) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_COLORS; i++) { if (strcmp(colorNames[i], name.c_str()) == 0) { return (enum color)i; } } return (enum color)-1; } static const char *colorToString(enum color c) { return colorNames[c]; } static void quit_all(int err) { delete app; SDL_Quit(); exit(err); } const string GMenu2X::getHome(void) { return gmenu2x_home; } static void set_handler(int signal, void (*handler)(int)) { struct sigaction sig; sigaction(signal, NULL, &sig); sig.sa_handler = handler; sigaction(signal, &sig, NULL); } int main(int /*argc*/, char * /*argv*/[]) { INFO("---- GMenu2X starting ----\n"); set_handler(SIGINT, &quit_all); set_handler(SIGSEGV, &quit_all); set_handler(SIGTERM, &quit_all); char *home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL) { ERROR("Unable to find gmenu2x home directory. The $HOME variable is not defined.\n"); return 1; } gmenu2x_home = (string)home + (string)"/.gmenu2x"; if (mkdir(gmenu2x_home.c_str(), 0770) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) { ERROR("Unable to create gmenu2x home directory.\n"); return 1; } DEBUG("Home path: %s.\n", gmenu2x_home.c_str()); GMenu2X::run(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } void GMenu2X::run() { auto menu = new GMenu2X(); app = menu; DEBUG("Starting main()\n"); menu->mainLoop(); app = nullptr; Launcher *toLaunch = menu->toLaunch.release(); delete menu; SDL_Quit(); unsetenv("SDL_FBCON_DONT_CLEAR"); if (toLaunch) { toLaunch->exec(); // If control gets here, execution failed. Since we already destructed // everything, the easiest solution is to exit and let the system // respawn the menu. delete toLaunch; } } #ifdef ENABLE_CPUFREQ void GMenu2X::initCPULimits() { // Note: These values are for the Dingoo. // The NanoNote does not have cpufreq enabled in its kernel and // other devices are not actively maintained. // TODO: Read min and max from sysfs. cpuFreqMin = 30; cpuFreqMax = 500; cpuFreqSafeMax = 420; cpuFreqMenuDefault = 200; cpuFreqAppDefault = 384; cpuFreqMultiple = 24; // Round min and max values to the specified multiple. cpuFreqMin = ((cpuFreqMin + cpuFreqMultiple - 1) / cpuFreqMultiple) * cpuFreqMultiple; cpuFreqMax = (cpuFreqMax / cpuFreqMultiple) * cpuFreqMultiple; cpuFreqSafeMax = (cpuFreqSafeMax / cpuFreqMultiple) * cpuFreqMultiple; cpuFreqMenuDefault = (cpuFreqMenuDefault / cpuFreqMultiple) * cpuFreqMultiple; cpuFreqAppDefault = (cpuFreqAppDefault / cpuFreqMultiple) * cpuFreqMultiple; } #endif GMenu2X::GMenu2X() : input(powerSaver) { usbnet = samba = inet = web = false; useSelectionPng = false; #ifdef ENABLE_CPUFREQ initCPULimits(); #endif //load config data readConfig(); halfX = resX/2; halfY = resY/2; bottomBarIconY = resY-18; bottomBarTextY = resY-10; /* Do not clear the screen on exit. * This may require an SDL patch available at * https://github.com/mthuurne/opendingux-buildroot/blob * /opendingux-2010.11/package/sdl/sdl-fbcon-clear-onexit.patch */ setenv("SDL_FBCON_DONT_CLEAR", "1", 0); if( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_TIMER) < 0) { ERROR("Could not initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); // TODO: We don't use exceptions, so don't put things that can fail // in a constructor. exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } bg = NULL; font = NULL; setSkin(confStr["skin"], !fileExists(confStr["wallpaper"])); layers.insert(layers.begin(), make_shared(*this)); /* We enable video at a later stage, so that the menu elements are * loaded before SDL inits the video; this is made so that we won't show * a black screen for a couple of seconds. */ if( SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { ERROR("Could not initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); // TODO: We don't use exceptions, so don't put things that can fail // in a constructor. exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } s = OutputSurface::open(resX, resY, confInt["videoBpp"]); if (!fileExists(confStr["wallpaper"])) { DEBUG("No wallpaper defined; we will take the default one.\n"); confStr["wallpaper"] = DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_PATH; } initBG(); /* the menu may take a while to load, so we show the background here */ for (auto layer : layers) layer->paint(*s); s->flip(); initMenu(); #ifdef ENABLE_INOTIFY monitor = new MediaMonitor(CARD_ROOT); #endif if (!input.init(this, menu.get())) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } powerSaver.setScreenTimeout(confInt["backlightTimeout"]); #ifdef ENABLE_CPUFREQ setClock(confInt["menuClock"]); #endif } GMenu2X::~GMenu2X() { fflush(NULL); sc.clear(); #ifdef ENABLE_INOTIFY delete monitor; #endif } void GMenu2X::initBG() { bg.reset(); bgmain.reset(); // Load wallpaper. bg = OffscreenSurface::loadImage(confStr["wallpaper"]); if (!bg) { bg = OffscreenSurface::emptySurface(resX, resY); } drawTopBar(*bg); drawBottomBar(*bg); bgmain.reset(new OffscreenSurface(*bg)); { auto sd = OffscreenSurface::loadImage( sc.getSkinFilePath("imgs/sd.png")); if (sd) sd->blit(*bgmain, 3, bottomBarIconY); } cpuX = 32 + font->write(*bgmain, getDiskFree(getHome().c_str()), 22, bottomBarTextY, Font::HAlignLeft, Font::VAlignMiddle); #ifdef ENABLE_CPUFREQ { auto cpu = OffscreenSurface::loadImage( sc.getSkinFilePath("imgs/cpu.png")); if (cpu) cpu->blit(*bgmain, cpuX, bottomBarIconY); } cpuX += 19; manualX = cpuX + font->getTextWidth("300MHz") + 5; #else manualX = cpuX; #endif int serviceX = resX-38; if (usbnet) { if (web) { auto webserver = OffscreenSurface::loadImage( sc.getSkinFilePath("imgs/webserver.png")); if (webserver) webserver->blit(*bgmain, serviceX, bottomBarIconY); serviceX -= 19; } if (samba) { auto sambaS = OffscreenSurface::loadImage( sc.getSkinFilePath("imgs/samba.png")); if (sambaS) sambaS->blit(*bgmain, serviceX, bottomBarIconY); serviceX -= 19; } if (inet) { auto inetS = OffscreenSurface::loadImage( sc.getSkinFilePath("imgs/inet.png")); if (inetS) inetS->blit(*bgmain, serviceX, bottomBarIconY); serviceX -= 19; } } bgmain->convertToDisplayFormat(); } void GMenu2X::initFont() { string path = skinConfStr["font"]; if (!path.empty()) { unsigned int size = skinConfInt["fontsize"]; if (!size) size = 12; if (path.substr(0,5)=="skin:") path = sc.getSkinFilePath(path.substr(5, path.length())); font.reset(new Font(path, size)); } else { font = Font::defaultFont(); } } void GMenu2X::initMenu() { //Menu structure handler menu.reset(new Menu(this, ts)); for (uint i=0; igetSections().size(); i++) { //Add virtual links in the applications section if (menu->getSections()[i]=="applications") { menu->addActionLink(i,"Explorer", BIND(&GMenu2X::explorer),tr["Launch an application"],"skin:icons/explorer.png"); } //Add virtual links in the setting section else if (menu->getSections()[i]=="settings") { menu->addActionLink(i,"GMenu2X",BIND(&GMenu2X::showSettings),tr["Configure GMenu2X's options"],"skin:icons/configure.png"); menu->addActionLink(i,tr["Skin"],BIND(&GMenu2X::skinMenu),tr["Configure skin"],"skin:icons/skin.png"); menu->addActionLink(i,tr["Wallpaper"],BIND(&GMenu2X::changeWallpaper),tr["Change GMenu2X wallpaper"],"skin:icons/wallpaper.png"); if (fileExists(LOG_FILE)) menu->addActionLink(i,tr["Log Viewer"],BIND(&GMenu2X::viewLog),tr["Displays last launched program's output"],"skin:icons/ebook.png"); menu->addActionLink(i,tr["About"],BIND(&GMenu2X::about),tr["Info about GMenu2X"],"skin:icons/about.png"); } } menu->skinUpdated(); menu->orderLinks(); menu->setSectionIndex(confInt["section"]); menu->setLinkIndex(confInt["link"]); layers.push_back(menu); } void GMenu2X::about() { string text(readFileAsString(GMENU2X_SYSTEM_DIR "/about.txt")); string build_date("Build date: " __DATE__); TextDialog td(this, "GMenu2X", build_date, "icons/about.png", text); td.exec(); } void GMenu2X::viewLog() { string text(readFileAsString(LOG_FILE)); TextDialog td(this, tr["Log Viewer"], tr["Displays last launched program's output"], "icons/ebook.png", text); td.exec(); MessageBox mb(this, tr["Do you want to delete the log file?"], "icons/ebook.png"); mb.setButton(InputManager::ACCEPT, tr["Yes"]); mb.setButton(InputManager::CANCEL, tr["No"]); if (mb.exec() == InputManager::ACCEPT) { unlink(LOG_FILE); menu->deleteSelectedLink(); } } void GMenu2X::readConfig() { string conffile = GMENU2X_SYSTEM_DIR "/gmenu2x.conf"; readConfig(conffile); conffile = getHome() + "/gmenu2x.conf"; readConfig(conffile); } void GMenu2X::readConfig(string conffile) { ifstream inf(conffile.c_str(), ios_base::in); if (inf.is_open()) { string line; while (getline(inf, line, '\n')) { string::size_type pos = line.find("="); string name = trim(line.substr(0,pos)); string value = trim(line.substr(pos+1,line.length())); if (value.length()>1 && value.at(0)=='"' && value.at(value.length()-1)=='"') confStr[name] = value.substr(1,value.length()-2); else confInt[name] = atoi(value.c_str()); } inf.close(); } if (!confStr["lang"].empty()) tr.setLang(confStr["lang"]); if (!confStr["wallpaper"].empty() && !fileExists(confStr["wallpaper"])) confStr["wallpaper"] = ""; if (confStr["skin"].empty() || SurfaceCollection::getSkinPath(confStr["skin"]).empty()) confStr["skin"] = "Default"; evalIntConf( confInt, "outputLogs", 0, 0,1 ); #ifdef ENABLE_CPUFREQ evalIntConf( confInt, "maxClock", cpuFreqSafeMax, cpuFreqMin, cpuFreqMax ); evalIntConf( confInt, "menuClock", cpuFreqMenuDefault, cpuFreqMin, cpuFreqSafeMax ); #endif evalIntConf( confInt, "backlightTimeout", 15, 0,120 ); evalIntConf( confInt, "buttonRepeatRate", 10, 0, 20 ); evalIntConf( confInt, "videoBpp", 32, 16, 32 ); if (confStr["tvoutEncoding"] != "PAL") confStr["tvoutEncoding"] = "NTSC"; resX = constrain( confInt["resolutionX"], 320,1920 ); resY = constrain( confInt["resolutionY"], 240,1200 ); } void GMenu2X::saveSelection() { if (confInt["saveSelection"] && ( confInt["section"] != menu->selSectionIndex() || confInt["link"] != menu->selLinkIndex() )) { writeConfig(); } } void GMenu2X::writeConfig() { string conffile = getHome() + "/gmenu2x.conf"; ofstream inf(conffile.c_str()); if (inf.is_open()) { ConfStrHash::iterator endS = confStr.end(); for(ConfStrHash::iterator curr = confStr.begin(); curr != endS; curr++) inf << curr->first << "=\"" << curr->second << "\"" << endl; ConfIntHash::iterator endI = confInt.end(); for(ConfIntHash::iterator curr = confInt.begin(); curr != endI; curr++) inf << curr->first << "=" << curr->second << endl; inf.close(); } } void GMenu2X::writeSkinConfig() { string conffile = getHome() + "/skins/"; if (mkdir(conffile.c_str(), 0770) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) { ERROR("Failed to create directory %s to write skin configuration: %s\n", conffile.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return; } conffile = conffile + confStr["skin"]; if (mkdir(conffile.c_str(), 0770) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) { ERROR("Failed to create directory %s to write skin configuration: %s\n", conffile.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return; } conffile = conffile + "/skin.conf"; ofstream inf(conffile.c_str()); if (inf.is_open()) { ConfStrHash::iterator endS = skinConfStr.end(); for(ConfStrHash::iterator curr = skinConfStr.begin(); curr != endS; curr++) inf << curr->first << "=\"" << curr->second << "\"" << endl; ConfIntHash::iterator endI = skinConfInt.end(); for(ConfIntHash::iterator curr = skinConfInt.begin(); curr != endI; curr++) inf << curr->first << "=" << curr->second << endl; int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_COLORS; ++i) { inf << colorToString((enum color)i) << "=#" << skinConfColors[i] << endl; } inf.close(); } } void GMenu2X::readTmp() { lastSelectorElement = -1; ifstream inf("/tmp/gmenu2x.tmp", ios_base::in); if (inf.is_open()) { string line; string section = ""; while (getline(inf, line, '\n')) { string::size_type pos = line.find("="); string name = trim(line.substr(0,pos)); string value = trim(line.substr(pos+1,line.length())); if (name=="section") menu->setSectionIndex(atoi(value.c_str())); else if (name=="link") menu->setLinkIndex(atoi(value.c_str())); else if (name=="selectorelem") lastSelectorElement = atoi(value.c_str()); else if (name=="selectordir") lastSelectorDir = value; } inf.close(); } } void GMenu2X::writeTmp(int selelem, const string &selectordir) { string conffile = "/tmp/gmenu2x.tmp"; ofstream inf(conffile.c_str()); if (inf.is_open()) { inf << "section=" << menu->selSectionIndex() << endl; inf << "link=" << menu->selLinkIndex() << endl; if (selelem>-1) inf << "selectorelem=" << selelem << endl; if (!selectordir.empty()) inf << "selectordir=" << selectordir << endl; inf.close(); } } void GMenu2X::mainLoop() { if (!fileExists(CARD_ROOT)) CARD_ROOT = ""; // Recover last session readTmp(); if (lastSelectorElement > -1 && menu->selLinkApp() && (!menu->selLinkApp()->getSelectorDir().empty() || !lastSelectorDir.empty())) menu->selLinkApp()->selector(lastSelectorElement, lastSelectorDir); while (true) { // Remove dismissed layers from the stack. for (auto it = layers.begin(); it != layers.end(); ) { if ((*it)->getStatus() == Layer::Status::DISMISSED) { it = layers.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } // Run animations. bool animating = false; for (auto layer : layers) { animating |= layer->runAnimations(); } // Paint layers. for (auto layer : layers) { layer->paint(*s); } s->flip(); // Exit main loop once we have something to launch. if (toLaunch) { break; } // Handle touchscreen events. if (ts.available()) { ts.poll(); for (auto it = layers.rbegin(); it != layers.rend(); ++it) { if ((*it)->handleTouchscreen(ts)) { break; } } } // Handle other input events. InputManager::Button button; bool gotEvent; const bool wait = !animating; do { gotEvent = input.getButton(&button, wait); } while (wait && !gotEvent); if (gotEvent) { for (auto it = layers.rbegin(); it != layers.rend(); ++it) { if ((*it)->handleButtonPress(button)) { break; } } } } } void GMenu2X::explorer() { FileDialog fd(this, ts, tr["Select an application"], "sh,bin,py,elf,"); if (fd.exec()) { if (confInt["saveSelection"] && (confInt["section"]!=menu->selSectionIndex() || confInt["link"]!=menu->selLinkIndex())) writeConfig(); string command = cmdclean(fd.getPath()+"/"+fd.getFile()); chdir(fd.getPath().c_str()); #ifdef ENABLE_CPUFREQ setClock(cpuFreqAppDefault); #endif toLaunch.reset(new Launcher( vector { "/bin/sh", "-c", command })); } } void GMenu2X::queueLaunch( unique_ptr&& launcher, shared_ptr launchLayer ) { toLaunch = move(launcher); layers.push_back(launchLayer); } void GMenu2X::showHelpPopup() { layers.push_back(make_shared(*this)); } void GMenu2X::showSettings() { #ifdef ENABLE_CPUFREQ int curMenuClock = confInt["menuClock"]; #endif FileLister fl_tr; fl_tr.setShowDirectories(false); fl_tr.browse(GMENU2X_SYSTEM_DIR "/translations"); fl_tr.browse(getHome() + "/translations", false); vector translations = fl_tr.getFiles(); translations.insert(translations.begin(), "English"); string lang = tr.lang(); vector encodings; encodings.push_back("NTSC"); encodings.push_back("PAL"); SettingsDialog sd(this, input, ts, tr["Settings"]); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingMultiString(this, ts, tr["Language"], tr["Set the language used by GMenu2X"], &lang, &translations)); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingBool(this, ts, tr["Save last selection"], tr["Save the last selected link and section on exit"], &confInt["saveSelection"])); #ifdef ENABLE_CPUFREQ sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingInt(this, ts, tr["Clock for GMenu2X"], tr["Set the cpu working frequency when running GMenu2X"], &confInt["menuClock"], cpuFreqMin, cpuFreqSafeMax, cpuFreqMultiple)); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingInt(this, ts, tr["Maximum overclock"], tr["Set the maximum overclock for launching links"], &confInt["maxClock"], cpuFreqMin, cpuFreqMax, cpuFreqMultiple)); #endif sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingBool(this, ts, tr["Output logs"], tr["Logs the output of the links. Use the Log Viewer to read them."], &confInt["outputLogs"])); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingInt(this, ts, tr["Screen Timeout"], tr["Set screen's backlight timeout in seconds"], &confInt["backlightTimeout"], 0, 120)); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingInt(this, ts, tr["Button repeat rate"], tr["Set button repetitions per second"], &confInt["buttonRepeatRate"], 0, 20)); if (sd.exec() && sd.edited()) { #ifdef ENABLE_CPUFREQ if (curMenuClock != confInt["menuClock"]) setClock(confInt["menuClock"]); #endif powerSaver.setScreenTimeout(confInt["backlightTimeout"]); input.repeatRateChanged(); if (lang == "English") lang = ""; if (lang != tr.lang()) { tr.setLang(lang); confStr["lang"] = lang; } writeConfig(); } } void GMenu2X::skinMenu() { FileLister fl_sk; fl_sk.setShowFiles(false); fl_sk.setShowUpdir(false); fl_sk.browse(getHome() + "/skins"); fl_sk.browse(GMENU2X_SYSTEM_DIR "/skins", false); string curSkin = confStr["skin"]; SettingsDialog sd(this, input, ts, tr["Skin"]); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingMultiString(this, ts, tr["Skin"], tr["Set the skin used by GMenu2X"], &confStr["skin"], &fl_sk.getDirectories())); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingRGBA(this, ts, tr["Top Bar"], tr["Color of the top bar"], &skinConfColors[COLOR_TOP_BAR_BG])); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingRGBA(this, ts, tr["Bottom Bar"], tr["Color of the bottom bar"], &skinConfColors[COLOR_BOTTOM_BAR_BG])); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingRGBA(this, ts, tr["Selection"], tr["Color of the selection and other interface details"], &skinConfColors[COLOR_SELECTION_BG])); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingRGBA(this, ts, tr["Message Box"], tr["Background color of the message box"], &skinConfColors[COLOR_MESSAGE_BOX_BG])); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingRGBA(this, ts, tr["Message Box Border"], tr["Border color of the message box"], &skinConfColors[COLOR_MESSAGE_BOX_BORDER])); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingRGBA(this, ts, tr["Message Box Selection"], tr["Color of the selection of the message box"], &skinConfColors[COLOR_MESSAGE_BOX_SELECTION])); if (sd.exec() && sd.edited()) { if (curSkin != confStr["skin"]) { setSkin(confStr["skin"]); writeConfig(); } writeSkinConfig(); initBG(); } } void GMenu2X::setSkin(const string &skin, bool setWallpaper) { confStr["skin"] = skin; //Clear previous skin settings skinConfStr.clear(); skinConfInt.clear(); DEBUG("GMenu2X: setting new skin %s.\n", skin.c_str()); //clear collection and change the skin path sc.clear(); sc.setSkin(skin); //reset colors to the default values skinConfColors[COLOR_TOP_BAR_BG] = RGBAColor(255, 255, 255, 130); skinConfColors[COLOR_BOTTOM_BAR_BG] = RGBAColor(255, 255, 255, 130); skinConfColors[COLOR_SELECTION_BG] = RGBAColor(255, 255, 255, 130); skinConfColors[COLOR_MESSAGE_BOX_BG] = RGBAColor(255, 255, 255); skinConfColors[COLOR_MESSAGE_BOX_BORDER] = RGBAColor(80, 80, 80); skinConfColors[COLOR_MESSAGE_BOX_SELECTION] = RGBAColor(160, 160, 160); /* Load skin settings from user directory if present, * or from the system directory. */ if (!readSkinConfig(getHome() + "/skins/" + skin + "/skin.conf")) { readSkinConfig(GMENU2X_SYSTEM_DIR "/skins/" + skin + "/skin.conf"); } if (setWallpaper && !skinConfStr["wallpaper"].empty()) { string fp = sc.getSkinFilePath("wallpapers/" + skinConfStr["wallpaper"]); if (!fp.empty()) confStr["wallpaper"] = fp; else WARNING("Unable to find wallpaper defined on skin %s\n", skin.c_str()); } evalIntConf(skinConfInt, "topBarHeight", 50, 32, 120); evalIntConf(skinConfInt, "bottomBarHeight", 20, 20, 120); evalIntConf(skinConfInt, "linkHeight", 50, 32, 120); evalIntConf(skinConfInt, "linkWidth", 80, 32, 120); if (menu != NULL) menu->skinUpdated(); //Selection png useSelectionPng = sc.addSkinRes("imgs/selection.png", false) != NULL; //font initFont(); } bool GMenu2X::readSkinConfig(const string& conffile) { ifstream skinconf(conffile.c_str(), ios_base::in); if (skinconf.is_open()) { string line; while (getline(skinconf, line, '\n')) { line = trim(line); DEBUG("skinconf: '%s'\n", line.c_str()); string::size_type pos = line.find("="); string name = trim(line.substr(0,pos)); string value = trim(line.substr(pos+1,line.length())); if (value.length()>0) { if (value.length()>1 && value.at(0)=='"' && value.at(value.length()-1)=='"') skinConfStr[name] = value.substr(1,value.length()-2); else if (value.at(0) == '#') skinConfColors[stringToColor(name)] = RGBAColor::fromString(value.substr(1, value.length())); else skinConfInt[name] = atoi(value.c_str()); } } skinconf.close(); return true; } else { return false; } } void GMenu2X::showManual() { menu->selLinkApp()->showManual(); } void GMenu2X::showContextMenu() { layers.push_back(make_shared(*this, *menu)); } void GMenu2X::changeWallpaper() { WallpaperDialog wp(this, ts); if (wp.exec() && confStr["wallpaper"] != wp.wallpaper) { confStr["wallpaper"] = wp.wallpaper; initBG(); writeConfig(); } } void GMenu2X::addLink() { FileDialog fd(this, ts, tr["Select an application"], "sh,bin,py,elf,"); if (fd.exec()) menu->addLink(fd.getPath(), fd.getFile()); } void GMenu2X::editLink() { LinkApp *linkApp = menu->selLinkApp(); if (!linkApp) return; vector pathV; split(pathV,linkApp->getFile(),"/"); string oldSection = ""; if (pathV.size()>1) oldSection = pathV[pathV.size()-2]; string newSection = oldSection; string linkTitle = linkApp->getTitle(); string linkDescription = linkApp->getDescription(); string linkIcon = linkApp->getIcon(); string linkManual = linkApp->getManual(); string linkSelFilter = linkApp->getSelectorFilter(); string linkSelDir = linkApp->getSelectorDir(); bool linkSelBrowser = linkApp->getSelectorBrowser(); int linkClock = linkApp->clock(); string diagTitle = tr.translate("Edit $1",linkTitle.c_str(),NULL); string diagIcon = linkApp->getIconPath(); SettingsDialog sd(this, input, ts, diagTitle, diagIcon); if (!linkApp->isOpk()) { sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingString(this, ts, tr["Title"], tr["Link title"], &linkTitle, diagTitle, diagIcon)); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingString(this, ts, tr["Description"], tr["Link description"], &linkDescription, diagTitle, diagIcon)); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingMultiString(this, ts, tr["Section"], tr["The section this link belongs to"], &newSection, &menu->getSections())); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingImage(this, ts, tr["Icon"], tr.translate("Select an icon for this link", linkTitle.c_str(), NULL), &linkIcon, "png")); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingFile(this, ts, tr["Manual"], tr["Select a manual or README file"], &linkManual, "man.png,txt")); } if (!linkApp->isOpk() || !linkApp->getSelectorDir().empty()) { sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingDir(this, ts, tr["Selector Directory"], tr["Directory to scan for the selector"], &linkSelDir)); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingBool(this, ts, tr["Selector Browser"], tr["Allow the selector to change directory"], &linkSelBrowser)); } #ifdef ENABLE_CPUFREQ sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingInt(this, ts, tr["Clock frequency"], tr["CPU clock frequency for this link"], &linkClock, cpuFreqMin, confInt["maxClock"], cpuFreqMultiple)); #endif if (!linkApp->isOpk()) { sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingString(this, ts, tr["Selector Filter"], tr["Selector filter (Separate values with a comma)"], &linkSelFilter, diagTitle, diagIcon)); sd.addSetting(new MenuSettingBool(this, ts, tr["Display Console"], tr["Must be enabled for console-based applications"], &linkApp->consoleApp)); } if (sd.exec() && sd.edited()) { linkApp->setTitle(linkTitle); linkApp->setDescription(linkDescription); linkApp->setIcon(linkIcon); linkApp->setManual(linkManual); linkApp->setSelectorFilter(linkSelFilter); linkApp->setSelectorDir(linkSelDir); linkApp->setSelectorBrowser(linkSelBrowser); linkApp->setClock(linkClock); INFO("New Section: '%s'\n", newSection.c_str()); //if section changed move file and update link->file if (oldSection!=newSection) { vector::const_iterator newSectionIndex = find(menu->getSections().begin(),menu->getSections().end(),newSection); if (newSectionIndex==menu->getSections().end()) return; string newFileName = "sections/"+newSection+"/"+linkTitle; uint x=2; while (fileExists(newFileName)) { string id = ""; stringstream ss; ss << x; ss >> id; newFileName = "sections/"+newSection+"/"+linkTitle+id; x++; } rename(linkApp->getFile().c_str(),newFileName.c_str()); linkApp->renameFile(newFileName); INFO("New section index: %i.\n", newSectionIndex - menu->getSections().begin()); menu->linkChangeSection(menu->selLinkIndex(), menu->selSectionIndex(), newSectionIndex - menu->getSections().begin()); } linkApp->save(); } } void GMenu2X::deleteLink() { if (menu->selLinkApp()!=NULL) { MessageBox mb(this, tr.translate("Deleting $1",menu->selLink()->getTitle().c_str(),NULL)+"\n"+tr["Are you sure?"], menu->selLink()->getIconPath()); mb.setButton(InputManager::ACCEPT, tr["Yes"]); mb.setButton(InputManager::CANCEL, tr["No"]); if (mb.exec() == InputManager::ACCEPT) menu->deleteSelectedLink(); } } void GMenu2X::addSection() { InputDialog id(this, input, ts, tr["Insert a name for the new section"]); if (id.exec()) { //only if a section with the same name does not exist if (find(menu->getSections().begin(), menu->getSections().end(), id.getInput()) == menu->getSections().end()) { //section directory doesn't exists if (menu->addSection(id.getInput())) menu->setSectionIndex( menu->getSections().size()-1 ); //switch to the new section } } } void GMenu2X::renameSection() { InputDialog id(this, input, ts, tr["Insert a new name for this section"],menu->selSection()); if (id.exec()) { //only if a section with the same name does not exist & !samename if (menu->selSection() != id.getInput() && find(menu->getSections().begin(),menu->getSections().end(), id.getInput()) == menu->getSections().end()) { //section directory doesn't exists string newsectiondir = getHome() + "/sections/" + id.getInput(); string sectiondir = getHome() + "/sections/" + menu->selSection(); if (!rename(sectiondir.c_str(), newsectiondir.c_str())) { string oldpng = menu->selSection() + ".png"; string newpng = id.getInput() + ".png"; string oldicon = sc.getSkinFilePath(oldpng); string newicon = sc.getSkinFilePath(newpng); if (!oldicon.empty() && newicon.empty()) { newicon = oldicon; newicon.replace(newicon.find(oldpng), oldpng.length(), newpng); if (!fileExists(newicon)) { rename(oldicon.c_str(), newicon.c_str()); sc.move("skin:"+oldpng, "skin:"+newpng); } } menu->renameSection(menu->selSectionIndex(), id.getInput()); } } } } void GMenu2X::deleteSection() { MessageBox mb(this,tr["You will lose all the links in this section."]+"\n"+tr["Are you sure?"]); mb.setButton(InputManager::ACCEPT, tr["Yes"]); mb.setButton(InputManager::CANCEL, tr["No"]); if (mb.exec() == InputManager::ACCEPT) { if (rmtree(getHome() + "/sections/" + menu->selSection())) menu->deleteSelectedSection(); } } typedef struct { unsigned short batt; unsigned short remocon; } MMSP2ADC; #ifdef ENABLE_CPUFREQ void GMenu2X::setClock(unsigned mhz) { mhz = constrain(mhz, cpuFreqMin, confInt["maxClock"]); #if defined(PLATFORM_A320) || defined(PLATFORM_GCW0) || defined(PLATFORM_NANONOTE) jz_cpuspeed(mhz); #endif } #endif string GMenu2X::getDiskFree(const char *path) { string df = ""; struct statvfs b; int ret = statvfs(path, &b); if (ret == 0) { // Make sure that the multiplication happens in 64 bits. unsigned long freeMiB = ((unsigned long long)b.f_bfree * b.f_bsize) / (1024 * 1024); unsigned long totalMiB = ((unsigned long long)b.f_blocks * b.f_frsize) / (1024 * 1024); stringstream ss; if (totalMiB >= 10000) { ss << (freeMiB / 1024) << "." << ((freeMiB % 1024) * 10) / 1024 << "/" << (totalMiB / 1024) << "." << ((totalMiB % 1024) * 10) / 1024 << "GiB"; } else { ss << freeMiB << "/" << totalMiB << "MiB"; } ss >> df; } else WARNING("statvfs failed with error '%s'.\n", strerror(errno)); return df; } int GMenu2X::drawButton(Surface& s, IconButton *btn, int x, int y) { if (y<0) y = resY+y; btn->setPosition(x, y-7); btn->paint(s); return x+btn->getRect().w+6; } int GMenu2X::drawButton(Surface& s, const string &btn, const string &text, int x, int y) { if (y<0) y = resY+y; SDL_Rect re = { static_cast(x), static_cast(y - 7), 0, 16 }; if (sc.skinRes("imgs/buttons/"+btn+".png") != NULL) { sc["imgs/buttons/"+btn+".png"]->blit(s, x, y-7); re.w = sc["imgs/buttons/"+btn+".png"]->width() + 3; re.w += font->write( s, text, x+re.w, y, Font::HAlignLeft, Font::VAlignMiddle); } return x+re.w+6; } int GMenu2X::drawButtonRight(Surface& s, const string &btn, const string &text, int x, int y) { if (y<0) y = resY+y; if (sc.skinRes("imgs/buttons/"+btn+".png") != NULL) { x -= 16; sc["imgs/buttons/"+btn+".png"]->blit(s, x, y-7); x -= 3; return x-6 - font->write( s, text, x, y, Font::HAlignRight, Font::VAlignMiddle); } return x-6; } void GMenu2X::drawScrollBar(uint pageSize, uint totalSize, uint pagePos) { if (totalSize <= pageSize) { // Everything fits on one screen, no scroll bar needed. return; } unsigned int top, height; tie(top, height) = getContentArea(); top += 1; height -= 2; s->rectangle(resX - 8, top, 7, height, skinConfColors[COLOR_SELECTION_BG]); top += 2; height -= 4; const uint barSize = max(height * pageSize / totalSize, 4u); const uint barPos = (height - barSize) * pagePos / (totalSize - pageSize); s->box(resX - 6, top + barPos, 3, barSize, skinConfColors[COLOR_SELECTION_BG]); } void GMenu2X::drawTopBar(Surface& s) { Surface *bar = sc.skinRes("imgs/topbar.png", false); if (bar) { bar->blit(s, 0, 0); } else { const int h = skinConfInt["topBarHeight"]; s.box(0, 0, resX, h, skinConfColors[COLOR_TOP_BAR_BG]); } } void GMenu2X::drawBottomBar(Surface& s) { Surface *bar = sc.skinRes("imgs/bottombar.png", false); if (bar) { bar->blit(s, 0, resY-bar->height()); } else { const int h = skinConfInt["bottomBarHeight"]; s.box(0, resY - h, resX, h, skinConfColors[COLOR_BOTTOM_BAR_BG]); } }