#include "asfont.h" #include "imageio.h" #include "surface.h" #include "utilities.h" #include Uint32 SFontPlus::getPixel(Sint32 x, Sint32 y) { assert(x>=0); assert(xw); assert(y>=0); assert(yh); Uint32 Bpp = surface->format->BytesPerPixel; // Get the pixel switch(Bpp) { case 1: return *((Uint8 *)surface->pixels + y * surface->pitch + x); break; case 2: return *((Uint16 *)surface->pixels + y * surface->pitch/2 + x); break; case 3: { // Format/endian independent Uint8 *bits = ((Uint8 *)surface->pixels)+y*surface->pitch+x*Bpp; Uint8 r, g, b; r = *((bits)+surface->format->Rshift/8); g = *((bits)+surface->format->Gshift/8); b = *((bits)+surface->format->Bshift/8); return SDL_MapRGB(surface->format, r, g, b); } break; case 4: return *((Uint32 *)surface->pixels + y * surface->pitch/4 + x); break; } return 0; } SFontPlus::SFontPlus() { surface = NULL; } SFontPlus::SFontPlus(SDL_Surface* font) { surface = NULL; initFont(font); } SFontPlus::SFontPlus(const std::string &font) { surface = NULL; initFont(font); } SFontPlus::~SFontPlus() { freeFont(); } bool SFontPlus::utf8Code(unsigned char c) { return (c>=194 && c<=198) || c==208 || c==209; //return c>=194; } void SFontPlus::initFont(const std::string &font, const std::string &characters) { SDL_Surface *buf = loadPNG(font); if (buf!=NULL) { initFont( SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(buf), characters ); SDL_FreeSurface(buf); } } void SFontPlus::initFont(SDL_Surface *font, const std::string &characters) { freeFont(); this->characters = characters; if (font==NULL) return; surface = font; Uint32 pink = SDL_MapRGB(surface->format, 255,0,255); #ifdef DEBUG bool utf8 = false; for (unsigned x=0; x128; if (utf8) DEBUG("%d\n", (unsigned char)characters[x]); } #endif unsigned c = 0; SDL_LockSurface(surface); for (unsigned x=0; x<(unsigned)surface->w && cw && getPixel(x,0) == pink) x++; charpos.push_back(x); //utf8 characters if (c>0 && utf8Code(characters[c-1])) { charpos.push_back(startx); charpos.push_back(x); c++; } c++; } } SDL_UnlockSurface(surface); Uint32 colKey = getPixel(0,surface->h-1); SDL_SetColorKey(surface, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, colKey); std::string::size_type pos = characters.find("0")*2; SDL_Rect srcrect = {charpos[pos], 1, charpos[pos+2] - charpos[pos], surface->h - 1}; unsigned y = srcrect.h; bool nonKeyFound = false; while (y-- > 0 && !nonKeyFound) { unsigned x = srcrect.w; while (x-- > 0 && !nonKeyFound) nonKeyFound = getPixel(x+srcrect.x,y+srcrect.y) != colKey; } lineHeight = y+1; } void SFontPlus::freeFont() { if (surface!=NULL) { SDL_FreeSurface(surface); surface = NULL; } } void SFontPlus::write(SDL_Surface *s, const std::string &text, int x, int y) { if (text.empty()) return; std::string::size_type pos; SDL_Rect srcrect, dstrect; // these values won't change in the loop srcrect.y = 1; dstrect.y = y; srcrect.h = dstrect.h = surface->h-1; for(unsigned i=0; iw; i++) { //Utf8 characters if (utf8Code(text[i]) && i+1h - 1; } unsigned SFontPlus::getLineHeight() { return lineHeight; } ASFont::ASFont(SDL_Surface* font) { this->font.initFont(font); halfHeight = getHeight()/2; halfLineHeight = getLineHeight()/2; } ASFont::ASFont(Surface* font) { this->font.initFont(font->raw); halfHeight = getHeight()/2; halfLineHeight = getLineHeight()/2; } ASFont::ASFont(const std::string &font) { this->font.initFont(font); halfHeight = getHeight()/2; halfLineHeight = getLineHeight()/2; } ASFont::~ASFont() { font.freeFont(); } bool ASFont::utf8Code(unsigned char c) { return font.utf8Code(c); } void ASFont::write(SDL_Surface* surface, const char* text, int x, int y) { font.write(surface, text, x, y); } void ASFont::write(SDL_Surface* surface, const std::string& text, int x, int y, HAlign halign, VAlign valign) { switch (halign) { case HAlignLeft: break; case HAlignCenter: x -= getTextWidth(text)/2; break; case HAlignRight: x -= getTextWidth(text); break; } switch (valign) { case VAlignTop: break; case VAlignMiddle: y -= getHalfHeight(); break; case VAlignBottom: y -= getHeight(); break; } font.write(surface, text, x, y); } void ASFont::write(SDL_Surface* surface, std::vector *text, int x, int y, HAlign halign, VAlign valign) { switch (valign) { case VAlignTop: break; case VAlignMiddle: y -= getHalfHeight()*text->size(); break; case VAlignBottom: y -= getHeight()*text->size(); break; } for (unsigned i=0; isize(); i++) { int ix = x; switch (halign) { case HAlignLeft: break; case HAlignCenter: ix -= getTextWidth(text->at(i))/2; break; case HAlignRight: ix -= getTextWidth(text->at(i)); break; } font.write(surface, text->at(i), x, y+getHeight()*i); } } void ASFont::write(Surface* surface, const std::string& text, int x, int y, HAlign halign, VAlign valign) { if (text.find("\n", 0) != std::string::npos) { std::vector textArr; split(textArr,text,"\n"); write(surface->raw, &textArr, x, y, halign, valign); } else write(surface->raw, text, x, y, halign, valign); } int ASFont::getHeight() { return font.getHeight(); } int ASFont::getHalfHeight() { return halfHeight; } int ASFont::getLineHeight() { return font.getLineHeight(); } int ASFont::getHalfLineHeight() { return halfLineHeight; } int ASFont::getTextWidth(const char* text) { return font.getTextWidth(text); } int ASFont::getTextWidth(const std::string& text) { if (text.find("\n", 0) != std::string::npos) { std::vector textArr; split(textArr,text,"\n"); return getTextWidth(&textArr); } else return getTextWidth(text.c_str()); } int ASFont::getTextWidth(std::vector *text) { int w = 0; for (unsigned i=0; isize(); i++) w = max( getTextWidth(text->at(i).c_str()), w ); return w; }