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2010-06-07 00:03:25 +03:00
#pypp 0
#include <iris.hh>
#include <devices.hh>
#define SECTOR_BITS 9
#define BLOCK_MASK (~((1 << SECTOR_BITS) - 1))
#define ROOT_CLUSTER 0x7fffffff
static unsigned _free
extern unsigned _end
void init_alloc ():
_free = ((unsigned)&_end + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & PAGE_MASK
char *alloc_space (unsigned pages):
unsigned ret = (_free + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & PAGE_MASK
_free = ret + (pages << PAGE_BITS)
return (char *)ret
void *operator new[] (unsigned size):
//kdebug ("new ")
void *ret = (void *)_free
size = (size + 3) & ~3
unsigned rest = PAGE_SIZE - (((_free - 1) & ~PAGE_MASK) + 1)
if rest < size:
unsigned pages = ((size - rest) + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_BITS
for unsigned p = 0; p < pages; ++p:
Iris::Page page = Iris::my_memory.create_page ()
page.set_flags (Iris::Page::PAYING | Iris::Page::FRAME, Iris::Page::PAYING | Iris::Page::FRAME)
Iris::my_memory.map (page, _free + rest + (p << PAGE_BITS))
Iris::free_cap (page)
_free += size
//kdebug_num ((unsigned)ret)
//kdebug ("+")
//kdebug_num (size)
//kdebug ("\n")
return ret
void *operator new (unsigned size):
return new char[size]
static Iris::WString dev
static Iris::Num device_size
static Iris::Page page
static char *data
static Iris::Num current_block
static void read_block (Iris::Num idx, Iris::Page p = page, unsigned size = 1 << SECTOR_BITS, unsigned offset = 0):
if p.code == page.code:
if idx.value () == current_block.value () && offset == 0 && size == 1 << SECTOR_BITS:
current_block = idx
//kdebug ("fat getting block: ")
//kdebug_num (idx.h)
//kdebug (":")
//kdebug_num (idx.l)
//kdebug ("+")
//kdebug_num (size)
//kdebug ("@")
//kdebug_num (offset)
//kdebug ("\n")
dev.get_block (idx, size, offset, p)
struct Fat:
char oem[8]
unsigned sector_size_bits
unsigned sectors_per_cluster_bits
unsigned reserved_sectors
unsigned num_fats
unsigned root_entries
unsigned sectors
unsigned media
unsigned sectors_per_fat
unsigned sectors_per_track
unsigned heads
unsigned hidden_sectors
unsigned active_fat
bool write_all_fats
unsigned fs_version
unsigned root_cluster
unsigned fsinfo_sector
unsigned boot_backup_sector
unsigned drive
unsigned current_head
unsigned volume_id
char label[0xb]
unsigned bits
unsigned clusters
unsigned cluster_size_bits
unsigned root_sectors
unsigned header_sectors
unsigned bad_clusters
unsigned free_clusters
unsigned last_alloced
unsigned *fat
unsigned first_free_cluster, first_bad_cluster
void print_num (char const *pre, unsigned data):
kdebug ("\t")
kdebug (pre)
unsigned bytes = 1
while bytes < 8 && data >> (bytes * 4):
kdebug_num (data, bytes)
kdebug ("\n")
void print_br ():
kdebug ("\tOEM: '")
for unsigned i = 0; i < 8; ++i:
kdebug_char (oem[i])
kdebug ("'\n")
print_num ("bytes per sector: ", 1 << sector_size_bits)
print_num ("sectors per cluster: ", 1 << sectors_per_cluster_bits)
print_num ("reserved sectors: ", reserved_sectors)
print_num ("number of fats: ", num_fats)
print_num ("entries in root directory: ", root_entries)
print_num ("sectors: ", sectors)
print_num ("media descriptor: ", media)
print_num ("sectors per fat: ", sectors_per_fat)
print_num ("sectors per track: ", sectors_per_track)
print_num ("heads: ", heads)
print_num ("hidden sectors: ", hidden_sectors)
print_num ("active_fat: ", active_fat)
kdebug ("\twrite all: ")
kdebug (write_all_fats ? "yes\n" : "no\n")
print_num ("fs version: ", fs_version)
print_num ("root cluster: ", root_cluster)
print_num ("fsinfo sector: ", fsinfo_sector)
print_num ("boot sector backup sector: ", boot_backup_sector)
print_num ("drive: ", drive)
print_num ("current head: ", current_head)
print_num ("volume id: ", volume_id)
kdebug ("\tlabel: '")
for unsigned i = 0; i < 0xb; ++i:
kdebug_char (label[i])
kdebug ("'\n")
print_num ("bits: ", bits)
print_num ("clusters: ", clusters)
print_num ("header sectors: ", header_sectors)
unsigned read_num (char *data, unsigned bytes):
unsigned ret = 0
for unsigned i = 0; i < bytes; ++i:
ret |= (data[i] & 0xff) << (i * 8)
return ret
void map_fat_cluster (unsigned c, unsigned offset = 0):
read_block ((hidden_sectors + reserved_sectors + ((c * bits + 8 * offset) >> (sector_size_bits + 3))) << sector_size_bits)
unsigned make_bits (unsigned orig):
unsigned ret
for ret = 0; ret < 32; ++ret:
if orig == 1 << ret:
return ret
Iris::panic (ret, "non-power of 2")
return ret
void reset ():
read_block (0)
if data[0x1fe] != 0x55 || (data[0x1ff] & 0xff) != 0xaa:
kdebug ("invalid boot record signature in fat device\n")
for unsigned i = 0; i < 8; ++i:
oem[i] = data[3 + i]
sector_size_bits = make_bits (read_num (data + 0xb, 2))
sectors_per_cluster_bits = make_bits (read_num (data + 0xd, 1))
cluster_size_bits = sector_size_bits + sectors_per_cluster_bits
reserved_sectors = read_num (data + 0xe, 2)
num_fats = read_num (data + 0x10, 1)
root_entries = read_num (data + 0x11, 2)
sectors = read_num (data + 0x13, 2)
media = read_num (data + 0x15, 1)
sectors_per_fat = read_num (data + 0x16, 2)
sectors_per_track = read_num (data + 0x18, 2)
heads = read_num (data + 0x1a, 2)
hidden_sectors = read_num (data + 0x1c, 4)
if !sectors:
sectors = read_num (data + 0x20, 4)
if Iris::Num (sectors).value () << sector_size_bits > device_size.value ():
sectors = device_size.value () >> sector_size_bits
kdebug ("warning: limiting sectors because of limited device size\n")
root_sectors = (root_entries * 32 + (1 << sector_size_bits) - 1) >> sector_size_bits
header_sectors = hidden_sectors + reserved_sectors + sectors_per_fat * num_fats + root_sectors
clusters = (sectors - header_sectors) >> sectors_per_cluster_bits
unsigned skip
if clusters >= 65525:
bits = 32
sectors_per_fat = read_num (data + 0x24, 4)
active_fat = read_num (data + 0x28, 2)
write_all_fats = active_fat & 0x80
active_fat &= 0xf
fs_version = read_num (data + 0x2a, 2)
root_cluster = read_num (data + 0x2c, 4)
fsinfo_sector = read_num (data + 0x30, 2)
boot_backup_sector = read_num (data + 0x32, 2)
skip = 0x40 - 0x24
if clusters < 4085:
bits = 12
bits = 16
skip = 0
active_fat = 0
write_all_fats = true
fs_version = 0
root_cluster = 0
fsinfo_sector = 0
boot_backup_sector = 0
unsigned fat_entries_per_sector = (8 << sector_size_bits) / bits
unsigned fat_entries = sectors_per_fat * fat_entries_per_sector
if clusters + 2 > fat_entries:
clusters = fat_entries - 2
kdebug ("warning: limiting clusters because of limited sector count\n")
drive = read_num (data + skip + 0x24, 1)
current_head = read_num (data + skip + 0x25, 1)
if data[skip + 0x26] == 0x29:
volume_id = read_num (data + skip + 0x27, 4)
for unsigned i = 0; i < 0xb; ++i:
label[i] = data[skip + 0x2b + i]
char *id = data + skip + 0x36
if id[0] != 'F' || id[1] != 'A' || id[2] != 'T' || id[5] != ' ' || id[6] != ' ' || id[7] != ' ':
kdebug ("warning: file system type field was not 'FATxx '\n")
switch bits:
case 12:
if id[3] != '1' || id[4] != '2':
kdebug ("warning: id for fat12 is not FAT12\n")
case 16:
if id[3] != '1' || id[4] != '6':
kdebug ("warning: id for fat16 is not FAT16\n")
case 32:
if id[3] != '3' || id[4] != '2':
kdebug ("warning: id for fat32 wat not FAT32")
volume_id = 0
for unsigned i = 0; i < 0xb; ++i:
label[i] = 0
if fsinfo_sector:
read_block (fsinfo_sector << sector_size_bits)
if (data[0] & 0xff) != 0x52 || (data[1] & 0xff) != 0x52 || (data[2] & 0xff) != 0x6a || (data[3] & 0xff) != 0x41 || (data[0x1e4] & 0xff) != 0x72 || (data[0x1e5] & 0xff) != 0x72 || (data[0x1e6] & 0xff) != 0x4a || (data[0x1e7] & 0xff) != 0x61 || (data[0x1fe] & 0xff) != 0x55 || (data[0x1ff] & 0xff) != 0xaa:
kdebug ("invalid signature in fsinfo structure\n")
free_clusters = read_num (data + 0x1e8, 4)
last_alloced = read_num (data + 0x1ec, 4)
free_clusters = ~0
last_alloced = ~0
// Now read the FAT.
bad_clusters = 0
fat = new unsigned[clusters]
unsigned counted_free_clusters = 0
for unsigned c = 0; c < clusters; ++c:
// reduced cluster.
unsigned rc = c & (1 << sector_size_bits) - 1
// The next line does nothing most of the time.
map_fat_cluster (c)
switch bits:
case 12:
fat[c] = data[(rc + 2) * 2] & 0xff
// There may be a sector boundary in the middle of the entry, so optionally reread.
map_fat_cluster (c, 1)
fat[c] |= (data[(rc + 2) * 2 + 1] & 0xff) << 8
if c & 1:
fat[c] >>= 4
fat[c] &= 0xfff
case 16:
fat[c] = read_num (data + (rc + 2) * 2, 2)
case 32:
fat[c] = read_num (data + (rc + 2) * 4, 4)
// Correct for the crazy +2 offset, and keep a list of bad and free clusters.
if fat[c] == 0:
// Free cluster.
fat[c] = first_free_cluster
first_free_cluster = c
else if fat[c] == 1:
// Invalid value.
Iris::panic (0, "entry is '1' in fat.")
else if bits == 12 && fat[c] == 0xfff || bits == 16 && fat[c] == 0xffff || bits == 32 && fat[c] == 0xfffffff:
// Last cluster in chain.
fat[c] = ~0
else if bits == 12 && fat[c] == 0xff7 || bits == 16 && fat[c] == 0xfff7 || bits == 32 && fat[c] == 0xffffff7:
// Bad cluster.
fat[c] = first_bad_cluster
first_bad_cluster = c
// Non-last cluster in chain.
fat[c] -= 2
unsigned fat_lookup (unsigned first_cluster, unsigned cluster):
while cluster--:
first_cluster = fat[first_cluster]
if first_cluster == ~0:
kdebug ("sector beyond end of file requested\n")
return ~0
return first_cluster
struct File:
Fat *fat
unsigned size
unsigned first_cluster
char name[11]
bool archive, readonly, system, hidden, directory, volume
unsigned create_second, create_minute_hour, create_date, access_date, time, date
void load_cluster (unsigned idx, Iris::Page p = page, unsigned offset = 0):
unsigned cluster = fat->fat_lookup (first_cluster, idx >> fat->cluster_size_bits)
kdebug ("loading cluster ")
kdebug_num (idx)
kdebug ("@")
kdebug_num (cluster)
kdebug (" from file\n")
if cluster == ~0:
kdebug ("invalid cluster requested from file\n")
read_block ((fat->header_sectors + (Iris::Num (cluster).value () << fat->sectors_per_cluster_bits)) << fat->sector_size_bits, p, 1 << fat->cluster_size_bits, offset)
kdebug ("sector ")
kdebug_num (fat->header_sectors + (Iris::Num (cluster).value () << fat->sectors_per_cluster_bits))
kdebug ("\n")
void get_dir_entry (unsigned dir, unsigned idx, File *f):
f->fat = this
unsigned sector = idx >> (sector_size_bits - 5)
unsigned num = (idx << 5) & ~BLOCK_MASK
Iris::Num hwsector
if dir == ROOT_CLUSTER:
if sector < root_sectors:
hwsector = header_sectors - root_sectors + sector
hwsector = ~0
unsigned entry = fat_lookup (dir, sector)
if entry == ~0:
hwsector = ~0
hwsector = header_sectors + (Iris::Num (entry).value () << sectors_per_cluster_bits)
if hwsector.value () == ~0:
kdebug ("invalid sector requested from directory\n")
f->first_cluster = ~0
read_block (hwsector.value () << sector_size_bits)
char *e = &data[num]
for unsigned i = 0; i < 11; ++i:
f->name[i] = e[i]
f->archive = e[0xb] & 0x20
f->readonly = e[0xb] & 0x10
f->system = e[0xb] & 0x8
f->hidden = e[0xb] & 0x4
f->directory = e[0xb] & 0x2
f->volume = e[0xb] & 0x1
f->create_second = read_num (e + 0xd, 1)
f->create_minute_hour = read_num (e + 0xe, 2)
f->create_date = read_num (e + 0x10, 2)
f->access_date = read_num (e + 0x12, 2)
f->time = read_num (e + 0x16, 1)
f->date = read_num (e + 0x18, 1)
f->size = read_num (e + 0x1c, 4)
f->first_cluster = (read_num (e + 0x14, 2) << 16 | read_num (e + 0x1a, 2)) - 2
// Capability encoding.
// 0:ROOT_CLUSTER = non fat-32 root directory.
// 0:cluster = other directory.
// cluster:index = file index from directory at cluster.
// cluster|0x80000000:index = filename for file with index from directory at cluster.
Iris::Num start ():
init_alloc ()
current_block = ~0
dev = Iris::my_parent.get_capability <Iris::WString> ()
if dev.get_align_bits () > SECTOR_BITS:
kdebug ("fat device doesn't support 512 byte access")
return 1
device_size = dev.get_size ()
data = (char *)0x15000; //alloc_space (1)
page = Iris::my_memory.create_page ()
page.set_flags (Iris::Page::PAYING, Iris::Page::PAYING)
Iris::my_memory.map (page, (unsigned)data)
Fat fat
fat.reset ()
fat.print_br ()
Iris::Cap root
if fat.root_cluster:
root = Iris::my_receiver.create_capability (Iris::Num (fat.root_cluster, 0))
root = Iris::my_receiver.create_capability (Iris::Num (ROOT_CLUSTER, 0))
Iris::my_parent.provide_capability <Iris::Directory> (root.copy ())
Iris::free_cap (root)
while true:
Iris::wait ()
unsigned dir = Iris::recv.protected_data.h
if dir & 0x80000000:
// File name.
unsigned idx = Iris::recv.protected_data.l
Iris::Cap reply = Iris::get_reply ()
unsigned num = Iris::recv.data[1].l
unsigned size = Iris::recv.data[0].h >> 16
unsigned cmd = Iris::recv.data[0].l
Fat::File f
fat.get_dir_entry (dir & ~0x80000000, idx, &f)
switch cmd:
case Iris::String::GET_SIZE:
kdebug ("filename size requested\n")
reply.invoke (11)
case Iris::String::GET_CHARS:
//kdebug ("filename chars requested\n")
/**/union { unsigned u[4]; char c[16]; } u
for unsigned k = 0; k < 4; ++k:
u.u[k] = 0
for unsigned k = 0; k + num < 11; ++k:
u.c[k] = f.name[k + num]
reply.invoke (Iris::Num (u.u[0], u.u[1]), Iris::Num (u.u[2], u.u[3]))
case Iris::String::GET_ALIGN_BITS:
kdebug ("filename align requested\n")
reply.invoke (0)
case Iris::String::GET_BLOCK:
Iris::panic (Iris::recv.data[0].l, "invalid request for fat filename")
Iris::free_cap (reply)
else if dir:
// File.
unsigned idx = Iris::recv.protected_data.l
Iris::Cap reply = Iris::get_reply ()
Iris::Cap arg = Iris::get_arg ()
Iris::Num num = Iris::recv.data[1]
unsigned size = Iris::recv.data[0].h >> 16
unsigned offset = Iris::recv.data[0].h & 0xffff
unsigned cmd = Iris::recv.data[0].l
Fat::File f
fat.get_dir_entry (dir, idx, &f)
switch cmd:
case Iris::String::GET_SIZE:
kdebug ("file size requested\n")
reply.invoke (f.size)
case Iris::String::GET_CHARS:
kdebug ("file chars requested\n")
unsigned mask = 1 << (fat.cluster_size_bits) - 1
f.load_cluster (num.l & ~mask)
unsigned n = num.l & mask & ~0xf
unsigned *dat = (unsigned *)(data + n)
reply.invoke (Iris::Num (dat[0], dat[1]), Iris::Num (dat[2], dat[3]))
case Iris::String::GET_ALIGN_BITS:
kdebug ("file align requested\n")
reply.invoke (fat.cluster_size_bits)
case Iris::String::GET_BLOCK:
kdebug ("file block requested\n")
unsigned mask = 1 << (fat.cluster_size_bits) - 1
if offset > PAGE_SIZE:
kdebug ("invalid offset requested\n")
if size + offset > PAGE_SIZE:
size = PAGE_SIZE - offset
for unsigned i = 0; i < size; i += 1 << fat.cluster_size_bits:
f.load_cluster ((num.l & ~mask) + i, arg, i + offset)
reply.invoke ()
case Iris::WString::TRUNCATE:
case Iris::WString::SET_CHARS:
case Iris::WString::SET_BLOCK:
Iris::panic (Iris::recv.data[0].l, "writing to files not supported yet")
Iris::panic (Iris::recv.data[0].l, "invalid request for fat file")
Iris::free_cap (reply)
Iris::free_cap (arg)
// Directory.
if Iris::recv.protected_data.l != ROOT_CLUSTER:
// Normal directory.
switch Iris::recv.data[0].l:
case Iris::Directory::GET_SIZE:
kdebug ("dir size requested\n")
Iris::recv.reply.invoke ()
case Iris::Directory::GET_NAME:
kdebug ("dir name requested\n")
Iris::recv.reply.invoke ()
case Iris::Directory::GET_FILE_RO:
kdebug ("dir file requested\n")
Iris::Cap reply = Iris::get_reply ()
Iris::Cap ret = Iris::my_receiver.create_capability (Iris::Num (Iris::recv.data[1].l, Iris::recv.protected_data.l))
reply.invoke (0, 0, ret.copy ())
Iris::free_cap (reply)
Iris::free_cap (ret)
case Iris::Directory::GET_FILE_INFO:
kdebug ("dir file info requested\n")
Iris::recv.reply.invoke ()
case Iris::Directory::LOCK_RO:
case Iris::Directory::UNLOCK_RO:
kdebug ("dir lock or unlock requested\n")
Iris::recv.reply.invoke ()
kdebug ("invalid dir operation requested\n")
Iris::recv.reply.invoke ()
// Non-fat32 root directory.
switch Iris::recv.data[0].l:
case Iris::Directory::GET_SIZE:
kdebug ("root size requested\n")
Iris::recv.reply.invoke (fat.root_entries)
case Iris::Directory::GET_NAME:
//kdebug ("root name requested\n")
Iris::Cap reply = Iris::get_reply ()
Iris::Cap ret = Iris::my_receiver.create_capability (Iris::Num (Iris::recv.data[1].l, Iris::recv.protected_data.l | 0x80000000))
reply.invoke (0, 0, ret.copy ())
Iris::free_cap (reply)
Iris::free_cap (ret)
case Iris::Directory::GET_FILE_RO:
kdebug ("root file requested\n")
Iris::Cap reply = Iris::get_reply ()
Iris::Cap ret = Iris::my_receiver.create_capability (Iris::Num (Iris::recv.data[1].l, Iris::recv.protected_data.l))
reply.invoke (0, 0, ret.copy ())
Iris::free_cap (reply)
Iris::free_cap (ret)
case Iris::Directory::GET_FILE_INFO:
kdebug ("root file info requested\n")
Iris::recv.reply.invoke ()
case Iris::Directory::LOCK_RO:
case Iris::Directory::UNLOCK_RO:
kdebug ("root lock or unlock requested\n")
Iris::recv.reply.invoke ()
kdebug ("invalid root operation requested\n")
Iris::recv.reply.invoke ()