load = 0xa0000000 CXXFLAGS = -Wno-unused-parameter -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-builtin -nostdinc CPPFLAGS = -O5 -Wa,-mips32 CROSS = mipsel-linux-gnu- CC = $(CROSS)gcc LD = $(CROSS)ld OBJCOPY = $(CROSS)objcopy OBJDUMP = $(CROSS)objdump BUILT_SOURCES = interrupts.cc panic.cc data.cc test.cc PYPP = /usr/bin/pypp %.cc: %.ccp kernel.hh $(PYPP) --name $< < $< > $@ %.hh: %.hhp $(PYPP) --name $< < $< > $@ # Transform ':' into ';' so vim doesn't think there are errors. uimage: all.raw.gz Makefile mkimage -A MIPS -O Linux -C gzip -a $(load) -e 0x$(shell /bin/sh -c '$(OBJDUMP) -t all | grep __start$$ | cut -b-8') -n "Shevek's kernel" -d $< $@ | sed -e 's/:/;/g' %.o:%.cc Makefile kernel.hh $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ %.o:%.S Makefile $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -DKERNEL_STACK_SIZE=0x2000 -c $< -o $@ # entry.o must be the first file. For the rest, the order doesn't matter. all: entry.o $(subst .cc,.o,$(BUILT_SOURCES)) $(LD) --omagic -Ttext $(load) $^ -o $@ junk = mdebug.abi32 reginfo comment pdr %.raw: % $(OBJCOPY) -S $(addprefix --remove-section=.,$(junk)) -Obinary $< $@ %.gz: % gzip < $< > $@ clean: rm -f all uimage *.o all.raw.gz .PHONY: clean