#pypp 0 // Iris: micro-kernel for a capability-based operating system. // source/elfrun.ccp: Process creation server. // Copyright 2009 Bas Wijnen // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "devices.hh" #include "iris.hh" #include static unsigned _free extern unsigned _end void init_alloc (): _free = ((unsigned)&_end + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & PAGE_MASK char *alloc_space (unsigned pages): unsigned ret = (_free + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & PAGE_MASK _free = ret + (pages << PAGE_BITS) return (char *)ret void *operator new[] (unsigned size): //kdebug ("new ") void *ret = (void *)_free size = (size + 3) & ~3 unsigned rest = PAGE_SIZE - (((_free - 1) & ~PAGE_MASK) + 1) if rest < size: unsigned pages = ((size - rest) + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_BITS for unsigned p = 0; p < pages; ++p: Iris::Page page = Iris::my_memory.create_page () page.set_flags (Iris::Page::PAYING | Iris::Page::FRAME) Iris::my_memory.map (page, _free + rest + (p << PAGE_BITS)) Iris::free_cap (page) _free += size //kdebug_num ((unsigned)ret) //kdebug ("+") //kdebug_num (size) //kdebug ("\n") return ret void *operator new (unsigned size): return new char[size] static Iris::Memory parent_memory static Iris::Cap parent static unsigned slot static char *mapping static unsigned pages static Iris::Caps pages_caps static Iris::Memory mem static unsigned *bss_mapping static Iris::Page bss_page static Iris::Caps map_string (Iris::Block data): // Get the size. Iris::Num size = data.get_size () if size.value () == 0: Iris::panic (0, "data string is empty") // Allocate a caps with all the pages. pages = (size.value () + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_BITS pages_caps = Iris::my_memory.create_caps (pages) slot = pages_caps.use () // Map them into the address space as well. mapping = alloc_space (pages) // Create a memory for the program. mem = parent_memory.create_memory () // Load the file into memory and map it. for unsigned p = 0; p < pages; ++p: //kdebug_num (p) //kdebug ("/") //kdebug_num (pages) //kdebug ("\n") Iris::set_recv_arg (Iris::Cap (slot, p)) data.get_block (p << PAGE_BITS) Iris::my_memory.map (Iris::Cap (slot, p), (unsigned)&mapping[p << PAGE_BITS]) static Iris::Caps map_caps (Iris::Caps data, unsigned p): // Get the size. if p == 0: Iris::panic (0, "data caps is empty") // Allocate a new caps with all the pages for mapping locally. pages = p pages_caps = Iris::my_memory.create_caps (pages) slot = pages_caps.use () unsigned src_slot = data.use () // Map them into the address space as well. mapping = alloc_space (pages) // Create a memory for the program. mem = parent_memory.create_memory () // Load the file into memory and map it. for unsigned p = 0; p < pages; ++p: //kdebug_num (p) //kdebug ("/") //kdebug_num (pages) //kdebug ("\n") Iris::Page page = Iris::Cap (slot, p) Iris::set_recv_arg (page) Iris::my_memory.create_page () Iris::Page (Iris::Cap (src_slot, p)).share (page) Iris::my_memory.map (page, (unsigned)&mapping[p << PAGE_BITS]) Iris::free_slot (src_slot) static Iris::Caps run (Iris::Caps data, Iris::Memory parent_memory, Iris::Cap parent, unsigned num_slots, unsigned num_caps): Iris::Thread thread = mem.create_thread (num_slots) Elf32_Ehdr *header = (Elf32_Ehdr *)mapping for unsigned j = 0; j < SELFMAG; ++j: if header->e_ident[j] != ELFMAG[j]: Iris::panic (header->e_ident[j], "invalid ELF magic") return Iris::Caps () if header->e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELFCLASS32: kdebug ("invalid ELF class:") kdebug_num (header->e_ident[EI_CLASS]) kdebug (" != ") kdebug_num (ELFCLASS32) kdebug ("\n") Iris::panic (0) return Iris::Caps () if header->e_ident[EI_DATA] != ELFDATA2LSB: Iris::panic (header->e_ident[EI_DATA], "invalid ELF data") if header->e_ident[EI_VERSION] != EV_CURRENT: Iris::panic (header->e_ident[EI_VERSION], "invalid ELF version") if header->e_type != ET_EXEC: Iris::panic (header->e_type, "invalid ELF type") if header->e_machine != EM_MIPS_RS3_LE && header->e_machine != EM_MIPS: Iris::panic (header->e_machine, "invalid ELF machine") thread.set_pc (header->e_entry) thread.set_sp (0x80000000) for unsigned section = 0; section < header->e_shnum; ++section: Elf32_Shdr *shdr = (Elf32_Shdr *)((unsigned)mapping + header->e_shoff + section * header->e_shentsize) if ~shdr->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC: continue bool readonly = !(shdr->sh_flags & SHF_WRITE) //bool executable = shdr->sh_flags & SHF_EXEC_INSTR if shdr->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS: //kdebug ("loading ") //kdebug_num (shdr->sh_addr) //kdebug ("+") //kdebug_num (shdr->sh_size) //kdebug ("\n") unsigned file_offset = shdr->sh_offset >> PAGE_BITS if (file_offset + ((shdr->sh_size + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_BITS)) >= (PAGE_SIZE >> 2): kdebug ("thread size: ") kdebug_num (file_offset) kdebug (",") kdebug_num (shdr->sh_size) kdebug ("\n") Iris::panic (shdr->sh_size, "thread too large") return Iris::Caps () for unsigned p = (shdr->sh_addr & PAGE_MASK); p < shdr->sh_addr + shdr->sh_size; p += PAGE_SIZE: unsigned section_offset = (p - (shdr->sh_addr & PAGE_MASK)) >> PAGE_BITS unsigned idx = file_offset + section_offset Iris::Page page = mem.mapping ((void *)p) if Iris::recv.data[0].l == Iris::NO_ERROR: // The address already has a mapping; assume that it is correct. Iris::free_cap (page) continue Iris::free_cap (page) page = mem.create_page () unsigned f if readonly: f = Iris::Page::PAYING | Iris::Page::MAPPED_READONLY else: f = Iris::Page::PAYING page.set_flags (f) Iris::Page (slot, idx).share (page, 0) //kdebug ("mapping at ") //kdebug_num (p) //if readonly: // kdebug (" (readonly)") //kdebug ("\n") if !mem.map (page, p): Iris::panic (0, "unable to map page") return Iris::Caps () Iris::free_cap (page) else: if readonly: Iris::panic (0, "unwritable bss section") return Iris::Caps () //kdebug ("clearing ") //kdebug_num (shdr->sh_addr) //kdebug ("+") //kdebug_num (shdr->sh_size) //kdebug ("\n") for unsigned p = (shdr->sh_addr & PAGE_MASK); p < shdr->sh_addr + shdr->sh_size; p += PAGE_SIZE: Iris::Page page = mem.mapping ((void *)p) if Iris::recv.data[0].l == Iris::NO_ERROR: // No error means there is a mapping. page.share (bss_page, 0) Iris::free_cap (page) for unsigned a = p; a < ((p + PAGE_SIZE) & PAGE_MASK); a += 4: if a >= shdr->sh_addr + shdr->sh_size: break if a < shdr->sh_addr: continue bss_mapping[(a & ~PAGE_MASK) >> 2] = 0 else: Iris::free_cap (page) page = mem.create_page () if Iris::recv.data[0].l != Iris::NO_ERROR: Iris::panic (Iris::recv.data[0].l, "out of memory") if !page.set_flags (Iris::Page::PAYING | Iris::Page::FRAME): Iris::panic (0, "out of memory") if !mem.map (page, p): Iris::panic (0, "unable to map bss page") Iris::free_cap (page) //kdebug ("start of program:\n") //for unsigned i = 0; i < 0x40; i += 4: // kdebug_num ((unsigned)mapping + 4 * i, 3) // kdebug (" ==>") // for unsigned j = 0; j < 4; j += 1: // kdebug (" ") // kdebug_num (((unsigned *)mapping)[i + j]) // kdebug ("\n") for unsigned p = 0; p < pages; ++p: Iris::my_memory.destroy (Iris::Page (slot, p)) Iris::my_memory.destroy (pages_caps) Iris::free_slot (slot) Iris::free_cap (pages_caps) Iris::Page stackpage = mem.create_page () stackpage.set_flags (Iris::Page::PAYING | Iris::Page::FRAME) if Iris::recv.data[0].l != Iris::NO_ERROR || !mem.map (stackpage, 0x7ffff000): Iris::panic (Iris::recv.data[0].l, "unable to map initial stack page") Iris::free_cap (stackpage) Iris::Caps caps = mem.create_caps (num_caps) thread.use (caps, 0) thread.set_info (Iris::Thread::A0, num_slots) thread.set_info (Iris::Thread::A1, num_caps) Iris::Receiver receiver = mem.create_receiver () receiver.set_owner (thread.copy ()) Iris::Cap call = receiver.create_call_capability () caps.set (__caps_num, caps.copy ()) caps.set (__receiver_num, receiver.copy ()) caps.set (__thread_num, thread.copy ()) caps.set (__memory_num, mem.copy ()) caps.set (__call_num, call.copy ()) caps.set (__parent_num, parent.copy ()) Iris::free_cap (receiver) Iris::free_cap (thread) Iris::free_cap (mem) Iris::free_cap (call) return caps Iris::Num start (): kdebug ("elfrun started.\n") init_alloc () Iris::Elfrun dev = Iris::my_receiver.create_capability (0) Iris::my_parent.provide_capability (dev.copy ()) Iris::free_cap (dev) bss_mapping = (unsigned *)alloc_space (1) bss_page = Iris::my_memory.create_page () Iris::my_memory.map (bss_page, (unsigned)bss_mapping) while true: Iris::wait () Iris::Cap reply = Iris::get_reply () Iris::Cap arg = Iris::get_arg () switch Iris::recv.data[0].l: case Iris::Elfrun::RUN_BLOCK: unsigned num_slots = Iris::recv.data[1].l unsigned num_caps = Iris::recv.data[1].h parent_memory = Iris::Caps (arg).get (Iris::Elfrun::PARENT_MEMORY) parent = Iris::Caps (arg).get (Iris::Elfrun::PARENT) Iris::Block data = Iris::Caps (arg).get (Iris::Elfrun::DATA) map_string (data) Iris::Caps ret = run (data, parent_memory, parent, num_slots, num_caps) reply.invoke (0, 0, ret.copy ()) free_cap (ret) free_cap (parent_memory) free_cap (parent) free_cap (data) break case Iris::Elfrun::RUN_CAPS: unsigned num_slots = Iris::recv.data[1].l unsigned num_caps = Iris::recv.data[1].h unsigned p = Iris::recv.data[0].h parent_memory = Iris::Caps (arg).get (Iris::Elfrun::PARENT_MEMORY) parent = Iris::Caps (arg).get (Iris::Elfrun::PARENT) Iris::Caps data = Iris::Caps (arg).get (Iris::Elfrun::DATA) map_caps (data, p) Iris::Caps ret = run (data, parent_memory, parent, num_slots, num_caps) reply.invoke (0, 0, ret.copy ()) free_cap (ret) free_cap (parent_memory) free_cap (parent) free_cap (data) break default: Iris::panic (0, "invalid operation for elfrun") reply.invoke (~0) break Iris::free_cap (arg) Iris::free_cap (reply)