EESchema-DOCLIB Version 2.0 Date: 28/6/2006-10:05:23 # $CMP XP01111 D Dual PNP transistor with 10k base and 10k EB resistor $ENDCMP # $CMP XP01114 D Dual PNP transistor with 10k base and 47k EB resistor $ENDCMP # $CMP XP01115 D Dual PNP transistor with 10k base resistor $ENDCMP # $CMP XP01211 D Dual NPN transistor with 10k base and 10k EB resistor $ENDCMP # $CMP XP01214 D Dual NPN transistor with 10k base and 47k EB resistor $ENDCMP # $CMP XP01215 D Dual NPN transistor with 10k base resistor $ENDCMP # #End Doc Library