# # From http://svn.openmoko.org/trunk/gta02-core/components/ # # Note that we don't have the concept of a "library of everything" so far. # SHELL = /bin/bash GEN = gencon.lib TITLE_NAME = SYMBOLS/COMPONENTS TITLE_FILE = kicad-libs-components.pdf .PHONY: all sch catalog view upload missing clean spotless all: $(GEN) # @echo "make what ? targets: sch loe" # @exit 1 sch: $(GEN) eeschema `pwd`/components.sch DESCR-dcm: *.dcm ../scripts/dcm2desc -L . >$@ || { rm -f $@; exit 1; } include ../common/Makefile.title catalog catalog.pdf: HIERARCHY DESCR-dcm *.lib $(GEN) $(MAKE) title.ps genkicat -p -L . -t title.ps HIERARCHY DESCR-dcm \ >catalog.pdf || \ { rm -f catalog.pdf; exit 1; } view: catalog.pdf $${DSV_PDFVIEWER:-xpdf} catalog.pdf upload: catalog.pdf qippl catalog.pdf tmp/kicad-libs-components.pdf missing: $(GEN) ../scripts/missing-in-tree -L . HIERARCHY %.lib: %.pl ./$< >$@ || { rm -f $@; exit 1; } #loe: # ./mkloe clean: rm -f DESCR-dcm title.ps spotless: clean rm -f catalog.pdf $(GEN)