NXP put "R" as the first name of some pins, e.g., R/PIO1_2/AD3/CT32B1_MAT
This is meant to indicate that it may have a possible extra function
which doesn't exist in the present implementation.
The whole concept seems bogus. First of all, there are several pins with
supposedly different roles but all with a common name. Second, one isn't
even supposed to set the pin configuration register to a value selecting
this "reserved" function. Third, there are several other pins that also
have unused codepoints in their function settings, e.g., PIO0_3 or
PIO0_4/SCL but there's no "R" in evidence there.
So that "R" doesnt seem to make any sense, may cause confusion, and
makes the symbol more crowded.
When adding a new schematics symbol, please do the following:
1) Choose a unique name for the symbol. If the component is available
in packages with different pin numbering schemes, you may want to
add number of pins or the package name to the symbol's base name,
to make the name unique.
If the package and the number of pins are not relevant for the
schematics symbol, they should not be part of the name.
Example: 74x1g08_5.lib
2) Create a .lib file containing just that symbol
3) Add a LibName# entry for it at the end of components.pro
The LibName entry must have the form
where # is the number of the highest-numbered entry, minus one
4) Record your authorship in ../AUTHORS