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Raw Normal View History

Copyright 2010 Christian Vetter veaac.fdirct@gmail.com
This file is part of MoNav.
MoNav is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
MoNav is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with MoNav. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "contractionhierarchiesclient.h"
#include "utils/qthelpers.h"
#include <QtDebug>
#include <stack>
#ifndef NOGUI
#include <QMessageBox>
m_heapForward = NULL;
m_heapBackward = NULL;
QString ContractionHierarchiesClient::GetName()
return "Contraction Hierarchies";
void ContractionHierarchiesClient::SetInputDirectory( const QString& dir )
m_directory = dir;
void ContractionHierarchiesClient::ShowSettings()
#ifndef NOGUI
QMessageBox::information( NULL, "Settings", "No settings available" );
void ContractionHierarchiesClient::unload()
if ( m_heapForward != NULL )
delete m_heapForward;
m_heapForward = NULL;
if ( m_heapBackward != NULL )
delete m_heapBackward;
m_heapBackward = NULL;
bool ContractionHierarchiesClient::LoadData()
QString filename = fileInDirectory( m_directory,"Contraction Hierarchies" );
if ( !m_graph.loadGraph( filename, 1024 * 1024 * 4 ) )
return false;
m_namesFile.setFileName( filename + "_names" );
if ( !openQFile( &m_namesFile, QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
return false;
m_names = ( const char* ) m_namesFile.map( 0, m_namesFile.size() );
if ( m_names == NULL )
return false;
m_heapForward = new Heap( m_graph.numberOfNodes() );
m_heapBackward = new Heap( m_graph.numberOfNodes() );
QFile typeFile( filename + "_types" );
if ( !openQFile( &typeFile, QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
return false;
QByteArray buffer = typeFile.readAll();
QString types = QString::fromUtf8( buffer.constData() );
m_types = types.split( ';' );
return true;
bool ContractionHierarchiesClient::GetRoute( double* distance, QVector< Node>* pathNodes, QVector< Edge >* pathEdges, const IGPSLookup::Result& source, const IGPSLookup::Result& target )
*distance = computeRoute( source, target, pathNodes, pathEdges );
if ( *distance == std::numeric_limits< int >::max() )
return false;
// is it shorter to drive along the edge?
if ( target.source == source.source && target.target == source.target && source.edgeID == target.edgeID ) {
EdgeIterator targetEdge = m_graph.findEdge( target.source, target.target, target.edgeID );
double onEdgeDistance = fabs( target.percentage - source.percentage ) * targetEdge.distance();
if ( onEdgeDistance < *distance ) {
if ( ( targetEdge.forward() && targetEdge.backward() ) || source.percentage < target.percentage ) {
pathNodes->push_back( source.nearestPoint );
QVector< Node > tempNodes;
if ( targetEdge.unpacked() )
m_graph.path( targetEdge, &tempNodes, pathEdges, target.target == targetEdge.target() );
pathEdges->push_back( targetEdge.description() );
if ( target.previousWayCoordinates < source.previousWayCoordinates ) {
for ( unsigned pathID = target.previousWayCoordinates; pathID < source.previousWayCoordinates; pathID++ )
pathNodes->push_back( tempNodes[pathID - 1] );
std::reverse( pathNodes->begin() + 1, pathNodes->end() );
} else {
for ( unsigned pathID = source.previousWayCoordinates; pathID < target.previousWayCoordinates; pathID++ )
pathNodes->push_back( tempNodes[pathID - 1] );
pathNodes->push_back( target.nearestPoint );
pathEdges->front().length = pathNodes->size() - 1;
*distance = onEdgeDistance;
*distance /= 10;
return true;
bool ContractionHierarchiesClient::GetName( QString* result, unsigned name )
*result = QString::fromUtf8( m_names + name );
return true;
bool ContractionHierarchiesClient::GetNames( QVector< QString >* result, QVector< unsigned > names )
result->resize( names.size() );
for ( int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++ )
( *result )[i] = QString::fromUtf8( m_names + names[i] );
return true;
bool ContractionHierarchiesClient::GetType( QString* result, unsigned type )
*result = m_types[type];
return true;
bool ContractionHierarchiesClient::GetTypes( QVector< QString >* result, QVector< unsigned > types )
result->resize( types.size() );
for ( int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++ )
( *result )[i] = m_types[types[i]];
return true;
template< class EdgeAllowed, class StallEdgeAllowed >
void ContractionHierarchiesClient::computeStep( Heap* heapForward, Heap* heapBackward, const EdgeAllowed& edgeAllowed, const StallEdgeAllowed& stallEdgeAllowed, NodeIterator* middle, int* targetDistance ) {
const NodeIterator node = heapForward->DeleteMin();
const int distance = heapForward->GetKey( node );
if ( heapForward->GetData( node ).stalled )
if ( heapBackward->WasInserted( node ) && !heapBackward->GetData( node ).stalled ) {
const int newDistance = heapBackward->GetKey( node ) + distance;
if ( newDistance < *targetDistance ) {
*middle = node;
*targetDistance = newDistance;
if ( distance > *targetDistance ) {
for ( EdgeIterator edge = m_graph.edges( node ); edge.hasEdgesLeft(); ) {
m_graph.unpackNextEdge( &edge );
const NodeIterator to = edge.target();
const int edgeWeight = edge.distance();
assert( edgeWeight > 0 );
const int toDistance = distance + edgeWeight;
if ( stallEdgeAllowed( edge.forward(), edge.backward() ) && heapForward->WasInserted( to ) ) {
const int shorterDistance = heapForward->GetKey( to ) + edgeWeight;
if ( shorterDistance < distance ) {
//perform a bfs starting at node
//only insert nodes when a sub-optimal path can be proven
//insert node into the stall queue
heapForward->GetKey( node ) = shorterDistance;
heapForward->GetData( node ).stalled = true;
m_stallQueue.push( node );
while ( !m_stallQueue.empty() ) {
//get node from the queue
const NodeIterator stallNode = m_stallQueue.front();
const int stallDistance = heapForward->GetKey( stallNode );
//iterate over outgoing edges
for ( EdgeIterator stallEdge = m_graph.edges( stallNode ); stallEdge.hasEdgesLeft(); ) {
m_graph.unpackNextEdge( &stallEdge );
//is edge outgoing/reached/stalled?
if ( !edgeAllowed( stallEdge.forward(), stallEdge.backward() ) )
const NodeIterator stallTo = stallEdge.target();
if ( !heapForward->WasInserted( stallTo ) )
if ( heapForward->GetData( stallTo ).stalled == true )
const int stallToDistance = stallDistance + stallEdge.distance();
//sub-optimal path found -> insert stallTo
if ( stallToDistance < heapForward->GetKey( stallTo ) ) {
if ( heapForward->WasRemoved( stallTo ) )
heapForward->GetKey( stallTo ) = stallToDistance;
heapForward->DecreaseKey( stallTo, stallToDistance );
m_stallQueue.push( stallTo );
heapForward->GetData( stallTo ).stalled = true;
if ( edgeAllowed( edge.forward(), edge.backward() ) ) {
//New Node discovered -> Add to Heap + Node Info Storage
if ( !heapForward->WasInserted( to ) )
heapForward->Insert( to, toDistance, node );
//Found a shorter Path -> Update distance
else if ( toDistance <= heapForward->GetKey( to ) ) {
heapForward->DecreaseKey( to, toDistance );
//new parent + unstall
heapForward->GetData( to ).parent = node;
heapForward->GetData( to ).stalled = false;
int ContractionHierarchiesClient::computeRoute( const IGPSLookup::Result& source, const IGPSLookup::Result& target, QVector< Node>* pathNodes, QVector< Edge >* pathEdges ) {
EdgeIterator sourceEdge = m_graph.findEdge( source.source, source.target, source.edgeID );
unsigned sourceWeight = sourceEdge.distance();
EdgeIterator targetEdge = m_graph.findEdge( target.source, target.target, target.edgeID );
unsigned targetWeight = targetEdge.distance();
//insert source into heap
m_heapForward->Insert( source.target, sourceWeight - sourceWeight * source.percentage, source.target );
if ( sourceEdge.backward() && sourceEdge.forward() && source.target != source.source )
m_heapForward->Insert( source.source, sourceWeight * source.percentage, source.source );
//insert target into heap
m_heapBackward->Insert( target.source, targetWeight * target.percentage, target.source );
if ( targetEdge.backward() && targetEdge.forward() && target.target != target.source )
m_heapBackward->Insert( target.target, targetWeight - targetWeight * target.percentage, target.target );
int targetDistance = std::numeric_limits< int >::max();
NodeIterator middle = ( NodeIterator ) 0;
AllowForwardEdge forward;
AllowBackwardEdge backward;
while ( m_heapForward->Size() + m_heapBackward->Size() > 0 ) {
if ( m_heapForward->Size() > 0 )
computeStep( m_heapForward, m_heapBackward, forward, backward, &middle, &targetDistance );
if ( m_heapBackward->Size() > 0 )
computeStep( m_heapBackward, m_heapForward, backward, forward, &middle, &targetDistance );
if ( targetDistance == std::numeric_limits< int >::max() )
return std::numeric_limits< int >::max();
std::stack< NodeIterator > stack;
NodeIterator pathNode = middle;
while ( true ) {
NodeIterator parent = m_heapForward->GetData( pathNode ).parent;
stack.push( pathNode );
if ( parent == pathNode )
pathNode = parent;
pathNodes->push_back( source.nearestPoint );
bool reverseSourceDescription = pathNode != source.target;
if ( source.source == source.target && sourceEdge.backward() && sourceEdge.forward() && source.percentage < 0.5 )
reverseSourceDescription = !reverseSourceDescription;
if ( sourceEdge.unpacked() ) {
bool unpackSourceForward = source.target != sourceEdge.target() ? reverseSourceDescription : !reverseSourceDescription;
m_graph.path( sourceEdge, pathNodes, pathEdges, unpackSourceForward );
if ( reverseSourceDescription ) {
pathNodes->remove( 1, pathNodes->size() - 1 - source.previousWayCoordinates );
} else {
pathNodes->remove( 1, source.previousWayCoordinates - 1 );
} else {
pathNodes->push_back( m_graph.node( pathNode ) );
pathEdges->push_back( sourceEdge.description() );
pathEdges->front().length = pathNodes->size() - 1;
while ( stack.size() > 1 ) {
const NodeIterator node = stack.top();
unpackEdge( node, stack.top(), true, pathNodes, pathEdges );
pathNode = middle;
while ( true ) {
NodeIterator parent = m_heapBackward->GetData( pathNode ).parent;
if ( parent == pathNode )
unpackEdge( parent, pathNode, false, pathNodes, pathEdges );
pathNode = parent;
int begin = pathNodes->size();
bool reverseTargetDescription = pathNode != target.source;
if ( target.source == target.target && targetEdge.backward() && targetEdge.forward() && target.percentage > 0.5 )
reverseSourceDescription = !reverseSourceDescription;
if ( targetEdge.unpacked() ) {
bool unpackTargetForward = target.target != targetEdge.target() ? reverseTargetDescription : !reverseTargetDescription;
m_graph.path( targetEdge, pathNodes, pathEdges, unpackTargetForward );
if ( reverseTargetDescription ) {
pathNodes->resize( pathNodes->size() - target.previousWayCoordinates );
} else {
pathNodes->resize( begin + target.previousWayCoordinates - 1 );
} else {
pathEdges->push_back( targetEdge.description() );
pathNodes->push_back( target.nearestPoint );
pathEdges->back().length = pathNodes->size() - begin;
return targetDistance;
bool ContractionHierarchiesClient::unpackEdge( const NodeIterator source, const NodeIterator target, bool forward, QVector< Node >* pathNodes, QVector< Edge >* pathEdges ) {
EdgeIterator shortestEdge;
unsigned distance = std::numeric_limits< unsigned >::max();
for ( EdgeIterator edge = m_graph.edges( source ); edge.hasEdgesLeft(); ) {
m_graph.unpackNextEdge( &edge );
if ( edge.target() != target )
if ( forward && !edge.forward() )
if ( !forward && !edge.backward() )
if ( edge.distance() > distance )
distance = edge.distance();
shortestEdge = edge;
if ( shortestEdge.unpacked() ) {
m_graph.path( shortestEdge, pathNodes, pathEdges, forward );
return true;
if ( !shortestEdge.shortcut() ) {
pathEdges->push_back( shortestEdge.description() );
if ( forward )
pathNodes->push_back( m_graph.node( target ).coordinate );
pathNodes->push_back( m_graph.node( source ).coordinate );
return true;
const NodeIterator middle = shortestEdge.middle();
if ( forward ) {
unpackEdge( middle, source, false, pathNodes, pathEdges );
unpackEdge( middle, target, true, pathNodes, pathEdges );
return true;
} else {
unpackEdge( middle, target, false, pathNodes, pathEdges );
unpackEdge( middle, source, true, pathNodes, pathEdges );
return true;
Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2( contractionhierarchiesclient, ContractionHierarchiesClient )