/* * Copyright 2010 Niels Kummerfeldt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "monavlayer.h" #include "mapwidget.h" #include "projection.h" #include #include #include #include #include MonavLayer::MonavLayer(MapWidget *map) : AbstractLayer(map), m_gpsLookup(0), m_router(0), m_loaded(true), m_routeStart(), m_routeEnd(), m_track(), m_trackOnScreen(), m_trackOffset(), m_zoomLevel(0), m_currentDirection(0), m_names(), m_types() { QSettings set(QDir::homePath()+"/Maps/nanomap.conf", QSettings::NativeFormat); set.beginGroup("monav"); QString dataDir = set.value("datadir").toString(); QString routerLib = set.value("router", "/usr/lib/monav/libcontractionhierarchiesclient.so").toString(); QString gpsLookupLib = set.value("gpslookup", "/usr/lib/monav/libgpsgridclient.so").toString(); set.endGroup(); QSettings pluginSettings(dataDir+"/plugins.ini", QSettings::IniFormat); QString routerName = pluginSettings.value("router").toString(); QString gpsLookupName = pluginSettings.value("gpsLookup").toString(); QPluginLoader rLoader(routerLib); QObject *plugin = rLoader.instance(); if (plugin) { m_router = qobject_cast(plugin); if (m_router) { m_router->SetInputDirectory(dataDir); m_loaded = m_loaded && m_router->LoadData(); } else { m_loaded = false; } } else { m_loaded = false; } QPluginLoader gLoader(gpsLookupLib); plugin = gLoader.instance(); if (plugin) { m_gpsLookup = qobject_cast(plugin); if (m_gpsLookup) { m_gpsLookup->SetInputDirectory(dataDir); m_loaded = m_loaded && m_gpsLookup->LoadData(); } else { m_loaded = false; } } else { m_loaded = false; } } void MonavLayer::zoom(int level) { m_zoomLevel = level; if (m_track.count() > 1) { int scale = 1 << level; m_trackOnScreen.clear(); m_trackOffset = map()->raw2screen(m_track.first().x(), m_track.first().y(), scale); m_trackOnScreen << QPoint(0, 0); for (int i = 1; i < m_track.count(); ++i) { QPointF p = m_track.at(i); m_trackOnScreen << map()->raw2screen(p.x(), p.y(), scale) - m_trackOffset; } } } void MonavLayer::pan(const QPoint &move) { m_trackOffset += move; } void MonavLayer::paint(QPainter *painter) { if (!m_loaded) { return; } if (m_trackOnScreen.count() > 1) { QPoint p1, p2 = m_trackOnScreen.first(); for (int i = 1; i < m_trackOnScreen.count(); ++i) { p1 = m_trackOnScreen.at(i); painter->drawLine(p1 + m_trackOffset, p2 + m_trackOffset); p2 = p1; } } QPoint p; QPolygon tri; if (!m_routeStart.isNull()) { p = map()->geo2screen(m_routeStart.x(), m_routeStart.y()); tri << p << p+QPoint(-5, -9) << p+QPoint(5, -9) << p; painter->setBrush(Qt::red); painter->drawPolygon(tri); } if (!m_routeEnd.isNull()) { p = map()->geo2screen(m_routeEnd.x(), m_routeEnd.y()); tri.clear(); tri << p << p+QPoint(-5, -9) << p+QPoint(5, -9) << p; painter->setBrush(Qt::blue); painter->drawPolygon(tri); } //if (m_currentDirection < m_names.count()) { // painter->setBrush(QBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255, 210))); // painter->drawRoundedRect(25, 1, 200, 16, 5, 5); // painter->drawText(30, 3, 190, 14, Qt::AlignCenter, // m_names.at(m_currentDirection)); //} } void MonavLayer::keyPressed(QKeyEvent *event) { switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_R: { if (event->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier) { findRoute(); } break; } case Qt::Key_S: { if (event->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier) { QPointF p = map()->geoPos(); UnsignedCoordinate coord(GPSCoordinate(p.y(), p.x())); IGPSLookup::Result pos; if (m_loaded && m_gpsLookup->GetNearestEdge(&pos, coord, 1000.0)) { m_routeStart = p; } } break; } case Qt::Key_E: { if (event->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier) { QPointF p = map()->geoPos(); UnsignedCoordinate coord(GPSCoordinate(p.y(), p.x())); IGPSLookup::Result pos; if (m_loaded && m_gpsLookup->GetNearestEdge(&pos, coord, 1000.0)) { m_routeEnd = p; } } break; } case Qt::Key_N: { if (m_currentDirection < m_names.count()-1) { ++m_currentDirection; } break; } case Qt::Key_P: { if (m_currentDirection > 0) { --m_currentDirection; } break; } } } void MonavLayer::findRoute() { if (!m_loaded) { return; } QVector nodes; QVector edges; double lookupRadius = 1000.0; double dist; UnsignedCoordinate startCoord(GPSCoordinate(m_routeStart.y(), m_routeStart.x())); IGPSLookup::Result startPos; if (!m_gpsLookup->GetNearestEdge(&startPos, startCoord, lookupRadius)) { qDebug() << "source not found"; return; } UnsignedCoordinate endCoord(GPSCoordinate(m_routeEnd.y(), m_routeEnd.x())); IGPSLookup::Result endPos; if (!m_gpsLookup->GetNearestEdge(&endPos, endCoord, lookupRadius)) { qDebug() << "target not found"; return; } if (m_router->GetRoute(&dist, &nodes, &edges, startPos, endPos)) { qDebug() << "route found"; m_track.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i) { GPSCoordinate c = nodes[i].coordinate.ToGPSCoordinate(); m_track << QPointF(Projection::lon2rawx(c.longitude), Projection::lat2rawy(c.latitude)); } for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i) { QString name, type; m_router->GetName(&name, edges[i].name); m_router->GetType(&type, edges[i].type); if (m_names.isEmpty() || (!m_names.isEmpty() && name != m_names.last())) { m_names << name; m_types << type; } //qDebug() << name << type << edges[i].seconds; } m_currentDirection = 0; zoom(m_zoomLevel); } }