mirror of git://projects.qi-hardware.com/nanomap.git synced 2025-02-20 14:04:42 +02:00
Niels f1a2430393 Revert "first try to fix building with OpenWRT toolchain that does not include QtCore and QtGui in the include path"
This reverts commit da88ec21cdbda458d04368292008126c3ebe5715.

This was not the right solution
2010-11-17 22:05:12 +01:00

225 lines
6.0 KiB

Copyright 2010 Christian Vetter veaac.fdirct@gmail.com
This file is part of MoNav.
MoNav is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
MoNav is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with MoNav. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef TABLE_H
#define TABLE_H
#include <QtGlobal>
#include <QCache>
#include <QFile>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include <QtDebug>
namespace gg {
template< class T, int size >
struct IndexTable {
T index[size * size];
for ( int i = 0; i < size * size; i++ )
index[i] = -1;
IndexTable( const char* buffer )
Read( buffer );
T GetIndex( int x, int y ) const
if ( x < 0 || x >= 32 )
return -1;
if ( y < 0 || y >= 32 )
return -1;
return index[x + y * size];
void SetIndex( int x, int y, T data )
assert( x >= 0 );
assert( x < 32 );
assert( y >= 0 );
assert( y < 32 );
assert( index[x + y *size] == -1 );
index[x + y * size] = data;
static size_t Size()
return size * size * sizeof( T );
void Write( char* buffer ) const
memcpy( buffer, index, size * size * sizeof( T ) );
void Read( const char* buffer )
memcpy( index, buffer, size * size * sizeof( T ) );
void Debug()
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
QString row;
for ( int j = 0; j < size; j++)
row += GetIndex( i, j ) == -1 ? "." : "#";
qDebug() << row;
struct GridIndex {
qint64 position;
int x;
int y;
class Index {
Index( QString filename ) :
file2( filename + "_2" ), file3( filename + "_3" )
QFile file1( filename + "_1" );
file1.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
top.Read( file1.read( top.Size() ).constData() );
file2.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
file3.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
qint64 GetIndex( int x, int y ) {
int topx = x / 32 / 32;
int topy = y / 32 / 32;
int middle = top.GetIndex( topx, topy );
if ( middle == -1 )
return -1;
int middlex = ( x / 32 ) % 32;
int middley = ( y / 32 ) % 32;
if ( !cache2.contains( middle ) ) {
IndexTable< int, 32 >* newEntry;
file2.seek( middle * newEntry->Size() );
newEntry = new IndexTable< int, 32 >( file2.read( newEntry->Size() ) );
cache2.insert( middle, newEntry, newEntry->Size() );
if ( !cache2.contains( middle ) )
return -1;
IndexTable< int, 32 >* middleTable = cache2.object( middle );
int bottom = middleTable->GetIndex( middlex, middley );
if ( bottom == -1 )
return -1;
int bottomx = x % 32;
int bottomy = y % 32;
if ( !cache3.contains( bottom ) ) {
IndexTable< qint64, 32 >* newEntry;
file3.seek( bottom * newEntry->Size() );
newEntry = new IndexTable< qint64, 32 >( file3.read( newEntry->Size() ) );
cache3.insert( bottom, newEntry, newEntry->Size() );
if ( !cache3.contains( bottom ) )
return -1;
IndexTable< qint64, 32 >* bottomTable = cache3.object( bottom );
qint64 position = bottomTable->GetIndex( bottomx, bottomy );
return position;
void SetCacheSize( long long size )
assert( size > 0 );
cache2.setMaxCost( size / 4 );
cache3.setMaxCost( 3 * size / 4 );
static void Create( QString filename, const std::vector< GridIndex >& data )
gg::IndexTable< int, 32 > top;
std::vector< gg::IndexTable< int, 32 > > middle;
std::vector< gg::IndexTable< qint64, 32 > > bottom;
for ( std::vector< GridIndex >::const_iterator i = data.begin(), iend = data.end(); i != iend; i++ ) {
int topx = i->x / 32 / 32;
int topy = i->y / 32 / 32;
int middleIndex = top.GetIndex( topx, topy );
if ( middleIndex == -1 ) {
middleIndex = middle.size();
top.SetIndex( topx, topy, middleIndex );
middle.push_back( gg::IndexTable< int, 32 >() );
int middlex = ( i->x / 32 ) % 32;
int middley = ( i->y / 32 ) % 32;
int bottomIndex = middle[middleIndex].GetIndex( middlex, middley );
if ( bottomIndex == -1 ) {
bottomIndex = bottom.size();
middle[middleIndex].SetIndex( middlex, middley, bottomIndex );
bottom.push_back( IndexTable< qint64, 32 >() );
int bottomx = i->x % 32;
int bottomy = i->y % 32;
bottom[bottomIndex].SetIndex( bottomx, bottomy, i->position );
qDebug() << "GPS Grid: top index filled: " << ( double ) middle.size() * 100 / 32 / 32 << "%";
qDebug() << "GPS Grid: middle tables: " << middle.size();
qDebug() << "GPS Grid: middle index filled: " << ( double ) bottom.size() * 100 / middle.size() / 32 / 32 << "%";
qDebug() << "GPS Grid: bottom tables: " << bottom.size();
qDebug() << "GPS Grid: bottom index filled: " << ( double ) data.size() * 100 / bottom.size() / 32 / 32 << "%";
qDebug() << "GPS Grid: grid cells: " << data.size();
QFile file1( filename + "_1" );
QFile file2( filename + "_2" );
QFile file3( filename + "_3" );
file1.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly );
file2.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly );
file3.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly );
char* buffer = new char[IndexTable< qint64, 32 >::Size()];
top.Write( buffer );
file1.write( buffer, IndexTable< int, 32 >::Size() );
for ( int i = 0; i < ( int ) middle.size(); i++ ) {
middle[i].Write( buffer );
file2.write( buffer, IndexTable< int, 32 >::Size() );
for ( int i = 0; i < ( int ) bottom.size(); i++ ) {
bottom[i].Write( buffer );
file3.write( buffer, IndexTable< qint64, 32 >::Size() );
delete[] buffer;
QFile file2;
QFile file3;
IndexTable< int, 32 > top;
QCache< int, IndexTable< int, 32 > > cache2;
QCache< int, IndexTable< qint64, 32 > > cache3;
#endif // TABLE_H