Removing battery circuit
Adding UMP1: 5V voltage regulator, allowing Input voltages up to 13V
Adding USB - DC jack switching circuit:
When USB cable is plugged in:
USWAA PIN1 = 0V, USWBB PIN2 = 0V, VGate Q2 = 0, VGS Q2 = -USB_5V => Q2 ON VBAT= USB_5V
When DC WALL ADAPTER is pugged in:
USWAA PIN1 = 5V, USWBB PIN2 = 5V, VGate Q2 = 5V, VGS Q2 = 0V ???, => Q2 OFF, VBAT = UMP1 out.
if plugg USB cable and DC wall adapter:
USWAA PIN1 = 5V, USWBB PIN2 = 5V, VGate Q2 = 5V, VGS Q2 = 5V ???, => Q2 OFF, VBAT = UMP1 out.
USB_5V & VBAT are isolated
2010-10-09 17:37:54 -05:00 |