@comment{This file has been generated by Pybliographer}

  Author         = {Wikipedia},
  Title          = {Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia},
  HowPublished   = {http://en.wikipedia.org/}

  Author         = {{L. Doolittle}},
  Title          = {Building {L}inux for the nano{E}ngine},
  HowPublished   = {http://recycle.lbl.gov/~ldoolitt/bse/},
  month          = {26 } # jun,
  year           = 2002

  Author         = {{Michael L. Haungs}},
  Title          = {The {E}xecutable and {L}inking {F}ormat ({ELF})},
  HowPublished   = {http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/~haungs/paper/node1.html},
  month          = {21 } # sep,
  year           = 1998

  Author         = {{O. Pomerantz} and {P. Salzman} and {M. Burian}},
  Title          = {The {L}inux {K}ernel {M}odule {P}rogramming {G}uide
                   ver 2.6.1},
  Journal        = {The Linux Documentation Project http://www.tldp.org/},
  month          = {26 } # may,
  year           = 2005

  Title          = {An {I}ntroduction to the {L}inux {A}rchitecture},
  HowPublished   = {http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu/cs427/An+Introduction+to+the+Linux+Architecture}

  Author         = {{C. S\'eveillac}},
  Title          = {Build {Q}t/{E}mbedded and {O}pie on a {L}inux, x86
                   architecture, for {ARM} target architecture.},
  HowPublished   = {http://dudu.dyn.2-h.org/nist/qt-notes.php},
  month          = {20 } # nov,
  year           = 2004

  Author         = {{M. opdenacker}},
  Title          = {Embedded {L}inux {K}ernel and driver development},
  HowPublished   = {http://free-electrons.com},
  month          = {14 } # aug,
  year           = 2005

  Author         = {{Bill Gatliff}},
  Title          = {Porting and {U}sing {N}ewlib in {E}mbedded {S}ystems},
  HowPublished   = {http://venus.billgatliff.com/node/3}

  Author         = {{M. Barr}},
  Title          = {How to {C}hoose a {R}eal-{T}ime {O}perating {S}ystem},
  Journal        = {Embedded Systems Programming},
  month          = jan,
  year           = 2003

  Author         = {{I. Bowman} and {S. Siddiqi} and {M. Tanuan}},
  Title          = {Concrete {A}rchitecture of the {L}inux {K}ernel},
  HowPublished   = {http://plg.uwaterloo.ca/~itbowman/CS746G/a2},
  month          = {12 } # feb,
  year           = 1998

  Author         = {{J. Turley}},
  Title          = {Embedded systems survey: {O}perating systems up for
  Journal        = {Embedded Systems Programming},
  month          = may,
  year           = 2004

  Author         = {{J. Corbet} and {A. Rubini} and {G. Kroah-Hartman}},
  Title          = {Linux {D}evice {D}rivers, {T}hird {E}dition},
  Publisher      = {O'Reilly},
  year           = 2005

  Author         = {{Aleph One}},
  Title          = {Porting the {L}inux {K}ernel to a {N}ew {ARM}
  HowPublished   = {http://www.aleph1.co.uk}

  Author         = {{Craig Hollabaugh.}},
  Title          = {Embedded {L}inux: {H}ardware, {S}oftware, and
  Publisher      = {Addison Wesley Professional.},
  month          = {7 } # mar,
  year           = 2002

  Author         = {{Venture Development Corp.}},
  Title          = {Small teams dominate embedded software development},
  HowPublished   = {http://www.linuxdevices.com/articles/AT7019328497.html},
  month          = {1 } # jun,
  year           = 2006

  Author         = {{J. Turley}},
  Title          = {Five irreversible decisions},
  Journal        = {Embedded Systems Programming},
  month          = {27 } # jan,
  year           = 2005

  Author         = {{S. Rhoads}},
  Title          = {Plasma - most {MIPS} {I}({TM}) opcodes},
  HowPublished   = {URL: http://opencores.org/project,plasma},
  year           = 2008

  Author         = {{Aleph 1}},
  Title          = {Building the {T}oolchain},
  HowPublished   = {http://www.aleph1.co.uk/node/279}

  Author         = {Aleph1},
  Title          = {Boot {L}oader {G}uide},
  HowPublished   = {http://www.aleph1.co.uk/armlinux/docs/ARM
  month          = {7 } # sep,
  year           = 2001

  Author         = {{Dan Kegel}},
  Title          = {Building and {T}esting gcc/glibc cross toolchains},
  HowPublished   = {http://www.kegel.com/crosstool/},
  month          = {20 } # feb,
  year           = 2006

  Author         = {{I. Bowman}},
  Title          = {Conceptual {A}rchitecture of the {L}inux {K}ernel},
  HowPublished   = {http://www.grad.math.uwaterloo.ca/~itbowman/CS746G/a1/},
  year           = 1998

  Author         = {Linuxdevices},
  Title          = {Embedded {L}inux market snapshot, 2005},
  Journal        = {http://www.linuxdevices.com},
  month          = {4 } # may,
  year           = 2005

  Author         = {{C. Lanfear} and {S. Balacco} and {M. Volckmann}},
  Title          = {The 2005 {E}mbedded {S}oftware {S}trategic {M}arket
                   {I}ntelligence {P}rogram},
  Journal        = {Venture Development Corporation
  month          = aug,
  year           = 2005