Release 10.1.03 - Bitgen K.39 (lin) Copyright (c) 1995-2008 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. PMSPEC -- Overriding Xilinx file </opt/cad/Xilinx/10.1/ISE/spartan3e/data/spartan3e.acd> with local file </opt/cad/Xilinx/10.1/ISE/spartan3e/data/spartan3e.acd> Loading device for application Rf_Device from file '3s500e.nph' in environment /opt/cad/Xilinx/10.1/ISE:/opt/cad/Xilinx/10.1/ISE/. "uart_peripheral" is an NCD, version 3.2, device xc3s500e, package vq100, speed -4 Thu Nov 11 14:39:09 2010 /opt/cad/Xilinx/10.1/ISE/bin/lin/unwrapped/bitgen -l -w -g TdoPin:PULLNONE -g DonePin:PULLUP -g CRC:enable -g StartUpClk:CCLK project_r.ncd INFO:Bitgen:275 - Spartan-3E devices do not support bitstream readback of the Blockram resources in the -4C speedgrade. If Blockram readback functionality is desired, it is suggested to target the -5C or -4I speedgrades. Summary of Bitgen Options: +----------------------+----------------------+ | Option Name | Current Setting | +----------------------+----------------------+ | Compress | (Not Specified)* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | Readback | (Not Specified)* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | CRC | Enable** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | DebugBitstream | No* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | ConfigRate | 1* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | StartupClk | Cclk** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | DCMShutdown | Disable* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | DonePin | Pullup** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | ProgPin | Pullup* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | TckPin | Pullup* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | TdiPin | Pullup* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | TdoPin | Pullnone | +----------------------+----------------------+ | TmsPin | Pullup* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | UnusedPin | Pulldown* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | GWE_cycle | 6* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | GTS_cycle | 5* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | LCK_cycle | NoWait* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | DONE_cycle | 4* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | Persist | No* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | DriveDone | No* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | DonePipe | No* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | Security | None* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | UserID | 0xFFFFFFFF* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | MultiBootMode | No* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | ActivateGclk | No* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | ActiveReconfig | No* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | PartialMask0 | (Not Specified)* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | PartialMask1 | (Not Specified)* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | PartialMask2 | (Not Specified)* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | PartialGclk | (Not Specified)* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | PartialLeft | (Not Specified)* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | PartialRight | (Not Specified)* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | IEEE1532 | No* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | Binary | No* | +----------------------+----------------------+ * Default setting. ** The specified setting matches the default setting. Running DRC. DRC detected 0 errors and 0 warnings. Please see the previously displayed individual error or warning messages for more details. Saving ll file in "project_r.ll". Creating bit map... Saving bit stream in "project_r.bit". Bitstream generation is complete.