# Makefile for Plasma RTOS and Plasma TCP/IP stack ifeq ($(LANG),) # Customize for Windows # The MIPS gcc compiler must use the cygwin1.dll that came with the compiler. CC_X86 = cl /O1 /nologo /I..\tools CP = copy RM = del DWIN32 = -DWIN32 BIN_MIPS = ..\gccmips_elf TOOLS_DIR = ..\tools\\ TOOLS2_DIR = ..\tools APP_DIR = ..\App\\ LINUX_PWD = ALIASING = GCC_MIPS = $(BIN_MIPS)\gcc $(CFLAGS) AS_MIPS = $(BIN_MIPS)\as LD_MIPS = $(BIN_MIPS)\ld DUMP_MIPS = $(BIN_MIPS)\objdump CONVERT_BIN = $(TOOLS_DIR)convert_bin.exe OBJ = obj CFLAGS_X86 = /c /DWIN32 LFLAGS_X86 = else # Customized for Linux # See the GNU GCC tab on the Opencores Plasma page CC_X86 = gcc -Wall -O -g -I../tools CP = cp RM = rm -rf DWIN32 = TOOLS_DIR = ../tools/ TOOLS2_DIR = ../tools APP_DIR = ../App/ LINUX_PWD = ./ ALIASING = -fno-strict-aliasing GCC_MIPS = $(BIN_MIPS)mips-elf-gcc $(CFLAGS) AS_MIPS = $(BIN_MIPS)mips-elf-as LD_MIPS = $(BIN_MIPS)mips-elf-ld DUMP_MIPS = $(BIN_MIPS)mips-elf-objdump CONVERT_BIN = $(TOOLS_DIR)convert_bin.exe #CONVERT_BIN = $(BIN_MIPS)mips-elf-objcopy -I elf32-big -O binary test.axf test.bin OBJ = o CFLAGS_X86 = -c -DWIN32 -DLINUX LFLAGS_X86 = -lm endif # Use software multiplier (don't use mult.vhd) CFLAGS_SW_MULT = -mno-mul -DUSE_SW_MULT # Use 16 fewer registers (make reg_bank.vhd smaller) CFLAGS_FEW_REGS = -ffixed-t0 -ffixed-t1 -ffixed-t2 -ffixed-t3 -ffixed-t4 -ffixed-t5 -ffixed-t6 -ffixed-t7 -ffixed-s0 -ffixed-s1 -ffixed-s2 -ffixed-s3 -ffixed-s4 -ffixed-s5 -ffixed-s6 -ffixed-s7 CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -c -s -I$(TOOLS2_DIR) -msoft-float -fno-builtin #CFLAGS += $(CFLAGS_SW_MULT) #CFLAGS += $(CFLAGS_FEW_REGS) # Build just the Plasma RTOS for Plasma CPU rtos: $(AS_MIPS) -o boot.o $(TOOLS_DIR)boot.asm $(GCC_MIPS) rtos.c $(GCC_MIPS) libc.c $(GCC_MIPS) uart.c $(GCC_MIPS) rtos_test.c $(GCC_MIPS) math.c $(ALIASING) $(LD_MIPS) -Ttext 0x10000000 -eentry -Map test.map -s -N -o test.axf \ boot.o rtos.o libc.o uart.o rtos_test.o math.o $(CONVERT_BIN) @sort test2.map @$(DUMP_MIPS) --disassemble test.axf > test.lst # Build the Plasma RTOS, Plasma TCP/IP stack, and web server for the Plasma CPU # Use the serial port and etermip for TCP/IP packets rtos_tcpip: $(AS_MIPS) -o boot.o $(TOOLS_DIR)boot.asm $(GCC_MIPS) rtos.c $(GCC_MIPS) libc.c $(GCC_MIPS) uart.c $(GCC_MIPS) rtos_test.c -DINCLUDE_HTML -DINCLUDE_CONSOLE $(GCC_MIPS) math.c $(ALIASING) $(GCC_MIPS) tcpip.c -DINCLUDE_FILESYS $(GCC_MIPS) http.c -DINCLUDE_FILESYS -DEXAMPLE_HTML $(GCC_MIPS) netutil.c $(GCC_MIPS) filesys.c $(LD_MIPS) -Ttext 0x10000000 -eentry -Map test.map -s -N -o test.axf \ boot.o rtos.o libc.o uart.o rtos_test.o math.o tcpip.o \ http.o netutil.o filesys.o $(CONVERT_BIN) @sort test2.map @$(DUMP_MIPS) --disassemble test.axf > test.lst # Use Ethernet for TCP/IP packets, use flash file system rtos_tcpip_eth: $(AS_MIPS) -o boot.o $(TOOLS_DIR)boot.asm $(GCC_MIPS) rtos.c $(GCC_MIPS) libc.c $(GCC_MIPS) uart.c -DNO_PACKETS $(GCC_MIPS) rtos_test.c -DINCLUDE_ETH -DINCLUDE_CONSOLE $(GCC_MIPS) math.c $(ALIASING) $(GCC_MIPS) tcpip.c -DINCLUDE_FILESYS $(GCC_MIPS) http.c -DINCLUDE_FILESYS -DEXAMPLE_HTML $(GCC_MIPS) netutil.c -DINCLUDE_FLASH -DDLL_SETUP $(GCC_MIPS) filesys.c -DINCLUDE_FLASH $(GCC_MIPS) ethernet.c $(GCC_MIPS) flash.c $(LD_MIPS) -Ttext 0x10000000 -eentry -Map test.map -s -N -o test.axf \ boot.o rtos.o libc.o uart.o rtos_test.o math.o tcpip.o \ http.o netutil.o filesys.o ethernet.o flash.o $(CONVERT_BIN) @sort test2.map @$(DUMP_MIPS) --disassemble test.axf > test.lst # Build full test application rtosfull: $(AS_MIPS) -o boot.o $(TOOLS_DIR)boot.asm $(GCC_MIPS) rtos.c $(GCC_MIPS) libc.c $(GCC_MIPS) uart.c -DNO_PACKETS $(GCC_MIPS) rtos_test.c -DINCLUDE_ETH -DINCLUDE_CONSOLE $(GCC_MIPS) math.c $(ALIASING) $(GCC_MIPS) tcpip.c -DINCLUDE_FILESYS $(GCC_MIPS) http.c -DINCLUDE_FILESYS $(GCC_MIPS) netutil.c -DINCLUDE_FLASH -DDLL_SETUP $(GCC_MIPS) filesys.c -DINCLUDE_FLASH $(GCC_MIPS) ethernet.c $(GCC_MIPS) flash.c $(GCC_MIPS) -I. $(APP_DIR)html.c -DMainThread=HtmlThread $(GCC_MIPS) -I. $(APP_DIR)image.c $(GCC_MIPS) -I. $(APP_DIR)tictac.c $(GCC_MIPS) -I. $(APP_DIR)tic3d.c $(GCC_MIPS) -I. $(APP_DIR)connect4.c $(LD_MIPS) -Ttext 0x10000000 -eentry -Map test.map -s -N -o test.axf \ boot.o rtos.o libc.o uart.o rtos_test.o math.o tcpip.o \ http.o netutil.o filesys.o ethernet.o flash.o \ html.o image.o tictac.o tic3d.o connect4.o $(CONVERT_BIN) @sort test2.map @$(DUMP_MIPS) --disassemble test.axf > test.lst # Create a separate Dynamically Linked Library executable # ftp test.bin to /flash/web/dlltest # telnet to board and execute "dlltest" dlltest: $(GCC_MIPS) -G0 dlltest.c $(LD_MIPS) -Ttext 0x10100000 -s -N -o test.axf dlltest.o $(CONVERT_BIN) @$(DUMP_MIPS) --disassemble test.axf > test.lst # Test the RTOS running on a PC testrtos: @$(CC_X86) $(CFLAGS_X86) rtos.c @$(CC_X86) $(CFLAGS_X86) libc.c @$(CC_X86) $(CFLAGS_X86) uart.c @$(CC_X86) $(CFLAGS_X86) rtos_test.c @$(CC_X86) $(CFLAGS_X86) math.c $(ALIASING) @$(CC_X86) $(LFLAGS_X86) -o testrtos.exe rtos.$(OBJ) libc.$(OBJ) uart.$(OBJ) rtos_test.$(OBJ) math.$(OBJ) $(LINUX_PWD)testrtos.exe # Test the TCP/IP protocol stack running on a PC (requires Windows) testip: @$(CC_X86) $(CFLAGS_X86) tcpip.c @$(CC_X86) $(CFLAGS_X86) http.c /DEXAMPLE_HTML @$(CC_X86) $(CFLAGS_X86) netutil.c @$(CC_X86) $(CFLAGS_X86) filesys.c @$(CC_X86) $(CFLAGS_X86) libc.c /I$(TOOLS_DIR) @$(CC_X86) $(CFLAGS_X86) /DSIMULATE_PLASMA $(TOOLS_DIR)etermip.c @$(CC_X86) $(CFLAGS_X86) os_stubs.c @$(CC_X86) -o testip.exe etermip.obj $(TOOLS_DIR)wpcap.lib \ tcpip.obj http.obj netutil.obj filesys.obj libc.obj os_stubs.obj @echo Try http://plasmb/. Try telnet plasmb. Try ftp plasmb. $(LINUX_PWD)testip.exe clean: -$(RM) *.o *.obj *.axf *.map *.lst *.hex *.txt *.bin *.exe # Run a Plasma CPU opcode simulator (can execute rtos target) run: @$(TOOLS_DIR)mlite.exe test.bin disassemble: -@$(TOOLS_DIR)mlite.exe test.bin BD > test.txt # Start the EtermIP terminal program to download the code to the Plasma CPU # and permit an Ethernet packets to be transfered. download: @echo Reset board before downloading code $(TOOLS_DIR)etermip.exe