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synced 2025-02-04 00:21:06 +02:00
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// =============================================================================/
// Project : LatticeMico32
// File : lm32_simtrace.v
// Title : Trace excecution in simulation
// Dependencies : lm32_include.v
// Version : soc-lm32 only
// =============================================================================
`include "lm32_include.v"
// Index of opcode field in an instruction
`define LM32_OPCODE_RNG 31:26
`define LM32_OP_RNG 30:26
// Module interface
module lm32_simtrace (
// ----- Inputs -------
// From pipeline
// Inputs
input clk_i;
input rst_i;
input stall_x; //
input stall_m; //
input valid_w; //
input kill_w; //
input [`LM32_INSTRUCTION_RNG] instruction_d; // Instruction to decode
input [`LM32_PC_RNG] pc_w; // PC of instruction in D stage
// Internal nets and registers
reg [`LM32_INSTRUCTION_RNG] instruction_x; // Instruction to decode
reg [`LM32_INSTRUCTION_RNG] instruction_m; // Instruction to decode
reg [`LM32_INSTRUCTION_RNG] instruction; // Instruction to decode
wire [`LM32_WORD_RNG] extended_immediate; // Zero or sign extended immediate
wire [`LM32_WORD_RNG] high_immediate; // Immedate as high 16 bits
wire [`LM32_WORD_RNG] immediate; // Immedate as high 16 bits
wire [`LM32_WORD_RNG] call_immediate; // Call immediate
wire [`LM32_WORD_RNG] branch_immediate; // Conditional branch immediate
// Functions
`include "lm32_functions.v"
wire [4:0] r3 = instruction[25:21];
wire [4:0] r2 = instruction[20:16];
wire [4:0] r1 = instruction[15:11];
wire [ 4:0] imm5 = instruction[ 4:0];
wire [15:0] imm16 = instruction[15:0];
wire [26:0] imm27 = instruction[26:0];
//assign high_imm = {instruction[15:0], 16'h0000};
wire [`LM32_PC_RNG] call_imm = {{ 4{instruction[25]}}, instruction[25:0]};
wire [`LM32_PC_RNG] branch_imm = {{14{instruction[15]}}, instruction[15:0] };
// synopsys translate_off
always @(posedge clk_i)
if (stall_x == `FALSE)
instruction_x <= instruction_d;
if (stall_m == `FALSE)
instruction_m <= instruction_x;
instruction <= instruction_m;
if ((valid_w == `TRUE) && (!kill_w)) begin
// $write ( $stime/10 );
$writeh( " [", pc_w << 2);
$writeh( "]\t" );
case ( instruction[`LM32_OPCODE_RNG] )
6'h00: $display( "srui r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm5 );
6'h01: $display( "nori r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h02: $display( "muli r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h03: $display( "sh (r%0d + 0x%0x), r%0d", r3, r2, imm16 );
6'h04: $display( "lb r%0d, (r%0d + 0x%0x)", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h05: $display( "sri r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h06: $display( "xori r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h07: $display( "lh r%0d, (r%0d + 0x%0x)", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h08: $display( "andi r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h09: $display( "xnori r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h0a: $display( "lw r%0d, (r%0d + 0x%0x)", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h0b: $display( "lhu r%0d, (r%0d + 0x%0x)", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h0c: $display( "sb (r%0d + 0x%0x), r%0d", r3, r2, imm16 );
6'h0d: $display( "addi r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h0e: $display( "ori r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h0f: $display( "sli r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm5 );
6'h10: $display( "lbu r%0d, (r%0d + 0x%0x)", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h11: $display( "be r%0d, r%0d, 0x%x", r2, r3, (pc_w + branch_imm ) << 2 );
6'h12: $display( "bg r%0d, r%0d, 0x%x", r2, r3, (pc_w + branch_imm ) << 2 );
6'h13: $display( "bge r%0d, r%0d, 0x%x", r2, r3, (pc_w + branch_imm ) << 2 );
6'h14: $display( "bgeu r%0d, r%0d, 0x%x", r2, r3, (pc_w + branch_imm ) << 2 );
6'h15: $display( "bgu r%0d, r%0d, 0x%x", r2, r3, (pc_w + branch_imm ) << 2 );
6'h16: $display( "sw (r%0d + 0x%0x), r%0d", r3, r2, imm16 );
6'h17: $display( "bne r%0d, r%0d, 0x%x", r2, r3, (pc_w + branch_imm ) << 2 );
6'h18: $display( "andhi r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h19: $display( "cmpei r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h1a: $display( "cmpgi r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h1b: $display( "cmpgei r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h1c: $display( "cmpgeui r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h1d: $display( "cmpgui r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h1e: $display( "orhi r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h1f: $display( "cmpnei r%0d, r%0d, 0x%0x", r2, r3, imm16 );
6'h20: $display( "sru r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h21: $display( "nor r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h22: $display( "mul r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h23: $display( "divu r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h24: $display( "rcsr r%0d, csr%0d", r1, r3 );
6'h25: $display( "sr r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h26: $display( "xor r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h27: $display( "div (XXX not documented XXX)" );
6'h28: $display( "and r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h29: $display( "xnor r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h2a: $display( "XXX" );
6'h2b: $display( "raise (XXX: scall or break)" );
6'h2c: $display( "sextb r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3 );
6'h2d: $display( "add r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h2e: $display( "or r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h2f: $display( "sl r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h30: $display( "b r%0d", r3 );
6'h31: $display( "modu r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h32: $display( "sub r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h33: $display( "XXX" );
6'h34: $display( "wcsr csr%0d, r%0d", r3, r2 );
6'h35: $display( "modu r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h36: $display( "call r%0d", r3 );
6'h37: $display( "sexth r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3 );
6'h38: $display( "bi 0x%x", (pc_w + call_imm) << 2 );
6'h39: $display( "cmpe r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h3a: $display( "cmpg r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h3b: $display( "cmpge r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h3c: $display( "cmpgeu r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h3d: $display( "cmpgu r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
6'h3e: $display( "calli 0x%x", (pc_w + call_imm) << 2 );
6'h3f: $display( "cmpne r%0d, r%0d, r%0d", r1, r3, r2 );
// synopsys translate_on