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-- TITLE: Shifter Unit
-- AUTHOR: Steve Rhoads (rhoadss@yahoo.com)
-- Matthias Gruenewald
-- DATE CREATED: 2/2/01
-- FILENAME: shifter.vhd
-- PROJECT: Plasma CPU core
-- COPYRIGHT: Software placed into the public domain by the author.
-- Software 'as is' without warranty. Author liable for nothing.
-- Implements the 32-bit shifter unit.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.mlite_pack.all;
entity shifter is
generic(shifter_type : string := "DEFAULT");
port(value : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
shift_amount : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
shift_func : in shift_function_type;
c_shift : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0));
end; --entity shifter
architecture logic of shifter is
-- type shift_function_type is (
-- shift_nothing, shift_left_unsigned,
-- shift_right_signed, shift_right_unsigned);
signal shift1L, shift2L, shift4L, shift8L, shift16L : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal shift1R, shift2R, shift4R, shift8R, shift16R : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal fills : std_logic_vector(31 downto 16);
fills <= "1111111111111111" when shift_func = SHIFT_RIGHT_SIGNED
and value(31) = '1'
else "0000000000000000";
shift1L <= value(30 downto 0) & '0' when shift_amount(0) = '1' else value;
shift2L <= shift1L(29 downto 0) & "00" when shift_amount(1) = '1' else shift1L;
shift4L <= shift2L(27 downto 0) & "0000" when shift_amount(2) = '1' else shift2L;
shift8L <= shift4L(23 downto 0) & "00000000" when shift_amount(3) = '1' else shift4L;
shift16L <= shift8L(15 downto 0) & ZERO(15 downto 0) when shift_amount(4) = '1' else shift8L;
shift1R <= fills(31) & value(31 downto 1) when shift_amount(0) = '1' else value;
shift2R <= fills(31 downto 30) & shift1R(31 downto 2) when shift_amount(1) = '1' else shift1R;
shift4R <= fills(31 downto 28) & shift2R(31 downto 4) when shift_amount(2) = '1' else shift2R;
shift8R <= fills(31 downto 24) & shift4R(31 downto 8) when shift_amount(3) = '1' else shift4R;
shift16R <= fills(31 downto 16) & shift8R(31 downto 16) when shift_amount(4) = '1' else shift8R;
GENERIC_SHIFTER: if shifter_type = "DEFAULT" generate
c_shift <= shift16L when shift_func = SHIFT_LEFT_UNSIGNED else
shift16R when shift_func = SHIFT_RIGHT_UNSIGNED or
shift_func = SHIFT_RIGHT_SIGNED else
end generate;
AREA_OPTIMIZED_SHIFTER: if shifter_type /= "DEFAULT" generate
c_shift <= shift16L when shift_func = SHIFT_LEFT_UNSIGNED else (others => 'Z');
c_shift <= shift16R when shift_func = SHIFT_RIGHT_UNSIGNED or
shift_func = SHIFT_RIGHT_SIGNED else (others => 'Z');
c_shift <= ZERO when shift_func = SHIFT_NOTHING else (others => 'Z');
end generate;
end; --architecture logic