2012-04-11 09:35:19 +04:00
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
i n c l u d e $( TOPDIR ) / r u l e s . m k
PKG_NAME := directvnc
PKG_VERSION := 0.7.7
2013-01-03 18:57:22 +08:00
2012-04-11 09:35:19 +04:00
PKG_SOURCE_URL := https://github.com/downloads/drinkmilk/directvnc
PKG_MD5SUM := e30f1a0e45b440443c044148fb62ad6e
PKG_FIXUP := autoreconf
i n c l u d e $( INCLUDE_DIR ) / p a c k a g e . m k
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / d i r e c t v n c
TITLE:= client implementing the remote framebuffer protocol ( rfb) which is used by VNC servers
SECTION:= utilities
CATEGORY:= Utilities
URL:= http://freecode.com/projects/directvnc
2013-01-03 18:57:22 +08:00
DEPENDS:= +directfb +libjpeg
2012-04-11 09:35:19 +04:00
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / d i r e c t v n c / d e s c r i p t i o n
DirectVNC is a client implementing the remote framebuffer protocol ( rfb) which is used by VNC servers. What makes DirectVNC different from other Unix VNC clients is that it uses the Linux framebuffer device through the hardware accelerated DirectFB library, which enables it to run on anything that has a framebuffer without the need for an X server.
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / d i r e c t v n c / i n s t a l l
$( INSTALL_DIR) $( 1) /usr/bin
$( INSTALL_BIN) $( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/bin/{ directvnc,directvnc-xmapconv} $( 1) /usr/bin
e n d e f
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,directvnc ) )