
if [ "$1" == "flash" ] && [ "$#" == "3" ]; then
    case "$2" in
        echo "not implenment"
	#flash_eraseall /dev/mtd0
	exit 0
	echo "flashing kernel ..."
	flash_eraseall /dev/mtd1
	nandwrite -p /dev/mtd1	"$3"
	exit 0
	echo "flashing rootfs ..."
	ubiformat /dev/mtd2 -f "$3"
	exit 0
	echo "flashing data partition  ..."
	ubiformat /dev/mtd3 -f "$3"
	exit 0

if [ "$1" == "mount" ] && [ "$#" == "3" ]; then
    if [ "$2" == "rootfs" ] || [ "$2" == "data" ]; then
	if [ "$2" == "rootfs" ]; then
	elif [ "$2" == "data" ]; then

	mkdir -p $MOUNT_POINT
	if [  "$?" != "0" ]; then 
	    echo "mkdir -p $MOUNT_POINT Fail"
	    exit 1

	ubiattach /dev/ubi_ctrl -m ${PARTITION}
	DEV_UBI=`dmesg | grep "UBI: attached mtd${PARTITION} to" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 5`
	mount -t ubifs ${DEV_UBI}_0 $MOUNT_POINT
        exit 0

if [ "$1" == "format_data_default" ]; then
    ubiformat /dev/mtd3 -y
    ubiattach /dev/ubi_ctrl -m 3
    ubimkvol /dev/ubi1 -s 1480MiB -N data
# test in xiangfu's nanonote. 1486 is the MAX size we can make
# so we using 1480 for now
    exit 0

if [ "$1" == "fw_setenv_default" ]; then
    fw_setenv bootargs mem=32M console=tty0 console=ttyS0,57600n8 ubi.mtd=2 rootfstype=ubifs root=ubi0:rootfs rw rootwait consoleblank=30 quiet
    fw_setenv bootcmd nand read 0x80600000 0x400000 0x280000\;bootm
    fw_setenv bootargsfromsd mem=32M console=tty0 console=ttyS0,57600n8 rootfstype=ext2 root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait
    fw_setenv bootcmdfromsd mmc init\; ext2load mmc 0 0x80600000 /boot/uImage\; bootm
    fw_setenv bootdelay 0
    fw_setenv baudrate 57600
    fw_setenv loads_echo 1
    fw_setenv stdin serial
    fw_setenv stderr serial
    fw_setenv stdout serial
    fw_setenv bootcmdf1 mmc init\; ext2load mmc 0:1 0x80600000 /boot/uImage\; bootm
    fw_setenv bootargsf1 mem=32M console=tty0 console=ttyS0,57600n8 rootfstype=ext2 root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait
    fw_setenv bootcmdf2 mmc init\; ext2load mmc 0:2 0x80600000 /boot/uImage\; bootm
    fw_setenv bootargsf2 mem=32M console=tty0 console=ttyS0,57600n8 rootfstype=ext2 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait
    fw_setenv bootcmdf3 mmc init\; ext2load mmc 0:3 0x80600000 /boot/uImage\; bootm
    fw_setenv bootargsf3 mem=32M console=tty0 console=ttyS0,57600n8 rootfstype=ext2 root=/dev/mmcblk0p3 rw rootwait
    fw_setenv bootcmdf4 mtdparts default\;ubi part rootfs\;ubifsmount rootfs\;ubifsload 0x80600000 /boot/uImage\; bootm
    fw_setenv bootargsf4 mem=32M console=tty0 console=ttyS0,57600n8 ubi.mtd=2 rootfstype=ubifs root=ubi0:rootfs rw rootwait
    fw_setenv silent 1
    echo "fw_setenv finished, check u-boot env by fw_printenv"
    exit 0

echo "\
Usage: $0 [ command ] [ <para1> <para2> <para3> ]
     flash bootloader|kernel|rootfs|data image_file
             flash nand partition using <image_file>

     mount rootfs|data    mount_point
             mount nand partition

             lookinside for more detari
                     this command will format data
                     partition, create a default
                     1400MB volume, named 'data',
                     ALL data will lost after run.

             reset bootloader default variable
             lookinside for more detail
                     this command write hardcode
                     variables to nand, so it must 
                     run once before you want change
                     change it.

script file for Qi Hardware Ben NanoNote
written by: Xiangfu Liu (xiangfu@sharism.cc)
written with Emacs in Ben NanoNote
                             version: ${__VERSION__}
Report bugs to developer@lists.qi-hardware.com"
exit 0