--[[ $Id: x11.lua 9533 2009-02-16 22:18:37Z smekal $ Mesh plot demo. Copyright (C) 2008 Werner Smekal This file is part of PLplot. PLplot is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Library Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PLplot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with PLplot if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA --]] -- initialise Lua bindings for PLplot examples. dofile("plplot_examples.lua") XPTS = 35 -- Data points in x YPTS = 46 -- Data points in y LEVELS = 10 opt = { pl.DRAW_LINEXY, pl.DRAW_LINEXY } alt = { 33, 17 } az = { 24, 115 } title = { "#frPLplot Example 11 - Alt=33, Az=24, Opt=3", "#frPLplot Example 11 - Alt=17, Az=115, Opt=3" } -- bitwise or operator from http://lua-users.org/wiki/BaseSixtyFour -- (c) 2006-2008 by Alex Kloss -- licensed under the terms of the LGPL2 -- return single bit (for OR) function bit(x,b) return (math.mod(x, 2^b) - math.mod(x,2^(b-1)) > 0) end -- logic OR for number values function lor(x,y) result = 0 for p=1,8 do result = result + (((bit(x,p) or bit(y,p)) == true) and 2^(p-1) or 0) end return result end function cmap1_init() i = { 0, 1 } -- left boundary , right boundary h = { 240, 0 } -- blue -> green -> yellow -> red l = { 0.6, 0.6 } s = { 0.8, 0.8 } pl.scmap1n(256) pl.scmap1l(0, i, h, l, s) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- main -- -- Does a series of mesh plots for a given data set, with different -- viewing options in each plot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- nlevel = LEVELS clevel = {} -- Parse and process command line arguments pl.parseopts(arg, pl.PL_PARSE_FULL) -- Initialize plplot pl.init() x = {} y = {} z = {} for i=1, XPTS do x[i] = 3 * (i-1-math.floor(XPTS/2)) / math.floor(XPTS/2) end for i=1, YPTS do y[i] = 3 * (i-1-math.floor(YPTS/2)) / math.floor(YPTS/2) end for i=1, XPTS do xx = x[i] z[i] = {} for j=1, YPTS do yy = y[j] z[i][j] = 3 * (1-xx)^2 * math.exp(-xx^2 - (yy+1.)^2) - 10 * (xx/5 - xx^3 - yy^5) * math.exp(-xx^2-yy^2) - 1/3 * math.exp(-(xx+1)^2 - yy^2) -- Jungfraujoch/Interlaken if false then if z[i][j] < -1 then z[i][j] = -1 end end end end zmax, zmin = pl.MinMax2dGrid(z) step = (zmax - zmin)/(nlevel+1) for i=1, nlevel do clevel[i] = zmin + step + step*(i-1) end cmap1_init() for k=1, 2 do for i=1, 4 do pl.adv(0) pl.col0(1) pl.vpor(0, 1, 0, 0.9) pl.wind(-1, 1, -1, 1.5) pl.w3d(1, 1, 1.2, -3, 3, -3, 3, zmin, zmax, alt[k], az[k]) pl.box3("bnstu", "x axis", 0, 0, "bnstu", "y axis", 0, 0, "bcdmnstuv", "z axis", 0, 4) pl.col0(2) -- wireframe plot if i==1 then pl.mesh(x, y, z, opt[k]) end -- magnitude colored wireframe plot if i==2 then pl.mesh(x, y, z, lor(opt[k], pl.MAG_COLOR)) end -- magnitude colored wireframe plot with sides if i==3 then pl.plot3d(x, y, z, lor(opt[k], pl.MAG_COLOR), 1) end -- magnitude colored wireframe plot with base contour if i==4 then pl.meshc(x, y, z, lor(lor(opt[k], pl.MAG_COLOR), pl.BASE_CONT), clevel) end pl.col0(3) pl.mtex("t", 1, 0.5, 0.5, title[k]) end end -- Clean up pl.plend()