# configuration file for hnb, # # use a tab-spacing of 4 when editing this file, or edit it thorugh # hnb with "hnb -a ~/.hnbrc" to take advantage of the indentation in it # # (please be aware that this is the configuration file for a development version, # things might change drastically soon,.. or perhaps later) ##### bullets # what kind of bullets are displayed before each item ##### samples #bullet_parent " -" #bullet_parent " *" #bullet_parent " ·" #bullet_parent_expanded " +" #bullet_parent_expanded " *" #bullet_parent_expanded " ·" #bullet_leaf " *" #bullet_leaf " -" bullet_leaf " -" bullet_parent " +" bullet_parent_expanded " -" ##### user interface ##### display format # defining how each node is displayed, the display string syntax is # interpreted as follows: # # spaces turn into real spaces, i means indentation, - means bullet, # d means the real data of the node, x is a temporary placeholder for # upcoming column-types,. (for debugging only) # # i and x can take an argument specifying how many characters wide # the field should be # # until further features are added, only the multiplier after # indentation actually does something # # indicates node number (actually line number when used as a folding editor) ##### samples #display_format # "i4- d" display_format "i1-d" ##### fixed focus # lock the selection bar to a position 1/3 down the screen fixedfocus "0" ##### external commands ##### http:// handler # what command is executed when a user wants a action performed on a # entry containing an URL # # * is substituted for the URL # # the X ones have their error and standard output redirected to dev/null # and are put into the background to keep hnb running afterwards ##### samples #web_command "opera -remote 'openURL(*)' > /dev/null 2>&1 &" #web_command "netscape -remote 'openURL(*)' > /dev/null 2>&1 &" #web_command "netscape -remote 'openURL(*,new-window)' > /dev/null 2>&1 &" #web_command "mozilla -remote 'openURL(*)' > /dev/null 2>&1 &" #web_command "mozilla -remote 'openURL(*,new-window)' > /dev/null 2>&1 &" #web_command "konqueror * > /dev/null 2>&1 &" #web_command "galeon -n > /dev/null 2>&1 &" web_command "w3m *" #web_command "lynx *" #web_commend "rxvt -fn fixed -rv +sb -e w3m * > /dev/null 2>&1 &" #web_command "opera -remote 'openURL(*,new-window)' > /dev/null 2>&1 &" ##### mail@handler # what command is executed when a user wants a action performed on a # entry containing a mail-address # # * is substituted for the mail-address # ## samples #mail_command "xterm -rv pine * > /dev/null 2>&1 &" #mail_command "xterm -rv +sb -e mutt * > /dev/null 2>&1 &" #mail_command "pine *" mail_command "mutt *" ##### spell checking # the spell-checker used # ## samples #spell_command "aspell -c" #spell_command "ispell -x" #spell_command "ispell -x -damerican" #spell_command "ispell -x -dbritish" #spell_command "ispell -x -dbokmål" #spell_command "ispell -x -dnynorsk" spell_command "ispell -x" ##### file formats ##### Default Format # hnb, opml, xml, ascii are amongst the available formats format "hnb" ##### Remember current position in tree # wheter hnb remembers the current position in a file, (currently # supported by the hnb DTD only, but might easily be extended since # it fakes it with a XML comment) 1=true 0=false savepos "0" ##### XML format ##### XML Cuddling # When loading xml files, should data be allowed on # the same line as tags? xml_cuddle "0" ##### Color/style # color scheme configuration, syntax is: # "style <item> <foreground/background> <attribute,[attribute]>" # legal items are shown below # colors are: blue, cyan, green, red, magenta, yellow, black and white # attributes are: normal, reverse, bold, underline style menuitem default/default reverse style menutext cyan/default normal style parentnode default/default bold style node default/default normal style bullet cyan/default normal style selected yellow/red bold style parentselected yellow/red bold style background default/default normal ##### key-bindings # # syntax: # "bind <scope[,scope[...]]> <key> <action>" # # multiple actions can be chained together by using the virtual key ".." # as the following key-binding # ################################################## context main helptext "ESC| menu || |F2| save || |F5| commandline" bind f1 'status "Take a look at ~/.hnbrc to check out the configuration"' bind .. 'status "there you will also find details about the available keybindings."' bind .. 'status "please feel free to contribute more useful keybindings and helptexts..."' bind esc menu bind ^Q 'context quitsave' bind f5 'commandline' bind .. 'status --clear' bind f6 'macro m_spellcheck' macro define m_spellcheck context spellcheck save_state spell end bind ^E 'context export' bind ^L 'context import' bind ^F 'macro m_search' macro define m_search context search save_state getquery "enter keyword to search for" search -f "$query" end bind f7 menu bind f8 'context user' bind ^G 'context grab' bind .. 'save_state' bind ^A 'action' bind up up bind down down bind left left bind right right bind npage pagedown bind ppage pageup bind home "go root" bind return edit bind f4 remove bind f3 insert_below bind .. edit bind tab complete bind ^T toggle_todo bind ^D toggle_done bind > indent bind < outdent bind f2 save bind ^X save_state bind .. cut bind ^C copy bind ^V paste bind .. down bind ^S save_state bind .. sort bind backspace backspace bind backspace2 backspace bind sleft "movenode left" bind sright "movenode right" bind sprevious "movenode up" bind snext "movenode down" bind + expand bind - collapse bind ^Z restore_state context nodeedit helptext "editing node | |ESC| revert || |return| confirm" bind up up bind down down bind left left bind right right bind return confirm bind esc cancel bind ^S split bind ^J join bind backspace backspace bind backspace2 backspace bind ^A bol bind home bol bind ^E eol bind end eol bind del delete context lineedit helptext lineedit bind up up bind down down bind left left bind right right bind return confirm bind esc cancel bind tab complete bind backspace backspace bind backspace2 backspace bind del delete bind ^A bol bind home bol bind ^E eol bind end eol context confirm helptext " y | | j | |return| confirm || |any key| cancel" bind y confirm bind j confirm bind return confirm bind any cancel context quitsave helptext "Save on exit? | | Y |es | J |a || | N |o || |ESC| cancel" bind Y save bind .. quit bind y save bind .. quit bind J save bind .. quit bind j save bind .. quit bind N quit bind n quit bind esc "context main" bind any unbound context spellcheck helptext "Spellchecking | |Space| next node |ESC| cancel |F6,Return| confirm changes" bind space "go recurse" bind .. spell bind down "go recurse" bind .. spell bind up "go backrecurse" bind .. spell bind return "context main" bind f6 "context main" bind esc restore_state bind .. "context main" bind any unbound context grab helptext "Node grabbed | |return| |space| drop here || |ESC| cancel" bind esc restore_state bind .. "context main" bind return "context main" bind space "context main" bind left "movenode left" bind right "movenode right" bind up "movenode up" bind down "movenode down" bind any unbound context export helptext "Export | | A |scii || | H |tml html| C |ss | P |ostscript | O |PML |ESC| cancel " macro define m_export_ascii save_state go root getquery 'what file should I save the ASCII output in?' export_ascii $query restore_state context main end macro define m_export_html save_state go root getquery 'what file should I save the HTML output in?' export_html $query context main restore_state end macro define m_export_htmlcss save_state go root getquery 'what file should I save the HTML/CSS output in?' export_htmlcss $query context main restore_state end macro define m_export_opml save_state go root getquery 'what file should I save the OPML output in?' export_opml $query context main restore_state end macro define m_export_ps save_state go root getquery 'what file should I save the PostScript output in?' export_ps $query context main restore_state end bind esc .. "context main" bind A "macro m_export_ascii" bind a "macro m_export_ascii" bind H "macro m_export_html" bind h "macro m_export_html" bind C "macro m_export_htmlcss" bind c "macro m_export_htmlcss" bind O "macro m_export_opml" bind o "macro m_export_opml" bind P "macro m_export_ps" bind p "macro m_export_ps" bind any unbound context import helptext "Import | | A |scii | O |PML | H |hnb |ESC| cancel " bind esc .. bind .. "context main" bind A .. bind .. 'getquery "what file should I import ASCII from?"' bind .. 'import_ascii "$query"' bind .. 'context main' bind a .. bind .. 'getquery "what file should I import ASCII from?"' bind .. 'import_ascii "$query"' bind .. 'context main' bind O .. bind .. 'getquery "what file should I import OPML from?"' bind .. 'import_opml "$query"' bind .. 'context main' bind o .. bind .. 'getquery "what file should I import OPML from?"' bind .. 'import_opml "$query"' bind .. 'context main' bind H .. bind .. 'getquery "what file should I import HNB data from?"' bind .. 'import_hnb "$query"' bind .. 'context main' bind h .. bind .. 'getquery "what file should I import HNB data from?"' bind .. 'import_hnb "$query"' bind .. 'context main' bind any unbound context search helptext "Searching | |ESC| cancel || | n |ext || | p |revious || |space|/|return| go" bind down 'search -f "$query"' bind up 'search -b "$query"' bind P 'search -b "$query"' bind p 'search -b "$query"' bind n 'search -f "$query"' bind N 'search -f "$query"' bind return "context main" bind esc "context main" bind .. restore_state bind any unbound context user helptext "Usermenu | |ESC| cancel |F1| ispell language |F2| browser command |F3| expand all |F4| collapse all" bind esc "context main" bind f1 "context user_ispell" bind f2 "context user_browser" bind f3 "expand --all" bind .. "context main" bind f4 "collapse --all" bind .. "context main" bind any "unbound" context user_ispell helptext "Language for ispell: | |F1| Br.english |F2| Am.english |F3| Norwegian bokmål |F4| Norwegian nynorsk" bind f1 'spell_command "ispell -x -damerican"' bind .. 'context main' bind f2 'spell_command "ispell -x -dbritish"' bind .. 'context main' bind f3 'spell_command "ispell -x -dbokmål"' bind .. 'context main' bind f4 'spell_command "ispell -x -dnynorsk"' bind .. 'context main' bind esc 'context main' bind any unbound context user_browser helptext "Browser action: | |F1| w3m replace hnb |F2| w3m in rxvt |F3| Opera, new tab |F4| Mozilla new window" bind f1 'browser_command "w3m *"' bind .. 'context main' bind f2 'web_commend "xterm -T \"w3m spawned from hnb\" -fn fixed -rv +sb -e w3m * > /dev/null 2>&1 &"' bind .. 'context main' bind f3 'web_command "opera -remote 'openURL(*,new-window)' > /dev/null 2>&1 &"' bind .. 'context main' bind f4 'web_command "mozilla -remote 'openURL(*,new-window)' > /dev/null 2>&1 &"' bind .. 'context main' bind esc 'context main' bind any unbound ##### key related options ##### escdelay # how long the program should wait before accepting that ESC(27d) is the # ESC key and not the start of an escape sequence # increase this number if you are using hnb over a slow network link # value given is in ms (1/1000seconds) # escdelay 100 ##### menu definition ##### file menu "File" "------------" "" menu "File" "save F2" "save" menu "File" "save as.. " "macro saveas" macro define saveas getquery db_file 'fila to save' save_state go root export_$format $db_file restore_state end menu "File" "revert " "revert" menu "File" "------------" "" menu "File" "export ^E" "context export" menu "File" "import ^L" "context import" menu "File" "------------" "" menu "File" "spell chk F6" "macro m_spellcheck" menu "File" "expand all" "expand --all" menu "File" "collapse all" "collapse --all" menu "File" "statistics" "macro stats" macro define stats status "file: \"$db_file\" format:$format" mem stats end menu "File" "------------" "" menu "File" "exit ^Q" "context quitsave" ##### edit menu "Edit" "---------" "" menu "Edit" "copy ^C" "copy" menu "Edit" "cut ^X" "cut" menu "Edit" "paste ^V" "paste" menu "Edit" "---------" "" menu "Edit" "Search ^F" "macro m_search" ##### node menu "Entry" "--------------" "" menu "Entry" "edit return" "edit" menu "Entry" "delete del" "remove" menu "Entry" "--------------" "" menu "Entry" "do action ^A" "action" menu "Entry" "indent >" "indent" menu "Entry" "outdent <" "outdent" menu "Entry" "toggle todo ^T" "toggle_todo" menu "Entry" "toggle done ^D" "toggle_done" menu "Entry" "expand +" "expand" menu "Entry" "collapse -" "collapse" ##### level menu "Level" "------------" "" menu "Level" "sort ^S" "sort -a" menu "Level" "sort (desc.)" "sort -d" menu "Level" "shuffle " "sort -r" ##### context main macro define m_about status "hnb - hierarchical notebook http://hnb.sourceforge.net/" status "(c) Øyvind Kolås 2001-2003 pippin@users.sourceforge.net" end macro m_about