#!/bin/bash # this script file is using in build host # $1: full_system minimal xbboot OPENWRT_DIR_NAME="openwrt-xburst."$1 OPENWRT_DIR="/home/xiangfu/${OPENWRT_DIR_NAME}/" CONFIG_FILE_TYPE="config."$1 MAKE_VARS=" V=99 IGNORE_ERRORS=m -j4 " ######################################################################## DATE=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d") TIME=$(date "+%H-%M-%S") DATE_TIME=`date +"%m%d%Y-%H%M"` GET_FEEDS_VERSION_SH="/home/xiangfu/bin/get-feeds-revision.sh" PATCH_OPENWRT_SH="/home/xiangfu/bin/patch-openwrt.sh" IMAGES_DIR="/home/xiangfu/compile-log/${OPENWRT_DIR_NAME}-${DATE_TIME}/" mkdir -p ${IMAGES_DIR} BUILD_LOG="${IMAGES_DIR}/BUILD_LOG" VERSIONS_FILE="${IMAGES_DIR}/VERSIONS" ######################################################################## cd ${OPENWRT_DIR} echo "make distclean ..." make distclean echo "updating git repo..." git fetch -a git reset --hard origin/master if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "ERROR: updating openwrt-xburst failed" exit 1 fi echo "update and install feeds..." ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "ERROR: update and install feeds failed" exit 1 fi cp feeds/qipackages/nanonote-files/data/qi_lb60/conf/${CONFIG_FILE_TYPE} .config sed -i '/CONFIG_ALL/s/.*/CONFIG_ALL=y/' .config yes "" | make oldconfig > /dev/null echo "copy files, create VERSION, copy dl folder, last prepare..." rm -f files && ln -s feeds/qipackages/nanonote-files/data/qi_lb60/files/ rm -f dl && ln -s ~/dl mkdir -p files/etc && echo ${DATE} > files/etc/VERSION mkdir -p files/etc/uci-defaults && echo -e "\0043\0041/bin/sh \ndate --set `date +"%Y%m%d%H%M"`\nhwclock --systohc" > files/etc/uci-defaults/99-set-time echo "patch openwrt " ${PATCH_OPENWRT_SH} ${OPENWRT_DIR} echo "starting compiling - this may take several hours..." time make ${MAKE_VARS} > ${IMAGES_DIR}/BUILD_LOG 2>&1 if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "ERROR: Build failed! Please refer to the log file" tail -n 100 ${IMAGES_DIR}/BUILD_LOG > ${IMAGES_DIR}/BUILD_LOG.`date +"%m%d%Y-%H%M"`.last100 echo -e "\ say #qi-hardware The build has FAILED, \ see log here: http://fidelio.qi-hardware.com/~xiangfu/compile-log/${OPENWRT_DIR_NAME}-${DATE_TIME}/\nclose" \ | nc turandot.qi-hardware.com 3858 else echo -e "\ say #qi-hardware The build was successfull, \ see images here: http://fidelio.qi-hardware.com/~xiangfu/compile-log/${OPENWRT_DIR_NAME}-${DATE_TIME}/\nclose" \ | nc turandot.qi-hardware.com 3858 fi echo "getting version numbers of used repositories..." ${GET_FEEDS_VERSION_SH} ${OPENWRT_DIR} > ${VERSIONS_FILE} echo "copy all files to IMAGES_DIR..." cp .config ${IMAGES_DIR}/config cp build_dir/linux-xburst_qi_lb60/linux-2.6*/.config ${IMAGES_DIR}/kernel.config cp feeds.conf ${IMAGES_DIR}/ cp -a bin/xburst/* ${IMAGES_DIR} 2>/dev/null mkdir -p ${IMAGES_DIR}/files cp -a files/* ${IMAGES_DIR}/files/ (cd ${IMAGES_DIR}; \ grep -E "ERROR:\ package.*failed to build" BUILD_LOG | grep -v "package/kernel" > failed_packages.txt; \ bzip2 -z BUILD_LOG; \ bzip2 -z openwrt-xburst-qi_lb60-root.ubi; \ ) echo "DONE :)"