# Makefile for OpenWRT for cross-compiling GForth # # Copyright (C) 2010 David Kühling. License: GPLv2+ include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk PKG_NAME:=gforth PKG_VERSION:=0.7.0-20100725 PKG_RELEASE:=3 PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.gz PKG_SOURCE_URL:=http://mosquito.dyndns.tv/~spock/ PKG_MD5SUM:=f030bdfe42a9be32889d5b4c8cb37856 PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS:= gforth/host libldtl/host PKG_BUILD_DIR:=$(BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION) include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/host-build.mk # for now: override download and use local gforth sources # remove the prepare.stamp if updating tgz # define Build/Prepare # mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) # (cd $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.. && tar -xzvf -) < ~/forth/gforth/$(PKG_SOURCE) # endef # define Host/Prepare # mkdir -p $(HOST_BUILD_DIR) # (cd $(HOST_BUILD_DIR)/.. && tar -xzvf -) < ~/forth/gforth/$(PKG_SOURCE) # endef define Package/gforth SECTION:=lang CATEGORY:=Languages TITLE:=GForth DEPENDS:= +libltdl URL:=http://www.gnu.org/software/gforth/ endef define Package/gforth/description Gforth is a fast and portable implementation of the ANS Forth language. endef HOST_CONFIGURE_VARS += LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH=$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/lib # found this in the libtool Makefile. does it help us? #export GLOBAL_LIBDIR=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib define Host/Configure export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/lib; $(call Host/Configure/Default) endef # define Host/Compile # $(MAKE) -C $(HOST_BUILD_DIR) # endef # define Host/Install # $(MAKE) -C $(HOST_BUILD_DIR) \ # DESTDIR="$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)" \ # install # endef # todo: skipcode= # todo: compiler options / tuning (openwrt sets bad defaults?) define Build/Configure $(call Build/Configure/Default,) echo "#!/bin/sh" > $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/preforth echo '$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/gforth -i $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/lib/gforth/$(PKG_VERSION)/gforth.fi "$$$$@"' >> $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/preforth chmod a+x $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/preforth endef define Build/Compile $(MAKE) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) kernel/version.fs gforth-ditc \ engine/prim-fast.i engine/prim_lab-fast.i engine/prim_names-fast.i \ engine/prim_superend-fast.i engine/profile-fast.i \ engine/prim_num-fast.i engine/prim_grp-fast.i \ engine/costs-fast.i engine/super2-fast.i $(MAKE) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/engine gforth-fast-ll-reg gforth-ll-reg \ OPT=-ll-reg OPTDEFINES="-DFORCE_LL -DFORCE_REG" OPTOBJECTS= cd $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) && \ cp engine/gforth-ll-reg ./gforth && \ cp engine/gforth-fast-ll-reg ./gforth-fast endef STARTUP = exboot.fs startup.fs arch/mips/asm.fs arch/mips/disasm.fs GFORTH_FI_SRC = \ assert.fs \ backtrac.fs \ blocked.fb \ blocks.fs \ bufio.fs \ code.fs \ debug.fs \ debugs.fs \ dis-gdb.fs \ ekey.fs \ envos.fs \ savesys.fs \ environ.fs \ errors.fs \ exboot.fs \ except.fs \ extend.fs \ float.fs \ glocals.fs \ hash.fs \ history.fs \ intcomp.fs \ mkdir.fs \ libcc.fs \ locals.fs \ look.fs \ mkdir.fs \ prelude.fs \ quotes.fs \ search.fs \ see.fs \ see-ext.fs \ simp-see.fs \ source.fs \ startup.fs \ struct.fs \ struct0x.fs \ stuff.fs \ tasker.fs \ termsize.fs \ utf-8.fs \ vt100.fs \ vt100key.fs \ wordinfo.fs \ arch/mips/asm.fs arch/mips/disasm.fs arch/mips/insts.fs \ arch/mips/testasm.fs arch/mips/testdisasm.fs LIBCC_SRC = cstr.fs unix/socket.fs LIBCC_DIST_SRC = libffi.fs fflib.fs $(LIBCC_SRC) # todo: strip down FORTH_SRC = $(GFORTH_FI_SRC) $(LIBCC_DIST_SRC) \ ans-report.fs ansi.fs answords.fs \ colorize.fs comp-i.fs complex.fs \ depth-changes.fs dosekey.fs doskey.fs ds2texi.fs \ envos.dos envos.os2 etags.fs fft.fs filedump.fs fi2c.fs \ fsl-util.4th glosgen.fs gray.fs httpd.fs install-tags.fs \ make-app.fs doc/makedoc.fs locate.fs more.fs onebench.fs \ other.fs prims2x.fs prims2x0.6.2.fs proxy.fs random.fs \ regexp.fs sokoban.fs string.fs table.fs tags.fs \ tt.fs \ unbuffer.fs wordsets.fs xwords.fs \ test/tester.fs test/ttester.fs \ test/coretest.fs test/postpone.fs test/dbltest.fs \ test/string.fs test/float.fs test/search.fs test/gforth.fs \ test/other.fs test/signals.fs test/checkans.fs \ test/primtest.fs test/coreext.fs test/deferred.fs \ test/coremore.fs test/gforth-nofast.fs test/libcc.fs \ test/macros.fs \ compat/strcomp.fs \ bubble.fs siev.fs matrix.fs fib.fs \ oof.fs oofsampl.fs objects.fs objexamp.fs mini-oof.fs moof-exm.fs \ moofglos.fs fixpath.fs \ add.fs lib.fs oldlib.fs sieve.fs \ endtry-iferror.fs recover-endtry.fs FS_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/gforth/$(PKG_VERSION) define Package/gforth/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/gforth $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/$(FS_INSTALL_DIR) $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/gforth/site-forth $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/gforth-fast $(1)/usr/bin/gforth-fast-bin $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/gforth $(1)/usr/bin/gforth-bin $(INSTALL_BIN) files/gforth $(1)/usr/bin/gforth $(INSTALL_BIN) files/gforth $(1)/usr/bin/gforth-fast $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/kernl32l.fi $(1)/$(FS_INSTALL_DIR) $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/siteinit.fs $(1)/usr/share/gforth/site-forth $(call pkg_install_files,$(FORTH_SRC),$(PKG_BUILD_DIR),$(1)/$(FS_INSTALL_DIR)) endef $(eval $(call HostBuild)) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,gforth))