#include "tile.h" #include "ui_tile.h" Tile::Tile(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::Tile) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->pushButton_16->hide(); ui->pushButton->setProperty("id","1"); ui->pushButton_2->setProperty("id","2"); ui->pushButton_3->setProperty("id","3"); ui->pushButton_4->setProperty("id","4"); ui->pushButton_5->setProperty("id","5"); ui->pushButton_6->setProperty("id","6"); ui->pushButton_7->setProperty("id","7"); ui->pushButton_8->setProperty("id","8"); ui->pushButton_9->setProperty("id","9"); ui->pushButton_10->setProperty("id","10"); ui->pushButton_11->setProperty("id","11"); ui->pushButton_12->setProperty("id","12"); ui->pushButton_13->setProperty("id","13"); ui->pushButton_14->setProperty("id","14"); ui->pushButton_15->setProperty("id","15"); ui->pushButton_16->setProperty("id","16"); /*ui->pushButton_Reset->setProperty("id","Reset"); ui->pushButton_Shuffle->setProperty("id","Shuffle"); ui->pushButton_Help->setProperty("id","Help"); ui->pushButton_Quit->setProperty("id","Quit");*/ /* ui->pushButton->setAccessibleDescription("1"); ui->pushButton_2->setAccessibleDescription("2"); ui->pushButton_3->setAccessibleDescription("3"); ui->pushButton_4->setAccessibleDescription("4"); ui->pushButton_5->setAccessibleDescription("5"); ui->pushButton_6->setAccessibleDescription("6"); ui->pushButton_7->setAccessibleDescription("7"); ui->pushButton_8->setAccessibleDescription("8"); ui->pushButton_9->setAccessibleDescription("9"); ui->pushButton_10->setAccessibleDescription("10"); ui->pushButton_11->setAccessibleDescription("11"); ui->pushButton_12->setAccessibleDescription("12"); ui->pushButton_13->setAccessibleDescription("13"); ui->pushButton_14->setAccessibleDescription("14"); ui->pushButton_15->setAccessibleDescription("15"); ui->pushButton_16->setAccessibleDescription("16"); */ // Create seed for the random // That is needed only once on application startup QTime time = QTime::currentTime(); qsrand((uint)time.msec()); qApp->installEventFilter(this); //ui->pushButton->installEventFilter(this); } Tile::~Tile() { delete ui; } void Tile::changeEvent(QEvent *e) { QMainWindow::changeEvent(e); switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::LanguageChange: ui->retranslateUi(this); break; default: break; } } void Tile::checkNeighbours() { QPushButton *button = qobject_cast< QPushButton* >(QObject::sender()); //int id = button->accessibleDescription().toInt(); int id = button->property("id").toInt(); //check button to the right if (id != 16 && id != 12 && id != 8 && id != 4) { QPushButton *button_neighbour = idtoButton(id+1); if (button_neighbour->text() == "16" && button_neighbour->isHidden()) { swapButtons(button, button_neighbour); return; } } //check button to the left if (id != 13 && id != 9 && id != 5 && id != 1) { QPushButton *button_neighbour = idtoButton(id-1); if (button_neighbour->text() == "16" && button_neighbour->isHidden()) { swapButtons(button, button_neighbour); return; } } //check button to the bottom if (id != 16 && id != 15 && id != 14 && id != 13) { QPushButton *button_neighbour = idtoButton(id+4); if (button_neighbour->text() == "16" && button_neighbour->isHidden()) { swapButtons(button, button_neighbour); return; } } //check button to the up if (id != 4 && id != 3 && id != 2 && id != 1) { QPushButton *button_neighbour = idtoButton(id-4); if (button_neighbour->text() == "16" && button_neighbour->isHidden()) { swapButtons(button, button_neighbour); return; } } //qDebug() << "No swap candidates..."; return; } QPushButton* Tile::idtoButton(int id) { switch (id) { case 1: return ui->pushButton; case 2: return ui->pushButton_2; case 3: return ui->pushButton_3; case 4: return ui->pushButton_4; case 5: return ui->pushButton_5; case 6: return ui->pushButton_6; case 7: return ui->pushButton_7; case 8: return ui->pushButton_8; case 9: return ui->pushButton_9; case 10: return ui->pushButton_10; case 11: return ui->pushButton_11; case 12: return ui->pushButton_12; case 13: return ui->pushButton_13; case 14: return ui->pushButton_14; case 15: return ui->pushButton_15; case 16: return ui->pushButton_16; default: break; } return NULL; } void Tile::swapButtons(QPushButton *button, QPushButton *button_neighbour) { button->hide(); button_neighbour->setText(button->text()); button->setText("16"); button_neighbour->show(); button_neighbour->setFocus(); //qDebug() << isSolved(); if (isRunning && isSolved()) { switch (QMessageBox::information(this, "Solved!", "Hooray, you solved it!\nShuffle again?", "&Yes","&No")) { case 0: Shuffle(); default: isRunning = 0; break; } } } void Tile::Reset() { for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++) { QPushButton *button = idtoButton(i); QString str; button->show(); button->setText(str.setNum(i)); } QPushButton *button = idtoButton(16); button->hide(); button->setText("16"); } void Tile::Quit() { switch (QMessageBox::information(this, "Confirm Quit", "Are you sure to quit?", "&Quit","&Cancel")) { case 0: qApp->quit(); default: break; } } void Tile::Shuffle() { Reset(); for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++) { //get random number 1..15 int id = randInt(1,15); //swap it QPushButton *button_1 = idtoButton(i); QPushButton *button_2 = idtoButton(id); QString str = button_1->text(); button_1->setText(button_2->text()); button_2->setText(str); } if (!isSolvable()) { Shuffle(); } else { isRunning = 1; } } int Tile::randInt(int low, int high) { // Random number between low and high return qrand() % ((high + 1) - low) + low; } bool Tile::isSolvable() { //http://mathworld.wolfram.com/15Puzzle.html //accumulator int acc = 0; //iterate through all tiles for (int i = 1; i < 17; i++) { //get button from id QPushButton *button = idtoButton(i); //get the number on tile int num = button->text().toInt(); if (num == 16) { //get row of empty tile if (i < 5) { acc = acc + 1; } else if (i < 9) { acc = acc + 2; } else if (i < 13) { acc = acc + 3; } else { acc = acc + 4; } continue; } //iterate though the rest of tiles for (int j = i+1; j < 17; j++) { //get next button QPushButton *button_next = idtoButton(j); //get the number of next tile int num_next = button_next->text().toInt(); //compare and increment accumulator if (num_next < num) { acc++; } } } //qDebug() << acc; if (acc%2 == 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } void Tile::Help() { QMessageBox::about(this, "15 Puzzle", "\ This is the famous 15 Puzzle game.\n\ The object of the puzzle is to place the\n\ tiles in order by making sliding moves\n\ that use the empty space.\n\ \n\ \"Reset\" (Alt+R): reset the puzzle to solved position\n\ \"Shuffle\" (Alt+S): shuffle the puzzle. Note that this\n\ always produces solvable positions, don\'t give up\n\ \"Help\" (Alt+H): show this help\n\ \"Quit\" (Alt+Q): quit the app"); } void Tile::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Escape || event->key() == Qt::Key_Q) { Quit(); } else if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Up) { //focusNextChild(); //qDebug() << qApp->focusWidget(); QPushButton *button = qobject_cast< QPushButton* >(qApp->focusWidget()); keyUp(button); } else if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Down) { //focusPreviousChild(); //qDebug() << qApp->focusWidget(); QPushButton *button = qobject_cast< QPushButton* >(qApp->focusWidget()); keyDown(button); } else { return; } } bool Tile::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = NULL;//event data, if this is a keystroke event bool result = false;//return true to consume the keystroke if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { keyEvent = dynamic_cast(event); //override Key Up and Key Down only if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Up || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Down) { this->keyPressEvent(keyEvent); result = true; } else { result = QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); } }//if type() /*else if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease) { keyEvent = dynamic_cast(event); this->keyReleaseEvent(keyEvent); result = true; }*///else if type() //### Standard event processing ### else result = QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); return result; }//eventFilter void Tile::keyUp(QPushButton *button) { int id = button->property("id").toInt(); QPushButton *button_up; if (id < 5) { button_up = idtoButton(id+12); } else { button_up = idtoButton(id-4); } if (button_up->isHidden()) { keyUp(button_up); } else { button_up->setFocus(); } } void Tile::keyDown(QPushButton *button) { int id = button->property("id").toInt(); QPushButton *button_down; if (id > 12) { button_down = idtoButton(id-12); } else { button_down = idtoButton(id+4); } if (button_down->isHidden()) { keyDown(button_down); } else { button_down->setFocus(); } } bool Tile::isSolved() { QPushButton *button; for (int i = 1; i < 17; i++) { button = idtoButton(i); if (button->text() != button->property("id")) { return 0; } } return 1; }