--[[ $Id: x14.lua 10793 2010-02-06 01:48:39Z hbabcock $ Demo of multiple stream/window capability (requires Tk or Tcl-DP). Maurice LeBrun IFS, University of Texas at Austin Copyright (C) 2009 Werner Smekal This file is part of PLplot. PLplot is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Library Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PLplot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with PLplot if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA --]] -- initialise Lua bindings for PLplot examples. dofile("plplot_examples.lua") xs = {} ys = {} space0 = {} mark0 = {} space1 = { 1500 } mark1 = { 1500 } function plot1() x = {} y = {} for i = 1, 60 do x[i] = xoff + xscale*i/60 y[i] = yoff + yscale*x[i]^2 end xmin = x[1] xmax = x[60] ymin = y[1] ymax = y[60] for i = 1, 6 do xs[i] = x[(i-1)*10 + 4] ys[i] = y[(i-1)*10 + 4] end -- Set up the viewport and window using PLENV. The range in X is -- 0.0 to 6.0, and the range in Y is 0.0 to 30.0. The axes are -- scaled separately (just = 0), and we just draw a labelled -- box (axis = 0). pl.col0(1) pl.env(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0, 0) pl.col0(6) pl.lab("(x)", "(y)", "#frPLplot Example 1 - y=x#u2") -- Plot the data points pl.col0(9) pl.poin(xs, ys, 9) -- Draw the line through the data pl.col0(4) pl.line(x, y) pl.flush() end function plot2() x = {} y = {} -- Set up the viewport and window using PLENV. The range in X is -2.0 to -- 10.0, and the range in Y is -0.4 to 2.0. The axes are scaled separately -- (just = 0), and we draw a box with axes (axis = 1). pl.col0(1) pl.env(-2, 10, -0.4, 1.2, 0, 1) pl.col0(2) pl.lab("(x)", "sin(x)/x", "#frPLplot Example 1 - Sinc Function") -- Fill up the arrays for i = 1, 100 do x[i] = (i-20)/6 y[i] = 1 if x[i]~=0 then y[i] = math.sin(x[i])/x[i] end end -- Draw the line pl.col0(3) pl.line(x, y) pl.flush() end function plot3() x = {} y = {} -- For the final graph we wish to override the default tick intervals, and -- so do not use PLENV pl.adv(0) -- Use standard viewport, and define X range from 0 to 360 degrees, Y range -- from -1.2 to 1.2. pl.vsta() pl.wind(0, 360, -1.2, 1.2) -- Draw a box with ticks spaced 60 degrees apart in X, and 0.2 in Y. pl.col0(1) pl.box("bcnst", 60, 2, "bcnstv", 0.2, 2) -- Superimpose a dashed line grid, with 1.5 mm marks and spaces. plstyl -- expects a pointer!! pl.styl(mark1, space1) pl.col0(2) pl.box("g", 30, 0, "g", 0.2, 0) pl.styl(mark0, space0) pl.col0(3) pl.lab("Angle (degrees)", "sine", "#frPLplot Example 1 - Sine function") for i = 1, 101 do x[i] = 3.6 * (i-1) y[i] = math.sin(x[i]*math.pi/180) end pl.col0(4) pl.line(x, y) pl.flush() end function plot4() x0 = {} y0 = {} x = {} y = {} dtr = math.pi/180 for i = 1, 361 do x0[i] = math.cos(dtr*(i-1)) y0[i] = math.sin(dtr*(i-1)) end -- Set up viewport and window, but do not draw box pl.env(-1.3, 1.3, -1.3, 1.3, 1, -2) for i = 1, 10 do for j = 1, 361 do x[j] = 0.1*i*x0[j] y[j] = 0.1*i*y0[j] end -- Draw circles for polar grid pl.line(x, y) end pl.col0(2) for i = 1, 12 do theta = 30.0 * (i-1) dx = math.cos(dtr * theta) dy = math.sin(dtr * theta) -- Draw radial spokes for polar grid pl.join(0, 0, dx, dy) -- Write labels for angle -- Slightly off zero to avoid floating point logic flips at 90 and 270 deg. if dx>=-0.00001 then pl.ptex(dx, dy, dx, dy, -0.15, tostring(theta)) else pl.ptex(dx, dy, -dx, -dy, 1.15, tostring(theta)) end end x = {} y = {} -- Draw the graph for i = 1, 361 do r = math.sin(dtr * (5*(i-1))) x[i] = x0[i] * r y[i] = y0[i] * r end pl.col0(3) pl.line(x, y) pl.col0(4) pl.mtex("t", 2, 0.5, 0.5, "#frPLplot Example 3 - r(#gh)=sin 5#gh") pl.flush() end -- Demonstration of contour plotting XPTS = 35 YPTS = 46 XSPA = 2/(XPTS-1) YSPA = 2/(YPTS-1) tr = { XSPA, 0, -1, 0, YSPA, -1 } function mypltr(x, y) tx = tr[1]*x + tr[2]*y + tr[3] ty = tr[4]*x + tr[5]*y + tr[6] return tx, ty end clevel = { -1, -.8, -.6, -.4, -.2, 0, .2, .4, .6, .8, 1 } function plot5() mark = { 1500 } space = { 1500 } -- Set up function arrays z = {} w = {} for i = 1, XPTS do xx = (i-1-math.floor(XPTS/2))/math.floor(XPTS/2) z[i] = {} w[i] = {} for j = 1, YPTS do yy = (j-1-math.floor(YPTS/2))/math.floor(YPTS/2)-1 z[i][j] = xx * xx - yy * yy w[i][j] = 2 * xx * yy end end pl.env(-1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0) pl.col0(2) pl.cont(z, 1, XPTS, 1, YPTS, clevel, "mypltr") pl.styl(mark, space) pl.col0(3) pl.cont(w, 1, XPTS, 1, YPTS, clevel, "mypltr") pl.col0(1) pl.lab("X Coordinate", "Y Coordinate", "Streamlines of flow") pl.flush() end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- main -- -- Plots several simple functions from other example programs. -- -- This version sends the output of the first 4 plots (one page) to two -- independent streams. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Select either TK or DP driver and use a small window -- Using DP results in a crash at the end due to some odd cleanup problems -- The geometry strings MUST be in writable memory geometry_master = "500x410+100+200" geometry_slave = "500x410+650+200" -- plplot initialization -- Parse and process command line arguments pl.parseopts(arg, pl.PL_PARSE_FULL) -- If valid geometry specified on command line, use it for both streams. xp0, yp0, xleng0, yleng0, xoff0, yoff0 = pl.gpage() valid_geometry = xleng0>0 and yleng0>0 -- Set up first stream if valid_geometry==true then pl.spage(xp0, yp0, xleng0, yleng0, xoff0, yoff0) else pl.setopt("geometry", geometry_master) end pl.ssub(2, 2) pl.init() driver = pl.gdev() fam, num, bmax = pl.gfam() print("Demo of multiple output streams via the " .. driver .." driver.") print("Running with the second stream as slave to the first.\n") -- Start next stream pl.sstrm(1) if valid_geometry==true then pl.spage(xp0, yp0, xleng0, yleng0, xoff0, yoff0) else pl.setopt("geometry", geometry_slave) end -- Turn off pause to make this a slave (must follow master) pl.spause(0) pl.sdev(driver) pl.sfam(fam,num,bmax) -- Currently number of digits in format number can only be --set via the command line option pl.setopt("fflen", "2") pl.init() -- Set up the data & plot -- Original case pl.sstrm(0) xscale = 6 yscale = 1 xoff = 0 yoff = 0 plot1() -- Set up the data & plot xscale = 1 yscale = 1e6 plot1() -- Set up the data & plot xscale = 1. yscale = 1.e-6 digmax = 2 pl.syax(digmax, 0) plot1() -- Set up the data & plot xscale = 1 yscale = 0.0014 yoff = 0.0185 digmax = 5 pl.syax(digmax, 0) plot1() -- To slave -- The pleop() ensures the eop indicator gets lit. pl.sstrm(1) plot4() pl.eop() -- Back to master pl.sstrm(0) plot2() plot3() -- To slave pl.sstrm(1) plot5() pl.eop() -- Back to master to wait for user to advance pl.sstrm(0) pl.eop() -- Call plend to finish off. pl.plend()