diff -urN linux.old/drivers/char/avalanche_vlynq/Makefile linux.dev/drivers/char/avalanche_vlynq/Makefile
--- linux.old/drivers/char/avalanche_vlynq/Makefile	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ linux.dev/drivers/char/avalanche_vlynq/Makefile	2005-07-22 06:32:53.345189608 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Makefile for the linux kernel.
+# Note! Dependencies are done automagically by 'make dep', which also
+# removes any old dependencies. DON'T put your own dependencies here
+# unless it's something special (ie not a .c file).
+# Note 2! The CFLAGS definitions are now in the main makefile...
+O_TARGET := avalanche_vlynq.o
+obj-y    +=  vlynq_drv.o  vlynq_hal.o  vlynq_board.o
+include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make
diff -urN linux.old/drivers/char/avalanche_vlynq/vlynq_board.c linux.dev/drivers/char/avalanche_vlynq/vlynq_board.c
--- linux.old/drivers/char/avalanche_vlynq/vlynq_board.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ linux.dev/drivers/char/avalanche_vlynq/vlynq_board.c	2005-07-22 06:34:39.448059520 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ * Jeff Harrell, jharrell@ti.com
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 Texas Instruments, Inc.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can distribute it and/or modify it
+ *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License (Version 2) as
+ *  published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ *  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ *  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ *  for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ *  59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * Texas Instruments Sangam specific setup.
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <asm/ar7/sangam.h>  
+#include <asm/ar7/avalanche_misc.h>  
+#include <asm/ar7/vlynq.h>  
+#define SYS_VLYNQ_LOCAL_INTERRUPT_VECTOR	30 	/* MSB - 1 bit */
+#define SYS_VLYNQ_OPTIONS 		        0x7F; 	/* all options*/
+/* These defines are board specific */
+#define VLYNQ0_REMOTE_WINDOW1_OFFSET           (0x0C000000)
+#define VLYNQ0_REMOTE_WINDOW1_SIZE             (0x500)
+#define VLYNQ1_REMOTE_WINDOW1_OFFSET           (0x0C000000)
+#define VLYNQ1_REMOTE_WINDOW1_SIZE             (0x500)
+extern VLYNQ_DEV vlynqDevice0, vlynqDevice1;
+int    vlynq_init_status[2] = {0, 0};
+static int reset_hack = 1;
+void vlynq_ar7wrd_dev_init()
+    *(unsigned long*) AVALANCHE_GPIO_ENBL    |= (1<<18);
+    vlynq_delay(20000);
+    *(unsigned long*) AVALANCHE_GPIO_DIR     &= ~(1<<18);
+    vlynq_delay(20000);
+    *(unsigned long*) AVALANCHE_GPIO_DATA_OUT&= ~(1<<18);
+    vlynq_delay(50000);
+    *(unsigned long*) AVALANCHE_GPIO_DATA_OUT|=  (1<<18);
+    vlynq_delay(50000);
+    /* Initialize the MIPS host vlynq driver for a given vlynq interface */
+    vlynqDevice0.dev_idx = 0;			/* first vlynq module - this parameter is for reference only */
+    vlynqDevice0.module_base = AVALANCHE_LOW_VLYNQ_CONTROL_BASE; 	/*  vlynq0 module base address */
+    vlynqDevice0.clk_source = VLYNQ_CLK_SOURCE_LOCAL;   
+    vlynqDevice0.clk_source = VLYNQ_CLK_SOURCE_REMOTE;   
+    vlynqDevice0.clk_div = 0x01; 			/* board/hardware specific */
+    vlynqDevice0.state =  VLYNQ_DRV_STATE_UNINIT; 	/* uninitialized module */
+    /* Populate vlynqDevice0.local_mem & Vlynq0.remote_mem based on system configuration */ 
+    /*Local memory configuration */
+                /* Demiurg : not good !*/
+#if 0
+    vlynqDevice0.local_mem.Txmap= AVALANCHE_LOW_VLYNQ_MEM_MAP_BASE & ~(0xc0000000) ; /* physical address */
+    vlynqDevice0.remote_mem.RxOffset[0]= VLYNQ0_REMOTE_WINDOW1_OFFSET; /* This is specific to the board on the other end */
+    vlynqDevice0.remote_mem.RxSize[0]=VLYNQ0_REMOTE_WINDOW1_SIZE;
+                /* Demiurg : This is how it should be ! */
+                vlynqDevice0.local_mem.Txmap = PHYSADDR(AVALANCHE_LOW_VLYNQ_MEM_MAP_BASE);
+#define VLYNQ_ACX111_MEM_OFFSET     0xC0000000  /* Physical address of ACX111 memory */
+#define VLYNQ_ACX111_MEM_SIZE       0x00040000  /* Total size of the ACX111 memory   */
+#define VLYNQ_ACX111_REG_OFFSET     0xF0000000  /* PHYS_ADDR of ACX111 control registers   */
+#define VLYNQ_ACX111_REG_SIZE       0x00022000  /* Size of ACX111 registers area, MAC+PHY  */
+#define ACX111_VL1_REMOTE_SIZE 0x1000000
+                vlynqDevice0.remote_mem.RxOffset[0]  =  VLYNQ_ACX111_MEM_OFFSET;
+                vlynqDevice0.remote_mem.RxSize[0]    =  VLYNQ_ACX111_MEM_SIZE  ;
+                vlynqDevice0.remote_mem.RxOffset[1]  =  VLYNQ_ACX111_REG_OFFSET;
+                vlynqDevice0.remote_mem.RxSize[1]    =  VLYNQ_ACX111_REG_SIZE  ;
+                vlynqDevice0.remote_mem.Txmap        =  0;
+                vlynqDevice0.local_mem.RxOffset[0]   =  AVALANCHE_SDRAM_BASE;
+                vlynqDevice0.local_mem.RxSize[0]     =  ACX111_VL1_REMOTE_SIZE;
+    /* Local interrupt configuration */
+    vlynqDevice0.local_irq.intLocal = VLYNQ_INT_LOCAL; 	/* Host handles vlynq interrupts*/
+    vlynqDevice0.local_irq.intRemote = VLYNQ_INT_ROOT_ISR;  	/* vlynq root isr used */
+    vlynqDevice0.local_irq.map_vector = SYS_VLYNQ_LOCAL_INTERRUPT_VECTOR;
+    vlynqDevice0.local_irq.intr_ptr = 0; /* Since remote interrupts part of vlynq root isr this is unused */
+    /* Remote interrupt configuration */
+    vlynqDevice0.remote_irq.intLocal = VLYNQ_INT_REMOTE; 	/* MIPS handles interrupts */
+    vlynqDevice0.remote_irq.intRemote = VLYNQ_INT_ROOT_ISR;  	/* Not significant since MIPS handles interrupts */
+    vlynqDevice0.remote_irq.map_vector = SYS_VLYNQ_REMOTE_INTERRUPT_VECTOR;
+    vlynqDevice0. remote_irq.intr_ptr = AVALANCHE_INTC_BASE; /* Not significant since MIPS handles interrupts */
+     if(reset_hack != 1)
+       printk("About to re-init the VLYNQ.\n");
+    if(vlynq_init(&vlynqDevice0,VLYNQ_INIT_PERFORM_ALL)== 0)
+    {
+        /* Suraj added the following to keep the 1130 going. */
+        vlynq_interrupt_vector_set(&vlynqDevice0, 0 /* intr vector line running into 1130 vlynq */,
+                                   0 /* intr mapped onto the interrupt register on remote vlynq and this vlynq */,
+                                   VLYNQ_REMOTE_DVC, 0 /* polarity active high */, 0 /* interrupt Level triggered */);
+        /* System wide interrupt is 80 for 1130, please note. */
+        vlynq_init_status[0] = 1;
+        reset_hack = 2;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if(reset_hack == 1)
+            printk("VLYNQ INIT FAILED: Please try cold reboot. \n");
+        else
+            printk("Failed to initialize the VLYNQ interface at insmod.\n");
+    }
+void  vlynq_dev_init(void)
+    volatile unsigned int *reset_base = (unsigned int *) AVALANCHE_RESET_CONTROL_BASE;
+    *reset_base &= ~((1 << AVALANCHE_LOW_VLYNQ_RESET_BIT)); /* | (1 << AVALANCHE_HIGH_VLYNQ_RESET_BIT)); */
+    vlynq_delay(20000);
+    /* Bring vlynq out of reset if not already done */
+    *reset_base |= (1 << AVALANCHE_LOW_VLYNQ_RESET_BIT); /* | (1 << AVALANCHE_HIGH_VLYNQ_RESET_BIT); */
+    vlynq_delay(20000); /* Allowing sufficient time to VLYNQ to settle down.*/
+    vlynq_ar7wrd_dev_init( );
+/* This function is board specific and should be ported for each board. */
+void remote_vlynq_dev_reset_ctrl(unsigned int module_reset_bit,
+                                 AVALANCHE_RESET_CTRL_T reset_ctrl)
+    if(module_reset_bit >= 32)
+        return;
+    switch(module_reset_bit)
+    {
+        case 0:
+            if(OUT_OF_RESET == reset_ctrl)
+            {
+                if(reset_hack) return;
+                vlynq_delay(20000);
+                printk("Un-resetting the remote device.\n");
+                vlynq_dev_init();
+                printk("Re-initialized the VLYNQ.\n");
+                reset_hack = 2;
+            }
+            else if(IN_RESET == reset_ctrl)
+            {
+                *(unsigned long*) AVALANCHE_GPIO_DATA_OUT &= ~(1<<18);
+                vlynq_delay(20000);
+                printk("Resetting the remote device.\n");
+                reset_hack = 0;
+            }
+            else
+                ;
+        break;
+        default:
+        break;
+    }
diff -urN linux.old/drivers/char/avalanche_vlynq/vlynq_drv.c linux.dev/drivers/char/avalanche_vlynq/vlynq_drv.c
--- linux.old/drivers/char/avalanche_vlynq/vlynq_drv.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ linux.dev/drivers/char/avalanche_vlynq/vlynq_drv.c	2005-07-22 06:32:53.345189608 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ * FILE PURPOSE:    Vlynq Linux Device Driver Source
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * FILE NAME:       vlynq_drv.c
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION:     Vlynq Linux Device Driver Source
+ *
+ *
+ * Date           Description                       Author
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 17 July 2003   Initial Creation                  Anant Gole
+ * 17 Dec  2003   Updates                           Sharath Kumar
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2003, Texas Instruments, Inc
+ *******************************************************************************/
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/miscdevice.h>
+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+#include <linux/capability.h>
+#include <asm/ar7/avalanche_intc.h>
+#include <asm/ar7/sangam.h>
+#include <asm/ar7/vlynq.h>
+#define    TI_VLYNQ_VERSION                 "0.2"
+/* debug on ? */
+#define VLYNQ_DEBUG 
+/* Macro for debug and error printf's */
+#define DBGPRINT  printk
+#define DBGPRINT(x)  
+#define ERRPRINT  printk
+/* Define the max vlynq ports this driver will support. 
+   Device name strings are statically added here */
+#define MAX_VLYNQ_PORTS 2
+/* Type define for VLYNQ private structure */
+typedef struct vlynqPriv{
+    int irq;
+    VLYNQ_DEV *vlynqDevice;
+extern int vlynq_init_status[2];
+/* Extern Global variable for vlynq devices used in initialization of the vlynq device
+ * These variables need to be populated/initialized by the system as part of initialization
+ * process. The vlynq enumerator can run at initialization and populate these globals
+ */
+VLYNQ_DEV vlynqDevice0;
+VLYNQ_DEV vlynqDevice1;
+/* Defining dummy macro AVALANCHE_HIGH_VLYNQ_INT to take
+ * care of compilation in case of single vlynq device 
+ */
+/* vlynq private object */
+extern void vlynq_dev_init(void);
+/* =================================== all the operations */
+static int
+vlynq_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
+    return 0;
+static struct file_operations vlynq_fops = {
+    owner:      THIS_MODULE,
+    ioctl:      vlynq_ioctl,
+/* Vlynq device object */
+static struct miscdevice vlynq_dev [MAX_VLYNQ_PORTS] = {
+    { MISC_DYNAMIC_MINOR , "vlynq0", &vlynq_fops },
+    { MISC_DYNAMIC_MINOR , "vlynq1", &vlynq_fops },
+/* Proc read function */
+static int
+vlynq_read_link_proc(char *buf, char **start, off_t offset, int count, int *eof, void *unused)
+    int instance;
+    int len = 0;
+    len += sprintf(buf +len,"VLYNQ Devices : %d\n",CONFIG_AR7_VLYNQ_PORTS);
+    for(instance =0;instance < CONFIG_AR7_VLYNQ_PORTS;instance++)
+    {
+        int link_state;
+        char *link_msg[] = {" DOWN "," UP "};
+        if(vlynq_init_status[instance] == 0)
+            link_state = 0; 
+        else if (vlynq_link_check(vlynq_priv[instance].vlynqDevice))
+            link_state = 1;
+        else
+            link_state = 0;    
+        len += sprintf(buf + len, "VLYNQ %d: Link state: %s\n",instance,link_msg[link_state]);
+    }
+    /* Print info about vlynq device 1 */
+    return len;
+/* Proc function to display driver version */                                                                       
+static int                                                                                     
+vlynq_read_ver_proc(char *buf, char **start, off_t offset, int count, int *eof, void *data)        
+	int instance;                                                                              
+	int len=0;                                                                                 
+	len += sprintf(buf +len,"\nTI Linux VLYNQ Driver Version %s\n",TI_VLYNQ_VERSION);         
+	return len;                                                                                
+/* Wrapper for vlynq ISR */
+static void lnx_vlynq_root_isr(int irq, void * arg, struct pt_regs *regs)
+   vlynq_root_isr(arg);
+/* =================================== init and cleanup */
+int vlynq_init_module(void)
+    int ret;
+    int unit = 0;
+    int instance_count = CONFIG_AR7_VLYNQ_PORTS;
+    volatile int *ptr;
+    vlynq_dev_init();
+    /* If num of configured vlynq ports > supported by driver return error */
+    if (instance_count > MAX_VLYNQ_PORTS)
+    {
+        ERRPRINT("ERROR: vlynq_init_module(): Max %d supported\n", MAX_VLYNQ_PORTS);
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    /* register the misc device */
+    for (unit = 0; unit < CONFIG_AR7_VLYNQ_PORTS; unit++)
+    {
+        ret = misc_register(&vlynq_dev[unit]);
+        if(ret < 0)
+        {
+            ERRPRINT("ERROR:Could not register vlynq device:%d\n",unit);
+            continue;
+        }
+        else 
+            DBGPRINT("Vlynq Device %s registered with minor no %d as misc device. Result=%d\n", 
+                vlynq_dev[unit].name, vlynq_dev[unit].minor, ret);
+#if 0
+        DBGPRINT("Calling vlynq init\n");
+        /* Read the global variable for VLYNQ device structure and initialize vlynq driver */
+        ret = vlynq_init(vlynq_priv[unit].vlynqDevice,VLYNQ_INIT_PERFORM_ALL );
+        if(vlynq_init_status[unit] == 0)
+        {
+            printk("VLYNQ %d : init failed\n",unit); 
+            continue;
+        }
+        /* Check link before proceeding */
+        if (!vlynq_link_check(vlynq_priv[unit].vlynqDevice))
+        {
+ 	    DBGPRINT("\nError: Vlynq link not available.trying once before  Exiting");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            DBGPRINT("Vlynq instance:%d Link UP\n",unit);
+            /* Install the vlynq local root ISR */
+           request_irq(vlynq_priv[unit].irq,lnx_vlynq_root_isr,0,vlynq_dev[unit].name,vlynq_priv[unit].vlynqDevice);
+        } 
+    }
+    /* Creating proc entry for the devices */
+    create_proc_read_entry("avalanche/vlynq_link", 0, NULL, vlynq_read_link_proc, NULL);
+    create_proc_read_entry("avalanche/vlynq_ver", 0, NULL, vlynq_read_ver_proc, NULL);
+    return 0;
+void vlynq_cleanup_module(void)
+    int unit = 0;
+    for (unit = 0; unit < CONFIG_AR7_VLYNQ_PORTS; unit++)
+    {
+        DBGPRINT("vlynq_cleanup_module(): Unregistring misc device %s\n",vlynq_dev[unit].name);
+        misc_deregister(&vlynq_dev[unit]);
+    }
+    remove_proc_entry("avalanche/vlynq_link", NULL);
+    remove_proc_entry("avalanche/vlynq_ver", NULL);
diff -urN linux.old/drivers/char/avalanche_vlynq/vlynq_hal.c linux.dev/drivers/char/avalanche_vlynq/vlynq_hal.c
--- linux.old/drivers/char/avalanche_vlynq/vlynq_hal.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ linux.dev/drivers/char/avalanche_vlynq/vlynq_hal.c	2005-07-22 06:32:53.359187480 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1214 @@
+**|                                ****                                  |**
+**|                                ****                                  |**
+**|                                ******o***                            |**
+**|                          ********_///_****                           |**
+**|                           ***** /_//_/ ****                          |**
+**|                            ** ** (__/ ****                           |**
+**|                                *********                             |**
+**|                                 ****                                 |**
+**|                                  ***                                 |**
+**|                                                                      |**
+**|     Copyright (c) 2003 Texas Instruments Incorporated                |**
+**|                        ALL RIGHTS RESERVED                           |**
+**|                                                                      |**
+**| Permission is hereby granted to licensees of Texas Instruments       |**
+**| Incorporated (TI) products to use this computer program for the sole |**
+**| purpose of implementing a licensee product based on TI products.     |**
+**| No other rights to reproduce, use, or disseminate this computer      |**
+**| program, whether in part or in whole, are granted.                   |**
+**|                                                                      |**
+**| TI makes no representation or warranties with respect to the         |**
+**| performance of this computer program, and specifically disclaims     |**
+**| any responsibility for any damages, special or consequential,        |**
+**| connected with the use of this program.                              |**
+**|                                                                      |**
+ *  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *   Module      : vlynq_hal.c
+ *   Description : This file implements VLYNQ HAL API.
+ *  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <linux/stddef.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <asm/ar7/vlynq.h>
+/**** Local Function prototypes *******/
+static int vlynqInterruptInit(VLYNQ_DEV *pdev);
+static void  vlynq_configClock(VLYNQ_DEV  *pdev);
+/*** Second argument must be explicitly type casted to 
+ * (VLYNQ_DEV*) inside the following functions */
+static void vlynq_local_module_isr(void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3);
+static void vlynq_remote_module_isr(void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3);
+volatile int vlynq_delay_value = 0;
+/* Code adopted from original vlynq driver */
+void vlynq_delay(unsigned int clktime)
+    int i = 0;
+    volatile int    *ptr = &vlynq_delay_value;
+    *ptr = 0;
+    /* We are assuming that the each cycle takes about 
+     * 23 assembly instructions. */
+    for(i = 0; i < (clktime + 23)/23; i++)
+    {
+        *ptr = *ptr + 1;
+    }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  Function : vlynq_configClock()
+ *  Description: Configures clock settings based on input parameters
+ *  Adapted from original vlyna driver from Cable
+ */
+static void vlynq_configClock(VLYNQ_DEV * pdev)
+    unsigned int tmp;
+    switch( pdev->clk_source)
+    {
+        case VLYNQ_CLK_SOURCE_LOCAL:  /* we output the clock, clk_div in range [1..8]. */
+            tmp = ((pdev->clk_div - 1) << 16) |  VLYNQ_CTL_CLKDIR_MASK ;
+            VLYNQ_CTRL_REG = tmp;
+            VLYNQ_R_CTRL_REG = 0ul;
+            break;
+        case VLYNQ_CLK_SOURCE_REMOTE: /* we need to set the clock pin as input */
+            VLYNQ_CTRL_REG = 0ul;
+            tmp = ((pdev->clk_div - 1) << 16) |  VLYNQ_CTL_CLKDIR_MASK ;
+            VLYNQ_R_CTRL_REG = tmp;
+            break;
+        default:   /* do nothing about the clock, but clear other bits. */
+            VLYNQ_CTRL_REG &= tmp;
+            break;
+   }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  Function : vlynq_link_check()
+ *  Description: This function checks the current VLYNQ for a link.
+ *  An arbitrary amount of time is allowed for the link to come up .
+ *  Returns 0 for "no link / failure " and 1 for "link available".
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+unsigned int vlynq_link_check( VLYNQ_DEV * pdev)
+    /*sleep for 64 cycles, allow link to come up*/
+    vlynq_delay(64);  
+    /* check status register return OK if link is found. */
+    {
+        return 1;   /* Link Available */
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return 0;   /* Link Failure */
+    }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  Function : vlynq_init()
+ *  Description: Initialization function accepting paramaters for VLYNQ module
+ *  initialization. The Options bitmap decides what operations are performed
+ *  as a part of initialization. The Input parameters  are obtained through the
+ *  sub fields of VLYNQ_DEV structure.
+ */
+int vlynq_init(VLYNQ_DEV *pdev, VLYNQ_INIT_OPTIONS options)
+    unsigned int map;
+    unsigned int val=0,cnt,tmp;
+    unsigned int counter=0;
+    /* validate arguments */
+        VLYNQ_OUTRANGE(pdev->clk_div, 8, 1) )
+    {
+      return VLYNQ_INVALID_ARG;
+    }
+    /** perform all sanity checks first **/
+    if(pdev->state != VLYNQ_DRV_STATE_UNINIT)
+        return VLYNQ_INVALID_DRV_STATE;
+    /** Initialize local and remote register set addresses- additional
+     * provision to access the registers directly if need be */
+    pdev->local = (VLYNQ_REG_SET*)pdev->module_base;
+    pdev->remote = (VLYNQ_REG_SET*) (pdev->module_base + VLYNQ_REMOTE_REGS_OFFSET);
+    /* Detect faulty int configuration that might induce int pkt looping */
+    {
+        /* case when both local and remote are configured */
+        if((pdev->local_irq.intLocal== VLYNQ_INT_REMOTE )  /* interrupts transfered to remote from local */
+        && (pdev->remote_irq.intLocal== VLYNQ_INT_REMOTE)  /* interrupts transfered from remote to local */
+        && ((pdev->local_irq.intRemote == VLYNQ_INT_ROOT_ISR) || (pdev->remote_irq.intRemote == VLYNQ_INT_ROOT_ISR)) )
+        {
+            return (VLYNQ_INT_CONFIG_ERR); 
+        }
+    }
+    pdev->state = VLYNQ_DRV_STATE_ININIT;
+    pdev->intCount = 0;
+    pdev->isrCount = 0;
+    /*** Its assumed that the vlynq module  has been brought out of reset
+     * before invocation of vlynq_init. Since, this operation is board specific
+     * it must be handled outside this generic driver */
+    /* Assert reset the remote device, call reset_cb,
+     * reset CB holds Reset according to the device needs. */
+    /* Handle VLYNQ clock, HW default (Sense On Reset) is
+     * usually input for all the devices. */        
+    if (options & VLYNQ_INIT_CONFIG_CLOCK)
+    {
+        vlynq_configClock(pdev);
+    }
+    /* Call reset_cb again. It will release the remote device 
+     * from reset, and wait for a while. */
+    if(options & VLYNQ_INIT_CHECK_LINK )
+    {
+        /* Check for link up during initialization*/
+	while( counter < 25 )
+	{
+	/* loop around giving a chance for link status to settle down */
+	counter++;
+        if(vlynq_link_check(pdev))
+        {
+           /* Link is up exit loop*/
+	   break;
+        }
+	vlynq_delay(4000);
+	}/*end of while counter loop */
+        if(!vlynq_link_check(pdev))
+        {
+            /* Handle this case as abort */
+            pdev->state = VLYNQ_DRV_STATE_ERROR;
+            return VLYNQ_LINK_DOWN;
+        }/* end of if not vlynq_link_check conditional block */
+    }/*end of if options & VLYNQ_INIT_CHECK_LINK conditional block */
+    if (options & VLYNQ_INIT_LOCAL_MEM_REGIONS)
+    {
+        /* Initialise local memory regions . This initialization lets
+         * the local host access remote device memory regions*/   
+        int i; 
+        /* configure the VLYNQ portal window to a PHYSICAL
+         * address of the local CPU */
+        VLYNQ_ALIGN4(pdev->local_mem.Txmap);
+        VLYNQ_TXMAP_REG = (pdev->local_mem.Txmap); 
+        /*This code assumes input parameter is itself a physical address */
+        for(i=0; i < VLYNQ_MAX_MEMORY_REGIONS ; i++)
+        {
+            /* Physical address on the remote */
+            map = i+1;
+            VLYNQ_R_RXMAP_SIZE_REG(map) =  0;
+            if( pdev->remote_mem.RxSize[i])
+            {
+                VLYNQ_ALIGN4(pdev->remote_mem.RxOffset[i]);            
+                VLYNQ_ALIGN4(pdev->remote_mem.RxSize[i]);
+                VLYNQ_R_RXMAP_OFFSET_REG(map) = pdev->remote_mem.RxOffset[i];
+                VLYNQ_R_RXMAP_SIZE_REG(map) = pdev->remote_mem.RxSize[i];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    {
+        int i;
+        /* Initialise remote memory regions. This initialization lets remote
+         * device access local host memory regions. It configures the VLYNQ portal
+         * window to a PHYSICAL address of the remote */
+        VLYNQ_ALIGN4(pdev->remote_mem.Txmap);            
+        VLYNQ_R_TXMAP_REG = pdev->remote_mem.Txmap;
+        for( i=0; i<VLYNQ_MAX_MEMORY_REGIONS; i++)
+        {
+            /* Physical address on the local */
+            map = i+1;
+            VLYNQ_RXMAP_SIZE_REG(map) =  0;
+            if( pdev->local_mem.RxSize[i])
+            {
+                VLYNQ_ALIGN4(pdev->local_mem.RxOffset[i]);            
+                VLYNQ_ALIGN4(pdev->local_mem.RxSize[i]);
+                VLYNQ_RXMAP_OFFSET_REG(map) =  (pdev->local_mem.RxOffset[i]);
+                VLYNQ_RXMAP_SIZE_REG(map) =  (pdev->local_mem.RxSize[i]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Adapted from original vlynq driver from cable - Calculate VLYNQ bus width */
+    /* chance to initialize the device, e.g. to boost VLYNQ 
+     * clock by modifying pdev->clk_div or and verify the width. */
+    /* Handle VLYNQ clock, HW default (Sense On Reset) is
+     * usually input for all the devices. */
+    if(options & VLYNQ_INIT_CONFIG_CLOCK )
+    {
+        vlynq_configClock(pdev);
+    }
+    /* last check for link*/
+    if(options & VLYNQ_INIT_CHECK_LINK )
+    {
+     /* Final Check for link during initialization*/
+	while( counter < 25 )
+	{
+	/* loop around giving a chance for link status to settle down */
+	counter++;
+        if(vlynq_link_check(pdev))
+        {
+           /* Link is up exit loop*/
+	   break;
+        }
+	vlynq_delay(4000);
+	}/*end of while counter loop */
+        if(!vlynq_link_check(pdev))
+        {
+            /* Handle this case as abort */
+            pdev->state = VLYNQ_DRV_STATE_ERROR;
+            return VLYNQ_LINK_DOWN;
+        }/* end of if not vlynq_link_check conditional block */
+    } /* end of if options & VLYNQ_INIT_CHECK_LINK */
+    {
+        /* Configure local interrupt settings */
+        intSetting = &(pdev->local_irq);
+        /* Map local module status interrupts to interrupt vector*/
+        val = intSetting->map_vector << VLYNQ_CTL_INTVEC_SHIFT ;
+        /* enable local module status interrupts */
+        val |= 0x01 << VLYNQ_CTL_INTEN_SHIFT;
+        if ( intSetting->intLocal == VLYNQ_INT_LOCAL )
+        {
+            /*set the intLocal bit*/
+            val |= 0x01 << VLYNQ_CTL_INTLOCAL_SHIFT;
+        }
+        /* Irrespective of whether interrupts are handled locally, program
+         * int2Cfg. Error checking for accidental loop(when intLocal=0 and int2Cfg=1
+         * i.e remote packets are set intPending register->which will result in 
+         * same packet being sent out) has been done already
+         */
+        if (intSetting->intRemote == VLYNQ_INT_ROOT_ISR) 
+        {
+            /* Set the int2Cfg register, so that remote interrupt
+             * packets are written to intPending register */
+            val |= 0x01 << VLYNQ_CTL_INT2CFG_SHIFT;
+            /* Set intPtr register to point to intPending register */
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /*set the interrupt pointer register*/
+            VLYNQ_INT_PTR_REG = intSetting->intr_ptr;
+            /* Dont bother to modify int2Cfg as it would be zero */
+        }
+        /** Clear bits related to INT settings in control register **/
+        /** Or the bits to be set with Control register **/
+        /* initialise local ICB */          
+        if(vlynqInterruptInit(pdev)==VLYNQ_MEMALLOC_FAIL)
+            return VLYNQ_MEMALLOC_FAIL;   
+        /* Install handler for local module status interrupts. By default when 
+         * local interrupt setting is initialised, the local module status are 
+         * enabled and handler hooked up */
+        if(vlynq_install_isr(pdev, intSetting->map_vector, vlynq_local_module_isr, 
+                             pdev, NULL, NULL) == VLYNQ_INVALID_ARG)
+            return VLYNQ_INVALID_ARG;
+    } /* end of init local interrupts */
+    {
+        /* Configure remote interrupt settings from configuration */          
+        intSetting = &(pdev->remote_irq);
+        /* Map remote module status interrupts to remote interrupt vector*/
+        val = intSetting->map_vector << VLYNQ_CTL_INTVEC_SHIFT ;
+        /* enable remote module status interrupts */
+        val |= 0x01 << VLYNQ_CTL_INTEN_SHIFT;
+        if ( intSetting->intLocal == VLYNQ_INT_LOCAL )
+        {
+            /*set the intLocal bit*/
+            val |= 0x01 << VLYNQ_CTL_INTLOCAL_SHIFT;
+        }
+        /* Irrespective of whether interrupts are handled locally, program
+         * int2Cfg. Error checking for accidental loop(when intLocal=0 and int2Cfg=1
+         * i.e remote packets are set intPending register->which will result in 
+         * same packet being sent out) has been done already
+        */ 
+        if (intSetting->intRemote == VLYNQ_INT_ROOT_ISR) 
+        {
+            /* Set the int2Cfg register, so that remote interrupt
+             * packets are written to intPending register */
+            val |= 0x01 << VLYNQ_CTL_INT2CFG_SHIFT;
+            /* Set intPtr register to point to intPending register */
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /*set the interrupt pointer register*/
+            VLYNQ_R_INT_PTR_REG = intSetting->intr_ptr;
+            /* Dont bother to modify int2Cfg as it would be zero */
+        }
+        if( (intSetting->intLocal == VLYNQ_INT_REMOTE) && 
+            (options & VLYNQ_INIT_LOCAL_INTERRUPTS) &&
+            (pdev->local_irq.intRemote == VLYNQ_INT_ROOT_ISR) )
+        {
+            /* Install handler for remote module status interrupts. By default when 
+             * remote interrupts are forwarded to local root_isr then remote_module_isr is
+             * enabled and handler hooked up */
+            if(vlynq_install_isr(pdev,intSetting->map_vector,vlynq_remote_module_isr,
+                                 pdev, NULL, NULL) == VLYNQ_INVALID_ARG)
+                return VLYNQ_INVALID_ARG;
+        }
+        /** Clear bits related to INT settings in control register **/
+        /** Or the bits to be set with the remote Control register **/
+    } /* init remote interrupt settings*/
+    if(options & VLYNQ_INIT_CLEAR_ERRORS )
+    {
+        /* Clear errors during initialization */
+        VLYNQ_STATUS_REG = tmp;
+        VLYNQ_R_STATUS_REG = tmp;
+    } 
+    /* clear int status */
+    val = VLYNQ_INT_STAT_REG;
+    VLYNQ_INT_STAT_REG = val;
+    /* finish initialization */
+    pdev->state = VLYNQ_DRV_STATE_RUN;
+    return VLYNQ_SUCCESS;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  Function : vlynqInterruptInit()
+ *  Description: This local function is used to set up the ICB table for the 
+ *  VLYNQ_STATUS_REG vlynq module. The input parameter "pdev" points the vlynq
+ *  device instance whose ICB is allocated.
+ *  Return : returns VLYNQ_SUCCESS or vlynq error for failure
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static int vlynqInterruptInit(VLYNQ_DEV *pdev)
+    int i, numslots;
+    /* Memory allocated statically.
+     * Initialise ICB,free list.Indicate primary slot empty.
+     * Intialise intVector <==> map_vector translation table*/
+    for(i=0; i < VLYNQ_NUM_INT_BITS; i++)
+    {
+        pdev->pIntrCB[i].isr = NULL;  
+        pdev->pIntrCB[i].next = NULL; /*nothing chained */
+        pdev->vector_map[i] = -1;   /* indicates unmapped  */
+    }
+    /* In the ICB slots, [VLYNQ_NUM_INT_BITS i.e 32 to ICB array size) are expansion slots
+     * required only when interrupt chaining/sharing is supported. In case
+     * of chained interrupts the list starts from primary slot and the
+     * additional slots are obtained from the common free area */
+    /* Initialise freelist */
+    if (numslots > VLYNQ_NUM_INT_BITS)
+    {
+        pdev->freelist = &(pdev->pIntrCB[VLYNQ_NUM_INT_BITS]);
+        for(i = VLYNQ_NUM_INT_BITS; i < (numslots-1) ; i++)
+        {
+            pdev->pIntrCB[i].next = &(pdev->pIntrCB[i+1]);
+            pdev->pIntrCB[i].isr = NULL;
+        }
+        pdev->pIntrCB[i].next=NULL; /* Indicate end of freelist*/
+        pdev->pIntrCB[i].isr=NULL;
+    }  
+    else
+    {   
+        pdev->freelist = NULL;
+    }
+    /** Reset mapping for IV 0-7 **/
+    VLYNQ_IVR_03TO00_REG = 0;
+    VLYNQ_IVR_07TO04_REG = 0;
+    return VLYNQ_SUCCESS;
+/** remember that hooking up of root ISR handler with the interrupt controller 
+ *  is not done as a part of this driver. Typically, it must be done after
+ *  invoking vlynq_init*/
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  ISR with the SOC interrupt controller. This ISR typically scans
+ *  the Int PENDING/SET register in the VLYNQ module and calls the
+ *  appropriate ISR associated with the correponding vector number.
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void vlynq_root_isr(void *arg)
+    int    source;  /* Bit position of pending interrupt, start from 0 */
+    unsigned int interrupts, clrInterrupts;
+    VLYNQ_DEV * pdev;
+    pdev=(VLYNQ_DEV*)(arg);          /*obtain the vlynq device pointer*/
+    interrupts =  VLYNQ_INT_STAT_REG; /* Get the list of pending interrupts */
+    VLYNQ_INT_STAT_REG = interrupts; /* clear the int CR register */
+    clrInterrupts = interrupts;      /* save them for further analysis */
+    debugPrint("vlynq_root_isr: dev %u. INTCR = 0x%08lx\n", pdev->dev_idx, clrInterrupts,0,0,0,0);
+    /* Scan interrupt bits */
+    source =0;
+    while( clrInterrupts != 0)
+    {
+        /* test if bit is set? */
+        if( 0x1ul & clrInterrupts)
+        {   
+            entry = &(pdev->pIntrCB[source]);   /* Get the ISR entry */
+            pdev->intCount++;                   /* update interrupt count */    
+            if(entry->isr != NULL)
+            {
+                do 
+                {
+                    pdev->isrCount++;   /* update isr invocation count */    
+                    /* Call the user ISR and update the count for ISR */
+		    entry->isrCount++;   
+                    entry->isr(entry->arg1, entry->arg2, entry->arg3);
+                    if (entry->next == NULL) break;
+                    entry = entry->next;
+                } while (entry->isr != NULL);
+            }
+            else
+            {   
+                debugPrint(" ISR not installed for vlynq vector:%d\n",source,0,0,0,0,0);
+            }
+        }
+        clrInterrupts >>= 1;    /* Next source bit */
+        ++source;
+    } /* endWhile clrInterrupts != 0 */
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  Function : vlynq_local__module_isr()
+ *  Description: This ISR is attached to the local VLYNQ interrupt vector
+ *  by the Vlynq Driver when local interrupts are being handled. i.e.
+ *  intLocal=1. This ISR handles local Vlynq module status interrupts only
+ *  AS a part of this ISR, user callback in VLYNQ_DEV structure
+ *  is invoked.
+ *  VLYNQ_DEV is passed as arg1. arg2 and arg3 are unused.
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static void vlynq_local_module_isr(void *arg1,void *arg2, void *arg3)
+    VLYNQ_REPORT_CB func;
+    unsigned int dwStatRegVal;
+    VLYNQ_DEV * pdev;
+    pdev = (VLYNQ_DEV*) arg1;
+    /* Callback function is read from the device pointer that is passed as an argument */
+    func = pdev->report_cb;
+    /* read local status register */
+    dwStatRegVal = VLYNQ_STATUS_REG;
+    /* clear pending events */
+    VLYNQ_STATUS_REG = dwStatRegVal;
+    /* invoke user callback */
+    if( func != NULL)
+        func( pdev, VLYNQ_LOCAL_DVC, dwStatRegVal);
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  Function : vlynq_remote_module_isr()
+ *  Description: This ISR is attached to the remote VLYNQ interrupt vector
+ *  by the Vlynq Driver when remote interrupts are being handled locally. i.e.
+ *  intLocal=1. This ISR handles local Vlynq module status interrupts only
+ *  AS a part of this ISR, user callback in VLYNQ_DEV structure
+ *  is invoked.
+ *  The parameters  irq,regs ar unused.
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static void vlynq_remote_module_isr(void *arg1,void *arg2, void *arg3)
+    VLYNQ_REPORT_CB func;
+    unsigned int dwStatRegVal;
+    VLYNQ_DEV * pdev;
+    pdev = (VLYNQ_DEV*) arg1;
+    /* Callback function is read from the device pointer that is passed as an argument */
+   func = pdev->report_cb;
+    /* read local status register */
+    dwStatRegVal = VLYNQ_R_STATUS_REG;
+    /* clear pending events */
+    VLYNQ_R_STATUS_REG = dwStatRegVal;
+    /* invoke user callback */
+    if( func != NULL)
+        func( pdev, VLYNQ_REMOTE_DVC, dwStatRegVal);
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  Function : vlynq_interrupt_get_count()
+ *  Description: This function returns the number of times a particular intr
+ *  has been invoked. 
+ *
+ *  It returns 0, if erroneous map_vector is specified or if the corres isr 
+ *  has not been registered with VLYNQ.
+ */
+unsigned int vlynq_interrupt_get_count(VLYNQ_DEV *pdev,
+					unsigned int map_vector)
+    unsigned int count = 0;
+    if (map_vector > (VLYNQ_NUM_INT_BITS-1)) 
+        return count;
+    entry = &(pdev->pIntrCB[map_vector]);
+    if (entry)
+        count = entry->isrCount;
+    return (count);
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  Function : vlynq_install_isr()
+ *  Description: This function installs ISR for Vlynq interrupt vector
+ *  bits(in IntPending register). This function should be used only when 
+ *  Vlynq interrupts are being handled locally(remote may be programmed to send
+ *  interrupt packets).Also, the int2cfg should be 1 and the least significant
+ *  8 bits of the Interrupt Pointer Register must point to Interrupt 
+ *  Pending/Set Register).
+ *  If host int2cfg=0 and the Interrupt Pointer register contains 
+ *  the address of the interrupt set register in the interrupt controller 
+ *  module of the local device , then the ISR for the remote interrupt must be 
+ *  directly registered with the Interrupt controller and must not use this API
+ *  Note: this function simply installs the ISR in ICB It doesnt modify
+ *  any register settings
+ */
+vlynq_install_isr(VLYNQ_DEV *pdev,
+                  unsigned int map_vector,
+                  VLYNQ_INTR_CNTRL_ISR isr,
+                  void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3)
+    if ( (map_vector > (VLYNQ_NUM_INT_BITS-1)) || (isr == NULL) ) 
+        return VLYNQ_INVALID_ARG;
+    entry = &(pdev->pIntrCB[map_vector]);
+    if(entry->isr == NULL)
+    {
+        entry->isr = isr;
+        entry->arg1 = arg1;
+        entry->arg2 = arg2;
+        entry->arg3 = arg3;
+        entry->next = NULL;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /** No more empty slots,return error */
+        if(pdev->freelist == NULL)
+            return VLYNQ_MEMALLOC_FAIL;
+        while(entry->next != NULL)
+        {
+            entry = entry->next;
+        }
+        /* Append new node to the chain */
+        entry->next = pdev->freelist;   
+        /* Remove the appended node from freelist */
+        pdev->freelist = pdev->freelist->next;  
+        entry= entry->next;
+        /*** Set the ICB fields ***/
+        entry->isr = isr;
+        entry->arg1 = arg1;
+        entry->arg2 = arg2;
+        entry->arg3 = arg3;
+        entry->next = NULL;
+    }
+    return VLYNQ_SUCCESS;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  Function : vlynq_uninstall_isr
+ *  Description: This function is used to uninstall a previously
+ *  registered ISR. In case of shared/chained interrupts, the 
+ *  void * arg parameter must uniquely identify the ISR to be
+ *  uninstalled.
+ *  Note: this function simply uninstalls the ISR in ICB
+ *  It doesnt modify any register settings
+ */
+vlynq_uninstall_isr(VLYNQ_DEV *pdev,
+                    unsigned int map_vector,
+                    void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3) 
+    VLYNQ_INTR_CNTRL_ICB *entry,*temp;
+    if (map_vector > (VLYNQ_NUM_INT_BITS-1)) 
+        return VLYNQ_INVALID_ARG;
+    entry = &(pdev->pIntrCB[map_vector]);
+    if(entry->isr == NULL ) 
+        return VLYNQ_ISR_NON_EXISTENT;
+    if ( (entry->arg1 == arg1) && (entry->arg2 == arg2) && (entry->arg3 == arg3) )
+    {
+        if(entry->next == NULL)
+        {
+            entry->isr=NULL;
+            return VLYNQ_SUCCESS;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            temp =  entry->next;
+            /* Copy next node in the chain to prim.slot */
+            entry->isr = temp->isr;
+            entry->arg1 = temp->arg1;
+            entry->arg2 = temp->arg2;
+            entry->arg3 = temp->arg3;
+            entry->next = temp->next;
+            /* Free the just copied node */
+            temp->isr = NULL;
+            temp->arg1 = NULL;
+            temp->arg2 = NULL;
+            temp->arg3 = NULL;
+            temp->next = pdev->freelist;
+            pdev->freelist = temp;
+            return VLYNQ_SUCCESS;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        temp = entry;
+        while ( (entry = temp->next) != NULL)
+        {
+            if ( (entry->arg1 == arg1) && (entry->arg2 == arg2) && (entry->arg3 == arg3) )
+            {
+                /* remove node from chain */
+                temp->next = entry->next; 
+                /* Add the removed node to freelist */
+                entry->isr = NULL;
+                entry->arg1 = NULL;
+                entry->arg2 = NULL;
+                entry->arg3 = NULL;
+                entry->next = pdev->freelist;
+                entry->isrCount = 0;
+                pdev->freelist  = entry;
+                return VLYNQ_SUCCESS;
+            }
+            temp = entry;
+        }
+        return VLYNQ_ISR_NON_EXISTENT;
+    }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  function : vlynq_interrupt_vector_set()
+ *  description:configures interrupt vector mapping,interrupt type
+ *  polarity -all in one go.
+ */
+vlynq_interrupt_vector_set(VLYNQ_DEV *pdev,                 /* vlynq device */
+                           unsigned int int_vector,               /* int vector on vlynq device */
+                           unsigned int map_vector,               /* bit for this interrupt */
+                           VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev_type,         /* local or remote device */
+                           VLYNQ_INTR_POLARITY pol,         /* polarity of interrupt */
+                           VLYNQ_INTR_TYPE type)            /* pulsed/level interrupt */
+    volatile unsigned int * vecreg;
+    unsigned int val=0;
+    unsigned int bytemask=0XFF;
+    /* use the lower 8 bits of val to set the value , shift it to 
+     * appropriate byte position in the ivr and write it to the 
+     * corresponding register */
+    /* validate the number of interrupts supported */
+    if (int_vector >= VLYNQ_IVR_MAXIVR) 
+        return VLYNQ_INVALID_ARG;
+    if(map_vector > (VLYNQ_NUM_INT_BITS - 1) ) 
+        return VLYNQ_INVALID_ARG;
+    if (dev_type == VLYNQ_LOCAL_DVC)
+    {
+        vecreg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        vecreg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_R_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));  
+    }
+    /* Update the intVector<==> bit position translation table */
+    pdev->vector_map[map_vector] = int_vector;
+    /* val has been initialised to zero. we only have to turn on appropriate bits*/
+    if(type == VLYNQ_INTR_PULSED)
+        val |= VLYNQ_IVR_INTTYPE_MASK;
+    if(pol == VLYNQ_INTR_ACTIVE_LOW)
+        val |= VLYNQ_IVR_INTPOL_MASK;
+    val |= map_vector;
+    /** clear the correct byte position and then or val **/
+    *vecreg = (*vecreg) & ( ~(bytemask << ( (int_vector %4)*8) ) );
+    /** write to correct byte position in vecreg*/
+    *vecreg = (*vecreg) | (val << ( (int_vector % 4)*8) ) ;
+    /* Setting a interrupt vector, leaves the interrupt disabled 
+     * which  must be enabled subsequently */
+    return VLYNQ_SUCCESS;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  Function : vlynq_interrupt_vector_cntl()
+ *  Description:enables/disable interrupt
+ */
+int vlynq_interrupt_vector_cntl( VLYNQ_DEV *pdev,
+                                          unsigned int int_vector,
+                                          VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev_type,
+                                          unsigned int enable)
+    volatile unsigned int *vecReg;
+    unsigned int val=0;
+    unsigned int intenMask=0x80;
+    /* validate the number of interrupts supported */
+    if (int_vector >= VLYNQ_IVR_MAXIVR) 
+        return VLYNQ_INVALID_ARG;
+    if (dev_type == VLYNQ_LOCAL_DVC)
+    {
+        vecReg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        vecReg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_R_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));  
+    }
+    /** Clear the correct byte position and then or val **/
+    *vecReg = (*vecReg) & ( ~(intenMask << ( (int_vector %4)*8) ) );
+    if(enable)
+    {
+        val |= VLYNQ_IVR_INTEN_MASK; 
+        /** Write to correct byte position in vecReg*/
+        *vecReg = (*vecReg) | (val << ( (int_vector % 4)*8) ) ;
+    }
+    return VLYNQ_SUCCESS;
+}/* end of function vlynq_interrupt_vector_cntl */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  Function : vlynq_interrupt_vector_map()
+ *  Description:Configures interrupt vector mapping alone
+ */
+vlynq_interrupt_vector_map( VLYNQ_DEV *pdev,
+                            VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev_type,
+                            unsigned int int_vector,
+                            unsigned int map_vector)
+    volatile unsigned int * vecreg;
+    unsigned int val=0;
+    unsigned int bytemask=0x1f;   /* mask to turn off bits corresponding to int vector */ 
+    /* use the lower 8 bits of val to set the value , shift it to 
+     * appropriate byte position in the ivr and write it to the 
+     * corresponding register */
+    /* validate the number of interrupts supported */
+    if (int_vector >= VLYNQ_IVR_MAXIVR) 
+        return VLYNQ_INVALID_ARG;
+    if(map_vector > (VLYNQ_NUM_INT_BITS - 1) ) 
+        return VLYNQ_INVALID_ARG;
+    if (dev_type == VLYNQ_LOCAL_DVC)
+    {
+        vecreg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        vecreg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_R_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));  
+    }
+    /* Update the intVector<==> bit position translation table */
+    pdev->vector_map[map_vector] = int_vector;
+    /** val has been initialised to zero. we only have to turn on
+     * appropriate bits*/
+    val |= map_vector;
+    /** clear the correct byte position and then or val **/
+    *vecreg = (*vecreg) & ( ~(bytemask << ( (int_vector %4)*8) ) );
+    /** write to correct byte position in vecreg*/
+    *vecreg = (*vecreg) | (val << ( (int_vector % 4)*8) ) ;
+    return VLYNQ_SUCCESS;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  function : vlynq_interrupt_set_polarity()
+ *  description:configures interrupt polarity .
+ */
+vlynq_interrupt_set_polarity( VLYNQ_DEV *pdev ,
+                              VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev_type,
+                              unsigned int map_vector,
+                              VLYNQ_INTR_POLARITY pol)
+    volatile unsigned int * vecreg;
+    int int_vector;
+    unsigned int val=0;
+    unsigned int bytemask=0x20; /** mask to turn off bits corresponding to int polarity */
+    /* get the int_vector from map_vector */
+    int_vector = pdev->vector_map[map_vector];
+    if(int_vector == -1) 
+    /* use the lower 8 bits of val to set the value , shift it to 
+     * appropriate byte position in the ivr and write it to the 
+     * corresponding register */
+    if (dev_type == VLYNQ_LOCAL_DVC)
+    {
+        vecreg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        vecreg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_R_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));  
+    }
+    /* val has been initialised to zero. we only have to turn on
+     * appropriate bits, if need be*/
+    /** clear the correct byte position and then or val **/
+    *vecreg = (*vecreg) & ( ~(bytemask << ( (int_vector %4)*8) ) );
+    if( pol == VLYNQ_INTR_ACTIVE_LOW)
+    {
+        val |= VLYNQ_IVR_INTPOL_MASK;
+        /** write to correct byte position in vecreg*/
+        *vecreg = (*vecreg) | (val << ( (int_vector % 4)*8) ) ;
+    }
+    return VLYNQ_SUCCESS;
+int vlynq_interrupt_get_polarity( VLYNQ_DEV *pdev ,
+                                           VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev_type,
+                                           unsigned int map_vector)
+    volatile unsigned int * vecreg;
+    int int_vector;
+    unsigned int val=0;
+    /* get the int_vector from map_vector */
+    int_vector = pdev->vector_map[map_vector];
+    if (map_vector > (VLYNQ_NUM_INT_BITS-1))
+        return(-1);
+    if(int_vector == -1) 
+    /* use the lower 8 bits of val to set the value , shift it to 
+     * appropriate byte position in the ivr and write it to the 
+     * corresponding register */
+    if (dev_type == VLYNQ_LOCAL_DVC)
+    {
+        vecreg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        vecreg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_R_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));  
+    }
+    /** read the information into val **/
+    val = (*vecreg) & ((VLYNQ_IVR_INTPOL_MASK << ( (int_vector %4)*8) ) );
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  function : vlynq_interrupt_set_type()
+ *  description:configures interrupt type .
+ */
+int vlynq_interrupt_set_type( VLYNQ_DEV *pdev,
+                                       VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev_type,
+                                       unsigned int map_vector,
+                                       VLYNQ_INTR_TYPE type)
+    volatile unsigned int * vecreg;
+    unsigned int val=0;
+    int int_vector;
+    /** mask to turn off bits corresponding to interrupt type */
+    unsigned int bytemask=0x40;
+    /* get the int_vector from map_vector */
+    int_vector = pdev->vector_map[map_vector];
+    if(int_vector == -1) 
+    /* use the lower 8 bits of val to set the value , shift it to 
+     * appropriate byte position in the ivr and write it to the 
+     * corresponding register */
+    if (dev_type == VLYNQ_LOCAL_DVC)
+    {
+        vecreg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        vecreg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_R_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));  
+    }
+    /** val has been initialised to zero. we only have to turn on
+     * appropriate bits if need be*/
+     /** clear the correct byte position and then or val **/
+    *vecreg = (*vecreg) & ( ~(bytemask << ( (int_vector %4)*8) ) );
+    if( type == VLYNQ_INTR_PULSED)
+    {
+        val |= VLYNQ_IVR_INTTYPE_MASK;
+        /** write to correct byte position in vecreg*/
+        *vecreg = (*vecreg) | (val << ( (int_vector % 4)*8) ) ;
+    }
+    return VLYNQ_SUCCESS;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  function : vlynq_interrupt_get_type()
+ *  description:returns interrupt type .
+ */
+int vlynq_interrupt_get_type( VLYNQ_DEV *pdev, VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev_type,
+                                       unsigned int map_vector)
+    volatile unsigned int * vecreg;
+    unsigned int val=0;
+    int int_vector;
+    if (map_vector > (VLYNQ_NUM_INT_BITS-1))
+        return(-1);
+    /* get the int_vector from map_vector */
+    int_vector = pdev->vector_map[map_vector];
+    if(int_vector == -1) 
+    /* use the lower 8 bits of val to set the value , shift it to 
+     * appropriate byte position in the ivr and write it to the 
+     * corresponding register */
+    if (dev_type == VLYNQ_LOCAL_DVC)
+    {
+        vecreg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        vecreg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_R_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));  
+    }
+    /** Read the correct bit position into val **/
+    val = (*vecreg) & ((VLYNQ_IVR_INTTYPE_MASK << ( (int_vector %4)*8) ) );
+    return (val ? (VLYNQ_INTR_PULSED) : (VLYNQ_INTR_LEVEL));
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  function : vlynq_interrupt_enable()
+ *  description:Enable interrupt by writing to IVR register.
+ */
+int vlynq_interrupt_enable( VLYNQ_DEV *pdev,
+                                     VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev_type,
+                                     unsigned int map_vector)
+    volatile unsigned int * vecreg;
+    unsigned int val=0;
+    int int_vector;
+    /** mask to turn off bits corresponding to interrupt enable */
+    unsigned int bytemask=0x80;
+    /* get the int_vector from map_vector */
+    int_vector = pdev->vector_map[map_vector];
+    if(int_vector == -1) 
+    /* use the lower 8 bits of val to set the value , shift it to 
+     * appropriate byte position in the ivr and write it to the 
+     * corresponding register */
+    if (dev_type == VLYNQ_LOCAL_DVC)
+    {
+        vecreg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        vecreg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_R_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));  
+    }
+    /** val has been initialised to zero. we only have to turn on
+    *  bit corresponding to interrupt enable*/
+    /** clear the correct byte position and then or val **/
+    *vecreg = (*vecreg) & ( ~(bytemask << ( (int_vector %4)*8) ) );
+    /** write to correct byte position in vecreg*/
+    *vecreg = (*vecreg) | (val << ( (int_vector % 4)*8) ) ;
+    return VLYNQ_SUCCESS;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  function : vlynq_interrupt_disable()
+ *  description:Disable interrupt by writing to IVR register.
+ */
+vlynq_interrupt_disable( VLYNQ_DEV *pdev,
+                         VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev_type,
+                         unsigned int map_vector)
+    volatile unsigned int * vecreg;
+    int int_vector;
+    /** mask to turn off bits corresponding to interrupt enable */
+    unsigned int bytemask=0x80;
+    /* get the int_vector from map_vector */
+    int_vector = pdev->vector_map[map_vector];
+    if(int_vector == -1) 
+    /* use the lower 8 bits of val to set the value , shift it to 
+     * appropriate byte position in the ivr and write it to the 
+     * corresponding register */
+    if (dev_type == VLYNQ_LOCAL_DVC)
+    {
+        vecreg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        vecreg = (volatile unsigned int *) (VLYNQ_R_IVR_OFFSET(int_vector));  
+    }
+    /* We disable the interrupt by simply turning off the bit
+     * corresponding to Interrupt enable. 
+     * Clear the interrupt enable bit in the correct byte position **/
+    *vecreg = (*vecreg) & ( ~(bytemask << ( (int_vector %4)*8) ) );
+    /* Dont have to set any bit positions */
+    return VLYNQ_SUCCESS;
diff -urN linux.old/drivers/char/Config.in linux.dev/drivers/char/Config.in
--- linux.old/drivers/char/Config.in	2005-07-22 06:47:42.777975272 +0200
+++ linux.dev/drivers/char/Config.in	2005-07-22 06:48:54.359093288 +0200
@@ -192,6 +192,13 @@
    tristate 'Total Impact briQ front panel driver' CONFIG_BRIQ_PANEL
+if [ "$CONFIG_AR7" = "y" ]; then  
+   bool 'VLYNQ support for the TI SOC' CONFIG_AR7_VLYNQ
+   dep_bool 'VLYNQ clock source Internal' CONFIG_VLYNQ_CLK_LOCAL $CONFIG_AR7_VLYNQ
+   define_int CONFIG_AR7_VLYNQ_PORTS 2 
 source drivers/i2c/Config.in
 mainmenu_option next_comment
diff -urN linux.old/drivers/char/Makefile linux.dev/drivers/char/Makefile
--- linux.old/drivers/char/Makefile	2005-07-22 06:47:35.151134728 +0200
+++ linux.dev/drivers/char/Makefile	2005-07-22 06:32:53.360187328 +0200
@@ -191,6 +191,13 @@
+# Texas Intruments VLYNQ driver
+subdir-$(CONFIG_AR7_VLYNQ) += avalanche_vlynq
+obj-$(CONFIG_AR7_VLYNQ) += avalanche_vlynq/avalanche_vlynq.o                                                        
 # Texas Intruments LED driver
 obj-$(CONFIG_AR7_LED) += avalanche_led/avalanche_led.o
diff -urN linux.old/include/asm-mips/ar7/vlynq.h linux.dev/include/asm-mips/ar7/vlynq.h
--- linux.old/include/asm-mips/ar7/vlynq.h	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ linux.dev/include/asm-mips/ar7/vlynq.h	2005-07-22 06:32:53.361187176 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+**|                                ****                                  |**
+**|                                ****                                  |**
+**|                                ******o***                            |**
+**|                          ********_///_****                           |**
+**|                           ***** /_//_/ ****                          |**
+**|                            ** ** (__/ ****                           |**
+**|                                *********                             |**
+**|                                 ****                                 |**
+**|                                  ***                                 |**
+**|                                                                      |**
+**|     Copyright (c) 2003 Texas Instruments Incorporated                |**
+**|                        ALL RIGHTS RESERVED                           |**
+**|                                                                      |**
+**| Permission is hereby granted to licensees of Texas Instruments       |**
+**| Incorporated (TI) products to use this computer program for the sole |**
+**| purpose of implementing a licensee product based on TI products.     |**
+**| No other rights to reproduce, use, or disseminate this computer      |**
+**| program, whether in part or in whole, are granted.                   |**
+**|                                                                      |**
+**| TI makes no representation or warranties with respect to the         |**
+**| performance of this computer program, and specifically disclaims     |**
+**| any responsibility for any damages, special or consequential,        |**
+**| connected with the use of this program.                              |**
+**|                                                                      |**
+ *  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *   Module      : vlynq_hal.h
+ *   Description :
+ *   This header file provides the set of functions exported by the 
+ *   VLYNQ HAL. This file is included from the SOC specific VLYNQ driver wrapper.
+ *  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *********************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _VLYNQ_HAL_H_
+#define _VLYNQ_HAL_H_
+/* Enable/Disable debug feature */
+#undef VLYNQ_DEBUG 
+#ifdef VLYNQ_DEBUG  /* This needs to be OS abstracted - for testing use vxworks/linux calls */
+#define debugPrint(format,args...)    
+#define debugPrint(format,args...)  
+ /* number of VLYNQ memory regions supported */
+ /* Max.number of external interrupt inputs supported by VLYNQ module */
+#define VLYNQ_IVR_MAXIVR         0x08
+#define VLYNQ_CLK_DIV_MAX  0x08
+#define VLYNQ_CLK_DIV_MIN  0x01
+/*** the total number of entries allocated for ICB would be
+ * 32(for 32 bits in IntPending register) + VLYNQ_IVR_CHAIN_SLOTS*/
+/* Error defines */
+#define VLYNQ_SUCCESS               0
+#define VLYNQ_ERRCODE_BASE          0 /* Chosen by system */
+#define VLYNQ_LINK_DOWN            -(VLYNQ_ERRCODE_BASE+4)
+/* Vlynq Defines and Macros */
+#define VLYNQ_NUM_INT_BITS              32 /* 32 bit interrupt staus register */
+/* Base address of module */
+#define VLYNQ_BASE                      (pdev->module_base)
+#define VLYNQ_REMOTE_REGS_OFFSET        0x0080
+#define VLYNQ_REV_OFFSET                0x0000
+#define VLYNQ_CTRL_OFFSET               0x0004
+#define VLYNQ_STATUS_OFFSET             0x0008
+#define VLYNQ_INT_STAT_OFFSET           0x0010
+#define VLYNQ_INT_PEND_OFFSET           0x0014
+#define VLYNQ_INT_PTR_OFFSET            0x0018
+#define VLYNQ_TXMAP_OFFSET              0x001c
+#define VLYNQ_RX0MAP_SIZE_REG_OFFSET    0x0020
+#define VLYNQ_CHIP_VER_OFFSET           0x0040
+#define VLYNQ_IVR_REGS_OFFSET           0x0060
+#define VLYNQ_INT_PENDING_REG_PTR       0x14
+#define VLYNQ_REV_REG       *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE+VLYNQ_REV_OFFSET))
+#define VLYNQ_CTRL_REG      *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE+VLYNQ_CTRL_OFFSET))
+#define VLYNQ_STATUS_REG    *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE+VLYNQ_STATUS_OFFSET))
+#define VLYNQ_INT_STAT_REG  *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE+VLYNQ_INT_STAT_OFFSET))
+#define VLYNQ_INT_PEND_REG  *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE+VLYNQ_INT_PEND_OFFSET))
+#define VLYNQ_INT_PTR_REG   *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE+VLYNQ_INT_PTR_OFFSET))
+#define VLYNQ_TXMAP_REG     *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE+VLYNQ_TXMAP_OFFSET))
+/** map takes on values between 1 to VLYNQ_MAX_MEMORY_REGIONS **/
+#define VLYNQ_RXMAP_SIZE_REG(map) \
+    *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE+VLYNQ_RX0MAP_SIZE_REG_OFFSET+( (map-1)<<3)))
+/** map takes on values between 1 to VLYNQ_MAX_MEMORY_REGIONS **/
+#define VLYNQ_RXMAP_OFFSET_REG(map) \
+    *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE+VLYNQ_RX0MAP_OFFSET_REG_OFFSET+( (map-1)<<3)))
+#define VLYNQ_CHIP_VER_REG  *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE+VLYNQ_CHIP_VER_OFFSET))
+/* 0 =< ivr <= 31; currently ivr < VLYNQ_IVR_MAXIVR=8) */
+#define VLYNQ_IVR_OFFSET(ivr)  \
+    (VLYNQ_BASE + VLYNQ_IVR_REGS_OFFSET +((((unsigned)(ivr)) & 31) & ~3) )
+#define VLYNQ_IVR_03TO00_REG  *((volatile unsigned int*) (VLYNQ_IVR_OFFSET(0)) )
+#define VLYNQ_IVR_07TO04_REG  *((volatile unsigned int*) (VLYNQ_IVR_OFFSET(4)) )
+/*** Can be extended for 11TO08...31TO28 when all 31 are supported**/
+#define VLYNQ_IVR_INTEN(ivr)    (((unsigned int)(0x80)) << ((((unsigned)(ivr)) % 4) * 8))
+#define VLYNQ_IVR_INTTYPE(ivr)  (((unsigned int)(0x40)) << ((((unsigned)(ivr)) % 4) * 8))
+#define VLYNQ_IVR_INTPOL(ivr)   (((unsigned int)(0x20)) << ((((unsigned)(ivr)) % 4) * 8))
+#define VLYNQ_IVR_INTVEC(ivr)   (((unsigned int)(0x1F)) << ((((unsigned)(ivr)) % 4) * 8))
+#define VLYNQ_IVR_INTALL(ivr)   (((unsigned int)(0xFF)) << ((((unsigned)(ivr)) % 4) * 8))
+ * Remote VLYNQ register set     *
+ *********************************/
+#define VLYNQ_R_REV_OFFSET              0x0080
+#define VLYNQ_R_CTRL_OFFSET             0x0084
+#define VLYNQ_R_STATUS_OFFSET           0x0088
+#define VLYNQ_R_INT_STAT_OFFSET         0x0090
+#define VLYNQ_R_INT_PEND_OFFSET         0x0094
+#define VLYNQ_R_INT_PTR_OFFSET          0x0098
+#define VLYNQ_R_TXMAP_OFFSET            0x009c
+#define VLYNQ_R_CHIP_VER_OFFSET         0x00C0
+#define VLYNQ_R_IVR_REGS_OFFSET         0x00E0
+#define VLYNQ_R_REV_REG       *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE + VLYNQ_R_REV_OFFSET)) 
+#define VLYNQ_R_CTRL_REG      *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE + VLYNQ_R_CTRL_OFFSET))
+#define VLYNQ_R_STATUS_REG    *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE + VLYNQ_R_STATUS_OFFSET))
+#define VLYNQ_R_INT_STAT_REG  *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE + VLYNQ_R_INT_STAT_OFFSET))
+#define VLYNQ_R_INT_PEND_REG  *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE + VLYNQ_R_INT_PEND_OFFSET))
+#define VLYNQ_R_INT_PTR_REG   *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE + VLYNQ_R_INT_PTR_OFFSET))
+#define VLYNQ_R_TXMAP_REG     *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE + VLYNQ_R_TXMAP_OFFSET))
+/** map takes on values between 1 to VLYNQ_MAX_MEMORY_REGIONS **/
+#define VLYNQ_R_RXMAP_SIZE_REG(map) \
+    *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE + VLYNQ_R_RX0MAP_SIZE_REG_OFFSET + ((map-1)<<3)))
+/** map takes on values between 1 to VLYNQ_MAX_MEMORY_REGIONS **/
+#define VLYNQ_R_RXMAP_OFFSET_REG(map) \
+    *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE + VLYNQ_R_RX0MAP_OFFSET_REG_OFFSET + ((map-1)<<3)))
+#define VLYNQ_R_CHIP_VER_REG  *((volatile unsigned int *)(VLYNQ_BASE + VLYNQ_R_CHIP_VER_OFFSET)
+#define VLYNQ_R_IVR_OFFSET(ivr)  \
+    (VLYNQ_BASE + VLYNQ_R_IVR_REGS_OFFSET +((((unsigned)(ivr)) & 31) & ~3))
+/*** Can be extended for 11TO08...31TO28 when all 31 are supported**/
+#define VLYNQ_R_IVR_03TO00_REG  *((volatile unsigned int*) (VLYNQ_R_IVR_OFFSET(0)) )
+#define VLYNQ_R_IVR_07TO04_REG  *((volatile unsigned int*) (VLYNQ_R_IVR_OFFSET(4)) )
+/****End of remote register set definition******/
+/*** Masks for individual register fields ***/
+#define VLYNQ_MODULE_ID_MASK        0xffff0000
+#define VLYNQ_MAJOR_REV_MASK        0x0000ff00
+#define VLYNQ_MINOR_REV_MASK        0x000000ff
+#define VLYNQ_CTL_ILOOP_MASK        0x00000002
+#define VLYNQ_CTL_INT2CFG_MASK      0x00000080
+#define VLYNQ_CTL_INTVEC_MASK       0x00001f00
+#define VLYNQ_CTL_INTEN_MASK        0x00002000
+#define VLYNQ_CTL_INTLOCAL_MASK     0x00004000
+#define VLYNQ_CTL_CLKDIR_MASK       0x00008000
+#define VLYNQ_CTL_CLKDIV_MASK       0x00070000
+#define VLYNQ_CTL_MODE_MASK         0x00e00000
+#define VLYNQ_STS_LINK_MASK         0x00000001  /* Link is active */
+#define VLYNQ_STS_MPEND_MASK        0x00000002  /* Pending master requests */
+#define VLYNQ_STS_SPEND_MASK        0x00000004  /* Pending slave requests */
+#define VLYNQ_STS_NFEMPTY0_MASK     0x00000008  /* Master data FIFO not empty */
+#define VLYNQ_STS_NFEMPTY1_MASK     0x00000010  /* Master command FIFO not empty */
+#define VLYNQ_STS_NFEMPTY2_MASK     0x00000020  /* Slave data FIFO not empty */
+#define VLYNQ_STS_NFEMPTY3_MASK     0x00000040  /* Slave command FIFO not empty */
+#define VLYNQ_STS_LERROR_MASK       0x00000080  /* Local error, w/c */
+#define VLYNQ_STS_RERROR_MASK       0x00000100  /* remote error w/c */
+#define VLYNQ_STS_OFLOW_MASK        0x00000200
+#define VLYNQ_STS_IFLOW_MASK        0x00000400
+#define VLYNQ_STS_MODESUP_MASK      0x00E00000  /* Highest mode supported */
+#define VLYNQ_STS_SWIDTH_MASK       0x07000000  /* Used for reading the width of VLYNQ bus */
+#define VLYNQ_STS_DEBUG_MASK        0xE0000000 
+#define VLYNQ_CTL_INTVEC_SHIFT      0x08
+#define VLYNQ_CTL_INTEN_SHIFT       0x0D
+#define VLYNQ_CTL_INT2CFG_SHIFT     0x07
+#define VLYNQ_CHIPVER_DEVREV_MASK   0xffff0000
+#define VLYNQ_CHIPVER_DEVID_MASK    0x0000ffff
+#define VLYNQ_IVR_INTEN_MASK        0x80
+#define VLYNQ_IVR_INTTYPE_MASK      0x40
+#define VLYNQ_IVR_INTPOL_MASK       0x20
+/**** Helper macros ****/
+#define VLYNQ_RESETCB(arg) \
+   if( pdev->reset_cb != NULL)   \
+   {                             \
+      (pdev->reset_cb)(pdev, (arg));  \
+   }
+#define VLYNQ_STATUS_FLD_WIDTH(sts) (((sts) & VLYNQ_STS_SWIDTH_MASK) >> 24 )
+#define VLYNQ_CTL_INTVEC(x)         (((x) & 31) << 8 )
+#define VLYNQ_INRANGE(x,hi,lo)      (((x) <= (hi)) && ((x) >= (lo)))
+#define VLYNQ_OUTRANGE(x,hi,lo)     (((x) > (hi)) || ((x) < (lo)))
+#define VLYNQ_ALIGN4(x)             (x)=(x)&(~3)   
+ *             Enums                 *
+ *************************************/
+/* Initialization options define what operations are
+ * undertaken during vlynq module initialization */
+typedef enum
+    /* Init host local memory regions.This allows
+     * local host access remote memory regions */
+    /* Init host remote memory regions.This allows
+     * remote device access local memory regions */
+    /* Init local interrupt config*/
+    /* Init remote interrupt config*/
+    /* Check link during initialization*/
+    VLYNQ_INIT_CHECK_LINK         =0x10,
+    /* configure clock during init */
+    VLYNQ_INIT_CONFIG_CLOCK       =0x20,
+    /* Clear errors during init */    
+    VLYNQ_INIT_CLEAR_ERRORS       =0x40,
+    /* All options */
+    VLYNQ_INIT_PERFORM_ALL        =0x7F
+/* VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE identifies local or remote device */
+typedef enum
+    VLYNQ_LOCAL_DVC  = 0,           /* vlynq local device (SOC's vlynq module) */
+    VLYNQ_REMOTE_DVC = 1            /* vlynq remote device (remote vlynq module) */
+/* VLYNQ_CLK_SOURCE identifies the vlynq module clock source */
+typedef enum
+    VLYNQ_CLK_SOURCE_NONE   = 0,    /* do not initialize clock generator*/
+    VLYNQ_CLK_SOURCE_LOCAL  = 1,    /* clock is generated by local machine  */
+    VLYNQ_CLK_SOURCE_REMOTE = 2     /* clock is generated by remote machine */
+/* VLYNQ_DRV_STATE indicates the current driver state */
+typedef enum
+    VLYNQ_DRV_STATE_UNINIT = 0,     /* driver is uninitialized  */
+    VLYNQ_DRV_STATE_ININIT = 1,     /* VLYNQ is being initialized */
+    VLYNQ_DRV_STATE_RUN    = 2,     /* VLYNQ is running properly  */
+    VLYNQ_DRV_STATE_HOLD   = 3,     /* driver stopped temporarily */
+    VLYNQ_DRV_STATE_ERROR  = 4      /* driver stopped on unrecoverable error */
+/* VLYNQ_BUS_WIDTH identifies the vlynq module bus width */
+typedef enum
+   VLYNQ_BUS_WIDTH_3 =  3,
+   VLYNQ_BUS_WIDTH_5 =  5,
+   VLYNQ_BUS_WIDTH_7 =  7,
+   VLYNQ_BUS_WIDTH_9 =  9
+/* VLYNQ_LOCAL_INT_CONFIG indicates whether the local vlynq 
+ * interrupts are processed by the host or passed on to the 
+ * remote device.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    VLYNQ_INT_REMOTE = 0,   /* Interrupt packets sent to remote, intlocal=0 */
+    VLYNQ_INT_LOCAL  = 1    /* Interrupts are handled locally, intlocal=1 */
+/* VLYNQ_REMOTE_INT_CONFIG indicates whether the remote 
+ * interrupts are to be handled by the SOC system ISR 
+ * or via the vlynq root ISR
+ */
+typedef enum 
+    VLYNQ_INT_ROOT_ISR   = 0,   /* remote ints handled via vlynq root ISR */
+    VLYNQ_INT_SYSTEM_ISR = 1    /* remote ints handled via system ISR */
+/* VLYNQ_INTR_POLARITY - vlynq interrupt polarity setting */
+typedef enum
+/* VLYNQ_INTR_TYPE  - vlynq interrupt type */
+typedef enum
+/* VLYNQ_RESET_MODE - vlynq reset mode */
+typedef enum
+   VLYNQ_RESET_ASSERT,      /* hold device in reset state */
+   VLYNQ_RESET_DEASSERT,    /* release device from reset state */
+   VLYNQ_RESET_INITFAIL,    /* handle the device in case driver initialization fails */
+   VLYNQ_RESET_LINKESTABLISH,  /* handle the device in case driver established link */
+   VLYNQ_RESET_INITFAIL2,   /* Driver initialization failed but VLYNQ link exist. */
+   VLYNQ_RESET_INITOK       /* Driver initialization finished OK. */
+ *             Typedefs              *
+ *************************************/
+struct VLYNQ_DEV_t; /*forward declaration*/
+/*--------Function Pointers defintions -----------*/
+/* prototype for interrupt handler definition */
+typedef void (*VLYNQ_INTR_CNTRL_ISR)(void *arg1,void *arg2,void *arg3);
+typedef void 
+typedef void 
+(*VLYNQ_REPORT_CB)( struct VLYNQ_DEV_t *pDev,   /* This VLYNQ */
+                    VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE  aSrcDvc,    /* Event Cause -local/remote? */
+                    unsigned int  dwStatRegVal);      /* Value of the relevant status register */
+/*-------Structure Definitions------------*/
+typedef struct VLYNQ_MEMORY_MAP_t
+    unsigned int Txmap;
+    unsigned int RxOffset[VLYNQ_MAX_MEMORY_REGIONS];
+    unsigned int RxSize[VLYNQ_MAX_MEMORY_REGIONS];
+/**VLYNQ_INTERRUPT_CNTRL - defines the vlynq module interrupt
+ * settings in vlynq Control register  */ 
+typedef struct VLYNQ_INTERRUPT_CNTRL_t
+    /* vlynq interrupts handled by host or remote - maps to 
+     * intLocal bit in vlynq control register */
+    /* remote interrupts handled by vlynq isr or host system
+     * interrupt controller - maps to the int2Cfg in vlynq 
+     * control register */
+    /* bit in pending/set register used for module interrupts*/
+    unsigned int map_vector;
+    /* used only if remote interrupts are to be handled by system ISR*/    
+    unsigned int intr_ptr;
+/* VLYNQ_INTR_CNTRL_ICB - defines the Interrupt control block which hold
+ * the interrupt dispatch table. The vlynq_root_isr() indexes into this 
+ * table to identify the ISR to be invoked
+ */
+typedef struct VLYNQ_INTR_CNTRL_ICB_t
+    VLYNQ_INTR_CNTRL_ISR            isr;    /* Clear errors during initialization */
+    void                            *arg1 ; /* Arg 1 for the ISR */
+    void                            *arg2 ; /* Arg 2 for the ISR */
+    void                            *arg3 ; /* Arg 3 for the ISR */
+    unsigned int  isrCount; /* number of ISR invocations so far */
+    struct VLYNQ_INTR_CNTRL_ICB_t   *next;
+/* overlay of vlynq register set */
+typedef struct VLYNQ_REG_SET_t
+    unsigned int revision; /*offset : 0x00 */
+    unsigned int control;  /* 0x04*/
+    unsigned int status;   /* 0x08*/
+    unsigned int pad1;     /* 0x0c*/
+    unsigned int intStatus;   /*0x10*/
+    unsigned int intPending;  /*0x14*/
+    unsigned int intPtr;      /*0x18*/
+    unsigned int txMap;       /*0x1C*/ 
+    unsigned int rxSize1;     /*0x20*/
+    unsigned int rxOffset1;   /*0x24*/
+    unsigned int rxSize2;     /*0x28*/
+    unsigned int rxOffset2;   /*0x2C*/
+    unsigned int rxSize3;     /*0x30*/
+    unsigned int rxOffset3;   /*0x34*/
+    unsigned int rxSize4;     /*0x38*/
+    unsigned int rxOffset4;   /*0x3C*/
+    unsigned int chipVersion; /*0x40*/
+    unsigned int pad2[8];
+    unsigned int ivr30;       /*0x60*/
+    unsigned int ivr74;       /*0x64*/
+    unsigned int pad3[7];
+typedef struct VLYNQ_DEV_t
+    /** module index:1,2,3... used for debugging purposes */
+    unsigned int dev_idx; 
+    /*VLYNQ module base address */
+    unsigned int module_base;
+    /* clock source selection */
+    VLYNQ_CLK_SOURCE clk_source;
+    /* Clock Divider.Val=1 to 8. VLYNQ_clk = VBUSCLK/clk_div */
+    unsigned int  clk_div;
+    /* State of the VLYNQ driver, set to VLYNQ_DRV_STATE_UNINIT, when initializing */
+    VLYNQ_DRV_STATE state;
+    /* Valid VLYNQ bus width, filled by driver  */
+    VLYNQ_BUS_WIDTH width;
+    /* local memory mapping   */
+    VLYNQ_MEMORY_MAP local_mem;
+    /* remote memory mapping   */
+    VLYNQ_MEMORY_MAP remote_mem;
+    /* Local module interrupt params */
+    VLYNQ_INTERRUPT_CNTRL  local_irq;
+    /* remote module interrupt params */
+    VLYNQ_INTERRUPT_CNTRL  remote_irq;
+    /*** ICB related fields **/
+    /* Sizeof of ICB = VLYNQ_NUM_INT_BITS(for 32 bits in IntPending) + 
+     * expansion slots for shared interrupts*/
+    VLYNQ_INTR_CNTRL_ICB  *freelist;
+   /* table holding mapping between intVector and the bit position the interrupt
+    * is mapped to(mapVector)*/
+    char vector_map[32];
+    /* user callback for vlynq events, NULL if unused */
+    VLYNQ_REPORT_CB        report_cb;    
+   /* user callback for resetting/realeasing remote device */
+    VLYNQ_RESET_REMOTE     reset_cb;
+    /*** Handles provided for direct access to register set if need be
+     * Must be intialized to point to appropriate address during 
+     * vlynq_init */
+    volatile VLYNQ_REG_SET * local;
+    volatile VLYNQ_REG_SET * remote;
+    unsigned int  intCount; /* number of interrupts generated so far */
+    unsigned int  isrCount; /* number of ISR invocations so far */
+typedef struct VLYNQ_ISR_ARGS_t
+    int irq;
+    void * arg;
+    void * regset;
+ *        Function Prototypes           *
+ * API exported by generic vlynq driver *
+ ****************************************/
+/* Initialization function */ 
+int vlynq_init( VLYNQ_DEV *pdev, VLYNQ_INIT_OPTIONS options);
+/* Check vlynq link */
+unsigned int vlynq_link_check( VLYNQ_DEV * pdev);
+/* Set interrupt vector in local or remote device */
+int vlynq_interrupt_vector_set( VLYNQ_DEV *pdev, 
+                                         unsigned int int_vector,
+                                         unsigned int map_vector, 
+                                         VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev,
+                                         VLYNQ_INTR_POLARITY pol,
+                                         VLYNQ_INTR_TYPE type);
+int vlynq_interrupt_vector_cntl( VLYNQ_DEV *pdev,
+                                          unsigned int int_vector,
+                                          VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev,
+                                          unsigned int enable);
+unsigned int vlynq_interrupt_get_count( VLYNQ_DEV *pdev,
+                                         unsigned int map_vector);
+int vlynq_install_isr( VLYNQ_DEV *pdev,
+                                unsigned int map_vector,
+                                VLYNQ_INTR_CNTRL_ISR isr,
+                                void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3);
+int vlynq_uninstall_isr( VLYNQ_DEV *pdev,
+                                  unsigned int map_vector,
+                                  void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3);
+void vlynq_root_isr(void *arg);
+void vlynq_delay(unsigned int clktime);
+/* The following functions, provide better granularity in setting
+ * interrupt parameters. (for better support of linux INT Controller)
+ * Note: The interrupt source is identified by "map_vector"- the bit 
+ * position in interrupt status register*/
+int vlynq_interrupt_vector_map(VLYNQ_DEV * pdev,
+                                        VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev,
+                                        unsigned int int_vector,
+                                        unsigned int map_vector);
+int vlynq_interrupt_set_polarity(VLYNQ_DEV * pdev,
+                                          VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev,
+                                          unsigned int map_vector,
+                                          VLYNQ_INTR_POLARITY pol);
+int vlynq_interrupt_get_polarity( VLYNQ_DEV *pdev ,
+                                           VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev_type,
+                                           unsigned int map_vector);
+int vlynq_interrupt_set_type(VLYNQ_DEV * pdev,
+                                      VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev,
+                                      unsigned int map_vector,
+                                      VLYNQ_INTR_TYPE type);
+int vlynq_interrupt_get_type( VLYNQ_DEV *pdev, 
+                                       VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev_type,
+                                       unsigned int map_vector);
+int vlynq_interrupt_enable(VLYNQ_DEV* pdev,
+                                    VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev,
+                                    unsigned int map_vector);
+int vlynq_interrupt_disable(VLYNQ_DEV * pdev,
+                                     VLYNQ_DEV_TYPE dev,
+                                     unsigned int map_vector);
+#endif /* _VLYNQ_HAL_H_ */