/* * Misc utility routines for accessing chip-specific features * of the SiliconBackplane-based Broadcom chips. * * Copyright 2006, Broadcom Corporation * All Rights Reserved. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS OFFERED "AS IS", AND BROADCOM GRANTS NO WARRANTIES OF ANY * KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY STATUTE, COMMUNICATION OR OTHERWISE. BROADCOM * SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT CONCERNING THIS SOFTWARE. * $Id: sbutils.c,v 1.10 2006/04/08 07:12:42 honor Exp $ */ #include <typedefs.h> #include <bcmdefs.h> #include <osl.h> #include <bcmutils.h> #include <sbutils.h> #include <bcmdevs.h> #include <sbconfig.h> #include <sbchipc.h> #include <sbpci.h> #include <sbpcie.h> #include <pcicfg.h> #include <sbpcmcia.h> #include <sbextif.h> #include <sbsocram.h> #include <bcmsrom.h> #ifdef __mips__ #include <mipsinc.h> #endif /* __mips__ */ /* debug/trace */ #define SB_ERROR(args) typedef uint32 (*sb_intrsoff_t)(void *intr_arg); typedef void (*sb_intrsrestore_t)(void *intr_arg, uint32 arg); typedef bool (*sb_intrsenabled_t)(void *intr_arg); /* misc sb info needed by some of the routines */ typedef struct sb_info { struct sb_pub sb; /* back plane public state (must be first field) */ void *osh; /* osl os handle */ void *sdh; /* bcmsdh handle */ void *curmap; /* current regs va */ void *regs[SB_MAXCORES]; /* other regs va */ uint curidx; /* current core index */ uint dev_coreid; /* the core provides driver functions */ bool memseg; /* flag to toggle MEM_SEG register */ uint gpioidx; /* gpio control core index */ uint gpioid; /* gpio control coretype */ uint numcores; /* # discovered cores */ uint coreid[SB_MAXCORES]; /* id of each core */ void *intr_arg; /* interrupt callback function arg */ sb_intrsoff_t intrsoff_fn; /* turns chip interrupts off */ sb_intrsrestore_t intrsrestore_fn; /* restore chip interrupts */ sb_intrsenabled_t intrsenabled_fn; /* check if interrupts are enabled */ } sb_info_t; /* local prototypes */ static sb_info_t * sb_doattach(sb_info_t *si, uint devid, osl_t *osh, void *regs, uint bustype, void *sdh, char **vars, uint *varsz); static void sb_scan(sb_info_t *si); static uint sb_corereg(sb_info_t *si, uint coreidx, uint regoff, uint mask, uint val); static uint _sb_coreidx(sb_info_t *si); static uint sb_findcoreidx(sb_info_t *si, uint coreid, uint coreunit); static uint sb_pcidev2chip(uint pcidev); static uint sb_chip2numcores(uint chip); static bool sb_ispcie(sb_info_t *si); static bool sb_find_pci_capability(sb_info_t *si, uint8 req_cap_id, uchar *buf, uint32 *buflen); static int sb_pci_fixcfg(sb_info_t *si); /* routines to access mdio slave device registers */ static int sb_pcie_mdiowrite(sb_info_t *si, uint physmedia, uint readdr, uint val); static void sb_war30841(sb_info_t *si); /* delay needed between the mdio control/ mdiodata register data access */ #define PR28829_DELAY() OSL_DELAY(10) /* size that can take bitfielddump */ #define BITFIELD_DUMP_SIZE 32 /* global variable to indicate reservation/release of gpio's */ static uint32 sb_gpioreservation = 0; #define SB_INFO(sbh) (sb_info_t*)sbh #define SET_SBREG(si, r, mask, val) \ W_SBREG((si), (r), ((R_SBREG((si), (r)) & ~(mask)) | (val))) #define GOODCOREADDR(x) (((x) >= SB_ENUM_BASE) && ((x) <= SB_ENUM_LIM) && \ ISALIGNED((x), SB_CORE_SIZE)) #define GOODREGS(regs) ((regs) && ISALIGNED((uintptr)(regs), SB_CORE_SIZE)) #define REGS2SB(va) (sbconfig_t*) ((int8*)(va) + SBCONFIGOFF) #define GOODIDX(idx) (((uint)idx) < SB_MAXCORES) #define BADIDX (SB_MAXCORES+1) #define NOREV -1 /* Invalid rev */ #define PCI(si) ((BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == PCI_BUS) && (si->sb.buscoretype == SB_PCI)) #define PCIE(si) ((BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == PCI_BUS) && (si->sb.buscoretype == SB_PCIE)) /* sonicsrev */ #define SONICS_2_2 (SBIDL_RV_2_2 >> SBIDL_RV_SHIFT) #define SONICS_2_3 (SBIDL_RV_2_3 >> SBIDL_RV_SHIFT) #define R_SBREG(si, sbr) sb_read_sbreg((si), (sbr)) #define W_SBREG(si, sbr, v) sb_write_sbreg((si), (sbr), (v)) #define AND_SBREG(si, sbr, v) W_SBREG((si), (sbr), (R_SBREG((si), (sbr)) & (v))) #define OR_SBREG(si, sbr, v) W_SBREG((si), (sbr), (R_SBREG((si), (sbr)) | (v))) /* * Macros to disable/restore function core(D11, ENET, ILINE20, etc) interrupts before/ * after core switching to avoid invalid register accesss inside ISR. */ #define INTR_OFF(si, intr_val) \ if ((si)->intrsoff_fn && (si)->coreid[(si)->curidx] == (si)->dev_coreid) { \ intr_val = (*(si)->intrsoff_fn)((si)->intr_arg); } #define INTR_RESTORE(si, intr_val) \ if ((si)->intrsrestore_fn && (si)->coreid[(si)->curidx] == (si)->dev_coreid) { \ (*(si)->intrsrestore_fn)((si)->intr_arg, intr_val); } /* dynamic clock control defines */ #define LPOMINFREQ 25000 /* low power oscillator min */ #define LPOMAXFREQ 43000 /* low power oscillator max */ #define XTALMINFREQ 19800000 /* 20 MHz - 1% */ #define XTALMAXFREQ 20200000 /* 20 MHz + 1% */ #define PCIMINFREQ 25000000 /* 25 MHz */ #define PCIMAXFREQ 34000000 /* 33 MHz + fudge */ #define ILP_DIV_5MHZ 0 /* ILP = 5 MHz */ #define ILP_DIV_1MHZ 4 /* ILP = 1 MHz */ /* different register spaces to access thr'u pcie indirect access */ #define PCIE_CONFIGREGS 1 /* Access to config space */ #define PCIE_PCIEREGS 2 /* Access to pcie registers */ /* force HT war check */ #define FORCEHT_WAR32414(si) \ ((PCIE(si)) && (((si->sb.chip == BCM4311_CHIP_ID) && (si->sb.chiprev == 1)) || \ ((si->sb.chip == BCM4321_CHIP_ID) && (si->sb.chiprev <= 3)))) /* GPIO Based LED powersave defines */ #define DEFAULT_GPIO_ONTIME 10 /* Default: 10% on */ #define DEFAULT_GPIO_OFFTIME 90 /* Default: 10% on */ #define DEFAULT_GPIOTIMERVAL ((DEFAULT_GPIO_ONTIME << GPIO_ONTIME_SHIFT) | DEFAULT_GPIO_OFFTIME) static uint32 sb_read_sbreg(sb_info_t *si, volatile uint32 *sbr) { uint8 tmp; uint32 val, intr_val = 0; /* * compact flash only has 11 bits address, while we needs 12 bits address. * MEM_SEG will be OR'd with other 11 bits address in hardware, * so we program MEM_SEG with 12th bit when necessary(access sb regsiters). * For normal PCMCIA bus(CFTable_regwinsz > 2k), do nothing special */ if (si->memseg) { INTR_OFF(si, intr_val); tmp = 1; OSL_PCMCIA_WRITE_ATTR(si->osh, MEM_SEG, &tmp, 1); sbr = (volatile uint32 *)((uintptr)sbr & ~(1 << 11)); /* mask out bit 11 */ } val = R_REG(si->osh, sbr); if (si->memseg) { tmp = 0; OSL_PCMCIA_WRITE_ATTR(si->osh, MEM_SEG, &tmp, 1); INTR_RESTORE(si, intr_val); } return (val); } static void sb_write_sbreg(sb_info_t *si, volatile uint32 *sbr, uint32 v) { uint8 tmp; volatile uint32 dummy; uint32 intr_val = 0; /* * compact flash only has 11 bits address, while we needs 12 bits address. * MEM_SEG will be OR'd with other 11 bits address in hardware, * so we program MEM_SEG with 12th bit when necessary(access sb regsiters). * For normal PCMCIA bus(CFTable_regwinsz > 2k), do nothing special */ if (si->memseg) { INTR_OFF(si, intr_val); tmp = 1; OSL_PCMCIA_WRITE_ATTR(si->osh, MEM_SEG, &tmp, 1); sbr = (volatile uint32 *)((uintptr)sbr & ~(1 << 11)); /* mask out bit 11 */ } if (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == PCMCIA_BUS) { #ifdef IL_BIGENDIAN dummy = R_REG(si->osh, sbr); W_REG(si->osh, ((volatile uint16 *)sbr + 1), (uint16)((v >> 16) & 0xffff)); dummy = R_REG(si->osh, sbr); W_REG(si->osh, (volatile uint16 *)sbr, (uint16)(v & 0xffff)); #else dummy = R_REG(si->osh, sbr); W_REG(si->osh, (volatile uint16 *)sbr, (uint16)(v & 0xffff)); dummy = R_REG(si->osh, sbr); W_REG(si->osh, ((volatile uint16 *)sbr + 1), (uint16)((v >> 16) & 0xffff)); #endif /* IL_BIGENDIAN */ } else W_REG(si->osh, sbr, v); if (si->memseg) { tmp = 0; OSL_PCMCIA_WRITE_ATTR(si->osh, MEM_SEG, &tmp, 1); INTR_RESTORE(si, intr_val); } } /* * Allocate a sb handle. * devid - pci device id (used to determine chip#) * osh - opaque OS handle * regs - virtual address of initial core registers * bustype - pci/pcmcia/sb/sdio/etc * vars - pointer to a pointer area for "environment" variables * varsz - pointer to int to return the size of the vars */ sb_t * BCMINITFN(sb_attach)(uint devid, osl_t *osh, void *regs, uint bustype, void *sdh, char **vars, uint *varsz) { sb_info_t *si; /* alloc sb_info_t */ if ((si = MALLOC(osh, sizeof (sb_info_t))) == NULL) { SB_ERROR(("sb_attach: malloc failed! malloced %d bytes\n", MALLOCED(osh))); return (NULL); } if (sb_doattach(si, devid, osh, regs, bustype, sdh, vars, (uint*)varsz) == NULL) { MFREE(osh, si, sizeof(sb_info_t)); return (NULL); } return (sb_t *)si; } /* Using sb_kattach depends on SB_BUS support, either implicit */ /* no limiting BCMBUSTYPE value) or explicit (value is SB_BUS). */ #if !defined(BCMBUSTYPE) || (BCMBUSTYPE == SB_BUS) /* global kernel resource */ static sb_info_t ksi; static bool ksi_attached = FALSE; /* generic kernel variant of sb_attach() */ sb_t * BCMINITFN(sb_kattach)(void) { osl_t *osh = NULL; uint32 *regs; if (!ksi_attached) { uint32 cid; regs = (uint32 *)REG_MAP(SB_ENUM_BASE, SB_CORE_SIZE); cid = R_REG(osh, (uint32 *)regs); if (((cid & CID_ID_MASK) == BCM4712_CHIP_ID) && ((cid & CID_PKG_MASK) != BCM4712LARGE_PKG_ID) && ((cid & CID_REV_MASK) <= (3 << CID_REV_SHIFT))) { uint32 *scc, val; scc = (uint32 *)((uchar*)regs + OFFSETOF(chipcregs_t, slow_clk_ctl)); val = R_REG(osh, scc); SB_ERROR((" initial scc = 0x%x\n", val)); val |= SCC_SS_XTAL; W_REG(osh, scc, val); } if (sb_doattach(&ksi, BCM4710_DEVICE_ID, osh, (void*)regs, SB_BUS, NULL, NULL, NULL) == NULL) { return NULL; } else ksi_attached = TRUE; } return (sb_t *)&ksi; } #endif /* !BCMBUSTYPE || (BCMBUSTYPE == SB_BUS) */ void BCMINITFN(sb_war32414_forceHT)(sb_t *sbh, bool forceHT) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); if (FORCEHT_WAR32414(si)) { uint32 val = 0; if (forceHT) val = SYCC_HR; sb_corereg((void*)si, SB_CC_IDX, OFFSETOF(chipcregs_t, system_clk_ctl), SYCC_HR, val); } } static sb_info_t * BCMINITFN(sb_doattach)(sb_info_t *si, uint devid, osl_t *osh, void *regs, uint bustype, void *sdh, char **vars, uint *varsz) { uint origidx; chipcregs_t *cc; sbconfig_t *sb; uint32 w; ASSERT(GOODREGS(regs)); bzero((uchar*)si, sizeof(sb_info_t)); si->sb.buscoreidx = si->gpioidx = BADIDX; si->curmap = regs; si->sdh = sdh; si->osh = osh; /* check to see if we are a sb core mimic'ing a pci core */ if (bustype == PCI_BUS) { if (OSL_PCI_READ_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_SPROM_CONTROL, sizeof(uint32)) == 0xffffffff) { SB_ERROR(("%s: incoming bus is PCI but it's a lie, switching to SB " "devid:0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, devid)); bustype = SB_BUS; } } si->sb.bustype = bustype; if (si->sb.bustype != BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype)) { SB_ERROR(("sb_doattach: bus type %d does not match configured bus type %d\n", si->sb.bustype, BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype))); return NULL; } /* need to set memseg flag for CF card first before any sb registers access */ if (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == PCMCIA_BUS) si->memseg = TRUE; /* kludge to enable the clock on the 4306 which lacks a slowclock */ if (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == PCI_BUS) sb_clkctl_xtal(&si->sb, XTAL|PLL, ON); if (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == PCI_BUS) { w = OSL_PCI_READ_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_BAR0_WIN, sizeof(uint32)); if (!GOODCOREADDR(w)) OSL_PCI_WRITE_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_BAR0_WIN, sizeof(uint32), SB_ENUM_BASE); } /* initialize current core index value */ si->curidx = _sb_coreidx(si); if (si->curidx == BADIDX) { SB_ERROR(("sb_doattach: bad core index\n")); return NULL; } /* get sonics backplane revision */ sb = REGS2SB(si->curmap); si->sb.sonicsrev = (R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbidlow) & SBIDL_RV_MASK) >> SBIDL_RV_SHIFT; /* keep and reuse the initial register mapping */ origidx = si->curidx; if (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == SB_BUS) si->regs[origidx] = regs; /* is core-0 a chipcommon core? */ si->numcores = 1; cc = (chipcregs_t*) sb_setcoreidx(&si->sb, 0); if (sb_coreid(&si->sb) != SB_CC) cc = NULL; /* determine chip id and rev */ if (cc) { /* chip common core found! */ si->sb.chip = R_REG(si->osh, &cc->chipid) & CID_ID_MASK; si->sb.chiprev = (R_REG(si->osh, &cc->chipid) & CID_REV_MASK) >> CID_REV_SHIFT; si->sb.chippkg = (R_REG(si->osh, &cc->chipid) & CID_PKG_MASK) >> CID_PKG_SHIFT; } else { /* no chip common core -- must convert device id to chip id */ if ((si->sb.chip = sb_pcidev2chip(devid)) == 0) { SB_ERROR(("sb_doattach: unrecognized device id 0x%04x\n", devid)); sb_setcoreidx(&si->sb, origidx); return NULL; } } /* get chipcommon rev */ si->sb.ccrev = cc ? (int)sb_corerev(&si->sb) : NOREV; /* determine numcores */ if (cc && ((si->sb.ccrev == 4) || (si->sb.ccrev >= 6))) si->numcores = (R_REG(si->osh, &cc->chipid) & CID_CC_MASK) >> CID_CC_SHIFT; else si->numcores = sb_chip2numcores(si->sb.chip); /* return to original core */ sb_setcoreidx(&si->sb, origidx); /* sanity checks */ ASSERT(si->sb.chip); /* scan for cores */ sb_scan(si); /* fixup necessary chip/core configurations */ if (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == PCI_BUS) { if (sb_pci_fixcfg(si)) { SB_ERROR(("sb_doattach: sb_pci_fixcfg failed\n")); return NULL; } } /* srom_var_init() depends on sb_scan() info */ if (srom_var_init(si, si->sb.bustype, si->curmap, si->osh, vars, varsz)) { SB_ERROR(("sb_doattach: srom_var_init failed: bad srom\n")); return (NULL); } if (cc == NULL) { /* * The chip revision number is hardwired into all * of the pci function config rev fields and is * independent from the individual core revision numbers. * For example, the "A0" silicon of each chip is chip rev 0. * For PCMCIA we get it from the CIS instead. */ if (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == PCMCIA_BUS) { ASSERT(vars); si->sb.chiprev = getintvar(*vars, "chiprev"); } else if (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == PCI_BUS) { w = OSL_PCI_READ_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_CFG_REV, sizeof(uint32)); si->sb.chiprev = w & 0xff; } else si->sb.chiprev = 0; } if (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == PCMCIA_BUS) { w = getintvar(*vars, "regwindowsz"); si->memseg = (w <= CFTABLE_REGWIN_2K) ? TRUE : FALSE; } /* gpio control core is required */ if (!GOODIDX(si->gpioidx)) { SB_ERROR(("sb_doattach: gpio control core not found\n")); return NULL; } /* get boardtype and boardrev */ switch (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype)) { case PCI_BUS: /* do a pci config read to get subsystem id and subvendor id */ w = OSL_PCI_READ_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_CFG_SVID, sizeof(uint32)); si->sb.boardvendor = w & 0xffff; si->sb.boardtype = (w >> 16) & 0xffff; break; case PCMCIA_BUS: case SDIO_BUS: si->sb.boardvendor = getintvar(*vars, "manfid"); si->sb.boardtype = getintvar(*vars, "prodid"); break; case SB_BUS: case JTAG_BUS: si->sb.boardvendor = VENDOR_BROADCOM; if ((si->sb.boardtype = getintvar(NULL, "boardtype")) == 0) si->sb.boardtype = 0xffff; break; } if (si->sb.boardtype == 0) { SB_ERROR(("sb_doattach: unknown board type\n")); ASSERT(si->sb.boardtype); } /* setup the GPIO based LED powersave register */ if (si->sb.ccrev >= 16) { if ((vars == NULL) || ((w = getintvar(*vars, "leddc")) == 0)) w = DEFAULT_GPIOTIMERVAL; sb_corereg(si, 0, OFFSETOF(chipcregs_t, gpiotimerval), ~0, w); } if (FORCEHT_WAR32414(si)) { /* set proper clk setup delays before forcing HT */ sb_clkctl_init((void *)si); sb_war32414_forceHT((void *)si, 1); } return (si); } uint sb_coreid(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; sbconfig_t *sb; si = SB_INFO(sbh); sb = REGS2SB(si->curmap); return ((R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbidhigh) & SBIDH_CC_MASK) >> SBIDH_CC_SHIFT); } uint sb_coreidx(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); return (si->curidx); } /* return current index of core */ static uint _sb_coreidx(sb_info_t *si) { sbconfig_t *sb; uint32 sbaddr = 0; ASSERT(si); switch (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype)) { case SB_BUS: sb = REGS2SB(si->curmap); sbaddr = sb_base(R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbadmatch0)); break; case PCI_BUS: sbaddr = OSL_PCI_READ_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_BAR0_WIN, sizeof(uint32)); break; case PCMCIA_BUS: { uint8 tmp = 0; OSL_PCMCIA_READ_ATTR(si->osh, PCMCIA_ADDR0, &tmp, 1); sbaddr = (uint)tmp << 12; OSL_PCMCIA_READ_ATTR(si->osh, PCMCIA_ADDR1, &tmp, 1); sbaddr |= (uint)tmp << 16; OSL_PCMCIA_READ_ATTR(si->osh, PCMCIA_ADDR2, &tmp, 1); sbaddr |= (uint)tmp << 24; break; } #ifdef BCMJTAG case JTAG_BUS: sbaddr = (uint32)si->curmap; break; #endif /* BCMJTAG */ default: ASSERT(0); } if (!GOODCOREADDR(sbaddr)) return BADIDX; return ((sbaddr - SB_ENUM_BASE) / SB_CORE_SIZE); } uint sb_corevendor(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; sbconfig_t *sb; si = SB_INFO(sbh); sb = REGS2SB(si->curmap); return ((R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbidhigh) & SBIDH_VC_MASK) >> SBIDH_VC_SHIFT); } uint sb_corerev(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; sbconfig_t *sb; uint sbidh; si = SB_INFO(sbh); sb = REGS2SB(si->curmap); sbidh = R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbidhigh); return (SBCOREREV(sbidh)); } void * sb_osh(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); return si->osh; } void sb_setosh(sb_t *sbh, osl_t *osh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); if (si->osh != NULL) { SB_ERROR(("osh is already set....\n")); ASSERT(!si->osh); } si->osh = osh; } /* set/clear sbtmstatelow core-specific flags */ uint32 sb_coreflags(sb_t *sbh, uint32 mask, uint32 val) { sb_info_t *si; sbconfig_t *sb; uint32 w; si = SB_INFO(sbh); sb = REGS2SB(si->curmap); ASSERT((val & ~mask) == 0); /* mask and set */ if (mask || val) { w = (R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow) & ~mask) | val; W_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow, w); } /* return the new value */ return (R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow)); } /* set/clear sbtmstatehigh core-specific flags */ uint32 sb_coreflagshi(sb_t *sbh, uint32 mask, uint32 val) { sb_info_t *si; sbconfig_t *sb; uint32 w; si = SB_INFO(sbh); sb = REGS2SB(si->curmap); ASSERT((val & ~mask) == 0); ASSERT((mask & ~SBTMH_FL_MASK) == 0); /* mask and set */ if (mask || val) { w = (R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatehigh) & ~mask) | val; W_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatehigh, w); } /* return the new value */ return (R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatehigh) & SBTMH_FL_MASK); } /* Run bist on current core. Caller needs to take care of core-specific bist hazards */ int sb_corebist(sb_t *sbh) { uint32 sblo; sb_info_t *si; sbconfig_t *sb; int result = 0; si = SB_INFO(sbh); sb = REGS2SB(si->curmap); sblo = R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow); W_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow, (sblo | SBTML_FGC | SBTML_BE)); SPINWAIT(((R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatehigh) & SBTMH_BISTD) == 0), 100000); if (R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatehigh) & SBTMH_BISTF) result = BCME_ERROR; W_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow, sblo); return result; } bool sb_iscoreup(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; sbconfig_t *sb; si = SB_INFO(sbh); sb = REGS2SB(si->curmap); return ((R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow) & (SBTML_RESET | SBTML_REJ_MASK | SBTML_CLK)) == SBTML_CLK); } /* * Switch to 'coreidx', issue a single arbitrary 32bit register mask&set operation, * switch back to the original core, and return the new value. * * When using the silicon backplane, no fidleing with interrupts or core switches are needed. * * Also, when using pci/pcie, we can optimize away the core switching for pci registers * and (on newer pci cores) chipcommon registers. */ static uint sb_corereg(sb_info_t *si, uint coreidx, uint regoff, uint mask, uint val) { uint origidx = 0; uint32 *r = NULL; uint w; uint intr_val = 0; bool fast = FALSE; ASSERT(GOODIDX(coreidx)); ASSERT(regoff < SB_CORE_SIZE); ASSERT((val & ~mask) == 0); #ifdef notyet if (si->sb.bustype == SB_BUS) { /* If internal bus, we can always get at everything */ fast = TRUE; r = (uint32 *)((uchar *)si->regs[coreidx] + regoff); } else if (si->sb.bustype == PCI_BUS) { /* If pci/pcie, we can get at pci/pcie regs and on newer cores to chipc */ if ((si->coreid[coreidx] == SB_CC) && ((si->sb.buscoretype == SB_PCIE) || (si->sb.buscorerev >= 13))) { /* Chipc registers are mapped at 12KB */ fast = TRUE; r = (uint32 *)((char *)si->curmap + PCI_16KB0_CCREGS_OFFSET + regoff); } else if (si->sb.buscoreidx == coreidx) { /* pci registers are at either in the last 2KB of an 8KB window * or, in pcie and pci rev 13 at 8KB */ fast = TRUE; if ((si->sb.buscoretype == SB_PCIE) || (si->sb.buscorerev >= 13)) r = (uint32 *)((char *)si->curmap + PCI_16KB0_PCIREGS_OFFSET + regoff); else r = (uint32 *)((char *)si->curmap + ((regoff >= SBCONFIGOFF) ? PCI_BAR0_PCISBR_OFFSET : PCI_BAR0_PCIREGS_OFFSET) + regoff); } } #endif /* notyet */ if (!fast) { INTR_OFF(si, intr_val); /* save current core index */ origidx = sb_coreidx(&si->sb); /* switch core */ r = (uint32*) ((uchar*) sb_setcoreidx(&si->sb, coreidx) + regoff); } ASSERT(r); /* mask and set */ if (mask || val) { if (regoff >= SBCONFIGOFF) { w = (R_SBREG(si, r) & ~mask) | val; W_SBREG(si, r, w); } else { w = (R_REG(si->osh, r) & ~mask) | val; W_REG(si->osh, r, w); } } /* readback */ if (regoff >= SBCONFIGOFF) w = R_SBREG(si, r); else w = R_REG(si->osh, r); if (!fast) { /* restore core index */ if (origidx != coreidx) sb_setcoreidx(&si->sb, origidx); INTR_RESTORE(si, intr_val); } return (w); } #define DWORD_ALIGN(x) (x & ~(0x03)) #define BYTE_POS(x) (x & 0x3) #define WORD_POS(x) (x & 0x1) #define BYTE_SHIFT(x) (8 * BYTE_POS(x)) #define WORD_SHIFT(x) (16 * WORD_POS(x)) #define BYTE_VAL(a, x) ((a >> BYTE_SHIFT(x)) & 0xFF) #define WORD_VAL(a, x) ((a >> WORD_SHIFT(x)) & 0xFFFF) #define read_pci_cfg_byte(a) \ (BYTE_VAL(OSL_PCI_READ_CONFIG(si->osh, DWORD_ALIGN(a), 4), a) & 0xff) #define read_pci_cfg_word(a) \ (WORD_VAL(OSL_PCI_READ_CONFIG(si->osh, DWORD_ALIGN(a), 4), a) & 0xffff) /* return TRUE if requested capability exists in the PCI config space */ static bool sb_find_pci_capability(sb_info_t *si, uint8 req_cap_id, uchar *buf, uint32 *buflen) { uint8 cap_id; uint8 cap_ptr; uint32 bufsize; uint8 byte_val; if (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) != PCI_BUS) return FALSE; /* check for Header type 0 */ byte_val = read_pci_cfg_byte(PCI_CFG_HDR); if ((byte_val & 0x7f) != PCI_HEADER_NORMAL) return FALSE; /* check if the capability pointer field exists */ byte_val = read_pci_cfg_byte(PCI_CFG_STAT); if (!(byte_val & PCI_CAPPTR_PRESENT)) return FALSE; cap_ptr = read_pci_cfg_byte(PCI_CFG_CAPPTR); /* check if the capability pointer is 0x00 */ if (cap_ptr == 0x00) return FALSE; /* loop thr'u the capability list and see if the pcie capabilty exists */ cap_id = read_pci_cfg_byte(cap_ptr); while (cap_id != req_cap_id) { cap_ptr = read_pci_cfg_byte((cap_ptr+1)); if (cap_ptr == 0x00) break; cap_id = read_pci_cfg_byte(cap_ptr); } if (cap_id != req_cap_id) { return FALSE; } /* found the caller requested capability */ if ((buf != NULL) && (buflen != NULL)) { bufsize = *buflen; if (!bufsize) goto end; *buflen = 0; /* copy the cpability data excluding cap ID and next ptr */ cap_ptr += 2; if ((bufsize + cap_ptr) > SZPCR) bufsize = SZPCR - cap_ptr; *buflen = bufsize; while (bufsize--) { *buf = read_pci_cfg_byte(cap_ptr); cap_ptr++; buf++; } } end: return TRUE; } /* return TRUE if PCIE capability exists the pci config space */ static inline bool sb_ispcie(sb_info_t *si) { return (sb_find_pci_capability(si, PCI_CAP_PCIECAP_ID, NULL, NULL)); } /* scan the sb enumerated space to identify all cores */ static void BCMINITFN(sb_scan)(sb_info_t *si) { uint origidx; uint i; bool pci; bool pcie; uint pciidx; uint pcieidx; uint pcirev; uint pcierev; /* numcores should already be set */ ASSERT((si->numcores > 0) && (si->numcores <= SB_MAXCORES)); /* save current core index */ origidx = sb_coreidx(&si->sb); si->sb.buscorerev = NOREV; si->sb.buscoreidx = BADIDX; si->gpioidx = BADIDX; pci = pcie = FALSE; pcirev = pcierev = NOREV; pciidx = pcieidx = BADIDX; for (i = 0; i < si->numcores; i++) { sb_setcoreidx(&si->sb, i); si->coreid[i] = sb_coreid(&si->sb); if (si->coreid[i] == SB_PCI) { pciidx = i; pcirev = sb_corerev(&si->sb); pci = TRUE; } else if (si->coreid[i] == SB_PCIE) { pcieidx = i; pcierev = sb_corerev(&si->sb); pcie = TRUE; } else if (si->coreid[i] == SB_PCMCIA) { si->sb.buscorerev = sb_corerev(&si->sb); si->sb.buscoretype = si->coreid[i]; si->sb.buscoreidx = i; } } if (pci && pcie) { if (sb_ispcie(si)) pci = FALSE; else pcie = FALSE; } if (pci) { si->sb.buscoretype = SB_PCI; si->sb.buscorerev = pcirev; si->sb.buscoreidx = pciidx; } else if (pcie) { si->sb.buscoretype = SB_PCIE; si->sb.buscorerev = pcierev; si->sb.buscoreidx = pcieidx; } /* * Find the gpio "controlling core" type and index. * Precedence: * - if there's a chip common core - use that * - else if there's a pci core (rev >= 2) - use that * - else there had better be an extif core (4710 only) */ if (GOODIDX(sb_findcoreidx(si, SB_CC, 0))) { si->gpioidx = sb_findcoreidx(si, SB_CC, 0); si->gpioid = SB_CC; } else if (PCI(si) && (si->sb.buscorerev >= 2)) { si->gpioidx = si->sb.buscoreidx; si->gpioid = SB_PCI; } else if (sb_findcoreidx(si, SB_EXTIF, 0)) { si->gpioidx = sb_findcoreidx(si, SB_EXTIF, 0); si->gpioid = SB_EXTIF; } else ASSERT(si->gpioidx != BADIDX); /* return to original core index */ sb_setcoreidx(&si->sb, origidx); } /* may be called with core in reset */ void sb_detach(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; uint idx; si = SB_INFO(sbh); if (si == NULL) return; if (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == SB_BUS) for (idx = 0; idx < SB_MAXCORES; idx++) if (si->regs[idx]) { REG_UNMAP(si->regs[idx]); si->regs[idx] = NULL; } #if !defined(BCMBUSTYPE) || (BCMBUSTYPE == SB_BUS) if (si != &ksi) #endif /* !BCMBUSTYPE || (BCMBUSTYPE == SB_BUS) */ MFREE(si->osh, si, sizeof(sb_info_t)); } /* use pci dev id to determine chip id for chips not having a chipcommon core */ static uint BCMINITFN(sb_pcidev2chip)(uint pcidev) { if ((pcidev >= BCM4710_DEVICE_ID) && (pcidev <= BCM47XX_USB_ID)) return (BCM4710_CHIP_ID); if ((pcidev >= BCM4402_ENET_ID) && (pcidev <= BCM4402_V90_ID)) return (BCM4402_CHIP_ID); if (pcidev == BCM4401_ENET_ID) return (BCM4402_CHIP_ID); return (0); } /* convert chip number to number of i/o cores */ static uint BCMINITFN(sb_chip2numcores)(uint chip) { if (chip == BCM4710_CHIP_ID) return (9); if (chip == BCM4402_CHIP_ID) return (3); if (chip == BCM4306_CHIP_ID) /* < 4306c0 */ return (6); if (chip == BCM4704_CHIP_ID) return (9); if (chip == BCM5365_CHIP_ID) return (7); SB_ERROR(("sb_chip2numcores: unsupported chip 0x%x\n", chip)); ASSERT(0); return (1); } /* return index of coreid or BADIDX if not found */ static uint sb_findcoreidx(sb_info_t *si, uint coreid, uint coreunit) { uint found; uint i; found = 0; for (i = 0; i < si->numcores; i++) if (si->coreid[i] == coreid) { if (found == coreunit) return (i); found++; } return (BADIDX); } /* * this function changes logical "focus" to the indiciated core, * must be called with interrupt off. * Moreover, callers should keep interrupts off during switching out of and back to d11 core */ void* sb_setcoreidx(sb_t *sbh, uint coreidx) { sb_info_t *si; uint32 sbaddr; uint8 tmp; si = SB_INFO(sbh); if (coreidx >= si->numcores) return (NULL); /* * If the user has provided an interrupt mask enabled function, * then assert interrupts are disabled before switching the core. */ ASSERT((si->intrsenabled_fn == NULL) || !(*(si)->intrsenabled_fn)((si)->intr_arg)); sbaddr = SB_ENUM_BASE + (coreidx * SB_CORE_SIZE); switch (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype)) { case SB_BUS: /* map new one */ if (!si->regs[coreidx]) { si->regs[coreidx] = (void*)REG_MAP(sbaddr, SB_CORE_SIZE); ASSERT(GOODREGS(si->regs[coreidx])); } si->curmap = si->regs[coreidx]; break; case PCI_BUS: /* point bar0 window */ OSL_PCI_WRITE_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_BAR0_WIN, 4, sbaddr); break; case PCMCIA_BUS: tmp = (sbaddr >> 12) & 0x0f; OSL_PCMCIA_WRITE_ATTR(si->osh, PCMCIA_ADDR0, &tmp, 1); tmp = (sbaddr >> 16) & 0xff; OSL_PCMCIA_WRITE_ATTR(si->osh, PCMCIA_ADDR1, &tmp, 1); tmp = (sbaddr >> 24) & 0xff; OSL_PCMCIA_WRITE_ATTR(si->osh, PCMCIA_ADDR2, &tmp, 1); break; #ifdef BCMJTAG case JTAG_BUS: /* map new one */ if (!si->regs[coreidx]) { si->regs[coreidx] = (void *)sbaddr; ASSERT(GOODREGS(si->regs[coreidx])); } si->curmap = si->regs[coreidx]; break; #endif /* BCMJTAG */ } si->curidx = coreidx; return (si->curmap); } /* * this function changes logical "focus" to the indiciated core, * must be called with interrupt off. * Moreover, callers should keep interrupts off during switching out of and back to d11 core */ void* sb_setcore(sb_t *sbh, uint coreid, uint coreunit) { sb_info_t *si; uint idx; si = SB_INFO(sbh); idx = sb_findcoreidx(si, coreid, coreunit); if (!GOODIDX(idx)) return (NULL); return (sb_setcoreidx(sbh, idx)); } /* return chip number */ uint sb_chip(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); return (si->sb.chip); } /* return chip revision number */ uint sb_chiprev(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); return (si->sb.chiprev); } /* return chip common revision number */ uint sb_chipcrev(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); return (si->sb.ccrev); } /* return chip package option */ uint sb_chippkg(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); return (si->sb.chippkg); } /* return PCI core rev. */ uint sb_pcirev(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); return (si->sb.buscorerev); } bool BCMINITFN(sb_war16165)(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); return (PCI(si) && (si->sb.buscorerev <= 10)); } static void BCMINITFN(sb_war30841)(sb_info_t *si) { sb_pcie_mdiowrite(si, MDIODATA_DEV_RX, SERDES_RX_TIMER1, 0x8128); sb_pcie_mdiowrite(si, MDIODATA_DEV_RX, SERDES_RX_CDR, 0x0100); sb_pcie_mdiowrite(si, MDIODATA_DEV_RX, SERDES_RX_CDRBW, 0x1466); } /* return PCMCIA core rev. */ uint BCMINITFN(sb_pcmciarev)(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); return (si->sb.buscorerev); } /* return board vendor id */ uint sb_boardvendor(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); return (si->sb.boardvendor); } /* return boardtype */ uint sb_boardtype(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; char *var; si = SB_INFO(sbh); if (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == SB_BUS && si->sb.boardtype == 0xffff) { /* boardtype format is a hex string */ si->sb.boardtype = getintvar(NULL, "boardtype"); /* backward compatibility for older boardtype string format */ if ((si->sb.boardtype == 0) && (var = getvar(NULL, "boardtype"))) { if (!strcmp(var, "bcm94710dev")) si->sb.boardtype = BCM94710D_BOARD; else if (!strcmp(var, "bcm94710ap")) si->sb.boardtype = BCM94710AP_BOARD; else if (!strcmp(var, "bu4710")) si->sb.boardtype = BU4710_BOARD; else if (!strcmp(var, "bcm94702mn")) si->sb.boardtype = BCM94702MN_BOARD; else if (!strcmp(var, "bcm94710r1")) si->sb.boardtype = BCM94710R1_BOARD; else if (!strcmp(var, "bcm94710r4")) si->sb.boardtype = BCM94710R4_BOARD; else if (!strcmp(var, "bcm94702cpci")) si->sb.boardtype = BCM94702CPCI_BOARD; else if (!strcmp(var, "bcm95380_rr")) si->sb.boardtype = BCM95380RR_BOARD; } } return (si->sb.boardtype); } /* return bus type of sbh device */ uint sb_bus(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); return (si->sb.bustype); } /* return bus core type */ uint sb_buscoretype(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); return (si->sb.buscoretype); } /* return bus core revision */ uint sb_buscorerev(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); return (si->sb.buscorerev); } /* return list of found cores */ uint sb_corelist(sb_t *sbh, uint coreid[]) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); bcopy((uchar*)si->coreid, (uchar*)coreid, (si->numcores * sizeof(uint))); return (si->numcores); } /* return current register mapping */ void * sb_coreregs(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); ASSERT(GOODREGS(si->curmap)); return (si->curmap); } /* do buffered registers update */ void sb_commit(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; uint origidx; uint intr_val = 0; si = SB_INFO(sbh); origidx = si->curidx; ASSERT(GOODIDX(origidx)); INTR_OFF(si, intr_val); /* switch over to chipcommon core if there is one, else use pci */ if (si->sb.ccrev != NOREV) { chipcregs_t *ccregs = (chipcregs_t *)sb_setcore(sbh, SB_CC, 0); /* do the buffer registers update */ W_REG(si->osh, &ccregs->broadcastaddress, SB_COMMIT); W_REG(si->osh, &ccregs->broadcastdata, 0x0); } else if (PCI(si)) { sbpciregs_t *pciregs = (sbpciregs_t *)sb_setcore(sbh, SB_PCI, 0); /* do the buffer registers update */ W_REG(si->osh, &pciregs->bcastaddr, SB_COMMIT); W_REG(si->osh, &pciregs->bcastdata, 0x0); } else ASSERT(0); /* restore core index */ sb_setcoreidx(sbh, origidx); INTR_RESTORE(si, intr_val); } /* reset and re-enable a core * inputs: * bits - core specific bits that are set during and after reset sequence * resetbits - core specific bits that are set only during reset sequence */ void sb_core_reset(sb_t *sbh, uint32 bits, uint32 resetbits) { sb_info_t *si; sbconfig_t *sb; volatile uint32 dummy; si = SB_INFO(sbh); ASSERT(GOODREGS(si->curmap)); sb = REGS2SB(si->curmap); /* * Must do the disable sequence first to work for arbitrary current core state. */ sb_core_disable(sbh, (bits | resetbits)); /* * Now do the initialization sequence. */ /* set reset while enabling the clock and forcing them on throughout the core */ W_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow, (SBTML_FGC | SBTML_CLK | SBTML_RESET | bits | resetbits)); dummy = R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow); OSL_DELAY(1); if (R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatehigh) & SBTMH_SERR) { W_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatehigh, 0); } if ((dummy = R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbimstate)) & (SBIM_IBE | SBIM_TO)) { AND_SBREG(si, &sb->sbimstate, ~(SBIM_IBE | SBIM_TO)); } /* clear reset and allow it to propagate throughout the core */ W_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow, (SBTML_FGC | SBTML_CLK | bits)); dummy = R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow); OSL_DELAY(1); /* leave clock enabled */ W_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow, (SBTML_CLK | bits)); dummy = R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow); OSL_DELAY(1); } void sb_core_tofixup(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; sbconfig_t *sb; si = SB_INFO(sbh); if ((BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) != PCI_BUS) || PCIE(si) || (PCI(si) && (si->sb.buscorerev >= 5))) return; ASSERT(GOODREGS(si->curmap)); sb = REGS2SB(si->curmap); if (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == SB_BUS) { SET_SBREG(si, &sb->sbimconfiglow, SBIMCL_RTO_MASK | SBIMCL_STO_MASK, (0x5 << SBIMCL_RTO_SHIFT) | 0x3); } else { if (sb_coreid(sbh) == SB_PCI) { SET_SBREG(si, &sb->sbimconfiglow, SBIMCL_RTO_MASK | SBIMCL_STO_MASK, (0x3 << SBIMCL_RTO_SHIFT) | 0x2); } else { SET_SBREG(si, &sb->sbimconfiglow, (SBIMCL_RTO_MASK | SBIMCL_STO_MASK), 0); } } sb_commit(sbh); } /* * Set the initiator timeout for the "master core". * The master core is defined to be the core in control * of the chip and so it issues accesses to non-memory * locations (Because of dma *any* core can access memeory). * * The routine uses the bus to decide who is the master: * SB_BUS => mips * JTAG_BUS => chipc * PCI_BUS => pci or pcie * PCMCIA_BUS => pcmcia * SDIO_BUS => pcmcia * * This routine exists so callers can disable initiator * timeouts so accesses to very slow devices like otp * won't cause an abort. The routine allows arbitrary * settings of the service and request timeouts, though. * * Returns the timeout state before changing it or -1 * on error. */ #define TO_MASK (SBIMCL_RTO_MASK | SBIMCL_STO_MASK) uint32 sb_set_initiator_to(sb_t *sbh, uint32 to) { sb_info_t *si; uint origidx, idx; uint intr_val = 0; uint32 tmp, ret = 0xffffffff; sbconfig_t *sb; si = SB_INFO(sbh); if ((to & ~TO_MASK) != 0) return ret; /* Figure out the master core */ idx = BADIDX; switch (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype)) { case PCI_BUS: idx = si->sb.buscoreidx; break; case JTAG_BUS: idx = SB_CC_IDX; break; case PCMCIA_BUS: case SDIO_BUS: idx = sb_findcoreidx(si, SB_PCMCIA, 0); break; case SB_BUS: if ((idx = sb_findcoreidx(si, SB_MIPS33, 0)) == BADIDX) idx = sb_findcoreidx(si, SB_MIPS, 0); break; default: ASSERT(0); } if (idx == BADIDX) return ret; INTR_OFF(si, intr_val); origidx = sb_coreidx(sbh); sb = REGS2SB(sb_setcoreidx(sbh, idx)); tmp = R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbimconfiglow); ret = tmp & TO_MASK; W_SBREG(si, &sb->sbimconfiglow, (tmp & ~TO_MASK) | to); sb_commit(sbh); sb_setcoreidx(sbh, origidx); INTR_RESTORE(si, intr_val); return ret; } void sb_core_disable(sb_t *sbh, uint32 bits) { sb_info_t *si; volatile uint32 dummy; uint32 rej; sbconfig_t *sb; si = SB_INFO(sbh); ASSERT(GOODREGS(si->curmap)); sb = REGS2SB(si->curmap); /* if core is already in reset, just return */ if (R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow) & SBTML_RESET) return; /* reject value changed between sonics 2.2 and 2.3 */ if (si->sb.sonicsrev == SONICS_2_2) rej = (1 << SBTML_REJ_SHIFT); else rej = (2 << SBTML_REJ_SHIFT); /* if clocks are not enabled, put into reset and return */ if ((R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow) & SBTML_CLK) == 0) goto disable; /* set target reject and spin until busy is clear (preserve core-specific bits) */ OR_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow, rej); dummy = R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow); OSL_DELAY(1); SPINWAIT((R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatehigh) & SBTMH_BUSY), 100000); if (R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatehigh) & SBTMH_BUSY) SB_ERROR(("%s: target state still busy\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbidlow) & SBIDL_INIT) { OR_SBREG(si, &sb->sbimstate, SBIM_RJ); dummy = R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbimstate); OSL_DELAY(1); SPINWAIT((R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbimstate) & SBIM_BY), 100000); } /* set reset and reject while enabling the clocks */ W_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow, (bits | SBTML_FGC | SBTML_CLK | rej | SBTML_RESET)); dummy = R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow); OSL_DELAY(10); /* don't forget to clear the initiator reject bit */ if (R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbidlow) & SBIDL_INIT) AND_SBREG(si, &sb->sbimstate, ~SBIM_RJ); disable: /* leave reset and reject asserted */ W_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtmstatelow, (bits | rej | SBTML_RESET)); OSL_DELAY(1); } /* set chip watchdog reset timer to fire in 'ticks' backplane cycles */ void sb_watchdog(sb_t *sbh, uint ticks) { sb_info_t *si = SB_INFO(sbh); /* make sure we come up in fast clock mode */ sb_clkctl_clk(sbh, CLK_FAST); /* instant NMI */ switch (si->gpioid) { case SB_CC: #ifdef __mips__ if (sb_chip(sbh) == BCM4785_CHIP_ID && ticks <= 1) MTC0(C0_BROADCOM, 4, (1 << 22)); #endif /* __mips__ */ sb_corereg(si, 0, OFFSETOF(chipcregs_t, watchdog), ~0, ticks); #ifdef __mips__ if (sb_chip(sbh) == BCM4785_CHIP_ID && ticks <= 1) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( ".set\tmips3\n\t" "sync\n\t" "wait\n\t" ".set\tmips0" ); while (1); } #endif /* __mips__ */ break; case SB_EXTIF: sb_corereg(si, si->gpioidx, OFFSETOF(extifregs_t, watchdog), ~0, ticks); break; } } /* initialize the pcmcia core */ void sb_pcmcia_init(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; uint8 cor = 0; si = SB_INFO(sbh); /* enable d11 mac interrupts */ OSL_PCMCIA_READ_ATTR(si->osh, PCMCIA_FCR0 + PCMCIA_COR, &cor, 1); cor |= COR_IRQEN | COR_FUNEN; OSL_PCMCIA_WRITE_ATTR(si->osh, PCMCIA_FCR0 + PCMCIA_COR, &cor, 1); } /* * Configure the pci core for pci client (NIC) action * coremask is the bitvec of cores by index to be enabled. */ void BCMINITFN(sb_pci_setup)(sb_t *sbh, uint coremask) { sb_info_t *si; sbconfig_t *sb; sbpciregs_t *pciregs; uint32 sbflag; uint32 w; uint idx; int reg_val; si = SB_INFO(sbh); /* if not pci bus, we're done */ if (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) != PCI_BUS) return; ASSERT(PCI(si) || PCIE(si)); ASSERT(si->sb.buscoreidx != BADIDX); /* get current core index */ idx = si->curidx; /* we interrupt on this backplane flag number */ ASSERT(GOODREGS(si->curmap)); sb = REGS2SB(si->curmap); sbflag = R_SBREG(si, &sb->sbtpsflag) & SBTPS_NUM0_MASK; /* switch over to pci core */ pciregs = (sbpciregs_t*) sb_setcoreidx(sbh, si->sb.buscoreidx); sb = REGS2SB(pciregs); /* * Enable sb->pci interrupts. Assume * PCI rev 2.3 support was added in pci core rev 6 and things changed.. */ if (PCIE(si) || (PCI(si) && ((si->sb.buscorerev) >= 6))) { /* pci config write to set this core bit in PCIIntMask */ w = OSL_PCI_READ_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_INT_MASK, sizeof(uint32)); w |= (coremask << PCI_SBIM_SHIFT); OSL_PCI_WRITE_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_INT_MASK, sizeof(uint32), w); } else { /* set sbintvec bit for our flag number */ OR_SBREG(si, &sb->sbintvec, (1 << sbflag)); } if (PCI(si)) { OR_REG(si->osh, &pciregs->sbtopci2, (SBTOPCI_PREF|SBTOPCI_BURST)); if (si->sb.buscorerev >= 11) OR_REG(si->osh, &pciregs->sbtopci2, SBTOPCI_RC_READMULTI); if (si->sb.buscorerev < 5) { SET_SBREG(si, &sb->sbimconfiglow, SBIMCL_RTO_MASK | SBIMCL_STO_MASK, (0x3 << SBIMCL_RTO_SHIFT) | 0x2); sb_commit(sbh); } } #ifdef PCIE_SUPPOER /* PCIE workarounds */ if (PCIE(si)) { if ((si->sb.buscorerev == 0) || (si->sb.buscorerev == 1)) { reg_val = sb_pcie_readreg((void *)sbh, (void *)PCIE_PCIEREGS, PCIE_TLP_WORKAROUNDSREG); reg_val |= 0x8; sb_pcie_writereg((void *)sbh, (void *)PCIE_PCIEREGS, PCIE_TLP_WORKAROUNDSREG, reg_val); } if (si->sb.buscorerev == 1) { reg_val = sb_pcie_readreg((void *)sbh, (void *)PCIE_PCIEREGS, PCIE_DLLP_LCREG); reg_val |= (0x40); sb_pcie_writereg(sbh, (void *)PCIE_PCIEREGS, PCIE_DLLP_LCREG, reg_val); } if (si->sb.buscorerev == 0) sb_war30841(si); } #endif /* switch back to previous core */ sb_setcoreidx(sbh, idx); } uint32 sb_base(uint32 admatch) { uint32 base; uint type; type = admatch & SBAM_TYPE_MASK; ASSERT(type < 3); base = 0; if (type == 0) { base = admatch & SBAM_BASE0_MASK; } else if (type == 1) { ASSERT(!(admatch & SBAM_ADNEG)); /* neg not supported */ base = admatch & SBAM_BASE1_MASK; } else if (type == 2) { ASSERT(!(admatch & SBAM_ADNEG)); /* neg not supported */ base = admatch & SBAM_BASE2_MASK; } return (base); } uint32 sb_size(uint32 admatch) { uint32 size; uint type; type = admatch & SBAM_TYPE_MASK; ASSERT(type < 3); size = 0; if (type == 0) { size = 1 << (((admatch & SBAM_ADINT0_MASK) >> SBAM_ADINT0_SHIFT) + 1); } else if (type == 1) { ASSERT(!(admatch & SBAM_ADNEG)); /* neg not supported */ size = 1 << (((admatch & SBAM_ADINT1_MASK) >> SBAM_ADINT1_SHIFT) + 1); } else if (type == 2) { ASSERT(!(admatch & SBAM_ADNEG)); /* neg not supported */ size = 1 << (((admatch & SBAM_ADINT2_MASK) >> SBAM_ADINT2_SHIFT) + 1); } return (size); } /* return the core-type instantiation # of the current core */ uint sb_coreunit(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; uint idx; uint coreid; uint coreunit; uint i; si = SB_INFO(sbh); coreunit = 0; idx = si->curidx; ASSERT(GOODREGS(si->curmap)); coreid = sb_coreid(sbh); /* count the cores of our type */ for (i = 0; i < idx; i++) if (si->coreid[i] == coreid) coreunit++; return (coreunit); } static INLINE uint32 factor6(uint32 x) { switch (x) { case CC_F6_2: return 2; case CC_F6_3: return 3; case CC_F6_4: return 4; case CC_F6_5: return 5; case CC_F6_6: return 6; case CC_F6_7: return 7; default: return 0; } } /* calculate the speed the SB would run at given a set of clockcontrol values */ uint32 sb_clock_rate(uint32 pll_type, uint32 n, uint32 m) { uint32 n1, n2, clock, m1, m2, m3, mc; n1 = n & CN_N1_MASK; n2 = (n & CN_N2_MASK) >> CN_N2_SHIFT; if (pll_type == PLL_TYPE6) { if (m & CC_T6_MMASK) return CC_T6_M1; else return CC_T6_M0; } else if ((pll_type == PLL_TYPE1) || (pll_type == PLL_TYPE3) || (pll_type == PLL_TYPE4) || (pll_type == PLL_TYPE7)) { n1 = factor6(n1); n2 += CC_F5_BIAS; } else if (pll_type == PLL_TYPE2) { n1 += CC_T2_BIAS; n2 += CC_T2_BIAS; ASSERT((n1 >= 2) && (n1 <= 7)); ASSERT((n2 >= 5) && (n2 <= 23)); } else if (pll_type == PLL_TYPE5) { return (100000000); } else ASSERT(0); /* PLL types 3 and 7 use BASE2 (25Mhz) */ if ((pll_type == PLL_TYPE3) || (pll_type == PLL_TYPE7)) { clock = CC_CLOCK_BASE2 * n1 * n2; } else clock = CC_CLOCK_BASE1 * n1 * n2; if (clock == 0) return 0; m1 = m & CC_M1_MASK; m2 = (m & CC_M2_MASK) >> CC_M2_SHIFT; m3 = (m & CC_M3_MASK) >> CC_M3_SHIFT; mc = (m & CC_MC_MASK) >> CC_MC_SHIFT; if ((pll_type == PLL_TYPE1) || (pll_type == PLL_TYPE3) || (pll_type == PLL_TYPE4) || (pll_type == PLL_TYPE7)) { m1 = factor6(m1); if ((pll_type == PLL_TYPE1) || (pll_type == PLL_TYPE3)) m2 += CC_F5_BIAS; else m2 = factor6(m2); m3 = factor6(m3); switch (mc) { case CC_MC_BYPASS: return (clock); case CC_MC_M1: return (clock / m1); case CC_MC_M1M2: return (clock / (m1 * m2)); case CC_MC_M1M2M3: return (clock / (m1 * m2 * m3)); case CC_MC_M1M3: return (clock / (m1 * m3)); default: return (0); } } else { ASSERT(pll_type == PLL_TYPE2); m1 += CC_T2_BIAS; m2 += CC_T2M2_BIAS; m3 += CC_T2_BIAS; ASSERT((m1 >= 2) && (m1 <= 7)); ASSERT((m2 >= 3) && (m2 <= 10)); ASSERT((m3 >= 2) && (m3 <= 7)); if ((mc & CC_T2MC_M1BYP) == 0) clock /= m1; if ((mc & CC_T2MC_M2BYP) == 0) clock /= m2; if ((mc & CC_T2MC_M3BYP) == 0) clock /= m3; return (clock); } } /* returns the current speed the SB is running at */ uint32 sb_clock(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; extifregs_t *eir; chipcregs_t *cc; uint32 n, m; uint idx; uint32 pll_type, rate; uint intr_val = 0; si = SB_INFO(sbh); idx = si->curidx; pll_type = PLL_TYPE1; INTR_OFF(si, intr_val); /* switch to extif or chipc core */ if ((eir = (extifregs_t *) sb_setcore(sbh, SB_EXTIF, 0))) { n = R_REG(si->osh, &eir->clockcontrol_n); m = R_REG(si->osh, &eir->clockcontrol_sb); } else if ((cc = (chipcregs_t *) sb_setcore(sbh, SB_CC, 0))) { pll_type = R_REG(si->osh, &cc->capabilities) & CAP_PLL_MASK; if (pll_type == PLL_NONE) { INTR_RESTORE(si, intr_val); return 80000000; } n = R_REG(si->osh, &cc->clockcontrol_n); if (pll_type == PLL_TYPE6) m = R_REG(si->osh, &cc->clockcontrol_m3); else if ((pll_type == PLL_TYPE3) && !(BCMINIT(sb_chip)(sbh) == 0x5365)) m = R_REG(si->osh, &cc->clockcontrol_m2); else m = R_REG(si->osh, &cc->clockcontrol_sb); } else { INTR_RESTORE(si, intr_val); return 0; } /* calculate rate */ if (BCMINIT(sb_chip)(sbh) == 0x5365) rate = 100000000; else { rate = sb_clock_rate(pll_type, n, m); if (pll_type == PLL_TYPE3) rate = rate / 2; } /* switch back to previous core */ sb_setcoreidx(sbh, idx); INTR_RESTORE(si, intr_val); return rate; } /* change logical "focus" to the gpio core for optimized access */ void* sb_gpiosetcore(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); return (sb_setcoreidx(sbh, si->gpioidx)); } /* mask&set gpiocontrol bits */ uint32 sb_gpiocontrol(sb_t *sbh, uint32 mask, uint32 val, uint8 priority) { sb_info_t *si; uint regoff; si = SB_INFO(sbh); regoff = 0; priority = GPIO_DRV_PRIORITY; /* compatibility hack */ /* gpios could be shared on router platforms */ if ((BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == SB_BUS) && (val || mask)) { mask = priority ? (sb_gpioreservation & mask) : ((sb_gpioreservation | mask) & ~(sb_gpioreservation)); val &= mask; } switch (si->gpioid) { case SB_CC: regoff = OFFSETOF(chipcregs_t, gpiocontrol); break; case SB_PCI: regoff = OFFSETOF(sbpciregs_t, gpiocontrol); break; case SB_EXTIF: return (0); } return (sb_corereg(si, si->gpioidx, regoff, mask, val)); } /* mask&set gpio output enable bits */ uint32 sb_gpioouten(sb_t *sbh, uint32 mask, uint32 val, uint8 priority) { sb_info_t *si; uint regoff; si = SB_INFO(sbh); regoff = 0; priority = GPIO_DRV_PRIORITY; /* compatibility hack */ /* gpios could be shared on router platforms */ if ((BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == SB_BUS) && (val || mask)) { mask = priority ? (sb_gpioreservation & mask) : ((sb_gpioreservation | mask) & ~(sb_gpioreservation)); val &= mask; } switch (si->gpioid) { case SB_CC: regoff = OFFSETOF(chipcregs_t, gpioouten); break; case SB_PCI: regoff = OFFSETOF(sbpciregs_t, gpioouten); break; case SB_EXTIF: regoff = OFFSETOF(extifregs_t, gpio[0].outen); break; } return (sb_corereg(si, si->gpioidx, regoff, mask, val)); } /* mask&set gpio output bits */ uint32 sb_gpioout(sb_t *sbh, uint32 mask, uint32 val, uint8 priority) { sb_info_t *si; uint regoff; si = SB_INFO(sbh); regoff = 0; priority = GPIO_DRV_PRIORITY; /* compatibility hack */ /* gpios could be shared on router platforms */ if ((BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == SB_BUS) && (val || mask)) { mask = priority ? (sb_gpioreservation & mask) : ((sb_gpioreservation | mask) & ~(sb_gpioreservation)); val &= mask; } switch (si->gpioid) { case SB_CC: regoff = OFFSETOF(chipcregs_t, gpioout); break; case SB_PCI: regoff = OFFSETOF(sbpciregs_t, gpioout); break; case SB_EXTIF: regoff = OFFSETOF(extifregs_t, gpio[0].out); break; } return (sb_corereg(si, si->gpioidx, regoff, mask, val)); } /* reserve one gpio */ uint32 sb_gpioreserve(sb_t *sbh, uint32 gpio_bitmask, uint8 priority) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); priority = GPIO_DRV_PRIORITY; /* compatibility hack */ /* only cores on SB_BUS share GPIO's and only applcation users need to * reserve/release GPIO */ if ((BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) != SB_BUS) || (!priority)) { ASSERT((BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == SB_BUS) && (priority)); return -1; } /* make sure only one bit is set */ if ((!gpio_bitmask) || ((gpio_bitmask) & (gpio_bitmask - 1))) { ASSERT((gpio_bitmask) && !((gpio_bitmask) & (gpio_bitmask - 1))); return -1; } /* already reserved */ if (sb_gpioreservation & gpio_bitmask) return -1; /* set reservation */ sb_gpioreservation |= gpio_bitmask; return sb_gpioreservation; } /* release one gpio */ /* * releasing the gpio doesn't change the current value on the GPIO last write value * persists till some one overwrites it */ uint32 sb_gpiorelease(sb_t *sbh, uint32 gpio_bitmask, uint8 priority) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); priority = GPIO_DRV_PRIORITY; /* compatibility hack */ /* only cores on SB_BUS share GPIO's and only applcation users need to * reserve/release GPIO */ if ((BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) != SB_BUS) || (!priority)) { ASSERT((BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == SB_BUS) && (priority)); return -1; } /* make sure only one bit is set */ if ((!gpio_bitmask) || ((gpio_bitmask) & (gpio_bitmask - 1))) { ASSERT((gpio_bitmask) && !((gpio_bitmask) & (gpio_bitmask - 1))); return -1; } /* already released */ if (!(sb_gpioreservation & gpio_bitmask)) return -1; /* clear reservation */ sb_gpioreservation &= ~gpio_bitmask; return sb_gpioreservation; } /* return the current gpioin register value */ uint32 sb_gpioin(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; uint regoff; si = SB_INFO(sbh); regoff = 0; switch (si->gpioid) { case SB_CC: regoff = OFFSETOF(chipcregs_t, gpioin); break; case SB_PCI: regoff = OFFSETOF(sbpciregs_t, gpioin); break; case SB_EXTIF: regoff = OFFSETOF(extifregs_t, gpioin); break; } return (sb_corereg(si, si->gpioidx, regoff, 0, 0)); } /* mask&set gpio interrupt polarity bits */ uint32 sb_gpiointpolarity(sb_t *sbh, uint32 mask, uint32 val, uint8 priority) { sb_info_t *si; uint regoff; si = SB_INFO(sbh); regoff = 0; priority = GPIO_DRV_PRIORITY; /* compatibility hack */ /* gpios could be shared on router platforms */ if ((BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == SB_BUS) && (val || mask)) { mask = priority ? (sb_gpioreservation & mask) : ((sb_gpioreservation | mask) & ~(sb_gpioreservation)); val &= mask; } switch (si->gpioid) { case SB_CC: regoff = OFFSETOF(chipcregs_t, gpiointpolarity); break; case SB_PCI: /* pci gpio implementation does not support interrupt polarity */ ASSERT(0); break; case SB_EXTIF: regoff = OFFSETOF(extifregs_t, gpiointpolarity); break; } return (sb_corereg(si, si->gpioidx, regoff, mask, val)); } /* mask&set gpio interrupt mask bits */ uint32 sb_gpiointmask(sb_t *sbh, uint32 mask, uint32 val, uint8 priority) { sb_info_t *si; uint regoff; si = SB_INFO(sbh); regoff = 0; priority = GPIO_DRV_PRIORITY; /* compatibility hack */ /* gpios could be shared on router platforms */ if ((BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == SB_BUS) && (val || mask)) { mask = priority ? (sb_gpioreservation & mask) : ((sb_gpioreservation | mask) & ~(sb_gpioreservation)); val &= mask; } switch (si->gpioid) { case SB_CC: regoff = OFFSETOF(chipcregs_t, gpiointmask); break; case SB_PCI: /* pci gpio implementation does not support interrupt mask */ ASSERT(0); break; case SB_EXTIF: regoff = OFFSETOF(extifregs_t, gpiointmask); break; } return (sb_corereg(si, si->gpioidx, regoff, mask, val)); } /* assign the gpio to an led */ uint32 sb_gpioled(sb_t *sbh, uint32 mask, uint32 val) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); if (si->sb.ccrev < 16) return -1; /* gpio led powersave reg */ return (sb_corereg(si, 0, OFFSETOF(chipcregs_t, gpiotimeroutmask), mask, val)); } /* mask & set gpio timer val */ uint32 sb_gpiotimerval(sb_t *sbh, uint32 mask, uint32 gpiotimerval) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); if (si->sb.ccrev < 16) return -1; return (sb_corereg(si, 0, OFFSETOF(chipcregs_t, gpiotimerval), mask, gpiotimerval)); } /* return the slow clock source - LPO, XTAL, or PCI */ static uint sb_slowclk_src(sb_info_t *si) { chipcregs_t *cc; ASSERT(sb_coreid(&si->sb) == SB_CC); if (si->sb.ccrev < 6) { if ((BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == PCI_BUS) && (OSL_PCI_READ_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_GPIO_OUT, sizeof(uint32)) & PCI_CFG_GPIO_SCS)) return (SCC_SS_PCI); else return (SCC_SS_XTAL); } else if (si->sb.ccrev < 10) { cc = (chipcregs_t*) sb_setcoreidx(&si->sb, si->curidx); return (R_REG(si->osh, &cc->slow_clk_ctl) & SCC_SS_MASK); } else /* Insta-clock */ return (SCC_SS_XTAL); } /* return the ILP (slowclock) min or max frequency */ static uint sb_slowclk_freq(sb_info_t *si, bool max) { chipcregs_t *cc; uint32 slowclk; uint div; ASSERT(sb_coreid(&si->sb) == SB_CC); cc = (chipcregs_t*) sb_setcoreidx(&si->sb, si->curidx); /* shouldn't be here unless we've established the chip has dynamic clk control */ ASSERT(R_REG(si->osh, &cc->capabilities) & CAP_PWR_CTL); slowclk = sb_slowclk_src(si); if (si->sb.ccrev < 6) { if (slowclk == SCC_SS_PCI) return (max? (PCIMAXFREQ/64) : (PCIMINFREQ/64)); else return (max? (XTALMAXFREQ/32) : (XTALMINFREQ/32)); } else if (si->sb.ccrev < 10) { div = 4 * (((R_REG(si->osh, &cc->slow_clk_ctl) & SCC_CD_MASK) >> SCC_CD_SHIFT) + 1); if (slowclk == SCC_SS_LPO) return (max? LPOMAXFREQ : LPOMINFREQ); else if (slowclk == SCC_SS_XTAL) return (max? (XTALMAXFREQ/div) : (XTALMINFREQ/div)); else if (slowclk == SCC_SS_PCI) return (max? (PCIMAXFREQ/div) : (PCIMINFREQ/div)); else ASSERT(0); } else { /* Chipc rev 10 is InstaClock */ div = R_REG(si->osh, &cc->system_clk_ctl) >> SYCC_CD_SHIFT; div = 4 * (div + 1); return (max ? XTALMAXFREQ : (XTALMINFREQ/div)); } return (0); } static void BCMINITFN(sb_clkctl_setdelay)(sb_info_t *si, void *chipcregs) { chipcregs_t * cc; uint slowmaxfreq, pll_delay, slowclk; uint pll_on_delay, fref_sel_delay; pll_delay = PLL_DELAY; /* If the slow clock is not sourced by the xtal then add the xtal_on_delay * since the xtal will also be powered down by dynamic clk control logic. */ slowclk = sb_slowclk_src(si); if (slowclk != SCC_SS_XTAL) pll_delay += XTAL_ON_DELAY; /* Starting with 4318 it is ILP that is used for the delays */ slowmaxfreq = sb_slowclk_freq(si, (si->sb.ccrev >= 10) ? FALSE : TRUE); pll_on_delay = ((slowmaxfreq * pll_delay) + 999999) / 1000000; fref_sel_delay = ((slowmaxfreq * FREF_DELAY) + 999999) / 1000000; cc = (chipcregs_t *)chipcregs; W_REG(si->osh, &cc->pll_on_delay, pll_on_delay); W_REG(si->osh, &cc->fref_sel_delay, fref_sel_delay); } /* initialize power control delay registers */ void BCMINITFN(sb_clkctl_init)(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; uint origidx; chipcregs_t *cc; si = SB_INFO(sbh); origidx = si->curidx; if ((cc = (chipcregs_t*) sb_setcore(sbh, SB_CC, 0)) == NULL) return; if ((si->sb.chip == BCM4321_CHIP_ID) && (si->sb.chiprev < 2)) W_REG(si->osh, &cc->chipcontrol, (si->sb.chiprev == 0) ? CHIPCTRL_4321A0_DEFAULT : CHIPCTRL_4321A1_DEFAULT); if (!(R_REG(si->osh, &cc->capabilities) & CAP_PWR_CTL)) goto done; /* set all Instaclk chip ILP to 1 MHz */ else if (si->sb.ccrev >= 10) SET_REG(si->osh, &cc->system_clk_ctl, SYCC_CD_MASK, (ILP_DIV_1MHZ << SYCC_CD_SHIFT)); sb_clkctl_setdelay(si, (void *)cc); done: sb_setcoreidx(sbh, origidx); } /* return the value suitable for writing to the dot11 core FAST_PWRUP_DELAY register */ uint16 sb_clkctl_fast_pwrup_delay(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; uint origidx; chipcregs_t *cc; uint slowminfreq; uint16 fpdelay; uint intr_val = 0; si = SB_INFO(sbh); fpdelay = 0; origidx = si->curidx; INTR_OFF(si, intr_val); if ((cc = (chipcregs_t*) sb_setcore(sbh, SB_CC, 0)) == NULL) goto done; if (!(R_REG(si->osh, &cc->capabilities) & CAP_PWR_CTL)) goto done; slowminfreq = sb_slowclk_freq(si, FALSE); fpdelay = (((R_REG(si->osh, &cc->pll_on_delay) + 2) * 1000000) + (slowminfreq - 1)) / slowminfreq; done: sb_setcoreidx(sbh, origidx); INTR_RESTORE(si, intr_val); return (fpdelay); } /* turn primary xtal and/or pll off/on */ int sb_clkctl_xtal(sb_t *sbh, uint what, bool on) { sb_info_t *si; uint32 in, out, outen; si = SB_INFO(sbh); switch (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype)) { case PCMCIA_BUS: return (0); case PCI_BUS: /* pcie core doesn't have any mapping to control the xtal pu */ if (PCIE(si)) return -1; in = OSL_PCI_READ_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_GPIO_IN, sizeof(uint32)); out = OSL_PCI_READ_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_GPIO_OUT, sizeof(uint32)); outen = OSL_PCI_READ_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_GPIO_OUTEN, sizeof(uint32)); /* * Avoid glitching the clock if GPRS is already using it. * We can't actually read the state of the PLLPD so we infer it * by the value of XTAL_PU which *is* readable via gpioin. */ if (on && (in & PCI_CFG_GPIO_XTAL)) return (0); if (what & XTAL) outen |= PCI_CFG_GPIO_XTAL; if (what & PLL) outen |= PCI_CFG_GPIO_PLL; if (on) { /* turn primary xtal on */ if (what & XTAL) { out |= PCI_CFG_GPIO_XTAL; if (what & PLL) out |= PCI_CFG_GPIO_PLL; OSL_PCI_WRITE_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_GPIO_OUT, sizeof(uint32), out); OSL_PCI_WRITE_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_GPIO_OUTEN, sizeof(uint32), outen); OSL_DELAY(XTAL_ON_DELAY); } /* turn pll on */ if (what & PLL) { out &= ~PCI_CFG_GPIO_PLL; OSL_PCI_WRITE_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_GPIO_OUT, sizeof(uint32), out); OSL_DELAY(2000); } } else { if (what & XTAL) out &= ~PCI_CFG_GPIO_XTAL; if (what & PLL) out |= PCI_CFG_GPIO_PLL; OSL_PCI_WRITE_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_GPIO_OUT, sizeof(uint32), out); OSL_PCI_WRITE_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_GPIO_OUTEN, sizeof(uint32), outen); } default: return (-1); } return (0); } /* set dynamic clk control mode (forceslow, forcefast, dynamic) */ /* returns true if we are forcing fast clock */ bool sb_clkctl_clk(sb_t *sbh, uint mode) { sb_info_t *si; uint origidx; chipcregs_t *cc; uint32 scc; uint intr_val = 0; si = SB_INFO(sbh); /* chipcommon cores prior to rev6 don't support dynamic clock control */ if (si->sb.ccrev < 6) return (FALSE); /* Chips with ccrev 10 are EOL and they don't have SYCC_HR which we use below */ ASSERT(si->sb.ccrev != 10); INTR_OFF(si, intr_val); origidx = si->curidx; if (sb_setcore(sbh, SB_MIPS33, 0) && (sb_corerev(&si->sb) <= 7) && (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == SB_BUS) && (si->sb.ccrev >= 10)) goto done; /* PR32414WAR "Force HT clock on" all the time, no dynamic clk ctl */ if ((si->sb.chip == BCM4311_CHIP_ID) && (si->sb.chiprev <= 1)) goto done; cc = (chipcregs_t*) sb_setcore(sbh, SB_CC, 0); ASSERT(cc != NULL); if (!(R_REG(si->osh, &cc->capabilities) & CAP_PWR_CTL)) goto done; switch (mode) { case CLK_FAST: /* force fast (pll) clock */ if (si->sb.ccrev < 10) { /* don't forget to force xtal back on before we clear SCC_DYN_XTAL.. */ sb_clkctl_xtal(&si->sb, XTAL, ON); SET_REG(si->osh, &cc->slow_clk_ctl, (SCC_XC | SCC_FS | SCC_IP), SCC_IP); } else OR_REG(si->osh, &cc->system_clk_ctl, SYCC_HR); /* wait for the PLL */ OSL_DELAY(PLL_DELAY); break; case CLK_DYNAMIC: /* enable dynamic clock control */ if (si->sb.ccrev < 10) { scc = R_REG(si->osh, &cc->slow_clk_ctl); scc &= ~(SCC_FS | SCC_IP | SCC_XC); if ((scc & SCC_SS_MASK) != SCC_SS_XTAL) scc |= SCC_XC; W_REG(si->osh, &cc->slow_clk_ctl, scc); /* for dynamic control, we have to release our xtal_pu "force on" */ if (scc & SCC_XC) sb_clkctl_xtal(&si->sb, XTAL, OFF); } else { /* Instaclock */ AND_REG(si->osh, &cc->system_clk_ctl, ~SYCC_HR); } break; default: ASSERT(0); } done: sb_setcoreidx(sbh, origidx); INTR_RESTORE(si, intr_val); return (mode == CLK_FAST); } /* register driver interrupt disabling and restoring callback functions */ void sb_register_intr_callback(sb_t *sbh, void *intrsoff_fn, void *intrsrestore_fn, void *intrsenabled_fn, void *intr_arg) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); si->intr_arg = intr_arg; si->intrsoff_fn = (sb_intrsoff_t)intrsoff_fn; si->intrsrestore_fn = (sb_intrsrestore_t)intrsrestore_fn; si->intrsenabled_fn = (sb_intrsenabled_t)intrsenabled_fn; /* save current core id. when this function called, the current core * must be the core which provides driver functions(il, et, wl, etc.) */ si->dev_coreid = si->coreid[si->curidx]; } int sb_corepciid(sb_t *sbh, uint func, uint16 *pcivendor, uint16 *pcidevice, uint8 *pciclass, uint8 *pcisubclass, uint8 *pciprogif, uint8 *pciheader) { uint16 vendor = 0xffff, device = 0xffff; uint core, unit; uint chip, chippkg; uint nfunc; char varname[SB_DEVPATH_BUFSZ + 8]; uint8 class, subclass, progif; char devpath[SB_DEVPATH_BUFSZ]; uint8 header; core = sb_coreid(sbh); unit = sb_coreunit(sbh); chip = sb_chip(sbh); chippkg = sb_chippkg(sbh); progif = 0; header = PCI_HEADER_NORMAL; /* Verify whether the function exists for the core */ nfunc = (core == SB_USB20H) ? 2 : 1; if (func >= nfunc) return BCME_ERROR; /* Known vendor translations */ switch (sb_corevendor(sbh)) { case SB_VEND_BCM: vendor = VENDOR_BROADCOM; break; default: return BCME_ERROR; } /* Determine class based on known core codes */ switch (core) { case SB_ILINE20: class = PCI_CLASS_NET; subclass = PCI_NET_ETHER; device = BCM47XX_ILINE_ID; break; case SB_ENET: class = PCI_CLASS_NET; subclass = PCI_NET_ETHER; device = BCM47XX_ENET_ID; break; case SB_GIGETH: class = PCI_CLASS_NET; subclass = PCI_NET_ETHER; device = BCM47XX_GIGETH_ID; break; case SB_SDRAM: case SB_MEMC: class = PCI_CLASS_MEMORY; subclass = PCI_MEMORY_RAM; device = (uint16)core; break; case SB_PCI: case SB_PCIE: class = PCI_CLASS_BRIDGE; subclass = PCI_BRIDGE_PCI; device = (uint16)core; header = PCI_HEADER_BRIDGE; break; case SB_MIPS: case SB_MIPS33: class = PCI_CLASS_CPU; subclass = PCI_CPU_MIPS; device = (uint16)core; break; case SB_CODEC: class = PCI_CLASS_COMM; subclass = PCI_COMM_MODEM; device = BCM47XX_V90_ID; break; case SB_USB: class = PCI_CLASS_SERIAL; subclass = PCI_SERIAL_USB; progif = 0x10; /* OHCI */ device = BCM47XX_USB_ID; break; case SB_USB11H: class = PCI_CLASS_SERIAL; subclass = PCI_SERIAL_USB; progif = 0x10; /* OHCI */ device = BCM47XX_USBH_ID; break; case SB_USB20H: class = PCI_CLASS_SERIAL; subclass = PCI_SERIAL_USB; progif = func == 0 ? 0x10 : 0x20; /* OHCI/EHCI */ device = BCM47XX_USB20H_ID; header = 0x80; /* multifunction */ break; case SB_USB11D: class = PCI_CLASS_SERIAL; subclass = PCI_SERIAL_USB; device = BCM47XX_USBD_ID; break; case SB_USB20D: class = PCI_CLASS_SERIAL; subclass = PCI_SERIAL_USB; device = BCM47XX_USB20D_ID; break; case SB_IPSEC: class = PCI_CLASS_CRYPT; subclass = PCI_CRYPT_NETWORK; device = BCM47XX_IPSEC_ID; break; case SB_ROBO: class = PCI_CLASS_NET; subclass = PCI_NET_OTHER; device = BCM47XX_ROBO_ID; break; case SB_EXTIF: case SB_CC: class = PCI_CLASS_MEMORY; subclass = PCI_MEMORY_FLASH; device = (uint16)core; break; case SB_D11: class = PCI_CLASS_NET; subclass = PCI_NET_OTHER; /* Let nvram variable override core ID */ sb_devpath(sbh, devpath, sizeof(devpath)); sprintf(varname, "%sdevid", devpath); if ((device = (uint16)getintvar(NULL, varname))) break; /* * no longer support wl%did, but keep the code * here for backward compatibility. */ sprintf(varname, "wl%did", unit); if ((device = (uint16)getintvar(NULL, varname))) break; /* Chip specific conversion */ if (chip == BCM4712_CHIP_ID) { if (chippkg == BCM4712SMALL_PKG_ID) device = BCM4306_D11G_ID; else device = BCM4306_D11DUAL_ID; break; } /* ignore it */ device = 0xffff; break; case SB_SATAXOR: class = PCI_CLASS_XOR; subclass = PCI_XOR_QDMA; device = BCM47XX_SATAXOR_ID; break; case SB_ATA100: class = PCI_CLASS_DASDI; subclass = PCI_DASDI_IDE; device = BCM47XX_ATA100_ID; break; default: class = subclass = progif = 0xff; device = (uint16)core; break; } *pcivendor = vendor; *pcidevice = device; *pciclass = class; *pcisubclass = subclass; *pciprogif = progif; *pciheader = header; return 0; } /* use the mdio interface to write to mdio slaves */ static int sb_pcie_mdiowrite(sb_info_t *si, uint physmedia, uint regaddr, uint val) { uint mdiodata; uint i = 0; sbpcieregs_t *pcieregs; pcieregs = (sbpcieregs_t*) sb_setcoreidx(&si->sb, si->sb.buscoreidx); ASSERT(pcieregs); /* enable mdio access to SERDES */ W_REG(si->osh, (&pcieregs->mdiocontrol), MDIOCTL_PREAM_EN | MDIOCTL_DIVISOR_VAL); mdiodata = MDIODATA_START | MDIODATA_WRITE | (physmedia << MDIODATA_DEVADDR_SHF) | (regaddr << MDIODATA_REGADDR_SHF) | MDIODATA_TA | val; W_REG(si->osh, (&pcieregs->mdiodata), mdiodata); PR28829_DELAY(); /* retry till the transaction is complete */ while (i < 10) { if (R_REG(si->osh, &(pcieregs->mdiocontrol)) & MDIOCTL_ACCESS_DONE) { /* Disable mdio access to SERDES */ W_REG(si->osh, (&pcieregs->mdiocontrol), 0); return 0; } OSL_DELAY(1000); i++; } SB_ERROR(("sb_pcie_mdiowrite: timed out\n")); /* Disable mdio access to SERDES */ W_REG(si->osh, (&pcieregs->mdiocontrol), 0); ASSERT(0); return 1; } /* indirect way to read pcie config regs */ uint sb_pcie_readreg(void *sb, void* arg1, uint offset) { sb_info_t *si; sb_t *sbh; uint retval = 0xFFFFFFFF; sbpcieregs_t *pcieregs; uint addrtype; sbh = (sb_t *)sb; si = SB_INFO(sbh); ASSERT(PCIE(si)); pcieregs = (sbpcieregs_t *)sb_setcore(sbh, SB_PCIE, 0); ASSERT(pcieregs); addrtype = (uint)((uintptr)arg1); switch (addrtype) { case PCIE_CONFIGREGS: W_REG(si->osh, (&pcieregs->configaddr), offset); retval = R_REG(si->osh, &(pcieregs->configdata)); break; case PCIE_PCIEREGS: W_REG(si->osh, &(pcieregs->pcieaddr), offset); retval = R_REG(si->osh, &(pcieregs->pciedata)); break; default: ASSERT(0); break; } return retval; } /* indirect way to write pcie config/mdio/pciecore regs */ uint sb_pcie_writereg(sb_t *sbh, void *arg1, uint offset, uint val) { sb_info_t *si; sbpcieregs_t *pcieregs; uint addrtype; si = SB_INFO(sbh); ASSERT(PCIE(si)); pcieregs = (sbpcieregs_t *)sb_setcore(sbh, SB_PCIE, 0); ASSERT(pcieregs); addrtype = (uint)((uintptr)arg1); switch (addrtype) { case PCIE_CONFIGREGS: W_REG(si->osh, (&pcieregs->configaddr), offset); W_REG(si->osh, (&pcieregs->configdata), val); break; case PCIE_PCIEREGS: W_REG(si->osh, (&pcieregs->pcieaddr), offset); W_REG(si->osh, (&pcieregs->pciedata), val); break; default: ASSERT(0); break; } return 0; } /* Build device path. Support SB, PCI, and JTAG for now. */ int sb_devpath(sb_t *sbh, char *path, int size) { ASSERT(path); ASSERT(size >= SB_DEVPATH_BUFSZ); switch (BUSTYPE((SB_INFO(sbh))->sb.bustype)) { case SB_BUS: case JTAG_BUS: sprintf(path, "sb/%u/", sb_coreidx(sbh)); break; case PCI_BUS: ASSERT((SB_INFO(sbh))->osh); sprintf(path, "pci/%u/%u/", OSL_PCI_BUS((SB_INFO(sbh))->osh), OSL_PCI_SLOT((SB_INFO(sbh))->osh)); break; case PCMCIA_BUS: SB_ERROR(("sb_devpath: OSL_PCMCIA_BUS() not implemented, bus 1 assumed\n")); SB_ERROR(("sb_devpath: OSL_PCMCIA_SLOT() not implemented, slot 1 assumed\n")); sprintf(path, "pc/%u/%u/", 1, 1); break; case SDIO_BUS: SB_ERROR(("sb_devpath: device 0 assumed\n")); sprintf(path, "sd/%u/", sb_coreidx(sbh)); break; default: ASSERT(0); break; } return 0; } /* * Fixup SROMless PCI device's configuration. * The current core may be changed upon return. */ static int sb_pci_fixcfg(sb_info_t *si) { uint origidx, pciidx; sbpciregs_t *pciregs; sbpcieregs_t *pcieregs; uint16 val16, *reg16; char name[SB_DEVPATH_BUFSZ+16], *value; char devpath[SB_DEVPATH_BUFSZ]; ASSERT(BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype) == PCI_BUS); /* Fixup PI in SROM shadow area to enable the correct PCI core access */ /* save the current index */ origidx = sb_coreidx(&si->sb); /* check 'pi' is correct and fix it if not */ if (si->sb.buscoretype == SB_PCIE) { pcieregs = (sbpcieregs_t *)sb_setcore(&si->sb, SB_PCIE, 0); ASSERT(pcieregs); reg16 = &pcieregs->sprom[SRSH_PI_OFFSET]; } else if (si->sb.buscoretype == SB_PCI) { pciregs = (sbpciregs_t *)sb_setcore(&si->sb, SB_PCI, 0); ASSERT(pciregs); reg16 = &pciregs->sprom[SRSH_PI_OFFSET]; } else { ASSERT(0); return -1; } pciidx = sb_coreidx(&si->sb); val16 = R_REG(si->osh, reg16); if (((val16 & SRSH_PI_MASK) >> SRSH_PI_SHIFT) != (uint16)pciidx) { val16 = (uint16)(pciidx << SRSH_PI_SHIFT) | (val16 & ~SRSH_PI_MASK); W_REG(si->osh, reg16, val16); } /* restore the original index */ sb_setcoreidx(&si->sb, origidx); /* * Fixup bar0window in PCI config space to make the core indicated * by the nvram variable the current core. * !Do it last, it may change the current core! */ if (sb_devpath(&si->sb, devpath, sizeof(devpath))) return -1; sprintf(name, "%sb0w", devpath); if ((value = getvar(NULL, name))) { OSL_PCI_WRITE_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_BAR0_WIN, sizeof(uint32), bcm_strtoul(value, NULL, 16)); /* update curidx since the current core is changed */ si->curidx = _sb_coreidx(si); if (si->curidx == BADIDX) { SB_ERROR(("sb_pci_fixcfg: bad core index\n")); return -1; } } return 0; } static uint sb_chipc_capability(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); /* Make sure that there is ChipCommon core present */ if (si->coreid[SB_CC_IDX] == SB_CC) return (sb_corereg(si, SB_CC_IDX, OFFSETOF(chipcregs_t, capabilities), 0, 0)); return 0; } /* Return ADDR64 capability of the backplane */ bool sb_backplane64(sb_t *sbh) { return ((sb_chipc_capability(sbh) & CAP_BKPLN64) != 0); } void sb_btcgpiowar(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; uint origidx; uint intr_val = 0; chipcregs_t *cc; si = SB_INFO(sbh); /* Make sure that there is ChipCommon core present && * UART_TX is strapped to 1 */ if (!(sb_chipc_capability(sbh) & CAP_UARTGPIO)) return; /* sb_corereg cannot be used as we have to guarantee 8-bit read/writes */ INTR_OFF(si, intr_val); origidx = sb_coreidx(sbh); cc = (chipcregs_t *)sb_setcore(sbh, SB_CC, 0); if (cc == NULL) goto end; W_REG(si->osh, &cc->uart0mcr, R_REG(si->osh, &cc->uart0mcr) | 0x04); end: /* restore the original index */ sb_setcoreidx(sbh, origidx); INTR_RESTORE(si, intr_val); } /* check if the device is removed */ bool sb_deviceremoved(sb_t *sbh) { uint32 w; sb_info_t *si; si = SB_INFO(sbh); switch (BUSTYPE(si->sb.bustype)) { case PCI_BUS: ASSERT(si->osh); w = OSL_PCI_READ_CONFIG(si->osh, PCI_CFG_VID, sizeof(uint32)); if ((w & 0xFFFF) != VENDOR_BROADCOM) return TRUE; else return FALSE; default: return FALSE; } return FALSE; } /* Return the RAM size of the SOCRAM core */ uint32 sb_socram_size(sb_t *sbh) { sb_info_t *si; uint origidx; uint intr_val = 0; sbsocramregs_t *regs; bool wasup; uint corerev; uint32 coreinfo; uint memsize = 0; si = SB_INFO(sbh); ASSERT(si); /* Block ints and save current core */ INTR_OFF(si, intr_val); origidx = sb_coreidx(sbh); /* Switch to SOCRAM core */ if (!(regs = sb_setcore(sbh, SB_SOCRAM, 0))) goto done; /* Get info for determining size */ if (!(wasup = sb_iscoreup(sbh))) sb_core_reset(sbh, 0, 0); corerev = sb_corerev(sbh); coreinfo = R_REG(si->osh, ®s->coreinfo); /* Calculate size from coreinfo based on rev */ switch (corerev) { case 0: memsize = 1 << (16 + (coreinfo & SRCI_MS0_MASK)); break; default: /* rev >= 1 */ memsize = 1 << (SR_BSZ_BASE + (coreinfo & SRCI_SRBSZ_MASK)); memsize *= (coreinfo & SRCI_SRNB_MASK) >> SRCI_SRNB_SHIFT; break; } /* Return to previous state and core */ if (!wasup) sb_core_disable(sbh, 0); sb_setcoreidx(sbh, origidx); done: INTR_RESTORE(si, intr_val); return memsize; }