# The U-Boot loader of the ALL0258N requires image sizes and checksums to be # provided in the U-Boot environment. # In case the check fails during boot, a failsafe-system is started to provide # a minimal web-interface for flashing a new firmware. CI_FLADDR=0x9f050000 # make sure we got uboot-envtools and fw_env.config copied over to the ramfs platform_add_ramfs_ubootenv() { [ -e /usr/sbin/fw_printenv ] && install_bin /usr/sbin/fw_printenv /usr/sbin/fw_setenv [ -e /etc/fw_env.config ] && install_file /etc/fw_env.config } append sysupgrade_pre_upgrade platform_add_ramfs_ubootenv # determine size of the main firmware partition platform_get_firmware_size() { local dev size erasesize name while read dev size erasesize name; do name=${name#'"'}; name=${name%'"'} case "$name" in firmware) printf "%d" "0x$size" break ;; esac done < /proc/mtd } # get the first 4 bytes (magic) of a given file starting at offset in hex format get_magic_long_at() { dd if="$1" skip=$(( $CI_BLKSZ / 4 * $2 )) bs=4 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -n 4 -e '1/1 "%02x"' } get_filesize() { wc -c "$1" | while read image_size _n ; do echo $image_size ; break; done } # scan through the update image pages until matching a magic platform_get_offset() { offsetcount=0 magiclong="x" if [ -n "$3" ]; then offsetcount=$3 fi while magiclong=$( get_magic_long_at "$1" "$offsetcount" ) && [ -n "$magiclong" ]; do case "$magiclong" in "2705"*) # U-Boot image magic if [ "$2" = "uImage" ]; then echo $offsetcount return fi ;; "68737173"|"73717368") # SquashFS if [ "$2" = "rootfs" ]; then echo $offsetcount return fi ;; "deadc0de"|"19852003") # JFFS2 empty page if [ "$2" = "rootfs-data" ]; then echo $offsetcount return fi ;; esac offsetcount=$(( $offsetcount + 1 )) done } platform_check_image_all0258n() { local fw_printenv=/usr/sbin/fw_printenv [ ! -n "$fw_printenv" -o ! -x "$fw_printenv" ] && { echo "Please install uboot-envtools!" return 1 } [ ! -r "/etc/fw_env.config" ] && { echo "/etc/fw_env.config is missing" return 1 } local image_size=$( get_filesize "$1" ) local firmware_size=$( platform_get_firmware_size ) [ $image_size -ge $firmware_size ] && { echo "upgrade image is too big (${image_size}b > ${firmware_size}b)" } local vmlinux_blockoffset=$( platform_get_offset "$1" uImage ) [ -z $vmlinux_blockoffset ] && { echo "vmlinux-uImage not found" return 1 } local rootfs_blockoffset=$( platform_get_offset "$1" rootfs "$vmlinux_blockoffset" ) [ -z $rootfs_blockoffset ] && { echo "missing rootfs" return 1 } local data_blockoffset=$( platform_get_offset "$1" rootfs-data "$rootfs_blockoffset" ) [ -z $data_blockoffset ] && { echo "rootfs doesn't have JFFS2 end marker" return 1 } return 0 } platform_do_upgrade_all0258n() { local firmware_base_addr=$( printf "%d" "$CI_FLADDR" ) local vmlinux_blockoffset=$( platform_get_offset "$1" uImage ) if [ ! -n "$vmlinux_blockoffset" ]; then echo "can't determine uImage offset" return 1 fi local rootfs_blockoffset=$( platform_get_offset "$1" rootfs $(( $vmlinux_blockoffset + 1 )) ) local vmlinux_offset=$(( $vmlinux_blockoffset * $CI_BLKSZ )) local vmlinux_addr=$(( $firmware_base_addr + $vmlinux_offset )) local vmlinux_hexaddr=0x$( printf "%08x" "$vmlinux_addr" ) if [ ! -n "$rootfs_blockoffset" ]; then echo "can't determine rootfs offset" return 1 fi local rootfs_offset=$(( $rootfs_blockoffset * $CI_BLKSZ )) local rootfs_addr=$(( $firmware_base_addr + $rootfs_offset )) local rootfs_hexaddr=0x$( printf "%08x" "$rootfs_addr" ) local vmlinux_blockcount=$(( $rootfs_blockoffset - $vmlinux_blockoffset )) local vmlinux_size=$(( $rootfs_offset - $vmlinux_offset )) local vmlinux_hexsize=0x$( printf "%08x" "$vmlinux_size" ) local data_blockoffset=$( platform_get_offset "$1" rootfs-data $(( $rootfs_blockoffset + 1 )) ) if [ ! -n "$data_blockoffset" ]; then echo "can't determine rootfs size" return 1 fi local data_offset=$(( $data_blockoffset * $CI_BLKSZ )) local rootfs_blockcount=$(( $data_blockoffset - $rootfs_blockoffset )) local rootfs_size=$(( $data_offset - $rootfs_offset )) local rootfs_hexsize=0x$( printf "%08x" "$rootfs_size" ) local rootfs_md5=$( dd if="$1" bs=$CI_BLKSZ skip=$rootfs_blockoffset count=$rootfs_blockcount 2>/dev/null | md5sum -); rootfs_md5="${rootfs_md5%% *}" local vmlinux_md5=$( dd if="$1" bs=$CI_BLKSZ skip=$vmlinux_blockoffset count=$vmlinux_blockcount 2>/dev/null | md5sum -); vmlinux_md5="${vmlinux_md5%% *}" # this needs a recent version of uboot-envtools! cat >/tmp/fw_env_upgrade <<EOF vmlinux_start_addr $vmlinux_hexaddr vmlinux_size $vmlinux_hexsize vmlinux_checksum $vmlinux_md5 rootfs_start_addr $rootfs_hexaddr rootfs_size $rootfs_hexsize rootfs_checksum $rootfs_md5 bootcmd bootm $vmlinux_hexaddr EOF fw_setenv -s /tmp/fw_env_upgrade || { echo "failed to update U-Boot environment" return 1 } default_do_upgrade "$@" }