diff -ruN rp-pppoe-3.5-orig/src/Makefile.in rp-pppoe-3.5-4/src/Makefile.in
--- rp-pppoe-3.5-orig/src/Makefile.in	2002-07-08 16:38:24.000000000 +0200
+++ rp-pppoe-3.5-4/src/Makefile.in	2005-03-09 16:37:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -62,21 +62,23 @@
 all: $(TARGETS)
 	@echo ""
 	@echo "Type 'make install' as root to install the software."
 pppoe-sniff: pppoe-sniff.o if.o common.o debug.o
-	@CC@ -o pppoe-sniff pppoe-sniff.o if.o common.o debug.o
+	@CC@ $(CFLAGS) -o pppoe-sniff pppoe-sniff.o if.o common.o debug.o $(LIBS)
 pppoe-server: pppoe-server.o if.o debug.o common.o md5.o libevent/libevent.a @PPPOE_SERVER_DEPS@
-	@CC@ -o pppoe-server @RDYNAMIC@ pppoe-server.o if.o debug.o common.o md5.o $(PPPOE_SERVER_LIBS) -Llibevent -levent
+	@CC@ $(CFLAGS) -o pppoe-server @RDYNAMIC@ pppoe-server.o if.o debug.o common.o md5.o $(PPPOE_SERVER_LIBS) -Llibevent -levent $(LIBS)
 pppoe: pppoe.o if.o debug.o common.o ppp.o discovery.o
-	@CC@ -o pppoe pppoe.o if.o debug.o common.o ppp.o discovery.o
+	@CC@ $(CFLAGS) -o pppoe pppoe.o if.o debug.o common.o ppp.o discovery.o $(LIBS)
 pppoe-relay: relay.o if.o debug.o common.o
-	@CC@ -o pppoe-relay relay.o if.o debug.o common.o
+	@CC@ $(CFLAGS) -o pppoe-relay relay.o if.o debug.o common.o $(LIBS)
 pppoe.o: pppoe.c pppoe.h
 	@CC@ $(CFLAGS) '-DVERSION="$(VERSION)"' -c -o pppoe.o pppoe.c
@@ -119,7 +121,7 @@
 	@CC@ '-DRP_VERSION="$(VERSION)"' $(CFLAGS) -I$(PPPD_INCDIR) -c -o plugin/plugin.o -fPIC plugin.c
 plugin/libplugin.a: plugin/discovery.o plugin/if.o plugin/common.o plugin/debug.o
-	ar -rc $@ $^
+	$(AR) -rc $@ $^
 plugin/discovery.o: discovery.c
 	@CC@ $(CFLAGS) '-DVERSION="$(VERSION)"' -c -o plugin/discovery.o -fPIC discovery.c
@@ -134,78 +136,78 @@
 	@CC@ $(CFLAGS) '-DVERSION="$(VERSION)"' -c -o plugin/common.o -fPIC common.c
 install: all
-	-mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(sbindir)
-	$(install) -m 755 -s pppoe $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(sbindir)
-	$(install) -m 755 -s pppoe-server $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(sbindir)
-	if test -x licensed-only/pppoe-server-control ; then $(install) -m 755 -s licensed-only/pppoe-server-control $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(sbindir); fi
-	if test -x pppoe-relay ; then $(install) -m 755 -s pppoe-relay $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(sbindir); fi
-	if test -x pppoe-sniff; then $(install) -m 755 -s pppoe-sniff $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(sbindir); fi
-	$(install) -m 755 ../scripts/adsl-connect $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(sbindir)
-	$(install) -m 755 ../scripts/adsl-start $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(sbindir)
-	$(install) -m 755 ../scripts/adsl-status $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(sbindir)
-	$(install) -m 755 ../scripts/adsl-stop $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(sbindir)
-	$(install) -m 755 ../scripts/adsl-setup $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(sbindir)
-	-mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(docdir)
-	$(install) -m 644 ../doc/CHANGES $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(docdir)
-	$(install) -m 644 ../doc/KERNEL-MODE-PPPOE $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(docdir)
-	$(install) -m 644 ../doc/HOW-TO-CONNECT $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(docdir)
-	$(install) -m 644 ../doc/LICENSE $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(docdir)
-	$(install) -m 644 ../README $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(docdir)
-	$(install) -m 644 ../SERVPOET $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(docdir)
-	$(install) -m 644 ../configs/pap-secrets $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(docdir)
-	-mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(mandir)/man8
+	-mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
+	$(install) -m 755 pppoe $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
+	$(install) -m 755 pppoe-server $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
+	if test -x licensed-only/pppoe-server-control ; then $(install) -m 755 licensed-only/pppoe-server-control $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(sbindir); fi
+	if test -x pppoe-relay ; then $(install) -m 755 pppoe-relay $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(sbindir); fi
+	if test -x pppoe-sniff; then $(install) -m 755 pppoe-sniff $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(sbindir); fi
+	$(install) -m 755 ../scripts/adsl-connect $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
+	$(install) -m 755 ../scripts/adsl-start $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
+	$(install) -m 755 ../scripts/adsl-status $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
+	$(install) -m 755 ../scripts/adsl-stop $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
+	$(install) -m 755 ../scripts/adsl-setup $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
+	-mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)
+	$(install) -m 644 ../doc/CHANGES $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)
+	$(install) -m 644 ../doc/KERNEL-MODE-PPPOE $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)
+	$(install) -m 644 ../doc/HOW-TO-CONNECT $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)
+	$(install) -m 644 ../doc/LICENSE $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)
+	$(install) -m 644 ../README $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)
+	$(install) -m 644 ../SERVPOET $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)
+	$(install) -m 644 ../configs/pap-secrets $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)
+	-mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8
 	for i in $(TARGETS) ; do \
 		if test -f ../man/$$i.8 ; then \
-			$(install) -m 644 ../man/$$i.8 $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(mandir)/man8 || exit 1; \
+			$(install) -m 644 ../man/$$i.8 $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8 || exit 1; \
 		fi; \
-	$(install) -m 644 ../man/adsl-start.8 $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(mandir)/man8
-	$(install) -m 644 ../man/adsl-stop.8 $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(mandir)/man8
-	$(install) -m 644 ../man/adsl-status.8 $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(mandir)/man8
-	$(install) -m 644 ../man/adsl-connect.8 $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(mandir)/man8
-	$(install) -m 644 ../man/adsl-setup.8 $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(mandir)/man8
-	-mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(mandir)/man5
-	$(install) -m 644 ../man/pppoe.conf.5 $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(mandir)/man5
-	-mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/etc/ppp
-	-echo "# Directory created by rp-pppoe for kernel-mode plugin" > $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(PLUGIN_DIR)/README
-	@if test -r rp-pppoe.so; then $(install) -m 755 rp-pppoe.so $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(PLUGIN_DIR); fi
-	@for i in pppoe.conf firewall-standalone firewall-masq ; do \
-		if [ ! -f $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/etc/ppp/$$i ] ; then \
-			$(install) -m 644 ../configs/$$i $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/etc/ppp ; \
+	$(install) -m 644 ../man/adsl-start.8 $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8
+	$(install) -m 644 ../man/adsl-stop.8 $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8
+	$(install) -m 644 ../man/adsl-status.8 $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8
+	$(install) -m 644 ../man/adsl-connect.8 $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8
+	$(install) -m 644 ../man/adsl-setup.8 $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8
+	-mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man5
+	$(install) -m 644 ../man/pppoe.conf.5 $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man5
+	-mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/etc/ppp
+	-echo "# Directory created by rp-pppoe for kernel-mode plugin" > $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(PLUGIN_DIR)/README
+	@if test -r rp-pppoe.so; then $(install) -m 755 rp-pppoe.so $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(PLUGIN_DIR); fi
+	@for i in pppoe.conf; do \
+		if [ ! -f $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/etc/$$i ] ; then \
+			$(install) -m 644 ../configs/$$i $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/etc ; \
 		else \
-			echo "NOT overwriting existing $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/etc/ppp/$$i" ;\
-			$(install) -m 644 ../configs/$$i $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/etc/ppp/$$i-$(VERSION) ;\
+			echo "NOT overwriting existing $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/etc/$$i" ;\
+			$(install) -m 644 ../configs/$$i $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/etc/$$i-$(VERSION) ;\
 		fi ;\
-		$(install) -m 644 ../configs/pppoe-server-options $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(PPPOESERVER_PPPD_OPTIONS) ; \
+		$(install) -m 644 ../configs/pppoe-server-options $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(PPPOESERVER_PPPD_OPTIONS) ; \
 	else \
-		echo "NOT overwriting existing $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(PPPOESERVER_PPPD_OPTIONS)"; \
-		$(install) -m 644 ../configs/pppoe-server-options $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(PPPOESERVER_PPPD_OPTIONS)-example ; \
+		echo "NOT overwriting existing $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(PPPOESERVER_PPPD_OPTIONS)"; \
+		$(install) -m 644 ../configs/pppoe-server-options $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)$(PPPOESERVER_PPPD_OPTIONS)-example ; \
 	@if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] ; then \
-		echo "Looks like a Red Hat system; installing $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/etc/rc.d/init.d/adsl" ; \
-		mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/etc/rc.d/init.d ;\
-		$(install) -m 755 ../scripts/adsl-init $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/etc/rc.d/init.d/adsl ; \
+		echo "Looks like a Red Hat system; installing $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/etc/rc.d/init.d/adsl" ; \
+		mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/etc/rc.d/init.d ;\
+		$(install) -m 755 ../scripts/adsl-init $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/etc/rc.d/init.d/adsl ; \
 	@if [ -f /etc/turbolinux-release ] ; then \
-		echo "Looks like a TurboLinux system; installing $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/etc/rc.d/init.d/adsl" ; \
-		mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/etc/rc.d/init.d ;\
-		$(install) -m 755 ../scripts/adsl-init-turbolinux $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/etc/rc.d/init.d/adsl ; \
+		echo "Looks like a TurboLinux system; installing $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/etc/rc.d/init.d/adsl" ; \
+		mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/etc/rc.d/init.d ;\
+		$(install) -m 755 ../scripts/adsl-init-turbolinux $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/etc/rc.d/init.d/adsl ; \
 	@if [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ] ; then \
-		echo "Looks like a SuSE Linux system; installing $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/etc/rc.d/init.d/adsl" ; \
-		mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/etc/rc.d/init.d ;\
-		$(install) -m 755 ../scripts/adsl-init-suse $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/etc/rc.d/init.d/adsl ; \
+		echo "Looks like a SuSE Linux system; installing $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/etc/rc.d/init.d/adsl" ; \
+		mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/etc/rc.d/init.d ;\
+		$(install) -m 755 ../scripts/adsl-init-suse $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/etc/rc.d/init.d/adsl ; \
 	# L2TP
 	@if [ -f l2tp/handlers/sync-pppd.so ] ; then \
-		mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/lib/l2tp/plugins ; \
-		$(install) -m 755 l2tp/handlers/sync-pppd.so $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/lib/l2tp/plugins ; \
-		mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/etc/l2tp ; \
-		$(install) -m 600 l2tp/l2tp.conf $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)/etc/l2tp/l2tp.conf.example ; \
+		mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/l2tp/plugins ; \
+		$(install) -m 755 l2tp/handlers/sync-pppd.so $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/l2tp/plugins ; \
+		mkdir -p $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/etc/l2tp ; \
+		$(install) -m 600 l2tp/l2tp.conf $(RPM_INSTALL_ROOT)$(DESTDIR)/etc/l2tp/l2tp.conf.example ; \
 	@echo ""
 	@echo "Type 'adsl-setup' to configure the software."
@@ -288,7 +290,7 @@
 	cd .. && rpm -ba servpoet.spec
-	rm -f *.o pppoe pppoe-sniff pppoe-server core rp-pppoe.so plugin/*.o plugin/libplugin.a *~
+	rm -f *.o pppoe pppoe-relay pppoe-sniff pppoe-server core rp-pppoe.so plugin/*.o plugin/libplugin.a *~
 	test -f licensed-only/Makefile && $(MAKE) -C licensed-only clean || true
 	test -f libevent/Makefile && $(MAKE) -C libevent clean || true
 	test -f l2tp/Makefile && $(MAKE) -C l2tp clean || true
diff -ruN rp-pppoe-3.5-orig/src/libevent/Makefile.in rp-pppoe-3.5-4/src/libevent/Makefile.in
--- rp-pppoe-3.5-orig/src/libevent/Makefile.in	2002-07-08 16:38:24.000000000 +0200
+++ rp-pppoe-3.5-4/src/libevent/Makefile.in	2005-03-09 16:37:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -18,24 +18,24 @@
 libevent.a: $(OBJS)
 	rm -f libevent.a
-	ar -cq libevent.a $(OBJS)
+	$(AR) r libevent.a $(OBJS)
 	@RANLIB@ libevent.a
 event.o: event.c $(HDRS)
-	gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -o event.o event.c
+	@CC@ $(CFLAGS) -c -o event.o event.c
 hash.o: hash.c $(HDRS)
-	gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -o hash.o hash.c
+	@CC@ $(CFLAGS) -c -o hash.o hash.c
 event_sig.o: event_sig.c $(HDRS)
-	gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -o event_sig.o event_sig.c
+	@CC@ $(CFLAGS) -c -o event_sig.o event_sig.c
 event_tcp.o: event_tcp.c $(HDRS)
-	gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -o event_tcp.o event_tcp.c
+	@CC@ $(CFLAGS) -c -o event_tcp.o event_tcp.c
 clean: FORCE
 	rm -f *.a *.o *~
-.phony: FORCE
\ No newline at end of file
+.phony: FORCE