/* * linux/include/asm-mips/mach-jz4730/regs.h * * JZ4730 registers definition. * * Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Ingenic Semiconductor Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #ifndef __ASM_JZ4730_REGS_H__ #define __ASM_JZ4730_REGS_H__ #if defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__LANGUAGE_ASSEMBLY) #define REG8(addr) (addr) #define REG16(addr) (addr) #define REG32(addr) (addr) #else #define REG8(addr) *((volatile unsigned char *)(addr)) #define REG16(addr) *((volatile unsigned short *)(addr)) #define REG32(addr) *((volatile unsigned int *)(addr)) #endif #define HARB_BASE 0xB3000000 #define EMC_BASE 0xB3010000 #define DMAC_BASE 0xB3020000 #define UHC_BASE 0xB3030000 #define UDC_BASE 0xB3040000 #define LCD_BASE 0xB3050000 #define CIM_BASE 0xB3060000 #define ETH_BASE 0xB3100000 #define NBM_BASE 0xB3F00000 #define CPM_BASE 0xB0000000 #define INTC_BASE 0xB0001000 #define OST_BASE 0xB0002000 #define RTC_BASE 0xB0003000 #define WDT_BASE 0xB0004000 #define GPIO_BASE 0xB0010000 #define AIC_BASE 0xB0020000 #define MSC_BASE 0xB0021000 #define UART0_BASE 0xB0030000 #define UART1_BASE 0xB0031000 #define UART2_BASE 0xB0032000 #define UART3_BASE 0xB0033000 #define FIR_BASE 0xB0040000 #define SCC_BASE 0xB0041000 #define SCC0_BASE 0xB0041000 #define I2C_BASE 0xB0042000 #define SSI_BASE 0xB0043000 #define SCC1_BASE 0xB0044000 #define PWM0_BASE 0xB0050000 #define PWM1_BASE 0xB0051000 #define DES_BASE 0xB0060000 #define UPRT_BASE 0xB0061000 #define KBC_BASE 0xB0062000 /************************************************************************* * MSC *************************************************************************/ #define MSC_STRPCL (MSC_BASE + 0x000) #define MSC_STAT (MSC_BASE + 0x004) #define MSC_CLKRT (MSC_BASE + 0x008) #define MSC_CMDAT (MSC_BASE + 0x00C) #define MSC_RESTO (MSC_BASE + 0x010) #define MSC_RDTO (MSC_BASE + 0x014) #define MSC_BLKLEN (MSC_BASE + 0x018) #define MSC_NOB (MSC_BASE + 0x01C) #define MSC_SNOB (MSC_BASE + 0x020) #define MSC_IMASK (MSC_BASE + 0x024) #define MSC_IREG (MSC_BASE + 0x028) #define MSC_CMD (MSC_BASE + 0x02C) #define MSC_ARG (MSC_BASE + 0x030) #define MSC_RES (MSC_BASE + 0x034) #define MSC_RXFIFO (MSC_BASE + 0x038) #define MSC_TXFIFO (MSC_BASE + 0x03C) #define REG_MSC_STRPCL REG16(MSC_STRPCL) #define REG_MSC_STAT REG32(MSC_STAT) #define REG_MSC_CLKRT REG16(MSC_CLKRT) #define REG_MSC_CMDAT REG32(MSC_CMDAT) #define REG_MSC_RESTO REG16(MSC_RESTO) #define REG_MSC_RDTO REG16(MSC_RDTO) #define REG_MSC_BLKLEN REG16(MSC_BLKLEN) #define REG_MSC_NOB REG16(MSC_NOB) #define REG_MSC_SNOB REG16(MSC_SNOB) #define REG_MSC_IMASK REG16(MSC_IMASK) #define REG_MSC_IREG REG16(MSC_IREG) #define REG_MSC_CMD REG8(MSC_CMD) #define REG_MSC_ARG REG32(MSC_ARG) #define REG_MSC_RES REG16(MSC_RES) #define REG_MSC_RXFIFO REG32(MSC_RXFIFO) #define REG_MSC_TXFIFO REG32(MSC_TXFIFO) /* MSC Clock and Control Register (MSC_STRPCL) */ #define MSC_STRPCL_EXIT_MULTIPLE (1 << 7) #define MSC_STRPCL_EXIT_TRANSFER (1 << 6) #define MSC_STRPCL_START_READWAIT (1 << 5) #define MSC_STRPCL_STOP_READWAIT (1 << 4) #define MSC_STRPCL_RESET (1 << 3) #define MSC_STRPCL_START_OP (1 << 2) #define MSC_STRPCL_CLOCK_CONTROL_BIT 0 #define MSC_STRPCL_CLOCK_CONTROL_MASK (0x3 << MSC_STRPCL_CLOCK_CONTROL_BIT) #define MSC_STRPCL_CLOCK_CONTROL_STOP (0x1 << MSC_STRPCL_CLOCK_CONTROL_BIT) /* Stop MMC/SD clock */ #define MSC_STRPCL_CLOCK_CONTROL_START (0x2 << MSC_STRPCL_CLOCK_CONTROL_BIT) /* Start MMC/SD clock */ /* MSC Status Register (MSC_STAT) */ #define MSC_STAT_IS_RESETTING (1 << 15) #define MSC_STAT_SDIO_INT_ACTIVE (1 << 14) #define MSC_STAT_PRG_DONE (1 << 13) #define MSC_STAT_DATA_TRAN_DONE (1 << 12) #define MSC_STAT_END_CMD_RES (1 << 11) #define MSC_STAT_DATA_FIFO_AFULL (1 << 10) #define MSC_STAT_IS_READWAIT (1 << 9) #define MSC_STAT_CLK_EN (1 << 8) #define MSC_STAT_DATA_FIFO_FULL (1 << 7) #define MSC_STAT_DATA_FIFO_EMPTY (1 << 6) #define MSC_STAT_CRC_RES_ERR (1 << 5) #define MSC_STAT_CRC_READ_ERROR (1 << 4) #define MSC_STAT_CRC_WRITE_ERROR_BIT 2 #define MSC_STAT_CRC_WRITE_ERROR_MASK (0x3 << MSC_STAT_CRC_WRITE_ERROR_BIT) #define MSC_STAT_CRC_WRITE_ERROR_NO (0 << MSC_STAT_CRC_WRITE_ERROR_BIT) /* No error on transmission of data */ #define MSC_STAT_CRC_WRITE_ERROR (1 << MSC_STAT_CRC_WRITE_ERROR_BIT) /* Card observed erroneous transmission of data */ #define MSC_STAT_CRC_WRITE_ERROR_NOSTS (2 << MSC_STAT_CRC_WRITE_ERROR_BIT) /* No CRC status is sent back */ #define MSC_STAT_TIME_OUT_RES (1 << 1) #define MSC_STAT_TIME_OUT_READ (1 << 0) /* MSC Bus Clock Control Register (MSC_CLKRT) */ #define MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_BIT 0 #define MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_MASK (0x7 << MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_BIT) #define MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_DIV_1 (0x0 << MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_BIT) /* CLK_SRC */ #define MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_DIV_2 (0x1 << MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_BIT) /* 1/2 of CLK_SRC */ #define MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_DIV_4 (0x2 << MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_BIT) /* 1/4 of CLK_SRC */ #define MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_DIV_8 (0x3 << MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_BIT) /* 1/8 of CLK_SRC */ #define MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_DIV_16 (0x4 << MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_BIT) /* 1/16 of CLK_SRC */ #define MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_DIV_32 (0x5 << MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_BIT) /* 1/32 of CLK_SRC */ #define MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_DIV_64 (0x6 << MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_BIT) /* 1/64 of CLK_SRC */ #define MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_DIV_128 (0x7 << MSC_CLKRT_CLK_RATE_BIT) /* 1/128 of CLK_SRC */ /* MSC Command Sequence Control Register (MSC_CMDAT) */ #define MSC_CMDAT_IO_ABORT (1 << 11) #define MSC_CMDAT_BUS_WIDTH_BIT 9 #define MSC_CMDAT_BUS_WIDTH_MASK (0x3 << MSC_CMDAT_BUS_WIDTH_BIT) #define MSC_CMDAT_BUS_WIDTH_1BIT (0x0 << MSC_CMDAT_BUS_WIDTH_BIT) /* 1-bit data bus */ #define MSC_CMDAT_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT (0x2 << MSC_CMDAT_BUS_WIDTH_BIT) /* 4-bit data bus */ #define CMDAT_BUS_WIDTH1 (0x0 << MSC_CMDAT_BUS_WIDTH_BIT) #define CMDAT_BUS_WIDTH4 (0x2 << MSC_CMDAT_BUS_WIDTH_BIT) #define MSC_CMDAT_DMA_EN (1 << 8) #define MSC_CMDAT_INIT (1 << 7) #define MSC_CMDAT_BUSY (1 << 6) #define MSC_CMDAT_STREAM_BLOCK (1 << 5) #define MSC_CMDAT_WRITE (1 << 4) #define MSC_CMDAT_READ (0 << 4) #define MSC_CMDAT_DATA_EN (1 << 3) #define MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_BIT 0 #define MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_MASK (0x7 << MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_BIT) #define MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_NONE (0x0 << MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_BIT) /* No response */ #define MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_R1 (0x1 << MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_BIT) /* Format R1 and R1b */ #define MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_R2 (0x2 << MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_BIT) /* Format R2 */ #define MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_R3 (0x3 << MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_BIT) /* Format R3 */ #define MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_R4 (0x4 << MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_BIT) /* Format R4 */ #define MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_R5 (0x5 << MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_BIT) /* Format R5 */ #define MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_R6 (0x6 << MSC_CMDAT_RESPONSE_BIT) /* Format R6 */ #define CMDAT_DMA_EN (1 << 8) #define CMDAT_INIT (1 << 7) #define CMDAT_BUSY (1 << 6) #define CMDAT_STREAM (1 << 5) #define CMDAT_WRITE (1 << 4) #define CMDAT_DATA_EN (1 << 3) /* MSC Interrupts Mask Register (MSC_IMASK) */ #define MSC_IMASK_SDIO (1 << 7) #define MSC_IMASK_TXFIFO_WR_REQ (1 << 6) #define MSC_IMASK_RXFIFO_RD_REQ (1 << 5) #define MSC_IMASK_END_CMD_RES (1 << 2) #define MSC_IMASK_PRG_DONE (1 << 1) #define MSC_IMASK_DATA_TRAN_DONE (1 << 0) /* MSC Interrupts Status Register (MSC_IREG) */ #define MSC_IREG_SDIO (1 << 7) #define MSC_IREG_TXFIFO_WR_REQ (1 << 6) #define MSC_IREG_RXFIFO_RD_REQ (1 << 5) #define MSC_IREG_END_CMD_RES (1 << 2) #define MSC_IREG_PRG_DONE (1 << 1) #define MSC_IREG_DATA_TRAN_DONE (1 << 0) /************************************************************************* * RTC *************************************************************************/ #define RTC_RCR (RTC_BASE + 0x00) #define RTC_RSR (RTC_BASE + 0x04) #define RTC_RSAR (RTC_BASE + 0x08) #define RTC_RGR (RTC_BASE + 0x0c) #define REG_RTC_RCR REG32(RTC_RCR) #define REG_RTC_RSR REG32(RTC_RSR) #define REG_RTC_RSAR REG32(RTC_RSAR) #define REG_RTC_RGR REG32(RTC_RGR) #define RTC_RCR_HZ (1 << 6) #define RTC_RCR_HZIE (1 << 5) #define RTC_RCR_AF (1 << 4) #define RTC_RCR_AIE (1 << 3) #define RTC_RCR_AE (1 << 2) #define RTC_RCR_START (1 << 0) #define RTC_RGR_LOCK (1 << 31) #define RTC_RGR_ADJ_BIT 16 #define RTC_RGR_ADJ_MASK (0x3ff << RTC_RGR_ADJ_BIT) #define RTC_RGR_DIV_BIT 0 #define RTC_REG_DIV_MASK (0xff << RTC_RGR_DIV_BIT) /************************************************************************* * FIR *************************************************************************/ #define FIR_TDR (FIR_BASE + 0x000) #define FIR_RDR (FIR_BASE + 0x004) #define FIR_TFLR (FIR_BASE + 0x008) #define FIR_AR (FIR_BASE + 0x00C) #define FIR_CR1 (FIR_BASE + 0x010) #define FIR_CR2 (FIR_BASE + 0x014) #define FIR_SR (FIR_BASE + 0x018) #define REG_FIR_TDR REG8(FIR_TDR) #define REG_FIR_RDR REG8(FIR_RDR) #define REG_FIR_TFLR REG16(FIR_TFLR) #define REG_FIR_AR REG8(FIR_AR) #define REG_FIR_CR1 REG8(FIR_CR1) #define REG_FIR_CR2 REG16(FIR_CR2) #define REG_FIR_SR REG16(FIR_SR) /* FIR Control Register 1 (FIR_CR1) */ #define FIR_CR1_FIRUE (1 << 7) #define FIR_CR1_ACE (1 << 6) #define FIR_CR1_EOUS (1 << 5) #define FIR_CR1_TIIE (1 << 4) #define FIR_CR1_TFIE (1 << 3) #define FIR_CR1_RFIE (1 << 2) #define FIR_CR1_TXE (1 << 1) #define FIR_CR1_RXE (1 << 0) /* FIR Control Register 2 (FIR_CR2) */ #define FIR_CR2_SIPE (1 << 10) #define FIR_CR2_BCRC (1 << 9) #define FIR_CR2_TFLRS (1 << 8) #define FIR_CR2_ISS (1 << 7) #define FIR_CR2_LMS (1 << 6) #define FIR_CR2_TPPS (1 << 5) #define FIR_CR2_RPPS (1 << 4) #define FIR_CR2_TTRG_BIT 2 #define FIR_CR2_TTRG_MASK (0x3 << FIR_CR2_TTRG_BIT) #define FIR_CR2_TTRG_16 (0 << FIR_CR2_TTRG_BIT) /* Transmit Trigger Level is 16 */ #define FIR_CR2_TTRG_32 (1 << FIR_CR2_TTRG_BIT) /* Transmit Trigger Level is 32 */ #define FIR_CR2_TTRG_64 (2 << FIR_CR2_TTRG_BIT) /* Transmit Trigger Level is 64 */ #define FIR_CR2_TTRG_128 (3 << FIR_CR2_TTRG_BIT) /* Transmit Trigger Level is 128 */ #define FIR_CR2_RTRG_BIT 0 #define FIR_CR2_RTRG_MASK (0x3 << FIR_CR2_RTRG_BIT) #define FIR_CR2_RTRG_16 (0 << FIR_CR2_RTRG_BIT) /* Receive Trigger Level is 16 */ #define FIR_CR2_RTRG_32 (1 << FIR_CR2_RTRG_BIT) /* Receive Trigger Level is 32 */ #define FIR_CR2_RTRG_64 (2 << FIR_CR2_RTRG_BIT) /* Receive Trigger Level is 64 */ #define FIR_CR2_RTRG_128 (3 << FIR_CR2_RTRG_BIT) /* Receive Trigger Level is 128 */ /* FIR Status Register (FIR_SR) */ #define FIR_SR_RFW (1 << 12) #define FIR_SR_RFA (1 << 11) #define FIR_SR_TFRTL (1 << 10) #define FIR_SR_RFRTL (1 << 9) #define FIR_SR_URUN (1 << 8) #define FIR_SR_RFTE (1 << 7) #define FIR_SR_ORUN (1 << 6) #define FIR_SR_CRCE (1 << 5) #define FIR_SR_FEND (1 << 4) #define FIR_SR_TFF (1 << 3) #define FIR_SR_RFE (1 << 2) #define FIR_SR_TIDLE (1 << 1) #define FIR_SR_RB (1 << 0) /************************************************************************* * SCC *************************************************************************/ #define SCC_DR(base) ((base) + 0x000) #define SCC_FDR(base) ((base) + 0x004) #define SCC_CR(base) ((base) + 0x008) #define SCC1_CR(base) ((base) + 0x008) #define SCC_SR(base) ((base) + 0x00C) #define SCC_TFR(base) ((base) + 0x010) #define SCC_EGTR(base) ((base) + 0x014) #define SCC_ECR(base) ((base) + 0x018) #define SCC_RTOR(base) ((base) + 0x01C) #define REG_SCC_DR(base) REG8(SCC_DR(base)) #define REG_SCC_FDR(base) REG8(SCC_FDR(base)) #define REG_SCC_CR(base) REG32(SCC_CR(base)) #define REG_SCC1_CR(base) REG32(SCC1_CR(base)) #define REG_SCC_SR(base) REG16(SCC_SR(base)) #define REG_SCC_TFR(base) REG16(SCC_TFR(base)) #define REG_SCC_EGTR(base) REG8(SCC_EGTR(base)) #define REG_SCC_ECR(base) REG32(SCC_ECR(base)) #define REG_SCC_RTOR(base) REG8(SCC_RTOR(base)) /* SCC FIFO Data Count Register (SCC_FDR) */ #define SCC_FDR_EMPTY 0x00 #define SCC_FDR_FULL 0x10 /* SCC Control Register (SCC_CR) */ #define SCC_CR_SCCE (1 << 31) #define SCC_CR_TRS (1 << 30) #define SCC_CR_T2R (1 << 29) #define SCC_CR_FDIV_BIT 24 #define SCC_CR_FDIV_MASK (0x3 << SCC_CR_FDIV_BIT) #define SCC_CR_FDIV_1 (0 << SCC_CR_FDIV_BIT) /* SCC_CLK frequency is the same as device clock */ #define SCC_CR_FDIV_2 (1 << SCC_CR_FDIV_BIT) /* SCC_CLK frequency is half of device clock */ #define SCC_CR_FLUSH (1 << 23) #define SCC_CR_TRIG_BIT 16 #define SCC_CR_TRIG_MASK (0x3 << SCC_CR_TRIG_BIT) #define SCC_CR_TRIG_1 (0 << SCC_CR_TRIG_BIT) /* Receive/Transmit-FIFO Trigger is 1 */ #define SCC_CR_TRIG_4 (1 << SCC_CR_TRIG_BIT) /* Receive/Transmit-FIFO Trigger is 4 */ #define SCC_CR_TRIG_8 (2 << SCC_CR_TRIG_BIT) /* Receive/Transmit-FIFO Trigger is 8 */ #define SCC_CR_TRIG_14 (3 << SCC_CR_TRIG_BIT) /* Receive/Transmit-FIFO Trigger is 14 */ #define SCC_CR_TP (1 << 15) #define SCC_CR_CONV (1 << 14) #define SCC_CR_TXIE (1 << 13) #define SCC_CR_RXIE (1 << 12) #define SCC_CR_TENDIE (1 << 11) #define SCC_CR_RTOIE (1 << 10) #define SCC_CR_ECIE (1 << 9) #define SCC_CR_EPIE (1 << 8) #define SCC_CR_RETIE (1 << 7) #define SCC_CR_EOIE (1 << 6) #define SCC_CR_TSEND (1 << 3) #define SCC_CR_PX_BIT 1 #define SCC_CR_PX_MASK (0x3 << SCC_CR_PX_BIT) #define SCC_CR_PX_NOT_SUPPORT (0 << SCC_CR_PX_BIT) /* SCC does not support clock stop */ #define SCC_CR_PX_STOP_LOW (1 << SCC_CR_PX_BIT) /* SCC_CLK stops at state low */ #define SCC_CR_PX_STOP_HIGH (2 << SCC_CR_PX_BIT) /* SCC_CLK stops at state high */ #define SCC_CR_CLKSTP (1 << 0) /* SCC Status Register (SCC_SR) */ #define SCC_SR_TRANS (1 << 15) #define SCC_SR_ORER (1 << 12) #define SCC_SR_RTO (1 << 11) #define SCC_SR_PER (1 << 10) #define SCC_SR_TFTG (1 << 9) #define SCC_SR_RFTG (1 << 8) #define SCC_SR_TEND (1 << 7) #define SCC_SR_RETR_3 (1 << 4) #define SCC_SR_ECNTO (1 << 0) /************************************************************************* * ETH *************************************************************************/ #define ETH_BMR (ETH_BASE + 0x1000) #define ETH_TPDR (ETH_BASE + 0x1004) #define ETH_RPDR (ETH_BASE + 0x1008) #define ETH_RAR (ETH_BASE + 0x100C) #define ETH_TAR (ETH_BASE + 0x1010) #define ETH_SR (ETH_BASE + 0x1014) #define ETH_CR (ETH_BASE + 0x1018) #define ETH_IER (ETH_BASE + 0x101C) #define ETH_MFCR (ETH_BASE + 0x1020) #define ETH_CTAR (ETH_BASE + 0x1050) #define ETH_CRAR (ETH_BASE + 0x1054) #define ETH_MCR (ETH_BASE + 0x0000) #define ETH_MAHR (ETH_BASE + 0x0004) #define ETH_MALR (ETH_BASE + 0x0008) #define ETH_HTHR (ETH_BASE + 0x000C) #define ETH_HTLR (ETH_BASE + 0x0010) #define ETH_MIAR (ETH_BASE + 0x0014) #define ETH_MIDR (ETH_BASE + 0x0018) #define ETH_FCR (ETH_BASE + 0x001C) #define ETH_VTR1 (ETH_BASE + 0x0020) #define ETH_VTR2 (ETH_BASE + 0x0024) #define ETH_WKFR (ETH_BASE + 0x0028) #define ETH_PMTR (ETH_BASE + 0x002C) #define REG_ETH_BMR REG32(ETH_BMR) #define REG_ETH_TPDR REG32(ETH_TPDR) #define REG_ETH_RPDR REG32(ETH_RPDR) #define REG_ETH_RAR REG32(ETH_RAR) #define REG_ETH_TAR REG32(ETH_TAR) #define REG_ETH_SR REG32(ETH_SR) #define REG_ETH_CR REG32(ETH_CR) #define REG_ETH_IER REG32(ETH_IER) #define REG_ETH_MFCR REG32(ETH_MFCR) #define REG_ETH_CTAR REG32(ETH_CTAR) #define REG_ETH_CRAR REG32(ETH_CRAR) #define REG_ETH_MCR REG32(ETH_MCR) #define REG_ETH_MAHR REG32(ETH_MAHR) #define REG_ETH_MALR REG32(ETH_MALR) #define REG_ETH_HTHR REG32(ETH_HTHR) #define REG_ETH_HTLR REG32(ETH_HTLR) #define REG_ETH_MIAR REG32(ETH_MIAR) #define REG_ETH_MIDR REG32(ETH_MIDR) #define REG_ETH_FCR REG32(ETH_FCR) #define REG_ETH_VTR1 REG32(ETH_VTR1) #define REG_ETH_VTR2 REG32(ETH_VTR2) #define REG_ETH_WKFR REG32(ETH_WKFR) #define REG_ETH_PMTR REG32(ETH_PMTR) /* Bus Mode Register (ETH_BMR) */ #define ETH_BMR_DBO (1 << 20) #define ETH_BMR_PBL_BIT 8 #define ETH_BMR_PBL_MASK (0x3f << ETH_BMR_PBL_BIT) #define ETH_BMR_PBL_1 (0x1 << ETH_BMR_PBL_BIT) #define ETH_BMR_PBL_4 (0x4 << ETH_BMR_PBL_BIT) #define ETH_BMR_BLE (1 << 7) #define ETH_BMR_DSL_BIT 2 #define ETH_BMR_DSL_MASK (0x1f << ETH_BMR_DSL_BIT) #define ETH_BMR_DSL_0 (0x0 << ETH_BMR_DSL_BIT) #define ETH_BMR_DSL_1 (0x1 << ETH_BMR_DSL_BIT) #define ETH_BMR_DSL_2 (0x2 << ETH_BMR_DSL_BIT) #define ETH_BMR_DSL_4 (0x4 << ETH_BMR_DSL_BIT) #define ETH_BMR_DSL_8 (0x8 << ETH_BMR_DSL_BIT) #define ETH_BMR_SWR (1 << 0) /* DMA Status Register (ETH_SR) */ #define ETH_SR_EB_BIT 23 #define ETH_SR_EB_MASK (0x7 << ETH_SR_EB_BIT) #define ETH_SR_EB_TX_ABORT (0x1 << ETH_SR_EB_BIT) #define ETH_SR_EB_RX_ABORT (0x2 << ETH_SR_EB_BIT) #define ETH_SR_TS_BIT 20 #define ETH_SR_TS_MASK (0x7 << ETH_SR_TS_BIT) #define ETH_SR_TS_STOP (0x0 << ETH_SR_TS_BIT) #define ETH_SR_TS_FTD (0x1 << ETH_SR_TS_BIT) #define ETH_SR_TS_WEOT (0x2 << ETH_SR_TS_BIT) #define ETH_SR_TS_QDAT (0x3 << ETH_SR_TS_BIT) #define ETH_SR_TS_SUSPEND (0x6 << ETH_SR_TS_BIT) #define ETH_SR_TS_CTD (0x7 << ETH_SR_TS_BIT) #define ETH_SR_RS_BIT 17 #define ETH_SR_RS_MASK (0x7 << ETH_SR_RS_BIT) #define ETH_SR_RS_STOP (0x0 << ETH_SR_RS_BIT) #define ETH_SR_RS_FRD (0x1 << ETH_SR_RS_BIT) #define ETH_SR_RS_CEOR (0x2 << ETH_SR_RS_BIT) #define ETH_SR_RS_WRP (0x3 << ETH_SR_RS_BIT) #define ETH_SR_RS_SUSPEND (0x4 << ETH_SR_RS_BIT) #define ETH_SR_RS_CRD (0x5 << ETH_SR_RS_BIT) #define ETH_SR_RS_FCF (0x6 << ETH_SR_RS_BIT) #define ETH_SR_RS_QRF (0x7 << ETH_SR_RS_BIT) #define ETH_SR_NIS (1 << 16) #define ETH_SR_AIS (1 << 15) #define ETH_SR_ERI (1 << 14) #define ETH_SR_FBE (1 << 13) #define ETH_SR_ETI (1 << 10) #define ETH_SR_RWT (1 << 9) #define ETH_SR_RPS (1 << 8) #define ETH_SR_RU (1 << 7) #define ETH_SR_RI (1 << 6) #define ETH_SR_UNF (1 << 5) #define ETH_SR_TJT (1 << 3) #define ETH_SR_TU (1 << 2) #define ETH_SR_TPS (1 << 1) #define ETH_SR_TI (1 << 0) /* Control (Operation Mode) Register (ETH_CR) */ #define ETH_CR_TTM (1 << 22) #define ETH_CR_SF (1 << 21) #define ETH_CR_TR_BIT 14 #define ETH_CR_TR_MASK (0x3 << ETH_CR_TR_BIT) #define ETH_CR_ST (1 << 13) #define ETH_CR_OSF (1 << 2) #define ETH_CR_SR (1 << 1) /* Interrupt Enable Register (ETH_IER) */ #define ETH_IER_NI (1 << 16) #define ETH_IER_AI (1 << 15) #define ETH_IER_ERE (1 << 14) #define ETH_IER_FBE (1 << 13) #define ETH_IER_ET (1 << 10) #define ETH_IER_RWE (1 << 9) #define ETH_IER_RS (1 << 8) #define ETH_IER_RU (1 << 7) #define ETH_IER_RI (1 << 6) #define ETH_IER_UN (1 << 5) #define ETH_IER_TJ (1 << 3) #define ETH_IER_TU (1 << 2) #define ETH_IER_TS (1 << 1) #define ETH_IER_TI (1 << 0) /* Missed Frame and Buffer Overflow Counter Register (ETH_MFCR) */ #define ETH_MFCR_OVERFLOW_BIT 17 #define ETH_MFCR_OVERFLOW_MASK (0x7ff << ETH_MFCR_OVERFLOW_BIT) #define ETH_MFCR_MFC_BIT 0 #define ETH_MFCR_MFC_MASK (0xffff << ETH_MFCR_MFC_BIT) /* MAC Control Register (ETH_MCR) */ #define ETH_MCR_RA (1 << 31) #define ETH_MCR_HBD (1 << 28) #define ETH_MCR_PS (1 << 27) #define ETH_MCR_DRO (1 << 23) #define ETH_MCR_OM_BIT 21 #define ETH_MCR_OM_MASK (0x3 << ETH_MCR_OM_BIT) #define ETH_MCR_OM_NORMAL (0x0 << ETH_MCR_OM_BIT) #define ETH_MCR_OM_INTERNAL (0x1 << ETH_MCR_OM_BIT) #define ETH_MCR_OM_EXTERNAL (0x2 << ETH_MCR_OM_BIT) #define ETH_MCR_F (1 << 20) #define ETH_MCR_PM (1 << 19) #define ETH_MCR_PR (1 << 18) #define ETH_MCR_IF (1 << 17) #define ETH_MCR_PB (1 << 16) #define ETH_MCR_HO (1 << 15) #define ETH_MCR_HP (1 << 13) #define ETH_MCR_LCC (1 << 12) #define ETH_MCR_DBF (1 << 11) #define ETH_MCR_DTRY (1 << 10) #define ETH_MCR_ASTP (1 << 8) #define ETH_MCR_BOLMT_BIT 6 #define ETH_MCR_BOLMT_MASK (0x3 << ETH_MCR_BOLMT_BIT) #define ETH_MCR_BOLMT_10 (0 << ETH_MCR_BOLMT_BIT) #define ETH_MCR_BOLMT_8 (1 << ETH_MCR_BOLMT_BIT) #define ETH_MCR_BOLMT_4 (2 << ETH_MCR_BOLMT_BIT) #define ETH_MCR_BOLMT_1 (3 << ETH_MCR_BOLMT_BIT) #define ETH_MCR_DC (1 << 5) #define ETH_MCR_TE (1 << 3) #define ETH_MCR_RE (1 << 2) /* MII Address Register (ETH_MIAR) */ #define ETH_MIAR_PHY_ADDR_BIT 11 #define ETH_MIAR_PHY_ADDR_MASK (0x1f << ETH_MIAR_PHY_ADDR_BIT) #define ETH_MIAR_MII_REG_BIT 6 #define ETH_MIAR_MII_REG_MASK (0x1f << ETH_MIAR_MII_REG_BIT) #define ETH_MIAR_MII_WRITE (1 << 1) #define ETH_MIAR_MII_BUSY (1 << 0) /* Flow Control Register (ETH_FCR) */ #define ETH_FCR_PAUSE_TIME_BIT 16 #define ETH_FCR_PAUSE_TIME_MASK (0xffff << ETH_FCR_PAUSE_TIME_BIT) #define ETH_FCR_PCF (1 << 2) #define ETH_FCR_FCE (1 << 1) #define ETH_FCR_BUSY (1 << 0) /* PMT Control and Status Register (ETH_PMTR) */ #define ETH_PMTR_GU (1 << 9) #define ETH_PMTR_RF (1 << 6) #define ETH_PMTR_MF (1 << 5) #define ETH_PMTR_RWK (1 << 2) #define ETH_PMTR_MPK (1 << 1) /* Receive Descriptor 0 (ETH_RD0) Bits */ #define ETH_RD0_OWN (1 << 31) #define ETH_RD0_FF (1 << 30) #define ETH_RD0_FL_BIT 16 #define ETH_RD0_FL_MASK (0x3fff << ETH_RD0_FL_BIT) #define ETH_RD0_ES (1 << 15) #define ETH_RD0_DE (1 << 14) #define ETH_RD0_LE (1 << 12) #define ETH_RD0_RF (1 << 11) #define ETH_RD0_MF (1 << 10) #define ETH_RD0_FD (1 << 9) #define ETH_RD0_LD (1 << 8) #define ETH_RD0_TL (1 << 7) #define ETH_RD0_CS (1 << 6) #define ETH_RD0_FT (1 << 5) #define ETH_RD0_WT (1 << 4) #define ETH_RD0_ME (1 << 3) #define ETH_RD0_DB (1 << 2) #define ETH_RD0_CE (1 << 1) /* Receive Descriptor 1 (ETH_RD1) Bits */ #define ETH_RD1_RER (1 << 25) #define ETH_RD1_RCH (1 << 24) #define ETH_RD1_RBS2_BIT 11 #define ETH_RD1_RBS2_MASK (0x7ff << ETH_RD1_RBS2_BIT) #define ETH_RD1_RBS1_BIT 0 #define ETH_RD1_RBS1_MASK (0x7ff << ETH_RD1_RBS1_BIT) /* Transmit Descriptor 0 (ETH_TD0) Bits */ #define ETH_TD0_OWN (1 << 31) #define ETH_TD0_FA (1 << 15) #define ETH_TD0_LOC (1 << 11) #define ETH_TD0_NC (1 << 10) #define ETH_TD0_LC (1 << 9) #define ETH_TD0_EC (1 << 8) #define ETH_TD0_HBF (1 << 7) #define ETH_TD0_CC_BIT 3 #define ETH_TD0_CC_MASK (0xf << ETH_TD0_CC_BIT) #define ETH_TD0_ED (1 << 2) #define ETH_TD0_UF (1 << 1) #define ETH_TD0_DF (1 << 0) /* Transmit Descriptor 1 (ETH_TD1) Bits */ #define ETH_TD1_IC (1 << 31) #define ETH_TD1_LS (1 << 30) #define ETH_TD1_FS (1 << 29) #define ETH_TD1_AC (1 << 26) #define ETH_TD1_TER (1 << 25) #define ETH_TD1_TCH (1 << 24) #define ETH_TD1_DPD (1 << 23) #define ETH_TD1_TBS2_BIT 11 #define ETH_TD1_TBS2_MASK (0x7ff << ETH_TD1_TBS2_BIT) #define ETH_TD1_TBS1_BIT 0 #define ETH_TD1_TBS1_MASK (0x7ff << ETH_TD1_TBS1_BIT) /************************************************************************* * WDT *************************************************************************/ #define WDT_WTCSR (WDT_BASE + 0x00) #define WDT_WTCNT (WDT_BASE + 0x04) #define REG_WDT_WTCSR REG8(WDT_WTCSR) #define REG_WDT_WTCNT REG32(WDT_WTCNT) #define WDT_WTCSR_START (1 << 4) /************************************************************************* * OST *************************************************************************/ #define OST_TER (OST_BASE + 0x00) #define OST_TRDR(n) (OST_BASE + 0x10 + ((n) * 0x20)) #define OST_TCNT(n) (OST_BASE + 0x14 + ((n) * 0x20)) #define OST_TCSR(n) (OST_BASE + 0x18 + ((n) * 0x20)) #define OST_TCRB(n) (OST_BASE + 0x1c + ((n) * 0x20)) #define REG_OST_TER REG8(OST_TER) #define REG_OST_TRDR(n) REG32(OST_TRDR((n))) #define REG_OST_TCNT(n) REG32(OST_TCNT((n))) #define REG_OST_TCSR(n) REG16(OST_TCSR((n))) #define REG_OST_TCRB(n) REG32(OST_TCRB((n))) #define OST_TCSR_BUSY (1 << 7) #define OST_TCSR_UF (1 << 6) #define OST_TCSR_UIE (1 << 5) #define OST_TCSR_CKS_BIT 0 #define OST_TCSR_CKS_MASK (0x07 << OST_TCSR_CKS_BIT) #define OST_TCSR_CKS_PCLK_4 (0 << OST_TCSR_CKS_BIT) #define OST_TCSR_CKS_PCLK_16 (1 << OST_TCSR_CKS_BIT) #define OST_TCSR_CKS_PCLK_64 (2 << OST_TCSR_CKS_BIT) #define OST_TCSR_CKS_PCLK_256 (3 << OST_TCSR_CKS_BIT) #define OST_TCSR_CKS_RTCCLK (4 << OST_TCSR_CKS_BIT) #define OST_TCSR_CKS_EXTAL (5 << OST_TCSR_CKS_BIT) #define OST_TCSR0 OST_TCSR(0) #define OST_TCSR1 OST_TCSR(1) #define OST_TCSR2 OST_TCSR(2) #define OST_TRDR0 OST_TRDR(0) #define OST_TRDR1 OST_TRDR(1) #define OST_TRDR2 OST_TRDR(2) #define OST_TCNT0 OST_TCNT(0) #define OST_TCNT1 OST_TCNT(1) #define OST_TCNT2 OST_TCNT(2) #define OST_TCRB0 OST_TCRB(0) #define OST_TCRB1 OST_TCRB(1) #define OST_TCRB2 OST_TCRB(2) /************************************************************************* * UART *************************************************************************/ #define IRDA_BASE UART0_BASE #define UART_BASE UART0_BASE #define UART_OFF 0x1000 /* register offset */ #define OFF_RDR (0x00) /* R 8b H'xx */ #define OFF_TDR (0x00) /* W 8b H'xx */ #define OFF_DLLR (0x00) /* RW 8b H'00 */ #define OFF_DLHR (0x04) /* RW 8b H'00 */ #define OFF_IER (0x04) /* RW 8b H'00 */ #define OFF_ISR (0x08) /* R 8b H'01 */ #define OFF_FCR (0x08) /* W 8b H'00 */ #define OFF_LCR (0x0C) /* RW 8b H'00 */ #define OFF_MCR (0x10) /* RW 8b H'00 */ #define OFF_LSR (0x14) /* R 8b H'00 */ #define OFF_MSR (0x18) /* R 8b H'00 */ #define OFF_SPR (0x1C) /* RW 8b H'00 */ #define OFF_MCR (0x10) /* RW 8b H'00 */ #define OFF_SIRCR (0x20) /* RW 8b H'00, UART0 */ /* register address */ #define UART0_RDR (UART0_BASE + OFF_RDR) #define UART0_TDR (UART0_BASE + OFF_TDR) #define UART0_DLLR (UART0_BASE + OFF_DLLR) #define UART0_DLHR (UART0_BASE + OFF_DLHR) #define UART0_IER (UART0_BASE + OFF_IER) #define UART0_ISR (UART0_BASE + OFF_ISR) #define UART0_FCR (UART0_BASE + OFF_FCR) #define UART0_LCR (UART0_BASE + OFF_LCR) #define UART0_MCR (UART0_BASE + OFF_MCR) #define UART0_LSR (UART0_BASE + OFF_LSR) #define UART0_MSR (UART0_BASE + OFF_MSR) #define UART0_SPR (UART0_BASE + OFF_SPR) #define UART0_SIRCR (UART0_BASE + OFF_SIRCR) #define UART1_RDR (UART1_BASE + OFF_RDR) #define UART1_TDR (UART1_BASE + OFF_TDR) #define UART1_DLLR (UART1_BASE + OFF_DLLR) #define UART1_DLHR (UART1_BASE + OFF_DLHR) #define UART1_IER (UART1_BASE + OFF_IER) #define UART1_ISR (UART1_BASE + OFF_ISR) #define UART1_FCR (UART1_BASE + OFF_FCR) #define UART1_LCR (UART1_BASE + OFF_LCR) #define UART1_MCR (UART1_BASE + OFF_MCR) #define UART1_LSR (UART1_BASE + OFF_LSR) #define UART1_MSR (UART1_BASE + OFF_MSR) #define UART1_SPR (UART1_BASE + OFF_SPR) #define UART1_SIRCR (UART1_BASE + OFF_SIRCR) #define UART2_RDR (UART2_BASE + OFF_RDR) #define UART2_TDR (UART2_BASE + OFF_TDR) #define UART2_DLLR (UART2_BASE + OFF_DLLR) #define UART2_DLHR (UART2_BASE + OFF_DLHR) #define UART2_IER (UART2_BASE + OFF_IER) #define UART2_ISR (UART2_BASE + OFF_ISR) #define UART2_FCR (UART2_BASE + OFF_FCR) #define UART2_LCR (UART2_BASE + OFF_LCR) #define UART2_MCR (UART2_BASE + OFF_MCR) #define UART2_LSR (UART2_BASE + OFF_LSR) #define UART2_MSR (UART2_BASE + OFF_MSR) #define UART2_SPR (UART2_BASE + OFF_SPR) #define UART2_SIRCR (UART2_BASE + OFF_SIRCR) #define UART3_RDR (UART3_BASE + OFF_RDR) #define UART3_TDR (UART3_BASE + OFF_TDR) #define UART3_DLLR (UART3_BASE + OFF_DLLR) #define UART3_DLHR (UART3_BASE + OFF_DLHR) #define UART3_IER (UART3_BASE + OFF_IER) #define UART3_ISR (UART3_BASE + OFF_ISR) #define UART3_FCR (UART3_BASE + OFF_FCR) #define UART3_LCR (UART3_BASE + OFF_LCR) #define UART3_MCR (UART3_BASE + OFF_MCR) #define UART3_LSR (UART3_BASE + OFF_LSR) #define UART3_MSR (UART3_BASE + OFF_MSR) #define UART3_SPR (UART3_BASE + OFF_SPR) #define UART3_SIRCR (UART3_BASE + OFF_SIRCR) /* * Define macros for UARTIER * UART Interrupt Enable Register */ #define UARTIER_RIE (1 << 0) /* 0: receive fifo "full" interrupt disable */ #define UARTIER_TIE (1 << 1) /* 0: transmit fifo "empty" interrupt disable */ #define UARTIER_RLIE (1 << 2) /* 0: receive line status interrupt disable */ #define UARTIER_MIE (1 << 3) /* 0: modem status interrupt disable */ #define UARTIER_RTIE (1 << 4) /* 0: receive timeout interrupt disable */ /* * Define macros for UARTISR * UART Interrupt Status Register */ #define UARTISR_IP (1 << 0) /* 0: interrupt is pending 1: no interrupt */ #define UARTISR_IID (7 << 1) /* Source of Interrupt */ #define UARTISR_IID_MSI (0 << 1) /* Modem status interrupt */ #define UARTISR_IID_THRI (1 << 1) /* Transmitter holding register empty */ #define UARTISR_IID_RDI (2 << 1) /* Receiver data interrupt */ #define UARTISR_IID_RLSI (3 << 1) /* Receiver line status interrupt */ #define UARTISR_FFMS (3 << 6) /* FIFO mode select, set when UARTFCR.FE is set to 1 */ #define UARTISR_FFMS_NO_FIFO (0 << 6) #define UARTISR_FFMS_FIFO_MODE (3 << 6) /* * Define macros for UARTFCR * UART FIFO Control Register */ #define UARTFCR_FE (1 << 0) /* 0: non-FIFO mode 1: FIFO mode */ #define UARTFCR_RFLS (1 << 1) /* write 1 to flush receive FIFO */ #define UARTFCR_TFLS (1 << 2) /* write 1 to flush transmit FIFO */ #define UARTFCR_DMS (1 << 3) /* 0: disable DMA mode */ #define UARTFCR_UUE (1 << 4) /* 0: disable UART */ #define UARTFCR_RTRG (3 << 6) /* Receive FIFO Data Trigger */ #define UARTFCR_RTRG_1 (0 << 6) #define UARTFCR_RTRG_4 (1 << 6) #define UARTFCR_RTRG_8 (2 << 6) #define UARTFCR_RTRG_15 (3 << 6) /* * Define macros for UARTLCR * UART Line Control Register */ #define UARTLCR_WLEN (3 << 0) /* word length */ #define UARTLCR_WLEN_5 (0 << 0) #define UARTLCR_WLEN_6 (1 << 0) #define UARTLCR_WLEN_7 (2 << 0) #define UARTLCR_WLEN_8 (3 << 0) #define UARTLCR_STOP (1 << 2) /* 0: 1 stop bit when word length is 5,6,7,8 1: 1.5 stop bits when 5; 2 stop bits when 6,7,8 */ #define UARTLCR_PE (1 << 3) /* 0: parity disable */ #define UARTLCR_PROE (1 << 4) /* 0: even parity 1: odd parity */ #define UARTLCR_SPAR (1 << 5) /* 0: sticky parity disable */ #define UARTLCR_SBRK (1 << 6) /* write 0 normal, write 1 send break */ #define UARTLCR_DLAB (1 << 7) /* 0: access UARTRDR/TDR/IER 1: access UARTDLLR/DLHR */ /* * Define macros for UARTLSR * UART Line Status Register */ #define UARTLSR_DR (1 << 0) /* 0: receive FIFO is empty 1: receive data is ready */ #define UARTLSR_ORER (1 << 1) /* 0: no overrun error */ #define UARTLSR_PER (1 << 2) /* 0: no parity error */ #define UARTLSR_FER (1 << 3) /* 0; no framing error */ #define UARTLSR_BRK (1 << 4) /* 0: no break detected 1: receive a break signal */ #define UARTLSR_TDRQ (1 << 5) /* 1: transmit FIFO half "empty" */ #define UARTLSR_TEMT (1 << 6) /* 1: transmit FIFO and shift registers empty */ #define UARTLSR_RFER (1 << 7) /* 0: no receive error 1: receive error in FIFO mode */ /* * Define macros for UARTMCR * UART Modem Control Register */ #define UARTMCR_DTR (1 << 0) /* 0: DTR_ ouput high */ #define UARTMCR_RTS (1 << 1) /* 0: RTS_ output high */ #define UARTMCR_OUT1 (1 << 2) /* 0: UARTMSR.RI is set to 0 and RI_ input high */ #define UARTMCR_OUT2 (1 << 3) /* 0: UARTMSR.DCD is set to 0 and DCD_ input high */ #define UARTMCR_LOOP (1 << 4) /* 0: normal 1: loopback mode */ #define UARTMCR_MCE (1 << 7) /* 0: modem function is disable */ /* * Define macros for UARTMSR * UART Modem Status Register */ #define UARTMSR_DCTS (1 << 0) /* 0: no change on CTS_ pin since last read of UARTMSR */ #define UARTMSR_DDSR (1 << 1) /* 0: no change on DSR_ pin since last read of UARTMSR */ #define UARTMSR_DRI (1 << 2) /* 0: no change on RI_ pin since last read of UARTMSR */ #define UARTMSR_DDCD (1 << 3) /* 0: no change on DCD_ pin since last read of UARTMSR */ #define UARTMSR_CTS (1 << 4) /* 0: CTS_ pin is high */ #define UARTMSR_DSR (1 << 5) /* 0: DSR_ pin is high */ #define UARTMSR_RI (1 << 6) /* 0: RI_ pin is high */ #define UARTMSR_DCD (1 << 7) /* 0: DCD_ pin is high */ /* * Define macros for SIRCR * Slow IrDA Control Register */ #define SIRCR_TSIRE (1 << 0) /* 0: transmitter is in UART mode 1: IrDA mode */ #define SIRCR_RSIRE (1 << 1) /* 0: receiver is in UART mode 1: IrDA mode */ #define SIRCR_TPWS (1 << 2) /* 0: transmit 0 pulse width is 3/16 of bit length 1: 0 pulse width is 1.6us for 115.2Kbps */ #define SIRCR_TXPL (1 << 3) /* 0: encoder generates a positive pulse for 0 */ #define SIRCR_RXPL (1 << 4) /* 0: decoder interprets positive pulse as 0 */ /************************************************************************* * INTC *************************************************************************/ #define INTC_ISR (INTC_BASE + 0x00) #define INTC_IMR (INTC_BASE + 0x04) #define INTC_IMSR (INTC_BASE + 0x08) #define INTC_IMCR (INTC_BASE + 0x0c) #define INTC_IPR (INTC_BASE + 0x10) #define REG_INTC_ISR REG32(INTC_ISR) #define REG_INTC_IMR REG32(INTC_IMR) #define REG_INTC_IMSR REG32(INTC_IMSR) #define REG_INTC_IMCR REG32(INTC_IMCR) #define REG_INTC_IPR REG32(INTC_IPR) #define IRQ_I2C 1 #define IRQ_PS2 2 #define IRQ_UPRT 3 #define IRQ_CORE 4 #define IRQ_UART3 6 #define IRQ_UART2 7 #define IRQ_UART1 8 #define IRQ_UART0 9 #define IRQ_SCC1 10 #define IRQ_SCC0 11 #define IRQ_UDC 12 #define IRQ_UHC 13 #define IRQ_MSC 14 #define IRQ_RTC 15 #define IRQ_FIR 16 #define IRQ_SSI 17 #define IRQ_CIM 18 #define IRQ_ETH 19 #define IRQ_AIC 20 #define IRQ_DMAC 21 #define IRQ_OST2 22 #define IRQ_OST1 23 #define IRQ_OST0 24 #define IRQ_GPIO3 25 #define IRQ_GPIO2 26 #define IRQ_GPIO1 27 #define IRQ_GPIO0 28 #define IRQ_LCD 30 /************************************************************************* * CIM *************************************************************************/ #define CIM_CFG (CIM_BASE + 0x0000) #define CIM_CTRL (CIM_BASE + 0x0004) #define CIM_STATE (CIM_BASE + 0x0008) #define CIM_IID (CIM_BASE + 0x000C) #define CIM_RXFIFO (CIM_BASE + 0x0010) #define CIM_DA (CIM_BASE + 0x0020) #define CIM_FA (CIM_BASE + 0x0024) #define CIM_FID (CIM_BASE + 0x0028) #define CIM_CMD (CIM_BASE + 0x002C) #define REG_CIM_CFG REG32(CIM_CFG) #define REG_CIM_CTRL REG32(CIM_CTRL) #define REG_CIM_STATE REG32(CIM_STATE) #define REG_CIM_IID REG32(CIM_IID) #define REG_CIM_RXFIFO REG32(CIM_RXFIFO) #define REG_CIM_DA REG32(CIM_DA) #define REG_CIM_FA REG32(CIM_FA) #define REG_CIM_FID REG32(CIM_FID) #define REG_CIM_CMD REG32(CIM_CMD) /* CIM Configuration Register (CIM_CFG) */ #define CIM_CFG_INV_DAT (1 << 15) #define CIM_CFG_VSP (1 << 14) #define CIM_CFG_HSP (1 << 13) #define CIM_CFG_PCP (1 << 12) #define CIM_CFG_DUMMY_ZERO (1 << 9) #define CIM_CFG_EXT_VSYNC (1 << 8) #define CIM_CFG_PACK_BIT 4 #define CIM_CFG_PACK_MASK (0x7 << CIM_CFG_PACK_BIT) #define CIM_CFG_PACK_0 (0 << CIM_CFG_PACK_BIT) #define CIM_CFG_PACK_1 (1 << CIM_CFG_PACK_BIT) #define CIM_CFG_PACK_2 (2 << CIM_CFG_PACK_BIT) #define CIM_CFG_PACK_3 (3 << CIM_CFG_PACK_BIT) #define CIM_CFG_PACK_4 (4 << CIM_CFG_PACK_BIT) #define CIM_CFG_PACK_5 (5 << CIM_CFG_PACK_BIT) #define CIM_CFG_PACK_6 (6 << CIM_CFG_PACK_BIT) #define CIM_CFG_PACK_7 (7 << CIM_CFG_PACK_BIT) #define CIM_CFG_DSM_BIT 0 #define CIM_CFG_DSM_MASK (0x3 << CIM_CFG_DSM_BIT) #define CIM_CFG_DSM_CPM (0 << CIM_CFG_DSM_BIT) /* CCIR656 Progressive Mode */ #define CIM_CFG_DSM_CIM (1 << CIM_CFG_DSM_BIT) /* CCIR656 Interlace Mode */ #define CIM_CFG_DSM_GCM (2 << CIM_CFG_DSM_BIT) /* Gated Clock Mode */ #define CIM_CFG_DSM_NGCM (3 << CIM_CFG_DSM_BIT) /* Non-Gated Clock Mode */ /* CIM Control Register (CIM_CTRL) */ #define CIM_CTRL_MCLKDIV_BIT 24 #define CIM_CTRL_MCLKDIV_MASK (0xff << CIM_CTRL_MCLKDIV_BIT) #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT 16 #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_MASK (0xf << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_1 (0x0 << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) /* Sample every frame */ #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_2 (0x1 << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) /* Sample 1/2 frame */ #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_3 (0x2 << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) /* Sample 1/3 frame */ #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_4 (0x3 << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) /* Sample 1/4 frame */ #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_5 (0x4 << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) /* Sample 1/5 frame */ #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_6 (0x5 << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) /* Sample 1/6 frame */ #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_7 (0x6 << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) /* Sample 1/7 frame */ #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_8 (0x7 << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) /* Sample 1/8 frame */ #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_9 (0x8 << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) /* Sample 1/9 frame */ #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_10 (0x9 << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) /* Sample 1/10 frame */ #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_11 (0xA << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) /* Sample 1/11 frame */ #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_12 (0xB << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) /* Sample 1/12 frame */ #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_13 (0xC << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) /* Sample 1/13 frame */ #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_14 (0xD << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) /* Sample 1/14 frame */ #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_15 (0xE << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) /* Sample 1/15 frame */ #define CIM_CTRL_FRC_16 (0xF << CIM_CTRL_FRC_BIT) /* Sample 1/16 frame */ #define CIM_CTRL_VDDM (1 << 13) #define CIM_CTRL_DMA_SOFM (1 << 12) #define CIM_CTRL_DMA_EOFM (1 << 11) #define CIM_CTRL_DMA_STOPM (1 << 10) #define CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIGM (1 << 9) #define CIM_CTRL_RXF_OFM (1 << 8) #define CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_BIT 4 #define CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_MASK (0x7 << CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_BIT) #define CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_4 (0 << CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_BIT) /* RXFIFO Trigger Value is 4 */ #define CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_8 (1 << CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_BIT) /* RXFIFO Trigger Value is 8 */ #define CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_12 (2 << CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_BIT) /* RXFIFO Trigger Value is 12 */ #define CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_16 (3 << CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_BIT) /* RXFIFO Trigger Value is 16 */ #define CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_20 (4 << CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_BIT) /* RXFIFO Trigger Value is 20 */ #define CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_24 (5 << CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_BIT) /* RXFIFO Trigger Value is 24 */ #define CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_28 (6 << CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_BIT) /* RXFIFO Trigger Value is 28 */ #define CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_32 (7 << CIM_CTRL_RXF_TRIG_BIT) /* RXFIFO Trigger Value is 32 */ #define CIM_CTRL_DMA_EN (1 << 2) #define CIM_CTRL_RXF_RST (1 << 1) #define CIM_CTRL_ENA (1 << 0) /* CIM State Register (CIM_STATE) */ #define CIM_STATE_DMA_SOF (1 << 6) #define CIM_STATE_DMA_EOF (1 << 5) #define CIM_STATE_DMA_STOP (1 << 4) #define CIM_STATE_RXF_OF (1 << 3) #define CIM_STATE_RXF_TRIG (1 << 2) #define CIM_STATE_RXF_EMPTY (1 << 1) #define CIM_STATE_VDD (1 << 0) /* CIM DMA Command Register (CIM_CMD) */ #define CIM_CMD_SOFINT (1 << 31) #define CIM_CMD_EOFINT (1 << 30) #define CIM_CMD_STOP (1 << 28) #define CIM_CMD_LEN_BIT 0 #define CIM_CMD_LEN_MASK (0xffffff << CIM_CMD_LEN_BIT) /************************************************************************* * PWM *************************************************************************/ #define PWM_CTR(n) (PWM##n##_BASE + 0x000) #define PWM_PER(n) (PWM##n##_BASE + 0x004) #define PWM_DUT(n) (PWM##n##_BASE + 0x008) #define REG_PWM_CTR(n) REG8(PWM_CTR(n)) #define REG_PWM_PER(n) REG16(PWM_PER(n)) #define REG_PWM_DUT(n) REG16(PWM_DUT(n)) /* PWM Control Register (PWM_CTR) */ #define PWM_CTR_EN (1 << 7) #define PWM_CTR_SD (1 << 6) #define PWM_CTR_PRESCALE_BIT 0 #define PWM_CTR_PRESCALE_MASK (0x3f << PWM_CTR_PRESCALE_BIT) /* PWM Period Register (PWM_PER) */ #define PWM_PER_PERIOD_BIT 0 #define PWM_PER_PERIOD_MASK (0x3ff << PWM_PER_PERIOD_BIT) /* PWM Duty Register (PWM_DUT) */ #define PWM_DUT_FDUTY (1 << 10) #define PWM_DUT_DUTY_BIT 0 #define PWM_DUT_DUTY_MASK (0x3ff << PWM_DUT_DUTY_BIT) /************************************************************************* * EMC *************************************************************************/ #define EMC_BCR (EMC_BASE + 0x00) #define EMC_SMCR0 (EMC_BASE + 0x10) #define EMC_SMCR1 (EMC_BASE + 0x14) #define EMC_SMCR2 (EMC_BASE + 0x18) #define EMC_SMCR3 (EMC_BASE + 0x1c) #define EMC_SMCR4 (EMC_BASE + 0x20) #define EMC_SMCR5 (EMC_BASE + 0x24) #define EMC_SMCR6 (EMC_BASE + 0x28) #define EMC_SMCR7 (EMC_BASE + 0x2c) #define EMC_SACR0 (EMC_BASE + 0x30) #define EMC_SACR1 (EMC_BASE + 0x34) #define EMC_SACR2 (EMC_BASE + 0x38) #define EMC_SACR3 (EMC_BASE + 0x3c) #define EMC_SACR4 (EMC_BASE + 0x40) #define EMC_SACR5 (EMC_BASE + 0x44) #define EMC_SACR6 (EMC_BASE + 0x48) #define EMC_SACR7 (EMC_BASE + 0x4c) #define EMC_NFCSR (EMC_BASE + 0x50) #define EMC_NFECC (EMC_BASE + 0x54) #define EMC_PCCR1 (EMC_BASE + 0x60) #define EMC_PCCR2 (EMC_BASE + 0x64) #define EMC_PCCR3 (EMC_BASE + 0x68) #define EMC_PCCR4 (EMC_BASE + 0x6c) #define EMC_DMCR (EMC_BASE + 0x80) #define EMC_RTCSR (EMC_BASE + 0x84) #define EMC_RTCNT (EMC_BASE + 0x88) #define EMC_RTCOR (EMC_BASE + 0x8c) #define EMC_DMAR1 (EMC_BASE + 0x90) #define EMC_DMAR2 (EMC_BASE + 0x94) #define EMC_DMAR3 (EMC_BASE + 0x98) #define EMC_DMAR4 (EMC_BASE + 0x9c) #define EMC_SDMR0 (EMC_BASE + 0xa000) #define EMC_SDMR1 (EMC_BASE + 0xb000) #define EMC_SDMR2 (EMC_BASE + 0xc000) #define EMC_SDMR3 (EMC_BASE + 0xd000) #define REG_EMC_BCR REG32(EMC_BCR) #define REG_EMC_SMCR0 REG32(EMC_SMCR0) #define REG_EMC_SMCR1 REG32(EMC_SMCR1) #define REG_EMC_SMCR2 REG32(EMC_SMCR2) #define REG_EMC_SMCR3 REG32(EMC_SMCR3) #define REG_EMC_SMCR4 REG32(EMC_SMCR4) #define REG_EMC_SMCR5 REG32(EMC_SMCR5) #define REG_EMC_SMCR6 REG32(EMC_SMCR6) #define REG_EMC_SMCR7 REG32(EMC_SMCR7) #define REG_EMC_SACR0 REG32(EMC_SACR0) #define REG_EMC_SACR1 REG32(EMC_SACR1) #define REG_EMC_SACR2 REG32(EMC_SACR2) #define REG_EMC_SACR3 REG32(EMC_SACR3) #define REG_EMC_SACR4 REG32(EMC_SACR4) #define REG_EMC_SACR5 REG32(EMC_SACR5) #define REG_EMC_SACR6 REG32(EMC_SACR6) #define REG_EMC_SACR7 REG32(EMC_SACR7) #define REG_EMC_NFCSR REG32(EMC_NFCSR) #define REG_EMC_NFECC REG32(EMC_NFECC) #define REG_EMC_DMCR REG32(EMC_DMCR) #define REG_EMC_RTCSR REG16(EMC_RTCSR) #define REG_EMC_RTCNT REG16(EMC_RTCNT) #define REG_EMC_RTCOR REG16(EMC_RTCOR) #define REG_EMC_DMAR1 REG32(EMC_DMAR1) #define REG_EMC_DMAR2 REG32(EMC_DMAR2) #define REG_EMC_DMAR3 REG32(EMC_DMAR3) #define REG_EMC_DMAR4 REG32(EMC_DMAR4) #define REG_EMC_PCCR1 REG32(EMC_PCCR1) #define REG_EMC_PCCR2 REG32(EMC_PCCR2) #define REG_EMC_PCCR3 REG32(EMC_PCCR3) #define REG_EMC_PCCR4 REG32(EMC_PCCR4) #define EMC_BCR_BRE (1 << 1) #define EMC_SMCR_STRV_BIT 24 #define EMC_SMCR_STRV_MASK (0x0f << EMC_SMCR_STRV_BIT) #define EMC_SMCR_TAW_BIT 20 #define EMC_SMCR_TAW_MASK (0x0f << EMC_SMCR_TAW_BIT) #define EMC_SMCR_TBP_BIT 16 #define EMC_SMCR_TBP_MASK (0x0f << EMC_SMCR_TBP_BIT) #define EMC_SMCR_TAH_BIT 12 #define EMC_SMCR_TAH_MASK (0x07 << EMC_SMCR_TAH_BIT) #define EMC_SMCR_TAS_BIT 8 #define EMC_SMCR_TAS_MASK (0x07 << EMC_SMCR_TAS_BIT) #define EMC_SMCR_BW_BIT 6 #define EMC_SMCR_BW_MASK (0x03 << EMC_SMCR_BW_BIT) #define EMC_SMCR_BW_8BIT (0 << EMC_SMCR_BW_BIT) #define EMC_SMCR_BW_16BIT (1 << EMC_SMCR_BW_BIT) #define EMC_SMCR_BW_32BIT (2 << EMC_SMCR_BW_BIT) #define EMC_SMCR_BCM (1 << 3) #define EMC_SMCR_BL_BIT 1 #define EMC_SMCR_BL_MASK (0x03 << EMC_SMCR_BL_BIT) #define EMC_SMCR_BL_4 (0 << EMC_SMCR_BL_BIT) #define EMC_SMCR_BL_8 (1 << EMC_SMCR_BL_BIT) #define EMC_SMCR_BL_16 (2 << EMC_SMCR_BL_BIT) #define EMC_SMCR_BL_32 (3 << EMC_SMCR_BL_BIT) #define EMC_SMCR_SMT (1 << 0) #define EMC_SACR_BASE_BIT 8 #define EMC_SACR_BASE_MASK (0xff << EMC_SACR_BASE_BIT) #define EMC_SACR_MASK_BIT 0 #define EMC_SACR_MASK_MASK (0xff << EMC_SACR_MASK_BIT) #define EMC_NFCSR_RB (1 << 7) #define EMC_NFCSR_BOOT_SEL_BIT 4 #define EMC_NFCSR_BOOT_SEL_MASK (0x07 << EMC_NFCSR_BOOT_SEL_BIT) #define EMC_NFCSR_ERST (1 << 3) #define EMC_NFCSR_ECCE (1 << 2) #define EMC_NFCSR_FCE (1 << 1) #define EMC_NFCSR_NFE (1 << 0) #define EMC_NFECC_ECC2_BIT 16 #define EMC_NFECC_ECC2_MASK (0xff << EMC_NFECC_ECC2_BIT) #define EMC_NFECC_ECC1_BIT 8 #define EMC_NFECC_ECC1_MASK (0xff << EMC_NFECC_ECC1_BIT) #define EMC_NFECC_ECC0_BIT 0 #define EMC_NFECC_ECC0_MASK (0xff << EMC_NFECC_ECC0_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_BW_BIT 31 #define EMC_DMCR_BW (1 << EMC_DMCR_BW_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_CA_BIT 26 #define EMC_DMCR_CA_MASK (0x07 << EMC_DMCR_CA_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_CA_8 (0 << EMC_DMCR_CA_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_CA_9 (1 << EMC_DMCR_CA_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_CA_10 (2 << EMC_DMCR_CA_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_CA_11 (3 << EMC_DMCR_CA_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_CA_12 (4 << EMC_DMCR_CA_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_RMODE (1 << 25) #define EMC_DMCR_RFSH (1 << 24) #define EMC_DMCR_MRSET (1 << 23) #define EMC_DMCR_RA_BIT 20 #define EMC_DMCR_RA_MASK (0x03 << EMC_DMCR_RA_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_RA_11 (0 << EMC_DMCR_RA_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_RA_12 (1 << EMC_DMCR_RA_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_RA_13 (2 << EMC_DMCR_RA_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_BA_BIT 19 #define EMC_DMCR_BA (1 << EMC_DMCR_BA_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_PDM (1 << 18) #define EMC_DMCR_EPIN (1 << 17) #define EMC_DMCR_TRAS_BIT 13 #define EMC_DMCR_TRAS_MASK (0x07 << EMC_DMCR_TRAS_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_RCD_BIT 11 #define EMC_DMCR_RCD_MASK (0x03 << EMC_DMCR_RCD_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_TPC_BIT 8 #define EMC_DMCR_TPC_MASK (0x07 << EMC_DMCR_TPC_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_TRWL_BIT 5 #define EMC_DMCR_TRWL_MASK (0x03 << EMC_DMCR_TRWL_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_TRC_BIT 2 #define EMC_DMCR_TRC_MASK (0x07 << EMC_DMCR_TRC_BIT) #define EMC_DMCR_TCL_BIT 0 #define EMC_DMCR_TCL_MASK (0x03 << EMC_DMCR_TCL_BIT) #define EMC_RTCSR_CMF (1 << 7) #define EMC_RTCSR_CKS_BIT 0 #define EMC_RTCSR_CKS_MASK (0x07 << EMC_RTCSR_CKS_BIT) #define EMC_RTCSR_CKS_DISABLE (0 << EMC_RTCSR_CKS_BIT) #define EMC_RTCSR_CKS_4 (1 << EMC_RTCSR_CKS_BIT) #define EMC_RTCSR_CKS_16 (2 << EMC_RTCSR_CKS_BIT) #define EMC_RTCSR_CKS_64 (3 << EMC_RTCSR_CKS_BIT) #define EMC_RTCSR_CKS_256 (4 << EMC_RTCSR_CKS_BIT) #define EMC_RTCSR_CKS_1024 (5 << EMC_RTCSR_CKS_BIT) #define EMC_RTCSR_CKS_2048 (6 << EMC_RTCSR_CKS_BIT) #define EMC_RTCSR_CKS_4096 (7 << EMC_RTCSR_CKS_BIT) #define EMC_DMAR_BASE_BIT 8 #define EMC_DMAR_BASE_MASK (0xff << EMC_DMAR_BASE_BIT) #define EMC_DMAR_MASK_BIT 0 #define EMC_DMAR_MASK_MASK (0xff << EMC_DMAR_MASK_BIT) #define EMC_SDMR_BM (1 << 9) #define EMC_SDMR_OM_BIT 7 #define EMC_SDMR_OM_MASK (3 << EMC_SDMR_OM_BIT) #define EMC_SDMR_OM_NORMAL (0 << EMC_SDMR_OM_BIT) #define EMC_SDMR_CAS_BIT 4 #define EMC_SDMR_CAS_MASK (7 << EMC_SDMR_CAS_BIT) #define EMC_SDMR_CAS_1 (1 << EMC_SDMR_CAS_BIT) #define EMC_SDMR_CAS_2 (2 << EMC_SDMR_CAS_BIT) #define EMC_SDMR_CAS_3 (3 << EMC_SDMR_CAS_BIT) #define EMC_SDMR_BT_BIT 3 #define EMC_SDMR_BT_MASK (1 << EMC_SDMR_BT_BIT) #define EMC_SDMR_BT_SEQ (0 << EMC_SDMR_BT_BIT) #define EMC_SDMR_BT_INTR (1 << EMC_SDMR_BT_BIT) #define EMC_SDMR_BL_BIT 0 #define EMC_SDMR_BL_MASK (7 << EMC_SDMR_BL_BIT) #define EMC_SDMR_BL_1 (0 << EMC_SDMR_BL_BIT) #define EMC_SDMR_BL_2 (1 << EMC_SDMR_BL_BIT) #define EMC_SDMR_BL_4 (2 << EMC_SDMR_BL_BIT) #define EMC_SDMR_BL_8 (3 << EMC_SDMR_BL_BIT) #define EMC_SDMR_CAS2_16BIT \ (EMC_SDMR_CAS_2 | EMC_SDMR_BT_SEQ | EMC_SDMR_BL_2) #define EMC_SDMR_CAS2_32BIT \ (EMC_SDMR_CAS_2 | EMC_SDMR_BT_SEQ | EMC_SDMR_BL_4) #define EMC_SDMR_CAS3_16BIT \ (EMC_SDMR_CAS_3 | EMC_SDMR_BT_SEQ | EMC_SDMR_BL_2) #define EMC_SDMR_CAS3_32BIT \ (EMC_SDMR_CAS_3 | EMC_SDMR_BT_SEQ | EMC_SDMR_BL_4) #define EMC_PCCR12_AMW (1 << 31) #define EMC_PCCR12_AMAS_BIT 28 #define EMC_PCCR12_AMAS_MASK (0x07 << EMC_PCCR12_AMAS_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR12_AMAH_BIT 24 #define EMC_PCCR12_AMAH_MASK (0x07 << EMC_PCCR12_AMAH_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR12_AMPW_BIT 20 #define EMC_PCCR12_AMPW_MASK (0x0f << EMC_PCCR12_AMPW_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR12_AMRT_BIT 16 #define EMC_PCCR12_AMRT_MASK (0x0f << EMC_PCCR12_AMRT_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR12_CMW (1 << 15) #define EMC_PCCR12_CMAS_BIT 12 #define EMC_PCCR12_CMAS_MASK (0x07 << EMC_PCCR12_CMAS_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR12_CMAH_BIT 8 #define EMC_PCCR12_CMAH_MASK (0x07 << EMC_PCCR12_CMAH_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR12_CMPW_BIT 4 #define EMC_PCCR12_CMPW_MASK (0x0f << EMC_PCCR12_CMPW_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR12_CMRT_BIT 0 #define EMC_PCCR12_CMRT_MASK (0x07 << EMC_PCCR12_CMRT_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_DRS_BIT 16 #define EMC_PCCR34_DRS_MASK (0x03 << EMC_PCCR34_DRS_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_DRS_SPKR (1 << EMC_PCCR34_DRS_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_DRS_IOIS16 (2 << EMC_PCCR34_DRS_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_DRS_INPACK (3 << EMC_PCCR34_DRS_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_IOIS16 (1 << 15) #define EMC_PCCR34_IOW (1 << 14) #define EMC_PCCR34_TCB_BIT 12 #define EMC_PCCR34_TCB_MASK (0x03 << EMC_PCCR34_TCB_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_IORT_BIT 8 #define EMC_PCCR34_IORT_MASK (0x07 << EMC_PCCR34_IORT_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_IOAE_BIT 6 #define EMC_PCCR34_IOAE_MASK (0x03 << EMC_PCCR34_IOAE_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_IOAE_NONE (0 << EMC_PCCR34_IOAE_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_IOAE_1 (1 << EMC_PCCR34_IOAE_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_IOAE_2 (2 << EMC_PCCR34_IOAE_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_IOAE_5 (3 << EMC_PCCR34_IOAE_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_IOAH_BIT 4 #define EMC_PCCR34_IOAH_MASK (0x03 << EMC_PCCR34_IOAH_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_IOAH_NONE (0 << EMC_PCCR34_IOAH_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_IOAH_1 (1 << EMC_PCCR34_IOAH_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_IOAH_2 (2 << EMC_PCCR34_IOAH_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_IOAH_5 (3 << EMC_PCCR34_IOAH_BIT) #define EMC_PCCR34_IOPW_BIT 0 #define EMC_PCCR34_IOPW_MASK (0x0f << EMC_PCCR34_IOPW_BIT) /************************************************************************* * GPIO *************************************************************************/ #define GPIO_GPDR(n) (GPIO_BASE + (0x00 + (n)*0x30)) #define GPIO_GPDIR(n) (GPIO_BASE + (0x04 + (n)*0x30)) #define GPIO_GPODR(n) (GPIO_BASE + (0x08 + (n)*0x30)) #define GPIO_GPPUR(n) (GPIO_BASE + (0x0c + (n)*0x30)) #define GPIO_GPALR(n) (GPIO_BASE + (0x10 + (n)*0x30)) #define GPIO_GPAUR(n) (GPIO_BASE + (0x14 + (n)*0x30)) #define GPIO_GPIDLR(n) (GPIO_BASE + (0x18 + (n)*0x30)) #define GPIO_GPIDUR(n) (GPIO_BASE + (0x1c + (n)*0x30)) #define GPIO_GPIER(n) (GPIO_BASE + (0x20 + (n)*0x30)) #define GPIO_GPIMR(n) (GPIO_BASE + (0x24 + (n)*0x30)) #define GPIO_GPFR(n) (GPIO_BASE + (0x28 + (n)*0x30)) #define REG_GPIO_GPDR(n) REG32(GPIO_GPDR((n))) #define REG_GPIO_GPDIR(n) REG32(GPIO_GPDIR((n))) #define REG_GPIO_GPODR(n) REG32(GPIO_GPODR((n))) #define REG_GPIO_GPPUR(n) REG32(GPIO_GPPUR((n))) #define REG_GPIO_GPALR(n) REG32(GPIO_GPALR((n))) #define REG_GPIO_GPAUR(n) REG32(GPIO_GPAUR((n))) #define REG_GPIO_GPIDLR(n) REG32(GPIO_GPIDLR((n))) #define REG_GPIO_GPIDUR(n) REG32(GPIO_GPIDUR((n))) #define REG_GPIO_GPIER(n) REG32(GPIO_GPIER((n))) #define REG_GPIO_GPIMR(n) REG32(GPIO_GPIMR((n))) #define REG_GPIO_GPFR(n) REG32(GPIO_GPFR((n))) #define GPIO_IRQ_LOLEVEL 0 #define GPIO_IRQ_HILEVEL 1 #define GPIO_IRQ_FALLEDG 2 #define GPIO_IRQ_RAISEDG 3 #define IRQ_GPIO_0 48 #define NUM_GPIO 128 #define GPIO_GPDR0 GPIO_GPDR(0) #define GPIO_GPDR1 GPIO_GPDR(1) #define GPIO_GPDR2 GPIO_GPDR(2) #define GPIO_GPDR3 GPIO_GPDR(3) #define GPIO_GPDIR0 GPIO_GPDIR(0) #define GPIO_GPDIR1 GPIO_GPDIR(1) #define GPIO_GPDIR2 GPIO_GPDIR(2) #define GPIO_GPDIR3 GPIO_GPDIR(3) #define GPIO_GPODR0 GPIO_GPODR(0) #define GPIO_GPODR1 GPIO_GPODR(1) #define GPIO_GPODR2 GPIO_GPODR(2) #define GPIO_GPODR3 GPIO_GPODR(3) #define GPIO_GPPUR0 GPIO_GPPUR(0) #define GPIO_GPPUR1 GPIO_GPPUR(1) #define GPIO_GPPUR2 GPIO_GPPUR(2) #define GPIO_GPPUR3 GPIO_GPPUR(3) #define GPIO_GPALR0 GPIO_GPALR(0) #define GPIO_GPALR1 GPIO_GPALR(1) #define GPIO_GPALR2 GPIO_GPALR(2) #define GPIO_GPALR3 GPIO_GPALR(3) #define GPIO_GPAUR0 GPIO_GPAUR(0) #define GPIO_GPAUR1 GPIO_GPAUR(1) #define GPIO_GPAUR2 GPIO_GPAUR(2) #define GPIO_GPAUR3 GPIO_GPAUR(3) #define GPIO_GPIDLR0 GPIO_GPIDLR(0) #define GPIO_GPIDLR1 GPIO_GPIDLR(1) #define GPIO_GPIDLR2 GPIO_GPIDLR(2) #define GPIO_GPIDLR3 GPIO_GPIDLR(3) #define GPIO_GPIDUR0 GPIO_GPIDUR(0) #define GPIO_GPIDUR1 GPIO_GPIDUR(1) #define GPIO_GPIDUR2 GPIO_GPIDUR(2) #define GPIO_GPIDUR3 GPIO_GPIDUR(3) #define GPIO_GPIER0 GPIO_GPIER(0) #define GPIO_GPIER1 GPIO_GPIER(1) #define GPIO_GPIER2 GPIO_GPIER(2) #define GPIO_GPIER3 GPIO_GPIER(3) #define GPIO_GPIMR0 GPIO_GPIMR(0) #define GPIO_GPIMR1 GPIO_GPIMR(1) #define GPIO_GPIMR2 GPIO_GPIMR(2) #define GPIO_GPIMR3 GPIO_GPIMR(3) #define GPIO_GPFR0 GPIO_GPFR(0) #define GPIO_GPFR1 GPIO_GPFR(1) #define GPIO_GPFR2 GPIO_GPFR(2) #define GPIO_GPFR3 GPIO_GPFR(3) /************************************************************************* * HARB *************************************************************************/ #define HARB_HAPOR (HARB_BASE + 0x000) #define HARB_HMCTR (HARB_BASE + 0x010) #define HARB_HME8H (HARB_BASE + 0x014) #define HARB_HMCR1 (HARB_BASE + 0x018) #define HARB_HMER2 (HARB_BASE + 0x01C) #define HARB_HMER3 (HARB_BASE + 0x020) #define HARB_HMLTR (HARB_BASE + 0x024) #define REG_HARB_HAPOR REG32(HARB_HAPOR) #define REG_HARB_HMCTR REG32(HARB_HMCTR) #define REG_HARB_HME8H REG32(HARB_HME8H) #define REG_HARB_HMCR1 REG32(HARB_HMCR1) #define REG_HARB_HMER2 REG32(HARB_HMER2) #define REG_HARB_HMER3 REG32(HARB_HMER3) #define REG_HARB_HMLTR REG32(HARB_HMLTR) /* HARB Priority Order Register (HARB_HAPOR) */ #define HARB_HAPOR_UCHSEL (1 << 7) #define HARB_HAPOR_PRIO_BIT 0 #define HARB_HAPOR_PRIO_MASK (0xf << HARB_HAPOR_PRIO_BIT) /* AHB Monitor Control Register (HARB_HMCTR) */ #define HARB_HMCTR_HET3_BIT 20 #define HARB_HMCTR_HET3_MASK (0xf << HARB_HMCTR_HET3_BIT) #define HARB_HMCTR_HMS3_BIT 16 #define HARB_HMCTR_HMS3_MASK (0xf << HARB_HMCTR_HMS3_BIT) #define HARB_HMCTR_HET2_BIT 12 #define HARB_HMCTR_HET2_MASK (0xf << HARB_HMCTR_HET2_BIT) #define HARB_HMCTR_HMS2_BIT 8 #define HARB_HMCTR_HMS2_MASK (0xf << HARB_HMCTR_HMS2_BIT) #define HARB_HMCTR_HOVF3 (1 << 7) #define HARB_HMCTR_HOVF2 (1 << 6) #define HARB_HMCTR_HOVF1 (1 << 5) #define HARB_HMCTR_HRST (1 << 4) #define HARB_HMCTR_HEE3 (1 << 2) #define HARB_HMCTR_HEE2 (1 << 1) #define HARB_HMCTR_HEE1 (1 << 0) /* AHB Monitor Event 8bits High Register (HARB_HME8H) */ #define HARB_HME8H_HC8H1_BIT 16 #define HARB_HME8H_HC8H1_MASK (0xff << HARB_HME8H_HC8H1_BIT) #define HARB_HME8H_HC8H2_BIT 8 #define HARB_HME8H_HC8H2_MASK (0xff << HARB_HME8H_HC8H2_BIT) #define HARB_HME8H_HC8H3_BIT 0 #define HARB_HME8H_HC8H3_MASK (0xff << HARB_HME8H_HC8H3_BIT) /* AHB Monitor Latency Register (HARB_HMLTR) */ #define HARB_HMLTR_HLT2_BIT 16 #define HARB_HMLTR_HLT2_MASK (0xffff << HARB_HMLTR_HLT2_BIT) #define HARB_HMLTR_HLT3_BIT 0 #define HARB_HMLTR_HLT3_MASK (0xffff << HARB_HMLTR_HLT3_BIT) /************************************************************************* * I2C *************************************************************************/ #define I2C_DR (I2C_BASE + 0x000) #define I2C_CR (I2C_BASE + 0x004) #define I2C_SR (I2C_BASE + 0x008) #define I2C_GR (I2C_BASE + 0x00C) #define REG_I2C_DR REG8(I2C_DR) #define REG_I2C_CR REG8(I2C_CR) #define REG_I2C_SR REG8(I2C_SR) #define REG_I2C_GR REG16(I2C_GR) /* I2C Control Register (I2C_CR) */ #define I2C_CR_IEN (1 << 4) #define I2C_CR_STA (1 << 3) #define I2C_CR_STO (1 << 2) #define I2C_CR_AC (1 << 1) #define I2C_CR_I2CE (1 << 0) /* I2C Status Register (I2C_SR) */ #define I2C_SR_STX (1 << 4) #define I2C_SR_BUSY (1 << 3) #define I2C_SR_TEND (1 << 2) #define I2C_SR_DRF (1 << 1) #define I2C_SR_ACKF (1 << 0) /************************************************************************* * UDC *************************************************************************/ #define UDC_EP0InCR (UDC_BASE + 0x00) #define UDC_EP0InSR (UDC_BASE + 0x04) #define UDC_EP0InBSR (UDC_BASE + 0x08) #define UDC_EP0InMPSR (UDC_BASE + 0x0c) #define UDC_EP0InDesR (UDC_BASE + 0x14) #define UDC_EP1InCR (UDC_BASE + 0x20) #define UDC_EP1InSR (UDC_BASE + 0x24) #define UDC_EP1InBSR (UDC_BASE + 0x28) #define UDC_EP1InMPSR (UDC_BASE + 0x2c) #define UDC_EP1InDesR (UDC_BASE + 0x34) #define UDC_EP2InCR (UDC_BASE + 0x40) #define UDC_EP2InSR (UDC_BASE + 0x44) #define UDC_EP2InBSR (UDC_BASE + 0x48) #define UDC_EP2InMPSR (UDC_BASE + 0x4c) #define UDC_EP2InDesR (UDC_BASE + 0x54) #define UDC_EP3InCR (UDC_BASE + 0x60) #define UDC_EP3InSR (UDC_BASE + 0x64) #define UDC_EP3InBSR (UDC_BASE + 0x68) #define UDC_EP3InMPSR (UDC_BASE + 0x6c) #define UDC_EP3InDesR (UDC_BASE + 0x74) #define UDC_EP4InCR (UDC_BASE + 0x80) #define UDC_EP4InSR (UDC_BASE + 0x84) #define UDC_EP4InBSR (UDC_BASE + 0x88) #define UDC_EP4InMPSR (UDC_BASE + 0x8c) #define UDC_EP4InDesR (UDC_BASE + 0x94) #define UDC_EP0OutCR (UDC_BASE + 0x200) #define UDC_EP0OutSR (UDC_BASE + 0x204) #define UDC_EP0OutPFNR (UDC_BASE + 0x208) #define UDC_EP0OutMPSR (UDC_BASE + 0x20c) #define UDC_EP0OutSBPR (UDC_BASE + 0x210) #define UDC_EP0OutDesR (UDC_BASE + 0x214) #define UDC_EP5OutCR (UDC_BASE + 0x2a0) #define UDC_EP5OutSR (UDC_BASE + 0x2a4) #define UDC_EP5OutPFNR (UDC_BASE + 0x2a8) #define UDC_EP5OutMPSR (UDC_BASE + 0x2ac) #define UDC_EP5OutDesR (UDC_BASE + 0x2b4) #define UDC_EP6OutCR (UDC_BASE + 0x2c0) #define UDC_EP6OutSR (UDC_BASE + 0x2c4) #define UDC_EP6OutPFNR (UDC_BASE + 0x2c8) #define UDC_EP6OutMPSR (UDC_BASE + 0x2cc) #define UDC_EP6OutDesR (UDC_BASE + 0x2d4) #define UDC_EP7OutCR (UDC_BASE + 0x2e0) #define UDC_EP7OutSR (UDC_BASE + 0x2e4) #define UDC_EP7OutPFNR (UDC_BASE + 0x2e8) #define UDC_EP7OutMPSR (UDC_BASE + 0x2ec) #define UDC_EP7OutDesR (UDC_BASE + 0x2f4) #define UDC_DevCFGR (UDC_BASE + 0x400) #define UDC_DevCR (UDC_BASE + 0x404) #define UDC_DevSR (UDC_BASE + 0x408) #define UDC_DevIntR (UDC_BASE + 0x40c) #define UDC_DevIntMR (UDC_BASE + 0x410) #define UDC_EPIntR (UDC_BASE + 0x414) #define UDC_EPIntMR (UDC_BASE + 0x418) #define UDC_STCMAR (UDC_BASE + 0x500) #define UDC_EP0InfR (UDC_BASE + 0x504) #define UDC_EP1InfR (UDC_BASE + 0x508) #define UDC_EP2InfR (UDC_BASE + 0x50c) #define UDC_EP3InfR (UDC_BASE + 0x510) #define UDC_EP4InfR (UDC_BASE + 0x514) #define UDC_EP5InfR (UDC_BASE + 0x518) #define UDC_EP6InfR (UDC_BASE + 0x51c) #define UDC_EP7InfR (UDC_BASE + 0x520) #define UDC_TXCONFIRM (UDC_BASE + 0x41C) #define UDC_TXZLP (UDC_BASE + 0x420) #define UDC_RXCONFIRM (UDC_BASE + 0x41C) #define UDC_RXFIFO (UDC_BASE + 0x800) #define UDC_TXFIFOEP0 (UDC_BASE + 0x840) #define REG_UDC_EP0InCR REG32(UDC_EP0InCR) #define REG_UDC_EP0InSR REG32(UDC_EP0InSR) #define REG_UDC_EP0InBSR REG32(UDC_EP0InBSR) #define REG_UDC_EP0InMPSR REG32(UDC_EP0InMPSR) #define REG_UDC_EP0InDesR REG32(UDC_EP0InDesR) #define REG_UDC_EP1InCR REG32(UDC_EP1InCR) #define REG_UDC_EP1InSR REG32(UDC_EP1InSR) #define REG_UDC_EP1InBSR REG32(UDC_EP1InBSR) #define REG_UDC_EP1InMPSR REG32(UDC_EP1InMPSR) #define REG_UDC_EP1InDesR REG32(UDC_EP1InDesR) #define REG_UDC_EP2InCR REG32(UDC_EP2InCR) #define REG_UDC_EP2InSR REG32(UDC_EP2InSR) #define REG_UDC_EP2InBSR REG32(UDC_EP2InBSR) #define REG_UDC_EP2InMPSR REG32(UDC_EP2InMPSR) #define REG_UDC_EP2InDesR REG32(UDC_EP2InDesR) #define REG_UDC_EP3InCR REG32(UDC_EP3InCR) #define REG_UDC_EP3InSR REG32(UDC_EP3InSR) #define REG_UDC_EP3InBSR REG32(UDC_EP3InBSR) #define REG_UDC_EP3InMPSR REG32(UDC_EP3InMPSR) #define REG_UDC_EP3InDesR REG32(UDC_EP3InDesR) #define REG_UDC_EP4InCR REG32(UDC_EP4InCR) #define REG_UDC_EP4InSR REG32(UDC_EP4InSR) #define REG_UDC_EP4InBSR REG32(UDC_EP4InBSR) #define REG_UDC_EP4InMPSR REG32(UDC_EP4InMPSR) #define REG_UDC_EP4InDesR REG32(UDC_EP4InDesR) #define REG_UDC_EP0OutCR REG32(UDC_EP0OutCR) #define REG_UDC_EP0OutSR REG32(UDC_EP0OutSR) #define REG_UDC_EP0OutPFNR REG32(UDC_EP0OutPFNR) #define REG_UDC_EP0OutMPSR REG32(UDC_EP0OutMPSR) #define REG_UDC_EP0OutSBPR REG32(UDC_EP0OutSBPR) #define REG_UDC_EP0OutDesR REG32(UDC_EP0OutDesR) #define REG_UDC_EP5OutCR REG32(UDC_EP5OutCR) #define REG_UDC_EP5OutSR REG32(UDC_EP5OutSR) #define REG_UDC_EP5OutPFNR REG32(UDC_EP5OutPFNR) #define REG_UDC_EP5OutMPSR REG32(UDC_EP5OutMPSR) #define REG_UDC_EP5OutDesR REG32(UDC_EP5OutDesR) #define REG_UDC_EP6OutCR REG32(UDC_EP6OutCR) #define REG_UDC_EP6OutSR REG32(UDC_EP6OutSR) #define REG_UDC_EP6OutPFNR REG32(UDC_EP6OutPFNR) #define REG_UDC_EP6OutMPSR REG32(UDC_EP6OutMPSR) #define REG_UDC_EP6OutDesR REG32(UDC_EP6OutDesR) #define REG_UDC_EP7OutCR REG32(UDC_EP7OutCR) #define REG_UDC_EP7OutSR REG32(UDC_EP7OutSR) #define REG_UDC_EP7OutPFNR REG32(UDC_EP7OutPFNR) #define REG_UDC_EP7OutMPSR REG32(UDC_EP7OutMPSR) #define REG_UDC_EP7OutDesR REG32(UDC_EP7OutDesR) #define REG_UDC_DevCFGR REG32(UDC_DevCFGR) #define REG_UDC_DevCR REG32(UDC_DevCR) #define REG_UDC_DevSR REG32(UDC_DevSR) #define REG_UDC_DevIntR REG32(UDC_DevIntR) #define REG_UDC_DevIntMR REG32(UDC_DevIntMR) #define REG_UDC_EPIntR REG32(UDC_EPIntR) #define REG_UDC_EPIntMR REG32(UDC_EPIntMR) #define REG_UDC_STCMAR REG32(UDC_STCMAR) #define REG_UDC_EP0InfR REG32(UDC_EP0InfR) #define REG_UDC_EP1InfR REG32(UDC_EP1InfR) #define REG_UDC_EP2InfR REG32(UDC_EP2InfR) #define REG_UDC_EP3InfR REG32(UDC_EP3InfR) #define REG_UDC_EP4InfR REG32(UDC_EP4InfR) #define REG_UDC_EP5InfR REG32(UDC_EP5InfR) #define REG_UDC_EP6InfR REG32(UDC_EP6InfR) #define REG_UDC_EP7InfR REG32(UDC_EP7InfR) #define UDC_DevCFGR_PI (1 << 5) #define UDC_DevCFGR_SS (1 << 4) #define UDC_DevCFGR_SP (1 << 3) #define UDC_DevCFGR_RW (1 << 2) #define UDC_DevCFGR_SPD_BIT 0 #define UDC_DevCFGR_SPD_MASK (0x03 << UDC_DevCFGR_SPD_BIT) #define UDC_DevCFGR_SPD_HS (0 << UDC_DevCFGR_SPD_BIT) #define UDC_DevCFGR_SPD_LS (2 << UDC_DevCFGR_SPD_BIT) #define UDC_DevCFGR_SPD_FS (3 << UDC_DevCFGR_SPD_BIT) #define UDC_DevCR_DM (1 << 9) #define UDC_DevCR_BE (1 << 5) #define UDC_DevCR_RES (1 << 0) #define UDC_DevSR_ENUMSPD_BIT 13 #define UDC_DevSR_ENUMSPD_MASK (0x03 << UDC_DevSR_ENUMSPD_BIT) #define UDC_DevSR_ENUMSPD_HS (0 << UDC_DevSR_ENUMSPD_BIT) #define UDC_DevSR_ENUMSPD_LS (2 << UDC_DevSR_ENUMSPD_BIT) #define UDC_DevSR_ENUMSPD_FS (3 << UDC_DevSR_ENUMSPD_BIT) #define UDC_DevSR_SUSP (1 << 12) #define UDC_DevSR_ALT_BIT 8 #define UDC_DevSR_ALT_MASK (0x0f << UDC_DevSR_ALT_BIT) #define UDC_DevSR_INTF_BIT 4 #define UDC_DevSR_INTF_MASK (0x0f << UDC_DevSR_INTF_BIT) #define UDC_DevSR_CFG_BIT 0 #define UDC_DevSR_CFG_MASK (0x0f << UDC_DevSR_CFG_BIT) #define UDC_DevIntR_ENUM (1 << 6) #define UDC_DevIntR_SOF (1 << 5) #define UDC_DevIntR_US (1 << 4) #define UDC_DevIntR_UR (1 << 3) #define UDC_DevIntR_SI (1 << 1) #define UDC_DevIntR_SC (1 << 0) #define UDC_EPIntR_OUTEP_BIT 16 #define UDC_EPIntR_OUTEP_MASK (0xffff << UDC_EPIntR_OUTEP_BIT) #define UDC_EPIntR_OUTEP0 0x00010000 #define UDC_EPIntR_OUTEP5 0x00200000 #define UDC_EPIntR_OUTEP6 0x00400000 #define UDC_EPIntR_OUTEP7 0x00800000 #define UDC_EPIntR_INEP_BIT 0 #define UDC_EPIntR_INEP_MASK (0xffff << UDC_EPIntR_INEP_BIT) #define UDC_EPIntR_INEP0 0x00000001 #define UDC_EPIntR_INEP1 0x00000002 #define UDC_EPIntR_INEP2 0x00000004 #define UDC_EPIntR_INEP3 0x00000008 #define UDC_EPIntR_INEP4 0x00000010 #define UDC_EPIntMR_OUTEP_BIT 16 #define UDC_EPIntMR_OUTEP_MASK (0xffff << UDC_EPIntMR_OUTEP_BIT) #define UDC_EPIntMR_INEP_BIT 0 #define UDC_EPIntMR_INEP_MASK (0xffff << UDC_EPIntMR_INEP_BIT) #define UDC_EPCR_ET_BIT 4 #define UDC_EPCR_ET_MASK (0x03 << UDC_EPCR_ET_BIT) #define UDC_EPCR_ET_CTRL (0 << UDC_EPCR_ET_BIT) #define UDC_EPCR_ET_ISO (1 << UDC_EPCR_ET_BIT) #define UDC_EPCR_ET_BULK (2 << UDC_EPCR_ET_BIT) #define UDC_EPCR_ET_INTR (3 << UDC_EPCR_ET_BIT) #define UDC_EPCR_SN (1 << 2) #define UDC_EPCR_F (1 << 1) #define UDC_EPCR_S (1 << 0) #define UDC_EPSR_RXPKTSIZE_BIT 11 #define UDC_EPSR_RXPKTSIZE_MASK (0x7ff << UDC_EPSR_RXPKTSIZE_BIT) #define UDC_EPSR_IN (1 << 6) #define UDC_EPSR_OUT_BIT 4 #define UDC_EPSR_OUT_MASK (0x03 << UDC_EPSR_OUT_BIT) #define UDC_EPSR_OUT_NONE (0 << UDC_EPSR_OUT_BIT) #define UDC_EPSR_OUT_RCVDATA (1 << UDC_EPSR_OUT_BIT) #define UDC_EPSR_OUT_RCVSETUP (2 << UDC_EPSR_OUT_BIT) #define UDC_EPSR_PID_BIT 0 #define UDC_EPSR_PID_MASK (0x0f << UDC_EPSR_PID_BIT) #define UDC_EPInfR_MPS_BIT 19 #define UDC_EPInfR_MPS_MASK (0x3ff << UDC_EPInfR_MPS_BIT) #define UDC_EPInfR_ALTS_BIT 15 #define UDC_EPInfR_ALTS_MASK (0x0f << UDC_EPInfR_ALTS_BIT) #define UDC_EPInfR_IFN_BIT 11 #define UDC_EPInfR_IFN_MASK (0x0f << UDC_EPInfR_IFN_BIT) #define UDC_EPInfR_CGN_BIT 7 #define UDC_EPInfR_CGN_MASK (0x0f << UDC_EPInfR_CGN_BIT) #define UDC_EPInfR_EPT_BIT 5 #define UDC_EPInfR_EPT_MASK (0x03 << UDC_EPInfR_EPT_BIT) #define UDC_EPInfR_EPT_CTRL (0 << UDC_EPInfR_EPT_BIT) #define UDC_EPInfR_EPT_ISO (1 << UDC_EPInfR_EPT_BIT) #define UDC_EPInfR_EPT_BULK (2 << UDC_EPInfR_EPT_BIT) #define UDC_EPInfR_EPT_INTR (3 << UDC_EPInfR_EPT_BIT) #define UDC_EPInfR_EPD (1 << 4) #define UDC_EPInfR_EPD_OUT (0 << 4) #define UDC_EPInfR_EPD_IN (1 << 4) #define UDC_EPInfR_EPN_BIT 0 #define UDC_EPInfR_EPN_MASK (0xf << UDC_EPInfR_EPN_BIT) /************************************************************************* * DMAC *************************************************************************/ #define DMAC_DSAR(n) (DMAC_BASE + (0x00 + (n) * 0x20)) #define DMAC_DDAR(n) (DMAC_BASE + (0x04 + (n) * 0x20)) #define DMAC_DTCR(n) (DMAC_BASE + (0x08 + (n) * 0x20)) #define DMAC_DRSR(n) (DMAC_BASE + (0x0c + (n) * 0x20)) #define DMAC_DCCSR(n) (DMAC_BASE + (0x10 + (n) * 0x20)) #define DMAC_DMAIPR (DMAC_BASE + 0xf8) #define DMAC_DMACR (DMAC_BASE + 0xfc) #define REG_DMAC_DSAR(n) REG32(DMAC_DSAR((n))) #define REG_DMAC_DDAR(n) REG32(DMAC_DDAR((n))) #define REG_DMAC_DTCR(n) REG32(DMAC_DTCR((n))) #define REG_DMAC_DRSR(n) REG32(DMAC_DRSR((n))) #define REG_DMAC_DCCSR(n) REG32(DMAC_DCCSR((n))) #define REG_DMAC_DMAIPR REG32(DMAC_DMAIPR) #define REG_DMAC_DMACR REG32(DMAC_DMACR) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT 0 #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_MASK (0x1f << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_EXTREXTR (0 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_PCMCIAOUT (4 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_PCMCIAIN (5 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_AUTO (8 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_DESOUT (10 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_DESIN (11 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_UART3OUT (14 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_UART3IN (15 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_UART2OUT (16 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_UART2IN (17 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_UART1OUT (18 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_UART1IN (19 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_UART0OUT (20 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_UART0IN (21 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_SSIOUT (22 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_SSIIN (23 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_AICOUT (24 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_AICIN (25 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_MSCOUT (26 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_MSCIN (27 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DRSR_RS_OST2 (28 << DMAC_DRSR_RS_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_EACKS (1 << 31) #define DMAC_DCCSR_EACKM (1 << 30) #define DMAC_DCCSR_ERDM_BIT 28 #define DMAC_DCCSR_ERDM_MASK (0x03 << DMAC_DCCSR_ERDM_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_ERDM_LLEVEL (0 << DMAC_DCCSR_ERDM_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_ERDM_FEDGE (1 << DMAC_DCCSR_ERDM_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_ERDM_HLEVEL (2 << DMAC_DCCSR_ERDM_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_ERDM_REDGE (3 << DMAC_DCCSR_ERDM_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_EOPM (1 << 27) #define DMAC_DCCSR_SAM (1 << 23) #define DMAC_DCCSR_DAM (1 << 22) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT 16 #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_MASK (0x0f << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_IGN (0 << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_2 (1 << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_4 (2 << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_8 (3 << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_12 (4 << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_16 (5 << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_20 (6 << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_24 (7 << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_28 (8 << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_32 (9 << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_48 (10 << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_60 (11 << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_64 (12 << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_124 (13 << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_128 (14 << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_200 (15 << DMAC_DCCSR_RDIL_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_SWDH_BIT 14 #define DMAC_DCCSR_SWDH_MASK (0x03 << DMAC_DCCSR_SWDH_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_SWDH_32 (0 << DMAC_DCCSR_SWDH_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_SWDH_8 (1 << DMAC_DCCSR_SWDH_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_SWDH_16 (2 << DMAC_DCCSR_SWDH_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_DWDH_BIT 12 #define DMAC_DCCSR_DWDH_MASK (0x03 << DMAC_DCCSR_DWDH_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_DWDH_32 (0 << DMAC_DCCSR_DWDH_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_DWDH_8 (1 << DMAC_DCCSR_DWDH_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_DWDH_16 (2 << DMAC_DCCSR_DWDH_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_DS_BIT 8 #define DMAC_DCCSR_DS_MASK (0x07 << DMAC_DCCSR_DS_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_DS_32b (0 << DMAC_DCCSR_DS_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_DS_8b (1 << DMAC_DCCSR_DS_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_DS_16b (2 << DMAC_DCCSR_DS_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_DS_16B (3 << DMAC_DCCSR_DS_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_DS_32B (4 << DMAC_DCCSR_DS_BIT) #define DMAC_DCCSR_TM (1 << 7) #define DMAC_DCCSR_AR (1 << 4) #define DMAC_DCCSR_TC (1 << 3) #define DMAC_DCCSR_HLT (1 << 2) #define DMAC_DCCSR_TCIE (1 << 1) #define DMAC_DCCSR_CHDE (1 << 0) #define DMAC_DMAIPR_CINT_BIT 8 #define DMAC_DMAIPR_CINT_MASK (0xff << DMAC_DMAIPR_CINT_BIT) #define DMAC_DMACR_PR_BIT 8 #define DMAC_DMACR_PR_MASK (0x03 << DMAC_DMACR_PR_BIT) #define DMAC_DMACR_PR_01234567 (0 << DMAC_DMACR_PR_BIT) #define DMAC_DMACR_PR_02314675 (1 << DMAC_DMACR_PR_BIT) #define DMAC_DMACR_PR_20136457 (2 << DMAC_DMACR_PR_BIT) #define DMAC_DMACR_PR_ROUNDROBIN (3 << DMAC_DMACR_PR_BIT) #define DMAC_DMACR_HTR (1 << 3) #define DMAC_DMACR_AER (1 << 2) #define DMAC_DMACR_DME (1 << 0) #define IRQ_DMA_0 32 #define NUM_DMA 6 #define DMAC_DSAR0 DMAC_DSAR(0) #define DMAC_DDAR0 DMAC_DDAR(0) #define DMAC_DTCR0 DMAC_DTCR(0) #define DMAC_DRSR0 DMAC_DRSR(0) #define DMAC_DCCSR0 DMAC_DCCSR(0) #define DMAC_DSAR1 DMAC_DSAR(1) #define DMAC_DDAR1 DMAC_DDAR(1) #define DMAC_DTCR1 DMAC_DTCR(1) #define DMAC_DRSR1 DMAC_DRSR(1) #define DMAC_DCCSR1 DMAC_DCCSR(1) #define DMAC_DSAR2 DMAC_DSAR(2) #define DMAC_DDAR2 DMAC_DDAR(2) #define DMAC_DTCR2 DMAC_DTCR(2) #define DMAC_DRSR2 DMAC_DRSR(2) #define DMAC_DCCSR2 DMAC_DCCSR(2) #define DMAC_DSAR3 DMAC_DSAR(3) #define DMAC_DDAR3 DMAC_DDAR(3) #define DMAC_DTCR3 DMAC_DTCR(3) #define DMAC_DRSR3 DMAC_DRSR(3) #define DMAC_DCCSR3 DMAC_DCCSR(3) #define DMAC_DSAR4 DMAC_DSAR(4) #define DMAC_DDAR4 DMAC_DDAR(4) #define DMAC_DTCR4 DMAC_DTCR(4) #define DMAC_DRSR4 DMAC_DRSR(4) #define DMAC_DCCSR4 DMAC_DCCSR(4) #define DMAC_DSAR5 DMAC_DSAR(5) #define DMAC_DDAR5 DMAC_DDAR(5) #define DMAC_DTCR5 DMAC_DTCR(5) #define DMAC_DRSR5 DMAC_DRSR(5) #define DMAC_DCCSR5 DMAC_DCCSR(5) #define DMAC_DSAR6 DMAC_DSAR(6) #define DMAC_DDAR6 DMAC_DDAR(6) #define DMAC_DTCR6 DMAC_DTCR(6) #define DMAC_DRSR6 DMAC_DRSR(6) #define DMAC_DCCSR6 DMAC_DCCSR(6) #define DMAC_DSAR7 DMAC_DSAR(7) #define DMAC_DDAR7 DMAC_DDAR(7) #define DMAC_DTCR7 DMAC_DTCR(7) #define DMAC_DRSR7 DMAC_DRSR(7) #define DMAC_DCCSR7 DMAC_DCCSR(7) /************************************************************************* * AIC *************************************************************************/ #define AIC_FR (AIC_BASE + 0x000) #define AIC_CR (AIC_BASE + 0x004) #define AIC_ACCR1 (AIC_BASE + 0x008) #define AIC_ACCR2 (AIC_BASE + 0x00C) #define AIC_I2SCR (AIC_BASE + 0x010) #define AIC_SR (AIC_BASE + 0x014) #define AIC_ACSR (AIC_BASE + 0x018) #define AIC_I2SSR (AIC_BASE + 0x01C) #define AIC_ACCAR (AIC_BASE + 0x020) #define AIC_ACCDR (AIC_BASE + 0x024) #define AIC_ACSAR (AIC_BASE + 0x028) #define AIC_ACSDR (AIC_BASE + 0x02C) #define AIC_I2SDIV (AIC_BASE + 0x030) #define AIC_DR (AIC_BASE + 0x034) #define REG_AIC_FR REG32(AIC_FR) #define REG_AIC_CR REG32(AIC_CR) #define REG_AIC_ACCR1 REG32(AIC_ACCR1) #define REG_AIC_ACCR2 REG32(AIC_ACCR2) #define REG_AIC_I2SCR REG32(AIC_I2SCR) #define REG_AIC_SR REG32(AIC_SR) #define REG_AIC_ACSR REG32(AIC_ACSR) #define REG_AIC_I2SSR REG32(AIC_I2SSR) #define REG_AIC_ACCAR REG32(AIC_ACCAR) #define REG_AIC_ACCDR REG32(AIC_ACCDR) #define REG_AIC_ACSAR REG32(AIC_ACSAR) #define REG_AIC_ACSDR REG32(AIC_ACSDR) #define REG_AIC_I2SDIV REG32(AIC_I2SDIV) #define REG_AIC_DR REG32(AIC_DR) /* AIC Controller Configuration Register (AIC_FR) */ #define AIC_FR_RFTH_BIT 12 #define AIC_FR_RFTH_MASK (0xf << AIC_FR_RFTH_BIT) #define AIC_FR_TFTH_BIT 8 #define AIC_FR_TFTH_MASK (0xf << AIC_FR_TFTH_BIT) #define AIC_FR_AUSEL (1 << 4) #define AIC_FR_RST (1 << 3) #define AIC_FR_BCKD (1 << 2) #define AIC_FR_SYNCD (1 << 1) #define AIC_FR_ENB (1 << 0) /* AIC Controller Common Control Register (AIC_CR) */ #define AIC_CR_RDMS (1 << 15) #define AIC_CR_TDMS (1 << 14) #define AIC_CR_FLUSH (1 << 8) #define AIC_CR_EROR (1 << 6) #define AIC_CR_ETUR (1 << 5) #define AIC_CR_ERFS (1 << 4) #define AIC_CR_ETFS (1 << 3) #define AIC_CR_ENLBF (1 << 2) #define AIC_CR_ERPL (1 << 1) #define AIC_CR_EREC (1 << 0) /* AIC Controller AC-link Control Register 1 (AIC_ACCR1) */ #define AIC_ACCR1_RS_BIT 16 #define AIC_ACCR1_RS_MASK (0x3ff << AIC_ACCR1_RS_BIT) #define AIC_ACCR1_RS_SLOT12 (1 << 25) /* Slot 12 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_RS_SLOT11 (1 << 24) /* Slot 11 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_RS_SLOT10 (1 << 23) /* Slot 10 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_RS_SLOT9 (1 << 22) /* Slot 9 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_RS_SLOT8 (1 << 21) /* Slot 8 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_RS_SLOT7 (1 << 20) /* Slot 7 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_RS_SLOT6 (1 << 19) /* Slot 6 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_RS_SLOT5 (1 << 18) /* Slot 5 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_RS_SLOT4 (1 << 17) /* Slot 4 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_RS_SLOT3 (1 << 16) /* Slot 3 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_XS_BIT 0 #define AIC_ACCR1_XS_MASK (0x3ff << AIC_ACCR1_XS_BIT) #define AIC_ACCR1_XS_SLOT12 (1 << 9) /* Slot 12 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_XS_SLOT11 (1 << 8) /* Slot 11 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_XS_SLOT10 (1 << 7) /* Slot 10 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_XS_SLOT9 (1 << 6) /* Slot 9 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_XS_SLOT8 (1 << 5) /* Slot 8 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_XS_SLOT7 (1 << 4) /* Slot 7 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_XS_SLOT6 (1 << 3) /* Slot 6 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_XS_SLOT5 (1 << 2) /* Slot 5 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_XS_SLOT4 (1 << 1) /* Slot 4 valid bit */ #define AIC_ACCR1_XS_SLOT3 (1 << 0) /* Slot 3 valid bit */ /* AIC Controller AC-link Control Register 2 (AIC_ACCR2) */ #define AIC_ACCR2_ERSTO (1 << 18) #define AIC_ACCR2_ESADR (1 << 17) #define AIC_ACCR2_ECADT (1 << 16) #define AIC_ACCR2_OASS_BIT 8 #define AIC_ACCR2_OASS_MASK (0x3 << AIC_ACCR2_OASS_BIT) #define AIC_ACCR2_OASS_20BIT (0 << AIC_ACCR2_OASS_BIT) /* Output Audio Sample Size is 20-bit */ #define AIC_ACCR2_OASS_18BIT (1 << AIC_ACCR2_OASS_BIT) /* Output Audio Sample Size is 18-bit */ #define AIC_ACCR2_OASS_16BIT (2 << AIC_ACCR2_OASS_BIT) /* Output Audio Sample Size is 16-bit */ #define AIC_ACCR2_OASS_8BIT (3 << AIC_ACCR2_OASS_BIT) /* Output Audio Sample Size is 8-bit */ #define AIC_ACCR2_IASS_BIT 6 #define AIC_ACCR2_IASS_MASK (0x3 << AIC_ACCR2_IASS_BIT) #define AIC_ACCR2_IASS_20BIT (0 << AIC_ACCR2_IASS_BIT) /* Input Audio Sample Size is 20-bit */ #define AIC_ACCR2_IASS_18BIT (1 << AIC_ACCR2_IASS_BIT) /* Input Audio Sample Size is 18-bit */ #define AIC_ACCR2_IASS_16BIT (2 << AIC_ACCR2_IASS_BIT) /* Input Audio Sample Size is 16-bit */ #define AIC_ACCR2_IASS_8BIT (3 << AIC_ACCR2_IASS_BIT) /* Input Audio Sample Size is 8-bit */ #define AIC_ACCR2_SO (1 << 3) #define AIC_ACCR2_SR (1 << 2) #define AIC_ACCR2_SS (1 << 1) #define AIC_ACCR2_SA (1 << 0) /* AIC Controller I2S/MSB-justified Control Register (AIC_I2SCR) */ #define AIC_I2SCR_STPBK (1 << 12) #define AIC_I2SCR_WL_BIT 1 #define AIC_I2SCR_WL_MASK (0x7 << AIC_I2SCR_WL_BIT) #define AIC_I2SCR_WL_24BIT (0 << AIC_I2SCR_WL_BIT) /* Word Length is 24 bit */ #define AIC_I2SCR_WL_20BIT (1 << AIC_I2SCR_WL_BIT) /* Word Length is 20 bit */ #define AIC_I2SCR_WL_18BIT (2 << AIC_I2SCR_WL_BIT) /* Word Length is 18 bit */ #define AIC_I2SCR_WL_16BIT (3 << AIC_I2SCR_WL_BIT) /* Word Length is 16 bit */ #define AIC_I2SCR_WL_8BIT (4 << AIC_I2SCR_WL_BIT) /* Word Length is 8 bit */ #define AIC_I2SCR_AMSL (1 << 0) /* AIC Controller FIFO Status Register (AIC_SR) */ #define AIC_SR_RFL_BIT 24 #define AIC_SR_RFL_MASK (0x1f << AIC_SR_RFL_BIT) #define AIC_SR_TFL_BIT 8 #define AIC_SR_TFL_MASK (0x1f << AIC_SR_TFL_BIT) #define AIC_SR_ROR (1 << 6) #define AIC_SR_TUR (1 << 5) #define AIC_SR_RFS (1 << 4) #define AIC_SR_TFS (1 << 3) /* AIC Controller AC-link Status Register (AIC_ACSR) */ #define AIC_ACSR_CRDY (1 << 20) #define AIC_ACSR_CLPM (1 << 19) #define AIC_ACSR_RSTO (1 << 18) #define AIC_ACSR_SADR (1 << 17) #define AIC_ACSR_CADT (1 << 16) /* AIC Controller I2S/MSB-justified Status Register (AIC_I2SSR) */ #define AIC_I2SSR_BSY (1 << 2) /* AIC Controller AC97 codec Command Address Register (AIC_ACCAR) */ #define AIC_ACCAR_CAR_BIT 0 #define AIC_ACCAR_CAR_MASK (0xfffff << AIC_ACCAR_CAR_BIT) /* AIC Controller AC97 codec Command Data Register (AIC_ACCDR) */ #define AIC_ACCDR_CDR_BIT 0 #define AIC_ACCDR_CDR_MASK (0xfffff << AIC_ACCDR_CDR_BIT) /* AIC Controller AC97 codec Status Address Register (AIC_ACSAR) */ #define AIC_ACSAR_SAR_BIT 0 #define AIC_ACSAR_SAR_MASK (0xfffff << AIC_ACSAR_SAR_BIT) /* AIC Controller AC97 codec Status Data Register (AIC_ACSDR) */ #define AIC_ACSDR_SDR_BIT 0 #define AIC_ACSDR_SDR_MASK (0xfffff << AIC_ACSDR_SDR_BIT) /* AIC Controller I2S/MSB-justified Clock Divider Register (AIC_I2SDIV) */ #define AIC_I2SDIV_DIV_BIT 0 #define AIC_I2SDIV_DIV_MASK (0x7f << AIC_I2SDIV_DIV_BIT) #define AIC_I2SDIV_BITCLK_3072KHZ (0x0C << AIC_I2SDIV_DIV_BIT) /* BIT_CLK of 3.072MHz */ #define AIC_I2SDIV_BITCLK_2836KHZ (0x0D << AIC_I2SDIV_DIV_BIT) /* BIT_CLK of 2.836MHz */ #define AIC_I2SDIV_BITCLK_1418KHZ (0x1A << AIC_I2SDIV_DIV_BIT) /* BIT_CLK of 1.418MHz */ #define AIC_I2SDIV_BITCLK_1024KHZ (0x24 << AIC_I2SDIV_DIV_BIT) /* BIT_CLK of 1.024MHz */ #define AIC_I2SDIV_BITCLK_7089KHZ (0x34 << AIC_I2SDIV_DIV_BIT) /* BIT_CLK of 708.92KHz */ #define AIC_I2SDIV_BITCLK_512KHZ (0x48 << AIC_I2SDIV_DIV_BIT) /* BIT_CLK of 512.00KHz */ /************************************************************************* * LCD *************************************************************************/ #define LCD_CFG (LCD_BASE + 0x00) #define LCD_VSYNC (LCD_BASE + 0x04) #define LCD_HSYNC (LCD_BASE + 0x08) #define LCD_VAT (LCD_BASE + 0x0c) #define LCD_DAH (LCD_BASE + 0x10) #define LCD_DAV (LCD_BASE + 0x14) #define LCD_PS (LCD_BASE + 0x18) #define LCD_CLS (LCD_BASE + 0x1c) #define LCD_SPL (LCD_BASE + 0x20) #define LCD_REV (LCD_BASE + 0x24) #define LCD_CTRL (LCD_BASE + 0x30) #define LCD_STATE (LCD_BASE + 0x34) #define LCD_IID (LCD_BASE + 0x38) #define LCD_DA0 (LCD_BASE + 0x40) #define LCD_SA0 (LCD_BASE + 0x44) #define LCD_FID0 (LCD_BASE + 0x48) #define LCD_CMD0 (LCD_BASE + 0x4c) #define LCD_DA1 (LCD_BASE + 0x50) #define LCD_SA1 (LCD_BASE + 0x54) #define LCD_FID1 (LCD_BASE + 0x58) #define LCD_CMD1 (LCD_BASE + 0x5c) #define REG_LCD_CFG REG32(LCD_CFG) #define REG_LCD_VSYNC REG32(LCD_VSYNC) #define REG_LCD_HSYNC REG32(LCD_HSYNC) #define REG_LCD_VAT REG32(LCD_VAT) #define REG_LCD_DAH REG32(LCD_DAH) #define REG_LCD_DAV REG32(LCD_DAV) #define REG_LCD_PS REG32(LCD_PS) #define REG_LCD_CLS REG32(LCD_CLS) #define REG_LCD_SPL REG32(LCD_SPL) #define REG_LCD_REV REG32(LCD_REV) #define REG_LCD_CTRL REG32(LCD_CTRL) #define REG_LCD_STATE REG32(LCD_STATE) #define REG_LCD_IID REG32(LCD_IID) #define REG_LCD_DA0 REG32(LCD_DA0) #define REG_LCD_SA0 REG32(LCD_SA0) #define REG_LCD_FID0 REG32(LCD_FID0) #define REG_LCD_CMD0 REG32(LCD_CMD0) #define REG_LCD_DA1 REG32(LCD_DA1) #define REG_LCD_SA1 REG32(LCD_SA1) #define REG_LCD_FID1 REG32(LCD_FID1) #define REG_LCD_CMD1 REG32(LCD_CMD1) #define LCD_CFG_PDW_BIT 4 #define LCD_CFG_PDW_MASK (0x03 << LCD_DEV_PDW_BIT) #define LCD_CFG_PDW_1 (0 << LCD_DEV_PDW_BIT) #define LCD_CFG_PDW_2 (1 << LCD_DEV_PDW_BIT) #define LCD_CFG_PDW_4 (2 << LCD_DEV_PDW_BIT) #define LCD_CFG_PDW_8 (3 << LCD_DEV_PDW_BIT) #define LCD_CFG_MODE_BIT 0 #define LCD_CFG_MODE_MASK (0x0f << LCD_DEV_MODE_BIT) #define LCD_CFG_MODE_GENERIC_TFT (0 << LCD_DEV_MODE_BIT) #define LCD_CFG_MODE_SHARP_HR (1 << LCD_DEV_MODE_BIT) #define LCD_CFG_MODE_CASIO_TFT (2 << LCD_DEV_MODE_BIT) #define LCD_CFG_MODE_SAMSUNG_ALPHA (3 << LCD_DEV_MODE_BIT) #define LCD_CFG_MODE_NONINTER_CCIR656 (4 << LCD_DEV_MODE_BIT) #define LCD_CFG_MODE_INTER_CCIR656 (6 << LCD_DEV_MODE_BIT) #define LCD_CFG_MODE_SINGLE_CSTN (8 << LCD_DEV_MODE_BIT) #define LCD_CFG_MODE_SINGLE_MSTN (9 << LCD_DEV_MODE_BIT) #define LCD_CFG_MODE_DUAL_CSTN (10 << LCD_DEV_MODE_BIT) #define LCD_CFG_MODE_DUAL_MSTN (11 << LCD_DEV_MODE_BIT) #define LCD_VSYNC_VPS_BIT 16 #define LCD_VSYNC_VPS_MASK (0xffff << LCD_VSYNC_VPS_BIT) #define LCD_VSYNC_VPE_BIT 0 #define LCD_VSYNC_VPE_MASK (0xffff << LCD_VSYNC_VPS_BIT) #define LCD_HSYNC_HPS_BIT 16 #define LCD_HSYNC_HPS_MASK (0xffff << LCD_HSYNC_HPS_BIT) #define LCD_HSYNC_HPE_BIT 0 #define LCD_HSYNC_HPE_MASK (0xffff << LCD_HSYNC_HPE_BIT) #define LCD_VAT_HT_BIT 16 #define LCD_VAT_HT_MASK (0xffff << LCD_VAT_HT_BIT) #define LCD_VAT_VT_BIT 0 #define LCD_VAT_VT_MASK (0xffff << LCD_VAT_VT_BIT) #define LCD_DAH_HDS_BIT 16 #define LCD_DAH_HDS_MASK (0xffff << LCD_DAH_HDS_BIT) #define LCD_DAH_HDE_BIT 0 #define LCD_DAH_HDE_MASK (0xffff << LCD_DAH_HDE_BIT) #define LCD_DAV_VDS_BIT 16 #define LCD_DAV_VDS_MASK (0xffff << LCD_DAV_VDS_BIT) #define LCD_DAV_VDE_BIT 0 #define LCD_DAV_VDE_MASK (0xffff << LCD_DAV_VDE_BIT) #define LCD_CTRL_BST_BIT 28 #define LCD_CTRL_BST_MASK (0x03 << LCD_CTRL_BST_BIT) #define LCD_CTRL_BST_4 (0 << LCD_CTRL_BST_BIT) #define LCD_CTRL_BST_8 (1 << LCD_CTRL_BST_BIT) #define LCD_CTRL_BST_16 (2 << LCD_CTRL_BST_BIT) #define LCD_CTRL_RGB555 (1 << 27) #define LCD_CTRL_OFUP (1 << 26) #define LCD_CTRL_FRC_BIT 24 #define LCD_CTRL_FRC_MASK (0x03 << LCD_CTRL_FRC_BIT) #define LCD_CTRL_FRC_16 (0 << LCD_CTRL_FRC_BIT) #define LCD_CTRL_FRC_4 (1 << LCD_CTRL_FRC_BIT) #define LCD_CTRL_FRC_2 (2 << LCD_CTRL_FRC_BIT) #define LCD_CTRL_PDD_BIT 16 #define LCD_CTRL_PDD_MASK (0xff << LCD_CTRL_PDD_BIT) #define LCD_CTRL_EOFM (1 << 13) #define LCD_CTRL_SOFM (1 << 12) #define LCD_CTRL_OFUM (1 << 11) #define LCD_CTRL_IFUM0 (1 << 10) #define LCD_CTRL_IFUM1 (1 << 9) #define LCD_CTRL_LDDM (1 << 8) #define LCD_CTRL_QDM (1 << 7) #define LCD_CTRL_BEDN (1 << 6) #define LCD_CTRL_PEDN (1 << 5) #define LCD_CTRL_DIS (1 << 4) #define LCD_CTRL_ENA (1 << 3) #define LCD_CTRL_BPP_BIT 0 #define LCD_CTRL_BPP_MASK (0x07 << LCD_CTRL_BPP_BIT) #define LCD_CTRL_BPP_1 (0 << LCD_CTRL_BPP_BIT) #define LCD_CTRL_BPP_2 (1 << LCD_CTRL_BPP_BIT) #define LCD_CTRL_BPP_4 (2 << LCD_CTRL_BPP_BIT) #define LCD_CTRL_BPP_8 (3 << LCD_CTRL_BPP_BIT) #define LCD_CTRL_BPP_16 (4 << LCD_CTRL_BPP_BIT) #define LCD_STATE_QD (1 << 7) #define LCD_STATE_EOF (1 << 5) #define LCD_STATE_SOF (1 << 4) #define LCD_STATE_OFU (1 << 3) #define LCD_STATE_IFU0 (1 << 2) #define LCD_STATE_IFU1 (1 << 1) #define LCD_STATE_LDD (1 << 0) #define LCD_CMD_SOFINT (1 << 31) #define LCD_CMD_EOFINT (1 << 30) #define LCD_CMD_PAL (1 << 28) #define LCD_CMD_LEN_BIT 0 #define LCD_CMD_LEN_MASK (0xffffff << LCD_CMD_LEN_BIT) /************************************************************************* * DES *************************************************************************/ #define DES_CR1 (DES_BASE + 0x000) #define DES_CR2 (DES_BASE + 0x004) #define DES_SR (DES_BASE + 0x008) #define DES_K1L (DES_BASE + 0x010) #define DES_K1R (DES_BASE + 0x014) #define DES_K2L (DES_BASE + 0x018) #define DES_K2R (DES_BASE + 0x01C) #define DES_K3L (DES_BASE + 0x020) #define DES_K3R (DES_BASE + 0x024) #define DES_IVL (DES_BASE + 0x028) #define DES_IVR (DES_BASE + 0x02C) #define DES_DIN (DES_BASE + 0x030) #define DES_DOUT (DES_BASE + 0x034) #define REG_DES_CR1 REG32(DES_CR1) #define REG_DES_CR2 REG32(DES_CR2) #define REG_DES_SR REG32(DES_SR) #define REG_DES_K1L REG32(DES_K1L) #define REG_DES_K1R REG32(DES_K1R) #define REG_DES_K2L REG32(DES_K2L) #define REG_DES_K2R REG32(DES_K2R) #define REG_DES_K3L REG32(DES_K3L) #define REG_DES_K3R REG32(DES_K3R) #define REG_DES_IVL REG32(DES_IVL) #define REG_DES_IVR REG32(DES_IVR) #define REG_DES_DIN REG32(DES_DIN) #define REG_DES_DOUT REG32(DES_DOUT) /* DES Control Register 1 (DES_CR1) */ #define DES_CR1_EN (1 << 0) /* DES Control Register 2 (DES_CR2) */ #define DES_CR2_ENDEC (1 << 3) #define DES_CR2_MODE (1 << 2) #define DES_CR2_ALG (1 << 1) #define DES_CR2_DMAE (1 << 0) /* DES State Register (DES_SR) */ #define DES_SR_IN_FULL (1 << 5) #define DES_SR_IN_LHF (1 << 4) #define DES_SR_IN_EMPTY (1 << 3) #define DES_SR_OUT_FULL (1 << 2) #define DES_SR_OUT_GHF (1 << 1) #define DES_SR_OUT_EMPTY (1 << 0) /************************************************************************* * CPM *************************************************************************/ #define CPM_CFCR (CPM_BASE+0x00) #define CPM_PLCR1 (CPM_BASE+0x10) #define CPM_OCR (CPM_BASE+0x1c) #define CPM_CFCR2 (CPM_BASE+0x60) #define CPM_LPCR (CPM_BASE+0x04) #define CPM_RSTR (CPM_BASE+0x08) #define CPM_MSCR (CPM_BASE+0x20) #define CPM_SCR (CPM_BASE+0x24) #define CPM_WRER (CPM_BASE+0x28) #define CPM_WFER (CPM_BASE+0x2c) #define CPM_WER (CPM_BASE+0x30) #define CPM_WSR (CPM_BASE+0x34) #define CPM_GSR0 (CPM_BASE+0x38) #define CPM_GSR1 (CPM_BASE+0x3c) #define CPM_GSR2 (CPM_BASE+0x40) #define CPM_SPR (CPM_BASE+0x44) #define CPM_GSR3 (CPM_BASE+0x48) #define REG_CPM_CFCR REG32(CPM_CFCR) #define REG_CPM_PLCR1 REG32(CPM_PLCR1) #define REG_CPM_OCR REG32(CPM_OCR) #define REG_CPM_CFCR2 REG32(CPM_CFCR2) #define REG_CPM_LPCR REG32(CPM_LPCR) #define REG_CPM_RSTR REG32(CPM_RSTR) #define REG_CPM_MSCR REG32(CPM_MSCR) #define REG_CPM_SCR REG32(CPM_SCR) #define REG_CPM_WRER REG32(CPM_WRER) #define REG_CPM_WFER REG32(CPM_WFER) #define REG_CPM_WER REG32(CPM_WER) #define REG_CPM_WSR REG32(CPM_WSR) #define REG_CPM_GSR0 REG32(CPM_GSR0) #define REG_CPM_GSR1 REG32(CPM_GSR1) #define REG_CPM_GSR2 REG32(CPM_GSR2) #define REG_CPM_SPR REG32(CPM_SPR) #define REG_CPM_GSR3 REG32(CPM_GSR3) #define CPM_CFCR_SSI (1 << 31) #define CPM_CFCR_LCD (1 << 30) #define CPM_CFCR_I2S (1 << 29) #define CPM_CFCR_UCS (1 << 28) #define CPM_CFCR_UFR_BIT 25 #define CPM_CFCR_UFR_MASK (0x07 << CPM_CFCR_UFR_BIT) #define CPM_CFCR_MSC (1 << 24) #define CPM_CFCR_CKOEN2 (1 << 23) #define CPM_CFCR_CKOEN1 (1 << 22) #define CPM_CFCR_UPE (1 << 20) #define CPM_CFCR_MFR_BIT 16 #define CPM_CFCR_MFR_MASK (0x0f << CPM_CFCR_MFR_BIT) #define CPM_CFCR_LFR_BIT 12 #define CPM_CFCR_LFR_MASK (0x0f << CPM_CFCR_LFR_BIT) #define CPM_CFCR_PFR_BIT 8 #define CPM_CFCR_PFR_MASK (0x0f << CPM_CFCR_PFR_BIT) #define CPM_CFCR_SFR_BIT 4 #define CPM_CFCR_SFR_MASK (0x0f << CPM_CFCR_SFR_BIT) #define CPM_CFCR_IFR_BIT 0 #define CPM_CFCR_IFR_MASK (0x0f << CPM_CFCR_IFR_BIT) #define CPM_PLCR1_PLL1FD_BIT 23 #define CPM_PLCR1_PLL1FD_MASK (0x1ff << CPM_PLCR1_PLL1FD_BIT) #define CPM_PLCR1_PLL1RD_BIT 18 #define CPM_PLCR1_PLL1RD_MASK (0x1f << CPM_PLCR1_PLL1RD_BIT) #define CPM_PLCR1_PLL1OD_BIT 16 #define CPM_PLCR1_PLL1OD_MASK (0x03 << CPM_PLCR1_PLL1OD_BIT) #define CPM_PLCR1_PLL1S (1 << 10) #define CPM_PLCR1_PLL1BP (1 << 9) #define CPM_PLCR1_PLL1EN (1 << 8) #define CPM_PLCR1_PLL1ST_BIT 0 #define CPM_PLCR1_PLL1ST_MASK (0xff << CPM_PLCR1_PLL1ST_BIT) #define CPM_OCR_O1ST_BIT 16 #define CPM_OCR_O1ST_MASK (0xff << CPM_OCR_O1ST_BIT) #define CPM_OCR_EXT_RTC_CLK (1<<8) #define CPM_OCR_SUSPEND_PHY1 (1<<7) #define CPM_OCR_SUSPEND_PHY0 (1<<6) #define CPM_CFCR2_PXFR_BIT 0 #define CPM_CFCR2_PXFR_MASK (0x1ff << CPM_CFCR2_PXFR_BIT) #define CPM_LPCR_DUTY_BIT 3 #define CPM_LPCR_DUTY_MASK (0x1f << CPM_LPCR_DUTY_BIT) #define CPM_LPCR_DOZE (1 << 2) #define CPM_LPCR_LPM_BIT 0 #define CPM_LPCR_LPM_MASK (0x03 << CPM_LPCR_LPM_BIT) #define CPM_LPCR_LPM_IDLE (0 << CPM_LPCR_LPM_BIT) #define CPM_LPCR_LPM_SLEEP (1 << CPM_LPCR_LPM_BIT) #define CPM_LPCR_LPM_HIBERNATE (2 << CPM_LPCR_LPM_BIT) #define CPM_RSTR_SR (1 << 2) #define CPM_RSTR_WR (1 << 1) #define CPM_RSTR_HR (1 << 0) #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_BIT 0 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_MASK (0x1ffffff << CPM_MSCR_MSTP_BIT) #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_UART0 0 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_UART1 1 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_UART2 2 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_OST 3 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_DMAC 5 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_UHC 6 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_LCD 7 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_I2C 8 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_AICPCLK 9 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_PWM0 10 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_PWM1 11 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_SSI 12 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_MSC 13 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_SCC 14 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_AICBCLK 18 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_UART3 20 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_ETH 21 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_KBC 22 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_CIM 23 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_UDC 24 #define CPM_MSCR_MSTP_UPRT 25 #define CPM_SCR_O1SE (1 << 4) #define CPM_SCR_HGP (1 << 3) #define CPM_SCR_HZP (1 << 2) #define CPM_SCR_HZM (1 << 1) #define CPM_WRER_RE_BIT 0 #define CPM_WRER_RE_MASK (0xffff << CPM_WRER_RE_BIT) #define CPM_WFER_FE_BIT 0 #define CPM_WFER_FE_MASK (0xffff << CPM_WFER_FE_BIT) #define CPM_WER_WERTC (1 << 31) #define CPM_WER_WEETH (1 << 30) #define CPM_WER_WE_BIT 0 #define CPM_WER_WE_MASK (0xffff << CPM_WER_WE_BIT) #define CPM_WSR_WSRTC (1 << 31) #define CPM_WSR_WSETH (1 << 30) #define CPM_WSR_WS_BIT 0 #define CPM_WSR_WS_MASK (0xffff << CPM_WSR_WS_BIT) /************************************************************************* * SSI *************************************************************************/ #define SSI_DR (SSI_BASE + 0x000) #define SSI_CR0 (SSI_BASE + 0x004) #define SSI_CR1 (SSI_BASE + 0x008) #define SSI_SR (SSI_BASE + 0x00C) #define SSI_ITR (SSI_BASE + 0x010) #define SSI_ICR (SSI_BASE + 0x014) #define SSI_GR (SSI_BASE + 0x018) #define REG_SSI_DR REG32(SSI_DR) #define REG_SSI_CR0 REG16(SSI_CR0) #define REG_SSI_CR1 REG32(SSI_CR1) #define REG_SSI_SR REG32(SSI_SR) #define REG_SSI_ITR REG16(SSI_ITR) #define REG_SSI_ICR REG8(SSI_ICR) #define REG_SSI_GR REG16(SSI_GR) /* SSI Data Register (SSI_DR) */ #define SSI_DR_GPC_BIT 0 #define SSI_DR_GPC_MASK (0x1ff << SSI_DR_GPC_BIT) /* SSI Control Register 0 (SSI_CR0) */ #define SSI_CR0_SSIE (1 << 15) #define SSI_CR0_TIE (1 << 14) #define SSI_CR0_RIE (1 << 13) #define SSI_CR0_TEIE (1 << 12) #define SSI_CR0_REIE (1 << 11) #define SSI_CR0_LOOP (1 << 10) #define SSI_CR0_RFINE (1 << 9) #define SSI_CR0_RFINC (1 << 8) #define SSI_CR0_FSEL (1 << 6) #define SSI_CR0_TFLUSH (1 << 2) #define SSI_CR0_RFLUSH (1 << 1) #define SSI_CR0_DISREV (1 << 0) /* SSI Control Register 1 (SSI_CR1) */ #define SSI_CR1_FRMHL_BIT 30 #define SSI_CR1_FRMHL_MASK (0x3 << SSI_CR1_FRMHL_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FRMHL_CELOW_CE2LOW (0 << SSI_CR1_FRMHL_BIT) /* SSI_CE_ is low valid and SSI_CE2_ is low valid */ #define SSI_CR1_FRMHL_CEHIGH_CE2LOW (1 << SSI_CR1_FRMHL_BIT) /* SSI_CE_ is high valid and SSI_CE2_ is low valid */ #define SSI_CR1_FRMHL_CELOW_CE2HIGH (2 << SSI_CR1_FRMHL_BIT) /* SSI_CE_ is low valid and SSI_CE2_ is high valid */ #define SSI_CR1_FRMHL_CEHIGH_CE2HIGH (3 << SSI_CR1_FRMHL_BIT) /* SSI_CE_ is high valid and SSI_CE2_ is high valid */ #define SSI_CR1_TFVCK_BIT 28 #define SSI_CR1_TFVCK_MASK (0x3 << SSI_CR1_TFVCK_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_TFVCK_0 (0 << SSI_CR1_TFVCK_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_TFVCK_1 (1 << SSI_CR1_TFVCK_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_TFVCK_2 (2 << SSI_CR1_TFVCK_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_TFVCK_3 (3 << SSI_CR1_TFVCK_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_TCKFI_BIT 26 #define SSI_CR1_TCKFI_MASK (0x3 << SSI_CR1_TCKFI_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_TCKFI_0 (0 << SSI_CR1_TCKFI_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_TCKFI_1 (1 << SSI_CR1_TCKFI_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_TCKFI_2 (2 << SSI_CR1_TCKFI_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_TCKFI_3 (3 << SSI_CR1_TCKFI_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_LFST (1 << 25) #define SSI_CR1_ITFRM (1 << 24) #define SSI_CR1_UNFIN (1 << 23) #define SSI_CR1_MULTS (1 << 22) #define SSI_CR1_FMAT_BIT 20 #define SSI_CR1_FMAT_MASK (0x3 << SSI_CR1_FMAT_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FMAT_SPI (0 << SSI_CR1_FMAT_BIT) /* Motorola¡¯s SPI format */ #define SSI_CR1_FMAT_SSP (1 << SSI_CR1_FMAT_BIT) /* TI's SSP format */ #define SSI_CR1_FMAT_MW1 (2 << SSI_CR1_FMAT_BIT) /* National Microwire 1 format */ #define SSI_CR1_FMAT_MW2 (3 << SSI_CR1_FMAT_BIT) /* National Microwire 2 format */ #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT 12 #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_MASK (0xf << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_1BIT (0x0 << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) /* 1-bit command selected */ #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_2BIT (0x1 << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) /* 2-bit command selected */ #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_3BIT (0x2 << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) /* 3-bit command selected */ #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_4BIT (0x3 << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) /* 4-bit command selected */ #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_5BIT (0x4 << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) /* 5-bit command selected */ #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_6BIT (0x5 << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) /* 6-bit command selected */ #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_7BIT (0x6 << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) /* 7-bit command selected */ #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_8BIT (0x7 << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) /* 8-bit command selected */ #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_9BIT (0x8 << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) /* 9-bit command selected */ #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_10BIT (0x9 << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) /* 10-bit command selected */ #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_11BIT (0xA << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) /* 11-bit command selected */ #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_12BIT (0xB << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) /* 12-bit command selected */ #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_13BIT (0xC << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) /* 13-bit command selected */ #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_14BIT (0xD << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) /* 14-bit command selected */ #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_15BIT (0xE << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) /* 15-bit command selected */ #define SSI_CR1_MCOM_16BIT (0xF << SSI_CR1_MCOM_BIT) /* 16-bit command selected */ #define SSI_CR1_TTRG_BIT 10 #define SSI_CR1_TTRG_MASK (0x3 << SSI_CR1_TTRG_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_TTRG_1 (0 << SSI_CR1_TTRG_BIT)/* Less than or equal to 1 */ #define SSI_CR1_TTRG_4 (1 << SSI_CR1_TTRG_BIT) /* Less than or equal to 4 */ #define SSI_CR1_TTRG_8 (2 << SSI_CR1_TTRG_BIT) /* Less than or equal to 8 */ #define SSI_CR1_TTRG_14 (3 << SSI_CR1_TTRG_BIT) /* Less than or equal to 14 */ #define SSI_CR1_RTRG_BIT 8 #define SSI_CR1_RTRG_MASK (0x3 << SSI_CR1_RTRG_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_RTRG_1 (0 << SSI_CR1_RTRG_BIT) /* More than or equal to 1 */ #define SSI_CR1_RTRG_4 (1 << SSI_CR1_RTRG_BIT) /* More than or equal to 4 */ #define SSI_CR1_RTRG_8 (2 << SSI_CR1_RTRG_BIT) /* More than or equal to 8 */ #define SSI_CR1_RTRG_14 (3 << SSI_CR1_RTRG_BIT) /* More than or equal to 14 */ #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT 4 #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_MASK (0xf << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_2BIT (0x0 << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_3BIT (0x1 << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_4BIT (0x2 << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_5BIT (0x3 << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_6BIT (0x4 << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_7BIT (0x5 << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_8BIT (0x6 << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_9BIT (0x7 << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_10BIT (0x8 << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_11BIT (0x9 << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_12BIT (0xA << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_13BIT (0xB << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_14BIT (0xC << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_15BIT (0xD << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_16BIT (0xE << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_FLEN_17BIT (0xF << SSI_CR1_FLEN_BIT) #define SSI_CR1_PHA (1 << 1) #define SSI_CR1_POL (1 << 0) /* SSI Status Register (SSI_SR) */ #define SSI_SR_TFIFONUM_BIT 13 #define SSI_SR_TFIFONUM_MASK (0x1f << SSI_SR_TFIFONUM_BIT) #define SSI_SR_RFIFONUM_BIT 8 #define SSI_SR_RFIFONUM_MASK (0x1f << SSI_SR_RFIFONUM_BIT) #define SSI_SR_END (1 << 7) #define SSI_SR_BUSY (1 << 6) #define SSI_SR_TFF (1 << 5) #define SSI_SR_RFE (1 << 4) #define SSI_SR_TFHE (1 << 3) #define SSI_SR_RFHF (1 << 2) #define SSI_SR_UNDR (1 << 1) #define SSI_SR_OVER (1 << 0) /* SSI Interval Time Control Register (SSI_ITR) */ #define SSI_ITR_CNTCLK (1 << 15) #define SSI_ITR_IVLTM_BIT 0 #define SSI_ITR_IVLTM_MASK (0x7fff << SSI_ITR_IVLTM_BIT) #endif /* __ASM_JZ4730_REGS_H__ */