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synced 2025-03-10 05:19:12 +02:00
So far, we are setting the bridge interface up before having added any bridge interface ports. This results in the bridge assigning a random mac address to its bridge interface and therefore IPv6 assigning a matching link local address to the bridge interface as soon as the bridge interface is up. After adding the first bridge port interface, the bridge's mac address is reset correctly, however the IPv6 link local address stays the same. This commit ensures that we are at least having the IPv6 link local address of the first interface added to the bridge instead of a random one. Signed-off-by: Linus Lüssing <linus.luessing@web.de> git-svn-id: svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/trunk@26426 3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73
423 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
423 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
# Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org
# DEBUG="echo"
do_sysctl() {
[ -n "$2" ] && \
sysctl -n -e -w "$1=$2" >/dev/null || \
sysctl -n -e "$1"
find_config() {
local iftype device iface ifaces ifn
for ifn in $interfaces; do
config_get iftype "$ifn" type
config_get iface "$ifn" ifname
case "$iftype" in
bridge) config_get ifaces "$ifn" ifnames;;
config_get device "$ifn" device
for ifc in $device $iface $ifaces; do
[ ."$ifc" = ."$1" ] && {
echo "$ifn"
return 0
return 1;
scan_interfaces() {
local cfgfile="${1:-network}"
config_cb() {
case "$1" in
config_set "$2" auto 1
local iftype ifname device proto
config_get iftype "$CONFIG_SECTION" TYPE
case "$iftype" in
append interfaces "$CONFIG_SECTION"
config_get proto "$CONFIG_SECTION" proto
config_get iftype "$CONFIG_SECTION" type
config_get ifname "$CONFIG_SECTION" ifname
config_get device "$CONFIG_SECTION" device "$ifname"
config_set "$CONFIG_SECTION" device "$device"
case "$iftype" in
config_set "$CONFIG_SECTION" ifnames "$device"
config_set "$CONFIG_SECTION" ifname br-"$CONFIG_SECTION"
( type "scan_$proto" ) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && eval "scan_$proto '$CONFIG_SECTION'"
config_load "${cfgfile}"
add_vlan() {
local vif="${1%\.*}"
[ "$1" = "$vif" ] || ifconfig "$1" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || {
ifconfig "$vif" up 2>/dev/null >/dev/null || add_vlan "$vif"
$DEBUG vconfig add "$vif" "${1##*\.}"
return 0
return 1
# add dns entries if they are not in resolv.conf yet
add_dns() {
local cfg="$1"; shift
remove_dns "$cfg"
# We may be called by pppd's ip-up which has a nonstandard umask set.
# Create an empty file here and force its permission to 0644, otherwise
# dnsmasq will not be able to re-read the resolv.conf.auto .
[ ! -f /tmp/resolv.conf.auto ] && {
touch /tmp/resolv.conf.auto
chmod 0644 /tmp/resolv.conf.auto
local dns
local add
for dns in "$@"; do
grep -qsF "nameserver $dns" /tmp/resolv.conf.auto || {
add="${add:+$add }$dns"
echo "nameserver $dns" >> /tmp/resolv.conf.auto
[ -n "$cfg" ] && {
uci_set_state network "$cfg" dns "$add"
uci_set_state network "$cfg" resolv_dns "$add"
# remove dns entries of the given iface
remove_dns() {
local cfg="$1"
[ -n "$cfg" ] && {
[ -f /tmp/resolv.conf.auto ] && {
local dns=$(uci_get_state network "$cfg" resolv_dns)
for dns in $dns; do
sed -i -e "/^nameserver $dns$/d" /tmp/resolv.conf.auto
uci_revert_state network "$cfg" dns
uci_revert_state network "$cfg" resolv_dns
# sort the device list, drop duplicates
sort_list() {
local arg="$*"
for item in $arg; do
echo "$item"
) | sort -u
# Create the interface, if necessary.
# Return status 0 indicates that the setup_interface() call should continue
# Return status 1 means that everything is set up already.
prepare_interface() {
local iface="$1"
local config="$2"
local vifmac="$3"
# if we're called for the bridge interface itself, don't bother trying
# to create any interfaces here. The scripts have already done that, otherwise
# the bridge interface wouldn't exist.
[ "br-$config" = "$iface" -o -e "$iface" ] && return 0;
ifconfig "$iface" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && {
local proto
config_get proto "$config" proto
# make sure the interface is removed from any existing bridge and deconfigured,
# (deconfigured only if the interface is not set to proto=none)
unbridge "$iface"
[ "$proto" = none ] || ifconfig "$iface"
# Change interface MAC address if requested
[ -n "$vifmac" ] && {
ifconfig "$iface" down
ifconfig "$iface" hw ether "$vifmac" up
# Setup VLAN interfaces
add_vlan "$iface" && return 1
ifconfig "$iface" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null || return 0
# Setup bridging
local iftype
config_get iftype "$config" type
case "$iftype" in
local macaddr
config_get macaddr "$config" macaddr
[ -x /usr/sbin/brctl ] && {
ifconfig "br-$config" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && {
local newdevs devices
config_get devices "$config" device
for dev in $(sort_list "$devices" "$iface"); do
append newdevs "$dev"
uci_set_state network "$config" device "$newdevs"
$DEBUG ifconfig "$iface"
$DEBUG do_sysctl "net.ipv6.conf.$iface.disable_ipv6" 1
$DEBUG brctl addif "br-$config" "$iface"
# Bridge existed already. No further processing necesary
} || {
local stp
config_get_bool stp "$config" stp 0
$DEBUG brctl addbr "br-$config"
$DEBUG brctl setfd "br-$config" 0
$DEBUG ifconfig "$iface"
$DEBUG do_sysctl "net.ipv6.conf.$iface.disable_ipv6" 1
$DEBUG brctl addif "br-$config" "$iface"
$DEBUG brctl stp "br-$config" $stp
$DEBUG ifconfig "br-$config" up
# Creating the bridge here will have triggered a hotplug event, which will
# result in another setup_interface() call, so we simply stop processing
# the current event at this point.
ifconfig "$iface" ${macaddr:+hw ether "${macaddr}"} up 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
return 1
return 0
set_interface_ifname() {
local config="$1"
local ifname="$2"
local device
config_get device "$1" device
uci_set_state network "$config" ifname "$ifname"
uci_set_state network "$config" device "$device"
setup_interface_none() {
env -i ACTION="ifup" INTERFACE="$2" DEVICE="$1" PROTO=none /sbin/hotplug-call "iface" &
setup_interface_static() {
local iface="$1"
local config="$2"
local ipaddr netmask ip6addr
config_get ipaddr "$config" ipaddr
config_get netmask "$config" netmask
config_get ip6addr "$config" ip6addr
[ -z "$ipaddr" -o -z "$netmask" ] && [ -z "$ip6addr" ] && return 1
local gateway ip6gw dns bcast metric
config_get gateway "$config" gateway
config_get ip6gw "$config" ip6gw
config_get dns "$config" dns
config_get bcast "$config" broadcast
config_get metric "$config" metric
[ -z "$ipaddr" ] || $DEBUG ifconfig "$iface" "$ipaddr" netmask "$netmask" broadcast "${bcast:-+}"
[ -z "$ip6addr" ] || $DEBUG ifconfig "$iface" add "$ip6addr"
[ -z "$gateway" ] || $DEBUG route add default gw "$gateway" ${metric:+metric $metric} dev "$iface"
[ -z "$ip6gw" ] || $DEBUG route -A inet6 add default gw "$ip6gw" ${metric:+metric $metric} dev "$iface"
[ -z "$dns" ] || add_dns "$config" $dns
config_get type "$config" TYPE
[ "$type" = "alias" ] && return 0
env -i ACTION="ifup" INTERFACE="$config" DEVICE="$iface" PROTO=static /sbin/hotplug-call "iface" &
setup_interface_alias() {
local config="$1"
local parent="$2"
local iface="$3"
local cfg
config_get cfg "$config" interface
[ "$parent" == "$cfg" ] || return 0
# parent device and ifname
local p_device p_type
config_get p_device "$cfg" device
config_get p_type "$cfg" type
# select alias ifname
local layer use_iface
config_get layer "$config" layer 2
case "$layer:$p_type" in
# layer 3: e.g. pppoe-wan or pptp-vpn
3:*) use_iface="$iface" ;;
# layer 2 and parent is bridge: e.g. br-wan
2:bridge) use_iface="br-$cfg" ;;
# layer 1: e.g. eth0 or ath0
*) use_iface="$p_device" ;;
# alias counter
local ctr
config_get ctr "$parent" alias_count 0
ctr="$(($ctr + 1))"
config_set "$parent" alias_count "$ctr"
# alias list
local list
config_get list "$parent" aliases
append list "$config"
config_set "$parent" aliases "$list"
set_interface_ifname "$config" "$use_iface"
local proto
config_get proto "$config" proto "static"
case "${proto}" in
setup_interface_static "$use_iface" "$config"
echo "Unsupported type '$proto' for alias config '$config'"
return 1
setup_interface() {
local iface="$1"
local config="$2"
local proto="$3"
local vifmac="$4"
[ -n "$config" ] || {
config=$(find_config "$iface")
[ "$?" = 0 ] || return 1
prepare_interface "$iface" "$config" "$vifmac" || return 0
[ "$iface" = "br-$config" ] && {
# need to bring up the bridge and wait a second for
# it to switch to the 'forwarding' state, otherwise
# it will lose its routes...
ifconfig "$iface" up
sleep 1
# Interface settings
grep "$iface:" /proc/net/dev > /dev/null && {
local mtu macaddr txqueuelen
config_get mtu "$config" mtu
config_get macaddr "$config" macaddr
config_get txqueuelen "$config" txqueuelen
[ -n "$macaddr" ] && $DEBUG ifconfig "$iface" down
$DEBUG ifconfig "$iface" ${macaddr:+hw ether "$macaddr"} ${mtu:+mtu $mtu} ${txqueuelen:+txqueuelen $txqueuelen} up
set_interface_ifname "$config" "$iface"
[ -n "$proto" ] || config_get proto "$config" proto
case "$proto" in
setup_interface_static "$iface" "$config"
# kill running udhcpc instance
local pidfile="/var/run/dhcp-${iface}.pid"
service_kill udhcpc "$pidfile"
local ipaddr netmask hostname proto1 clientid vendorid broadcast reqopts
config_get ipaddr "$config" ipaddr
config_get netmask "$config" netmask
config_get hostname "$config" hostname
config_get proto1 "$config" proto
config_get clientid "$config" clientid
config_get vendorid "$config" vendorid
config_get_bool broadcast "$config" broadcast 0
config_get reqopts "$config" reqopts
[ -z "$ipaddr" ] || \
$DEBUG ifconfig "$iface" "$ipaddr" ${netmask:+netmask "$netmask"}
# additional request options
local opt dhcpopts
for opt in $reqopts; do
append dhcpopts "-O $opt"
# don't stay running in background if dhcp is not the main proto on the interface (e.g. when using pptp)
[ "$proto1" != "$proto" ] && append dhcpopts "-n -q" || append dhcpopts "-O rootpath -R &"
[ "$broadcast" = 1 ] && broadcast="-O broadcast" || broadcast=
$DEBUG eval udhcpc -t 0 -i "$iface" \
${ipaddr:+-r $ipaddr} \
${hostname:+-H $hostname} \
${clientid:+-c $clientid} \
${vendorid:+-V $vendorid} \
-b -p "$pidfile" $broadcast \
setup_interface_none "$iface" "$config"
if ( eval "type setup_interface_$proto" ) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
eval "setup_interface_$proto '$iface' '$config' '$proto'"
echo "Interface type $proto not supported."
return 1
stop_interface_dhcp() {
local config="$1"
local ifname
config_get ifname "$config" ifname
local lock="/var/lock/dhcp-${ifname}"
[ -f "$lock" ] && lock -u "$lock"
remove_dns "$config"
local pidfile="/var/run/dhcp-${ifname}.pid"
service_kill udhcpc "$pidfile"
uci -P /var/state revert "network.$config"
unbridge() {
local dev="$1"
local brdev
[ -x /usr/sbin/brctl ] || return 0
brctl show 2>/dev/null | grep "$dev" >/dev/null && {
# interface is still part of a bridge, correct that
for brdev in $(brctl show | awk '$2 ~ /^[0-9].*\./ { print $1 }'); do
brctl delif "$brdev" "$dev" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
do_sysctl "net.ipv6.conf.$dev.disable_ipv6" 0