mirror of git://projects.qi-hardware.com/setfont2.git synced 2025-03-03 10:47:56 +02:00

Add kernel 6x10 font

This commit is contained in:
kyak 2012-10-14 15:40:17 +04:00
parent 30bc035768
commit 1284c1e965
4 changed files with 3280 additions and 0 deletions

kernel-6x10/README Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
This is a 6x10 console font.
It allows for 53x24 terminal size on Ben Nanonote.
This a fork of 6x11 regular (i.e. colored) kernel font.
This font doesn't use setfont2 (i.e. SubLCD technique),
so it looks worse than setfont2 font.
From the other hand side, it provides colors,
which might be important in some applications.
This font and conversion tools (png2font and font2png)
are in setfont2 repo because they fit with setfont2's purpose:
Provide better looking console fonts for Ben Nanonote.
Credits go to mth.

kernel-6x10/font2png.py Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Converts Linux font character array to PNG.
import sys
# Python Imaging Library
# http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
import Image
def readSource(inp):
data = []
meta = {}
inData = False
inMeta = False
for line in inp.readlines():
csta = line.find('/*')
if csta != -1:
cend = line.index('*/') + 2
line = line[ : csta] + line[cend : ]
line = line.strip()
if inData:
if line == '};':
inData = False
elif line:
valStr = line.rstrip(',')
# Chars wider than 8 not supported yet.
assert ',' not in valStr
data.append(int(valStr, 16))
elif inMeta:
if line == '};':
inMeta = False
elif line:
key, value = line.split('=')
key = key.strip().lstrip('.')
value = value.strip().rstrip(',')
meta[key] = value
elif line.startswith('static const unsigned char'):
assert line[-1] == '{'
inData = True
elif line.startswith('const struct font_desc'):
assert line[-1] == '{'
inMeta = True
return data, meta
def createImage(width, height, data):
assert len(data) == height * 256
# Reserve space for a 32 * 8 grid of characters.
image = Image.new('P', (32 * (width + 1) + 1, 8 * (height + 1) + 1))
palette = [0, 0, 0] * 256
palette[3 : 6] = [255, 255, 255] # foreground
palette[6 : 9] = [128, 0, 0] # grid
# Draw grid.
for y in xrange(0, image.size[1], height + 1):
for x in xrange(0, image.size[0]):
image.putpixel((x, y), 2)
for x in xrange(0, image.size[0], width + 1):
for y in xrange(0, image.size[1]):
image.putpixel((x, y), 2)
# Draw characters.
for c in xrange(256):
row, col = divmod(c, 32)
y = 1 + row * (height + 1)
for i in xrange(c * height, (c + 1) * height):
x = 1 + col * (width + 1)
pat = data[i]
for bit in xrange(width):
if pat & 128:
image.putpixel((x, y), 1)
pat <<= 1
x += 1
y += 1
return image
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Usage: python font2png.py <source_file>'
fileName = sys.argv[1]
assert fileName.endswith('.c')
outFileName = fileName[ : -2] + '.png'
inp = open(fileName, 'r')
data, meta = readSource(inp)
width = int(meta['width'])
height = int(meta['height'])
image = createImage(width, height, data)

kernel-6x10/font_6x10.c Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

kernel-6x10/png2font.py Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Converts PNG to Linux font character array.
import sys
# Python Imaging Library
# http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
import Image
def getCellSize(image):
x, y = image.size
width = (x / 32) - 1
height = (y / 8) - 1
assert 32 * (width + 1) + 1 == x, x
assert 8 * (height + 1) + 1 == y, y
return width, height
def createData(width, height, image):
data = []
# Scan characters.
for c in xrange(256):
row, col = divmod(c, 32)
y = 1 + row * (height + 1)
for i in xrange(height):
x = 1 + col * (width + 1)
pat = 0
mask = 128
for bit in xrange(width):
if image.getpixel((x, y)):
pat |= mask
mask >>= 1
x += 1
y += 1
return data
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Usage: python png2font.py <image_file>'
fileName = sys.argv[1]
assert fileName.endswith('.png')
outFileName = fileName[ : -4] + '.c'
image = Image.open(fileName)
width, height = getCellSize(image)
data = createData(width, height, image)
arrayName = 'fontdata_%dx%d' % (width, height)
out = open(outFileName, 'w')
print >>out, '#include <linux/font.h>'
print >>out
# print >>out, '#define FONTDATAMAX (%d*256)' % height
# print >>out
print >>out, 'static const unsigned char %s[] = {' % arrayName
print >>out
for c in xrange(256):
if c < 32:
cs = '^%s' % chr(c + 64)
elif c >= 128:
cs = '\\%o' % c
cs = chr(c)
print >>out, "\t/* %d 0x%02X '%s' */" % (c, c, cs)
for i in xrange(c * height, (c + 1) * height):
d = data[i]
ds = ''.join(
str((d >> bit) & 1)
for bit in reversed(xrange(8))
print >>out, '\t0x%02X, /* %s */' % (d, ds)
print >>out
print >>out, '};'
print >>out
print >>out, 'const struct font_desc font_%dx%d = {' \
% (width, height)
print >>out, '\t.idx\t= FONT%dx%d_IDX,' % (width, height)
print >>out, '\t.name\t= "%dx%d",' % (width, height)
print >>out, '\t.width\t= %d,' % width
print >>out, '\t.height\t= %d,' % height
print >>out, '\t.data\t= %s,' % arrayName
print >>out, '\t.pref\t= 0,'
print >>out, '};'