2011-10-11 03:25:46 -03:00
$n = 1;
while (<>) {
next unless /^=== (\d+) ===/;
while ($1 != $n) {
push(@f, $n);
$f = int($n/@f+0.5);
$last = 0;
for (@f) {
push(@d, $_-$last);
$last = $_;
$cmd = "|gnuplot -e '".
'set term postscript color eps enhanced solid lw 2 20;'.
'set output "out.eps";'.
'set title "Probability distribution of time between NOR corruptions";'.
'set xlabel "Power cycles";'.
'set ylabel "Cumulative probability";'.
'set key bottom;'.
2011-10-11 09:22:37 -03:00
'plot "-" with steps title "Empirical distribution (N='.@f.')", '.
2011-10-11 03:25:46 -03:00
'1-exp(-'.1/$f.'*x) with lines lt 3 '.
'title "Exponential distribution ({/Symbol l}=1/'.$f.')"'.
open(PIPE, $cmd) || die "open: $!";
$i = 0;
for (sort { $a <=> $b } @d) {
print PIPE $_, " ", $i/@f, "\n";
close(PIPE) || die "close: $!";
system("cat out.eps | ".
"gs -sDEVICE=ppmraw -r100 -sOutputFile=- ".
"-dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -q - | ".
"convert -trim - out.png");