--- Fri 2011-12-16 ------------------------------------------------------------ reflash_m1.sh --release 2011-07-13 wget http://milkymist.org/updates/2011-07-13/for-rc3/boot.4e53273.bin flterm --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --kernel boot.4e53273.bin Check image CRCs: all but bios-rescue.bin pass. (bios-rescue has the MAC issue.) Configured to 1024x768, US keyboard, Ethernet off, performance mode, only the "Tunnel" to patch. 10:29 test run starts (2/d9/, using 2/aloop) --- Sat 2011-12-17 ------------------------------------------------------------ 12:33 interrupted after completing cycle 5000 dumplock: all locks read zero ("unlocked") CRC check: no anomalies 12:34 started test run (2/d10/) --- Sun 2011-12-18 ------------------------------------------------------------ 14:39 interrupted after completing cycle 5002 dumplock: all locks read zero ("unlocked") CRC check: no anomalies standby partition bytewise comparison: only difference at the end 14:44 started test run (2/d11/) --- Mon 2011-12-19 ------------------------------------------------------------ 11:42 stopped after completing cycle 4019 dumplock: all locks read zero ("unlocked") CRC check: no anomalies standby partition bytewise comparison: only difference at the end If we assume that occurrence of NOR corruption follows an exponential distribution with lambda = 1/700, then such corruption would have been observed in the above 14002 cycles with a probability of 1-exp(-1/700*(5000+5002+4019)) = 99.9999998%.