#!/bin/sh gnuplot <<EOF set term postscript color eps enhanced solid lw 2 20 set output "out.eps" set title "Probability distribution of time between NOR corruptions" set xlabel "Power cycles" set ylabel "Cumulative probability" set key bottom plot "< sed '1,/^\$/d' GRAPH | sort -n" using 1:((\$0+1)/12) with lines \ title "First corruption observed", \ "< sed '/^\$/q' GRAPH | sort -n" using 1:((\$0+1)/12) with lines \ title "Last non-corruption observed", \ 1-exp(-0.0021*x) with lines \ title "Exponential distribution ({/Symbol l}=1/476)" EOF cat out.eps | gs -sDEVICE=ppmraw -r100 -sOutputFile=- \ -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -q - | \ convert -trim - out.png