# labsw/Makefile - Makefile for the Lab Switch firmware
# Written 2011 by Werner Almesberger
# Copyright 2011 Werner Almesberger
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

MAIN = labsw
OBJS = $(MAIN) usb descr version ep0

F32XBASE = ../../../f32xbase

include $(F32XBASE)/fw/common/Makefile.system
include $(F32XBASE)/fw/common/Makefile.common

CFLAGS += -Iinclude
LDFLAGS += --code-size $(PAYLOAD_SIZE) --code-loc $(PAYLOAD_START)

USB_ID = $(shell \
  ( echo '\#include "usb-id.h"'; echo USB_VENDOR:USB_PRODUCT; ) | \
  cpp | sed '/^ *$$/d;/^\#/d' )

.PHONY:		dfu

all:		$(MAIN)

$(MAIN).rel:	io-parts.h

io-parts.h:     io.h Makefile
		cpp -dD $< | \
		  sed '1,/IO_H/d' | \
		  awk \
		  'BEGIN { print "/* MACHINE-GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT ! */"; \
			print "#ifndef IO_PARTS_H"; \
			print "#define IO_PARTS_H"; } \
		   /#define/ && $$3 != "" { \
			split($$3, a, "_"); \
			print $$1, $$2 "_PORT", a[1]; \
			print $$1, $$2 "_MODE", a[1] "MDOUT"; \
			print $$1, $$2 "_BIT", a[2]; } \
		   END { print "#endif" }' >$@ || \
			    { rm -f $@; exit 1; }

		rm -f io-parts.h

# hack: for now, we just reuse the boot loader from cntr
USB_ID = 20b7:cb72

		dfu-util -d $(USB_ID) -D $(MAIN).bin