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synced 2025-03-09 22:29:11 +02:00
Without this, basically all file accesses of FN failed with EACCES, breaking things rather thoroughly.
115 lines
2.5 KiB
115 lines
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(This is my cheat sheet. It works for me but yet may stil be incomplete
and redundant at the same time.)
NOTE: we need to pin both rtems and rtems-yaffs due to recent changes
that make file system operations fail with EACCES, combined with (or
maybe caused by) API changes.
Getting rtems:
git clone git://git.rtems.org/rtems.git
cd rtems
git checkout 314d3272df763ef1a152be726e5d5385449fe046
ln -s /home/qi/wernermisc/m1/patches/rtems/ patches
quilt push -a
Getting rtems-yaffs:
git clone git://github.com/milkymist/rtems-yaffs2.git
cd rtems-yaffs2
git checkout cbe7492ee0e5a9bced8267d9c7ab2fd997299fda
Compiling rtems:
cd rtems
./bootstrap -c && ./bootstrap -p && ./bootstrap # 08:37
mkdir -p build
cd build
../configure --target=lm32-rtems4.11 --enable-rtemsbsp=milkymist \
--enable-posix --disable-itron --enable-networking \
--disable-multiprocessing --disable-tests --prefix=/opt/rtems-4.11 # 00:14
make # -j5 # 01:21
make install # 00:06
Compiling rtems-yaffs:
cd rtems-yaffs2
make -f Makefile.rtems
make -f Makefile.rtems install
Compiling milkymist.git, libfpvm:
cd software/libfpvm
make install
Compiling milkymist.git, softusb-input:
make -C software/libhpdmc
make -C software/libnet
make -C software/libbase
make -C softusb-input
make -C software/libhal
make -C software/bios
Compiling flickernoise.git:
cd flickernoise/src
make bin/flickernoise.fbi && m1nor bin/flickernoise.fbi
(m1nor from wernermisc/m1/tools/)
Rebooting the M1:
cd wernermisc/m1/jtag-boot
make boot
Send patches:
git send-email --cover-letter --thread --annotate f6c7474ae3b181157d8950e25c4705d53d9ae9c1
Draft items below:
Rebuild Flickernoise after updating the Navre firmware:
make -C softusb-input
make -C softusb-input install
cd src
make clean && make -j 5 bin/flickernoise.fbi && m1nor bin/flickernoise.fbi
Synthesize the SoC:
cd boards/milkymist-one/flash
make -C ../synthesis -f Makefile.xst clean && make clean && time make soc.fpg
m1nor soc.fpg
# synthesis: boards/milkymist-one/synthesis/build/system.srp
# timing: boards/milkymist-one/synthesis/build/system-routed.par
flterm --gdb-passthrough --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --kernel /dev/null
/home/qi/m1/gdb-7.3.1/gdb/gdb /home/qi/m1/flickernoise/src/bin/flickernoise
set remote interrupt-on-connect on
target remote /dev/pts/155