mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 01:28:20 +02:00
- added https://www.rtems.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2032 to patch set (Ioctl interface for loading USB firmware) - now really switched from using RTEMS CVS to git (forgot to commit all the changes before) - updated softusb -> FN update process
103 lines
2.1 KiB
103 lines
2.1 KiB
(This is my cheat sheet. It works for me but yet may stil be incomplete
and redundant at the same time.)
Getting rtems:
git clone git://git.rtems.org/rtems.git
cd rtems
git checkout 19d18f235084cbd361e068811a11f46d99918950 # for predictability
ln -s /home/qi/wernermisc/m1/patches/rtems/ patches
quilt push -a
Compiling rtems:
cd rtems
./bootstrap -c && ./bootstrap -p && ./bootstrap # 08:37
mkdir -p build
cd build
../configure --target=lm32-rtems4.11 --enable-rtemsbsp=milkymist \
--enable-posix --disable-itron --enable-networking \
--disable-multiprocessing --disable-tests --prefix=/opt/rtems-4.11 # 00:14
make # -j5 # 01:21
make install # 00:06
Compiling rtems-yaffs:
cd rtems-yaffs2
make -f Makefile.rtems
make -f Makefile.rtems install
Compiling milkymist.git, libfpvm:
cd software/libfpvm
make install
Compiling milkymist.git, softusb-input:
make -C software/libhpdmc
make -C software/libnet
make -C software/libbase
make -C softusb-input
make -C software/libhal
make -C software/bios
Compiling flickernoise.git:
cd flickernoise/src
make bin/flickernoise.fbi && m1nor bin/flickernoise.fbi
(m1nor from wernermisc/m1/tools/)
Rebooting the M1:
cd wernermisc/m1/jtag-boot
make boot
Send patches:
git send-email --cover-letter --thread --annotate f6c7474ae3b181157d8950e25c4705d53d9ae9c1
Draft items below:
Rebuild Flickernoise after updating the Navre firmware:
make -C softusb-input
make -C softusb-input install
cd src
make clean && make -j 5 bin/flickernoise.fbi && m1nor bin/flickernoise.fbi
Synthesize the SoC:
cd boards/milkymist-one/flash
make -C ../synthesis -f Makefile.xst clean && make clean && time make soc.fpg
m1nor soc.fpg
flterm --gdb-passthrough --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --kernel /dev/null
/home/qi/m1/gdb-7.3.1/gdb/gdb /home/qi/m1/flickernoise/src/bin/flickernoise
set remote interrupt-on-connect on
target remote /dev/pts/155