// // Authors: Wolfgang Spraul // Authors: Xiangfu Liu // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version // 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // #include #include #include #include #include "xbboot_version.h" #define HIWORD(dw) (((dw) >> 16) & 0xFFFF) #define LOWORD(dw) ((dw) & 0xFFFF) #define INGENIC_VENDOR_ID 0x601A #define INGENIC_XBURST_JZ4740 0x4740 #define INGENIC_XBURST_JZ4760 0x4760 // REQ_ values are negative so they can be mixed together with the VR_ types in a signed integer. #define REQ_BULK_READ -1 #define REQ_BULK_WRITE -2 #define VR_GET_CPU_INFO 0x00 #define VR_SET_DATA_ADDRESS 0x01 #define VR_SET_DATA_LENGTH 0x02 #define VR_FLUSH_CACHES 0x03 #define VR_PROGRAM_START1 0x04 #define VR_PROGRAM_START2 0x05 #define VR_NOR_OPS 0x06 #define VR_NAND_OPS 0x07 #define VR_SDRAM_OPS 0x08 #define VR_CONFIGRATION 0x09 #define VR_GET_NUM 0x0a #define USB_TIMEOUT 3000 #define VR_GET_CPU_INFO_LEN 8 #define INGENIC_IN_ENDPOINT 0x81 #define INGENIC_OUT_ENDPOINT 0x01 #define STAGE1_FILE_PATH (DATADIR "stage1.bin") #define STAGE1_ADDRESS ("0x80002000") uint8_t xburst_interface = 0; struct usb_dev_handle* open_xburst_device(); void close_xburst_device(struct usb_dev_handle* xburst_h); int send_request(struct usb_dev_handle* xburst_h, char* request, char* str_param); void show_help(); int main(int argc, char** argv) { struct usb_dev_handle* xburst_h; if (argc < 2 || !strcmp(argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--help")) { show_help(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-v") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--version")) { printf("xbboot version %s\n", XBBOOT_VERSION); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if ((getuid()) || (getgid())) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - you must be root to run '%s'\n", argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-u") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--upload")) { if (argc != 4) { show_help(); goto xquit; } struct timespec timx,tim1; tim1.tv_sec = 1; tim1.tv_nsec = 0; while(1) { nanosleep(&tim1,&timx); xburst_h = open_xburst_device(); if (xburst_h) { printf("\nInfo - found XBurst boot device.\n"); if (send_request(xburst_h, "set_addr", STAGE1_ADDRESS)) { close_xburst_device(xburst_h); continue; } if (send_request(xburst_h, "bulk_write", STAGE1_FILE_PATH)) { close_xburst_device(xburst_h); continue; } if (send_request(xburst_h, "start1", STAGE1_ADDRESS)) { close_xburst_device(xburst_h); continue; } if (send_request(xburst_h, "get_info", "NULL")) { close_xburst_device(xburst_h); continue; } if (send_request(xburst_h, "set_addr", argv[2])) { close_xburst_device(xburst_h); continue; } if (send_request(xburst_h, "bulk_write", argv[3])) { close_xburst_device(xburst_h); continue; } if (send_request(xburst_h, "flush_cache","NULL")) { close_xburst_device(xburst_h); continue; } if (send_request(xburst_h, "start2", argv[2])) { close_xburst_device(xburst_h); continue; } goto xquit; } } } xburst_h = open_xburst_device(); if (xburst_h) if (send_request(xburst_h, argv[1], (argc == 2 ? NULL : argv[2]))) { close_xburst_device(xburst_h); return EXIT_FAILURE; } xquit: close_xburst_device(xburst_h); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } void close_xburst_device(struct usb_dev_handle* xburst_h) { if (xburst_h && xburst_interface) usb_release_interface(xburst_h, xburst_interface); if (xburst_h) usb_close(xburst_h); } struct usb_dev_handle* open_xburst_device() { struct usb_device* xburst_dev = 0; struct usb_dev_handle* xburst_h = 0; usb_init(); /* usb_set_debug(255); */ usb_find_busses(); usb_find_devices(); // look for Ingenic XBurst USB boot device & interface { { struct usb_bus* usb_bus; struct usb_device* usb_dev; for (usb_bus = usb_get_busses(); usb_bus != 0; usb_bus = usb_bus->next) { for (usb_dev = usb_bus->devices; usb_dev != 0; usb_dev = usb_dev->next) { if (usb_dev->descriptor.idVendor == INGENIC_VENDOR_ID) { if (usb_dev->descriptor.idProduct == INGENIC_XBURST_JZ4740 || usb_dev->descriptor.idProduct == INGENIC_XBURST_JZ4760) { if (xburst_dev) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - more than one XBurst boot device found.\n"); goto xout; } xburst_dev = usb_dev; // keep searching to make sure there is only 1 XBurst device } } } } if (!xburst_dev) { fprintf(stderr, "Info - no XBurst boot device found.\n"); goto xout; } } { struct usb_config_descriptor* usb_config_desc; struct usb_interface_descriptor* usb_if_desc; struct usb_interface* usb_if; int cfg_index, if_index, alt_index; for (cfg_index = 0; cfg_index < xburst_dev->descriptor.bNumConfigurations; cfg_index++) { usb_config_desc = &xburst_dev->config[cfg_index]; if (!usb_config_desc) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - usb_config_desc NULL\n"); goto xout; } for (if_index = 0; if_index < usb_config_desc->bNumInterfaces; if_index++) { usb_if = &usb_config_desc->interface[if_index]; if (!usb_if) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - usb_if NULL\n"); goto xout; } for (alt_index = 0; alt_index < usb_if->num_altsetting; alt_index++) { usb_if_desc = &usb_if->altsetting[alt_index]; if (!usb_if_desc) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - usb_if_desc NULL\n"); goto xout; } if (usb_if_desc->bInterfaceClass == 0xFF && usb_if_desc->bInterfaceSubClass == 0) { xburst_interface = usb_if_desc->bInterfaceNumber; goto interface_found; } } } } interface_found: ; } } xburst_h = usb_open(xburst_dev); if (!xburst_h) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - can't open XBurst device: %s\n", usb_strerror()); goto xout; } if (usb_claim_interface(xburst_h, xburst_interface) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - can't claim XBurst interface: %s\n", usb_strerror()); goto xout_xburst_h; } return xburst_h; xout_xburst_h: usb_close(xburst_h); xout: return NULL; } int send_request(struct usb_dev_handle* xburst_h, char* request, char* str_param) { int request_type; int usb_status; uint32_t u32_param; if (!strcmp(request, "bulk_read")) request_type = REQ_BULK_READ; else if (!strcmp(request, "bulk_write")) request_type = REQ_BULK_WRITE; else if (!strcmp(request, "VR_GET_CPU_INFO") || !strcmp(request, "get_info")) request_type = VR_GET_CPU_INFO; else if (!strcmp(request, "VR_SET_DATA_ADDRESS") || !strcmp(request, "set_addr")) request_type = VR_SET_DATA_ADDRESS; else if (!strcmp(request, "VR_SET_DATA_LENGTH") || !strcmp(request, "set_len")) request_type = VR_SET_DATA_LENGTH; else if (!strcmp(request, "VR_FLUSH_CACHES") || !strcmp(request, "flush_cache")) request_type = VR_FLUSH_CACHES; else if (!strcmp(request, "VR_PROGRAM_START1") || !strcmp(request, "start1")) request_type = VR_PROGRAM_START1; else if (!strcmp(request, "VR_PROGRAM_START2") || !strcmp(request, "start2")) request_type = VR_PROGRAM_START2; else { fprintf(stderr, "Error - unknown vendor request %s - run with --help to see all requests\n", request); return 1; } switch (request_type) { case VR_GET_CPU_INFO: { char cpu_info_buf[VR_GET_CPU_INFO_LEN+1] = {0}; usb_status = usb_control_msg(xburst_h, /* requesttype */ USB_ENDPOINT_IN | USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE, /* request */ VR_GET_CPU_INFO, /* value */ 0, /* index */ 0, /* bytes */ cpu_info_buf, /* size */ VR_GET_CPU_INFO_LEN, /* timeout */ USB_TIMEOUT); if (usb_status != VR_GET_CPU_INFO_LEN) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - %s() returned %i\n", request, usb_status); goto xout_xburst_interface; } printf("VR_GET_CPU_INFO %s\n", cpu_info_buf); break; } case VR_SET_DATA_ADDRESS: case VR_SET_DATA_LENGTH: case VR_PROGRAM_START1: case VR_PROGRAM_START2: { if (str_param == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - number of parameters %s\n", request); goto xout_xburst_interface; } u32_param = strtoul(str_param, 0, 0); usb_status = usb_control_msg(xburst_h, /* requesttype */ USB_ENDPOINT_OUT | USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE, /* request */ request_type, /* value */ HIWORD(u32_param), /* index */ LOWORD(u32_param), /* bytes */ 0, /* size */ 0, /* timeout */ USB_TIMEOUT); if (usb_status) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - %s() returned %i\n", request, usb_status); goto xout_xburst_interface; } printf("%s %lxh\n", request, (unsigned long) u32_param); break; } case VR_FLUSH_CACHES: { usb_status = usb_control_msg(xburst_h, /* requesttype */ USB_ENDPOINT_OUT | USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE, /* request */ VR_FLUSH_CACHES, /* value */ 0, /* index */ 0, /* bytes */ 0, /* size */ 0, /* timeout */ USB_TIMEOUT); if (usb_status) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - %s() returned %i\n", request, usb_status); goto xout_xburst_interface; } printf("VR_FLUSH_CACHES\n"); break; } case REQ_BULK_READ: { int read_len; char* read_buf; if (str_param == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - number of parameters %s\n", request); goto xout_xburst_interface; } if (str_param[0] == '0' && str_param[1] == 'x') read_len = strtol(&str_param[2], 0, 16); else read_len = strtol(str_param, 0, 10); read_buf = (char*) malloc(read_len); if (!read_buf) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - cannot allocate %i bytes read buffer.\n", read_len); goto xout_xburst_interface; } usb_status = usb_bulk_read(xburst_h, /* endpoint */ INGENIC_IN_ENDPOINT, /* bytes */ read_buf, /* size */ read_len, /* timeout */ USB_TIMEOUT); if (usb_status > 0) fwrite(read_buf, 1 /* size */, usb_status, stdout); free(read_buf); if (usb_status < read_len) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading %d bytes (result %i).\n", read_len, usb_status); goto xout_xburst_interface; } break; } case REQ_BULK_WRITE: { char* file_data; int file_len; FILE* file_h; size_t num_read; if (str_param == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - number of parameters %s\n", request); goto xout_xburst_interface; } file_h = fopen(str_param, "rb"); if (!file_h) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s.\n", str_param); goto xout_xburst_interface; } if (fseek(file_h, 0, SEEK_END)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error seeking to end of %s.\n", str_param); fclose(file_h); goto xout_xburst_interface; } file_len = ftell(file_h); if (fseek(file_h, 0, SEEK_SET)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error seeking to beginning of %s.\n", str_param); fclose(file_h); goto xout_xburst_interface; } file_data = (char*) malloc(file_len); if (!file_data) { fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating %d bytes data.\n", file_len); fclose(file_h); goto xout_xburst_interface; } num_read = fread(file_data, 1, file_len, file_h); fclose(file_h); if (num_read != (size_t) file_len) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading %d bytes (got %d).\n", file_len, num_read); free(file_data); goto xout_xburst_interface; } usb_status = usb_bulk_write(xburst_h, /* endpoint */ INGENIC_OUT_ENDPOINT, /* bytes */ file_data, /* size */ file_len, /* timeout */ USB_TIMEOUT); free(file_data); if (usb_status < file_len) { fprintf(stderr, "Error writing %d bytes (result %i).\n", file_len, usb_status); goto xout_xburst_interface; } printf("bulk_write successfully wrote %i bytes.\n", usb_status); break; } } usleep(100); return 0; xout_xburst_interface: return 1; } void show_help() { printf("\n" "xbboot version %s - Ingenic XBurst USB Boot Vendor Requests\n" "(c) 2009 Wolfgang Spraul\n" "Report bugs to , .\n" "\n" "xbboot [vendor_request] ... (must run as root)\n" " -h --help print this help message\n" " -v --version print the version number\n" " [-u | --upload]
upload file at to
then jump to
\n" "\n" " bulk_read read len bulk bytes from USB, write to stdout\n" " bulk_write write file at to USB\n" " [get_info | VR_GET_CPU_INFO] read 8-byte CPU info and write to stdout\n" " [set_addr | VR_SET_DATA_ADDRESS] send memory address\n" " [set_len | VR_SET_DATA_LENGTH] send data length\n" " [flush_cache | VR_FLUSH_CACHES] flush I-Cache and D-Cache\n" " [start1 | VR_PROGRAM_START1] transfer data from D-Cache to I-Cache and branch to I-Cache\n" " [start2 | VR_PROGRAM_START2] branch to directly\n" "\n" "- all numbers can be prefixed 0x for hex otherwise decimal\n" "\n", XBBOOT_VERSION); }