/* * "Ingenic flash tool" - flash the Ingenic CPU via USB * * (C) Copyright 2009 * Author: Marek Lindner * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "main.h" #include "usb.h" #include "usb_boot_defines.h" #include #include static int get_ingenic_device(struct ingenic_dev *ingenic_dev) { struct usb_bus *usb_busses, *usb_bus; struct usb_device *usb_dev; int count = 0; usb_busses = usb_get_busses(); for (usb_bus = usb_busses; usb_bus != NULL; usb_bus = usb_bus->next) { for (usb_dev = usb_bus->devices; usb_dev != NULL; usb_dev = usb_dev->next) { if ((usb_dev->descriptor.idVendor == VENDOR_ID) && (usb_dev->descriptor.idProduct == PRODUCT_ID)) { ingenic_dev->usb_dev = usb_dev; count++; } } } return count; } static int get_ingenic_interface(struct ingenic_dev *ingenic_dev) { struct usb_config_descriptor *usb_config_desc; struct usb_interface_descriptor *usb_if_desc; struct usb_interface *usb_if; int config_index, if_index, alt_index; for (config_index = 0; config_index < ingenic_dev->usb_dev->descriptor.bNumConfigurations; config_index++) { usb_config_desc = &ingenic_dev->usb_dev->config[config_index]; if (!usb_config_desc) return 0; for (if_index = 0; if_index < usb_config_desc->bNumInterfaces; if_index++) { usb_if = &usb_config_desc->interface[if_index]; if (!usb_if) return 0; for (alt_index = 0; alt_index < usb_if->num_altsetting; alt_index++) { usb_if_desc = &usb_if->altsetting[alt_index]; if (!usb_if_desc) return 0; if ((usb_if_desc->bInterfaceClass == 0xff) && (usb_if_desc->bInterfaceSubClass == 0)) { ingenic_dev->interface = usb_if_desc->bInterfaceNumber; return 1; } } } } return 0; } int usb_ingenic_init(struct ingenic_dev *ingenic_dev) { int num_ingenic, status = -1; usb_init(); /* usb_set_debug(255); */ usb_find_busses(); usb_find_devices(); num_ingenic = get_ingenic_device(ingenic_dev); if (num_ingenic == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - no Ingenic device found\n"); goto out; } if (num_ingenic > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - too many Ingenic devices found: %i\n", num_ingenic); goto out; } ingenic_dev->usb_handle = usb_open(ingenic_dev->usb_dev); if (!ingenic_dev->usb_handle) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - can't open Ingenic device: %s\n", usb_strerror()); goto out; } if (usb_set_configuration(ingenic_dev->usb_handle, 1) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - can't set Ingenic configuration: %s\n", usb_strerror()); goto out; } if (get_ingenic_interface(ingenic_dev) < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - can't find Ingenic interface\n"); goto out; } if (usb_claim_interface(ingenic_dev->usb_handle, ingenic_dev->interface) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - can't claim Ingenic interface: %s\n", usb_strerror()); goto out; } status = 1; out: return status; } int usb_get_ingenic_cpu(struct ingenic_dev *ingenic_dev) { int status; status = usb_control_msg(ingenic_dev->usb_handle, /* bmRequestType */ USB_ENDPOINT_IN | USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE, /* bRequest */ VR_GET_CPU_INFO, /* wValue */ 0, /* wIndex */ 0, /* Data */ ingenic_dev->cpu_info_buff, /* wLength */ 8, USB_TIMEOUT); if (status != sizeof(ingenic_dev->cpu_info_buff)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - can't retrieve Ingenic CPU information: %i\n", status); return status; } printf("CPU data: %02x, %02x, %02x, %02x, %02x, %02x, %02x, %02x : %s\n", ingenic_dev->cpu_info_buff[0], ingenic_dev->cpu_info_buff[1], ingenic_dev->cpu_info_buff[2], ingenic_dev->cpu_info_buff[3], ingenic_dev->cpu_info_buff[4], ingenic_dev->cpu_info_buff[5], ingenic_dev->cpu_info_buff[6], ingenic_dev->cpu_info_buff[7], ingenic_dev->cpu_info_buff); return 1; } int usb_ingenic_flush_cache(struct ingenic_dev *ingenic_dev) { int status; status = usb_control_msg(ingenic_dev->usb_handle, /* bmRequestType */ USB_ENDPOINT_OUT | USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE, /* bRequest */ VR_FLUSH_CACHES, /* wValue */ 0, /* wIndex */ 0, /* Data */ 0, /* wLength */ 0, USB_TIMEOUT); if (status != sizeof(ingenic_dev->cpu_info_buff)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - can't flush cache: %i\n", status); return status; } return 1; } int usb_ingenic_upload(struct ingenic_dev *ingenic_dev, int stage) { int status; unsigned int stage2_addr; stage2_addr = total_size + 0x80000000; stage2_addr -= CODE_SIZE; /* tell the device the RAM address to store the file */ status = usb_control_msg(ingenic_dev->usb_handle, /* bmRequestType */ USB_ENDPOINT_OUT | USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE, /* bRequest */ VR_SET_DATA_ADDRESS, /* wValue */ STAGE_ADDR_MSB(stage == 1 ? 0x80002000 : stage2_addr), /* wIndex */ STAGE_ADDR_LSB(stage == 1 ? 0x80002000 : stage2_addr), /* Data */ 0, /* wLength */ 0, USB_TIMEOUT); if (status != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - can't set the address on Ingenic device: %i\n", status); goto out; } #if 0 /* tell the device the length of the file to be uploaded */ status = usb_control_msg(ingenic_dev->usb_handle, /* bmRequestType */ USB_ENDPOINT_OUT | USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE, /* bRequest */ VR_SET_DATA_LENGTH, /* wValue */ 0, /* wIndex */ ingenic_dev->file_len, /* Data */ 0, /* wLength */ 0, USB_TIMEOUT); if (status != 0) fprintf(stderr, "Error - can't set data length on Ingenic device: %i\n", status); #endif /* upload the file */ status = usb_bulk_write(ingenic_dev->usb_handle, /* endpoint */ INGENIC_OUT_ENDPOINT, /* bulk data */ ingenic_dev->file_buff, /* bulk data length */ ingenic_dev->file_len, USB_TIMEOUT); if (status < ingenic_dev->file_len) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - can't send bulk data to Ingenic CPU: %i\nfile length: %d\n", status, ingenic_dev->file_len); return -1; } if (stage != 1) { usb_get_ingenic_cpu(ingenic_dev); usb_ingenic_flush_cache(ingenic_dev); } /* tell the device to start the uploaded device */ status = usb_control_msg(ingenic_dev->usb_handle, /* bmRequestType */ USB_ENDPOINT_OUT | USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE, /* bRequest */ (stage == 1 ? VR_PROGRAM_START1 : VR_PROGRAM_START2), /* wValue */ STAGE_ADDR_MSB(stage == 1 ? 0x80002000 : stage2_addr), /* wIndex */ STAGE_ADDR_LSB(stage == 1 ? 0x80002000 : stage2_addr), /* Data */ 0, /* wLength */ 0, USB_TIMEOUT); if (status != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - can't start the uploaded binary on the Ingenic device: %i\n", status); goto out; } usb_get_ingenic_cpu(ingenic_dev); status = 1; out: return status; } void usb_ingenic_cleanup(struct ingenic_dev *ingenic_dev) { if ((ingenic_dev->usb_handle) && (ingenic_dev->interface)) usb_release_interface(ingenic_dev->usb_handle, ingenic_dev->interface); if (ingenic_dev->usb_handle) usb_close(ingenic_dev->usb_handle); }