mirror of git://projects.qi-hardware.com/xue.git synced 2024-10-05 03:08:31 +03:00

Merge branch 'master' of projects.qi-hardware.com:xue

This commit is contained in:
Andres Calderon 2010-08-16 13:53:41 -05:00
commit 91cfffd7b4
8 changed files with 1132 additions and 1275 deletions

View File

@ -1,54 +1,11 @@
EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Sat 14 Aug 2010 08:20:37 AM COT EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Mon 16 Aug 2010 11:40:48 AM COT
LIBS:power LIBS:power,../library/v0402mhs03,../library/usb-48204-0001,../library/microsmd075f,../library/mic2550ayts,../library/rj45-48025,../library/xue-nv,../library/xc6slx75fgg484,../library/xc6slx45fgg484,../library/micron_mobile_ddr,../library/micron_ddr_512Mb,../library/k8001,device,transistors,conn,linear,regul,74xx,cmos4000,adc-dac,memory,xilinx,special,microcontrollers,dsp,microchip,analog_switches,motorola,texas,intel,audio,interface,digital-audio,philips,display,cypress,siliconi,opto,atmel,contrib,valves,../library/pasives-connectors,../library/x25x64mb,./xue-rnc.cache
$Descr A4 11700 8267 $Descr A4 11700 8267
Sheet 6 6 Sheet 6 6
Title "" Title ""
Date "14 aug 2010" Date "16 aug 2010"
Rev "" Rev ""
Comp "" Comp ""
Comment1 "" Comment1 ""

View File

@ -1,54 +1,11 @@
EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Sat 14 Aug 2010 08:20:37 AM COT EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Mon 16 Aug 2010 11:40:48 AM COT
LIBS:power LIBS:power,../library/v0402mhs03,../library/usb-48204-0001,../library/microsmd075f,../library/mic2550ayts,../library/rj45-48025,../library/xue-nv,../library/xc6slx75fgg484,../library/xc6slx45fgg484,../library/micron_mobile_ddr,../library/micron_ddr_512Mb,../library/k8001,device,transistors,conn,linear,regul,74xx,cmos4000,adc-dac,memory,xilinx,special,microcontrollers,dsp,microchip,analog_switches,motorola,texas,intel,audio,interface,digital-audio,philips,display,cypress,siliconi,opto,atmel,contrib,valves,../library/pasives-connectors,../library/x25x64mb,./xue-rnc.cache
$Descr A2 23400 16535 $Descr A2 23400 16535
Sheet 4 6 Sheet 4 6
Title "" Title ""
Date "14 aug 2010" Date "16 aug 2010"
Rev "" Rev ""
Comp "" Comp ""
Comment1 "" Comment1 ""
@ -1141,7 +1098,7 @@ F 1 "+2.5V" H 4600 12450 30 0000 C CNN
1 4600 12350 1 4600 12350
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
Text GLabel 4600 13350 1 30 BiDi ~ 0 Text GLabel 4600 13350 3 30 BiDi ~ 0
Text Label 2200 7800 2 60 ~ 0 Text Label 2200 7800 2 60 ~ 0

View File

@ -1,54 +1,11 @@
EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Sat 14 Aug 2010 08:20:37 AM COT EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Mon 16 Aug 2010 11:40:48 AM COT
LIBS:power LIBS:power,../library/v0402mhs03,../library/usb-48204-0001,../library/microsmd075f,../library/mic2550ayts,../library/rj45-48025,../library/xue-nv,../library/xc6slx75fgg484,../library/xc6slx45fgg484,../library/micron_mobile_ddr,../library/micron_ddr_512Mb,../library/k8001,device,transistors,conn,linear,regul,74xx,cmos4000,adc-dac,memory,xilinx,special,microcontrollers,dsp,microchip,analog_switches,motorola,texas,intel,audio,interface,digital-audio,philips,display,cypress,siliconi,opto,atmel,contrib,valves,../library/pasives-connectors,../library/x25x64mb,./xue-rnc.cache
$Descr A4 11700 8267 $Descr A4 11700 8267
Sheet 2 6 Sheet 2 6
Title "" Title ""
Date "14 aug 2010" Date "16 aug 2010"
Rev "" Rev ""
Comp "" Comp ""
Comment1 "" Comment1 ""
@ -56,171 +13,190 @@ Comment2 ""
Comment3 "" Comment3 ""
Comment4 "" Comment4 ""
$EndDescr $EndDescr
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Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
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Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
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Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
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Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
4450 1950 4350 1950 9000 3000 9000 3100
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2650 2000 2550 2000
Wire Wire Line
2550 2000 2550 1700
Wire Wire Line
2550 1700 2450 1700
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2400 2300 2000 2300
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2650 2100 2000 2100
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1750 1900 1900 1900
Wire Bus Line
8450 2400 8250 2400
Wire Bus Line
8250 2400 8250 3200
Wire Wire Line
7850 2700 8150 2700
Wire Wire Line
7850 2650 8150 2650
Wire Wire Line
7850 2550 8150 2550
Wire Wire Line
7850 2600 8150 2600
Wire Wire Line
7850 3200 8150 3200
Wire Wire Line
7850 3150 8150 3150
Wire Wire Line
7850 3250 8150 3250
Wire Wire Line
7850 3300 8150 3300
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1750 5900 2200 5900
Wire Wire Line
1750 6000 2200 6000
Wire Wire Line
1750 5800 2200 5800
Wire Wire Line
1750 5700 2200 5700
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3200 5950 2800 5950
Wire Wire Line
3200 5850 2800 5850
Wire Wire Line
3200 5900 2800 5900
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3050 6150 3050 5700
Wire Wire Line
3950 6300 3950 6200
Connection ~ 4400 5750
Wire Wire Line
4300 5750 4400 5750
Wire Wire Line
4400 5850 4300 5850
Wire Wire Line
3050 5700 3200 5700
Connection ~ 7400 4300
Wire Wire Line
7400 4400 7400 4200
Connection ~ 7800 4900
Wire Wire Line
7800 4800 7800 4900
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Wire Wire Line
7800 4400 7800 4300
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7050 2650 6450 2650
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6850 2950 7050 2950
Wire Wire Line
6850 3250 7050 3250
Wire Wire Line
6850 3150 7050 3150
Wire Wire Line
7050 2700 6850 2700
Wire Wire Line
7050 2600 6850 2600
Wire Wire Line
6850 2750 7050 2750
Wire Wire Line
6850 3100 7050 3100
Wire Wire Line
6850 3200 7050 3200
Wire Wire Line
6850 2900 7050 2900
Wire Wire Line
6850 2600 6850 2650
Wire Wire Line
6550 2650 6550 2550
Wire Wire Line
7400 4300 8200 4300
Wire Wire Line
8200 4300 8200 4400
Wire Wire Line
7400 4900 8200 4900
Wire Wire Line
8200 4900 8200 4800
Wire Wire Line
7400 4800 7400 5000
Connection ~ 7400 4900
Wire Wire Line
4300 5800 4400 5800
Connection ~ 4400 5800
Wire Wire Line
4400 5750 4400 5950
Connection ~ 4400 5850
Wire Wire Line
3200 5600 2800 5600
Wire Wire Line
3200 5650 2800 5650
Wire Wire Line
3200 5750 2800 5750
Wire Wire Line
3200 5800 3100 5800
Wire Wire Line
3100 5800 3100 5450
Wire Bus Line
1650 5900 1650 5500
Wire Bus Line
1650 5500 1250 5500
Wire Wire Line
7850 2950 7950 2950
Wire Wire Line
7950 2950 7950 3000
Wire Wire Line
7850 2900 7950 2900
Wire Wire Line
2650 2300 2650 2450
Wire Wire Line
2650 2200 2000 2200
Wire Wire Line
2400 2000 2000 2000
Wire Bus Line
1900 1900 1900 2200
Wire Wire Line
4350 2250 4750 2250
Wire Wire Line
4350 2150 4750 2150
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
9350 3000 9350 3150 9350 3000 9350 3150
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
9650 3100 9000 3100 4350 2150 4750 2150
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
9000 3100 9000 3000 4350 2250 4750 2250
Wire Bus Line
1900 2200 1900 1900
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
9350 2800 9350 2650 2400 2000 2000 2000
Connection ~ 9350 2700 Wire Wire Line
2650 2200 2000 2200
Wire Wire Line
2650 2300 2650 2450
Wire Wire Line
7850 2900 7950 2900
Wire Wire Line
7950 3000 7950 2950
Wire Wire Line
7950 2950 7850 2950
Wire Bus Line
2650 5750 3050 5750
Wire Bus Line
3050 5750 3050 6150
Wire Wire Line
4600 6050 4500 6050
Wire Wire Line
4600 6000 4200 6000
Wire Wire Line
4600 5900 4200 5900
Wire Wire Line
4600 5850 4200 5850
Connection ~ 5800 6100
Wire Wire Line
5800 6200 5800 6000
Connection ~ 5800 6050
Wire Wire Line
5700 6050 5800 6050
Connection ~ 8450 5150
Wire Wire Line
8450 5050 8450 5250
Wire Wire Line
9250 5050 9250 5150
Wire Wire Line
9250 5150 8450 5150
Wire Wire Line
9250 4650 9250 4550
Wire Wire Line
9250 4550 8450 4550
Wire Wire Line
6550 2650 6550 2550
Wire Wire Line
6850 2650 6850 2600
Wire Wire Line
6850 2900 7050 2900
Wire Wire Line
6850 3200 7050 3200
Wire Wire Line
6850 3100 7050 3100
Wire Wire Line
6850 2750 7050 2750
Wire Wire Line
6850 2600 7050 2600
Wire Wire Line
7050 2700 6850 2700
Wire Wire Line
6850 3150 7050 3150
Wire Wire Line
6850 3250 7050 3250
Wire Wire Line
6850 2950 7050 2950
Connection ~ 6850 2650
Wire Wire Line
7050 2650 6450 2650
Connection ~ 6550 2650
Wire Wire Line
8850 4650 8850 4550
Connection ~ 8850 4550
Wire Wire Line
8850 5050 8850 5150
Connection ~ 8850 5150
Wire Wire Line
8450 4650 8450 4450
Connection ~ 8450 4550
Wire Wire Line
5800 6100 5700 6100
Wire Wire Line
5800 6000 5700 6000
Connection ~ 5800 6000
Wire Wire Line
5350 6550 5350 6450
Wire Wire Line
4600 6150 4200 6150
Wire Wire Line
4600 6100 4200 6100
Wire Wire Line
4600 6200 4200 6200
Wire Wire Line
3150 5950 3600 5950
Wire Wire Line
3150 6050 3600 6050
Wire Wire Line
3150 6250 3600 6250
Wire Wire Line
3150 6150 3600 6150
Wire Wire Line
7850 3300 8150 3300
Wire Wire Line
7850 3250 8150 3250
Wire Wire Line
7850 3150 8150 3150
Wire Wire Line
7850 3200 8150 3200
Wire Wire Line
7850 2600 8150 2600
Wire Wire Line
7850 2550 8150 2550
Wire Wire Line
7850 2650 8150 2650
Wire Wire Line
7850 2700 8150 2700
Wire Bus Line
8250 3200 8250 2400
Wire Bus Line
8250 2400 8450 2400
Wire Bus Line
1900 1900 1750 1900
Wire Wire Line
2650 2100 2000 2100
Wire Wire Line
2400 2300 2000 2300
Wire Wire Line
2450 1700 2550 1700
Wire Wire Line
2550 1700 2550 2000
Wire Wire Line
2550 2000 2650 2000
Wire Wire Line
4350 2050 4750 2050
Wire Wire Line
4350 1950 4450 1950
Wire Wire Line
4450 1950 4450 1750
Wire Wire Line
9650 3100 9650 3000
Connection ~ 9350 3100
Wire Wire Line
9000 2800 9000 2700
Wire Wire Line
9000 2700 9650 2700
Wire Wire Line
9650 2700 9650 2800
Wire Wire Line
3950 5800 3950 5700
Connection ~ 3950 5750
Wire Wire Line
4500 6050 4500 5250
Wire Wire Line
4500 5250 3950 5250
L C C75
U 1 1 4C6969AB
P 3950 5500
F 0 "C75" H 4000 5600 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 4000 5400 50 0000 L CNN
1 3950 5500
-1 0 0 1
$Comp $Comp
U 1 1 4C65D6AB U 1 1 4C65D6AB
@ -269,7 +245,7 @@ F 2 "0402" H 9000 2900 60 0001 C CNN
1 9000 2900 1 9000 2900
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
Text GLabel 4450 1750 1 30 BiDi ~ 0 Text GLabel 4450 1750 3 30 BiDi ~ 0
Text HLabel 4750 2150 2 60 Input ~ 0 Text HLabel 4750 2150 2 60 Input ~ 0
@ -367,78 +343,78 @@ Text Label 7950 3250 0 30 ~ 0
Text Label 7950 3300 0 30 ~ 0 Text Label 7950 3300 0 30 ~ 0
Text HLabel 1250 5500 0 60 BiDi ~ 0 Text HLabel 2650 5750 0 60 BiDi ~ 0
SD_DAT[0..3] SD_DAT[0..3]
Text Label 1800 5900 0 60 ~ 0 Text Label 3600 6150 2 60 ~ 0
Text Label 1800 6000 0 60 ~ 0 Text Label 3600 6250 2 60 ~ 0
Text Label 1800 5800 0 60 ~ 0 Text Label 3600 6050 2 60 ~ 0
Text Label 1800 5700 0 60 ~ 0 Text Label 3600 5950 2 60 ~ 0
Entry Wire Line Entry Wire Line
1650 5900 1750 6000 3050 6150 3150 6250
Entry Wire Line Entry Wire Line
1650 5800 1750 5900 3050 6050 3150 6150
Entry Wire Line Entry Wire Line
1650 5700 1750 5800 3050 5950 3150 6050
Entry Wire Line Entry Wire Line
1650 5600 1750 5700 3050 5850 3150 5950
Text HLabel 2800 5850 0 60 Input ~ 0 Text HLabel 4200 6100 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 2800 5750 0 60 Input ~ 0 Text HLabel 4200 6000 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text Label 2800 5950 0 30 ~ 0 Text Label 4200 6200 0 30 ~ 0
Text Label 2800 5900 0 30 ~ 0 Text Label 4200 6150 0 30 ~ 0
Text Label 2800 5850 0 30 ~ 0 Text Label 4200 6100 0 30 ~ 0
$Comp $Comp
U 1 1 4C61D875 U 1 1 4C61D875
P 3050 6150 P 3950 5800
F 0 "#PWR16" H 3050 6150 30 0001 C CNN F 0 "#PWR16" H 3950 5800 30 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 3050 6080 30 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 3950 5730 30 0001 C CNN
1 3050 6150 1 3950 5800
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
Text Label 2800 5750 0 30 ~ 0 Text Label 4200 6000 0 30 ~ 0
Text Label 2800 5650 0 30 ~ 0 Text Label 4200 5900 0 30 ~ 0
Text Label 2800 5600 0 30 ~ 0 Text Label 4200 5850 0 30 ~ 0
$Comp $Comp
U 1 1 4C438ADC U 1 1 4C438ADC
P 4400 5950 P 5800 6200
F 0 "#PWR18" H 4400 5950 30 0001 C CNN F 0 "#PWR18" H 5800 6200 30 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 4400 5880 30 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 5800 6130 30 0001 C CNN
1 4400 5950 1 5800 6200
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
U 1 1 4C438AD5 U 1 1 4C438AD5
P 3950 6300 P 5350 6550
F 0 "#PWR17" H 3950 6300 30 0001 C CNN F 0 "#PWR17" H 5350 6550 30 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 3950 6230 30 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 5350 6480 30 0001 C CNN
1 3950 6300 1 5350 6550
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
Text GLabel 6850 2950 0 20 BiDi ~ 0 Text GLabel 6850 2950 0 20 BiDi ~ 0
Text GLabel 7400 5000 1 20 BiDi ~ 0 Text GLabel 8450 5250 1 20 BiDi ~ 0
NoConn ~ 7050 2800 NoConn ~ 7050 2800
Text GLabel 7400 4200 3 20 BiDi ~ 0 Text GLabel 3950 5200 3 20 BiDi ~ 0
3.3V +3.3V
Text GLabel 6850 2900 0 20 BiDi ~ 0 Text GLabel 6850 2900 0 20 BiDi ~ 0
3.3V +3.3V
Text GLabel 6850 3250 0 20 BiDi ~ 0 Text GLabel 6850 3250 0 20 BiDi ~ 0
3.3V +3.3V
Text HLabel 6850 3200 0 20 BiDi ~ 0 Text HLabel 6850 3200 0 20 BiDi ~ 0
Text HLabel 6850 3150 0 20 BiDi ~ 0 Text HLabel 6850 3150 0 20 BiDi ~ 0
@ -454,10 +430,10 @@ NF_RNB
$Comp $Comp
U 1 1 4B76F5E2 U 1 1 4B76F5E2
P 2950 6150 P 4350 6400
F 0 "J1" H 3400 6800 60 0000 C CNN F 0 "J1" H 4800 7050 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "MICROSD" H 3350 6250 60 0000 C CNN F 1 "MICROSD" H 4750 6500 60 0000 C CNN
1 2950 6150 1 4350 6400
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
NoConn ~ 7850 2350 NoConn ~ 7850 2350

View File

@ -1,54 +1,11 @@
EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Sat 14 Aug 2010 08:20:37 AM COT EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Mon 16 Aug 2010 11:40:48 AM COT
LIBS:power LIBS:power,../library/v0402mhs03,../library/usb-48204-0001,../library/microsmd075f,../library/mic2550ayts,../library/rj45-48025,../library/xue-nv,../library/xc6slx75fgg484,../library/xc6slx45fgg484,../library/micron_mobile_ddr,../library/micron_ddr_512Mb,../library/k8001,device,transistors,conn,linear,regul,74xx,cmos4000,adc-dac,memory,xilinx,special,microcontrollers,dsp,microchip,analog_switches,motorola,texas,intel,audio,interface,digital-audio,philips,display,cypress,siliconi,opto,atmel,contrib,valves,../library/pasives-connectors,../library/x25x64mb,./xue-rnc.cache
$Descr A4 11700 8267 $Descr A4 11700 8267
Sheet 2 6 Sheet 3 6
Title "" Title ""
Date "14 aug 2010" Date "16 aug 2010"
Rev "" Rev ""
Comp "" Comp ""
Comment1 "" Comment1 ""
@ -57,6 +14,326 @@ Comment3 ""
Comment4 "" Comment4 ""
$EndDescr $EndDescr
$Comp $Comp
L +3.3V #PWR51
U 1 1 4C695F50
P 2700 4600
F 0 "#PWR51" H 2700 4560 30 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+3.3V" H 2700 4710 30 0000 C CNN
1 2700 4600
1 0 0 -1
L +3.3V #PWR47
U 1 1 4C695F4B
P 2550 6100
F 0 "#PWR47" H 2550 6060 30 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+3.3V" H 2550 6210 30 0000 C CNN
1 2550 6100
1 0 0 -1
L +3.3V #PWR49
U 1 1 4C695F43
P 2650 1100
F 0 "#PWR49" H 2650 1060 30 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+3.3V" H 2650 1210 30 0000 C CNN
1 2650 1100
1 0 0 -1
L +3.3V #PWR46
U 1 1 4C695F3B
P 2500 2400
F 0 "#PWR46" H 2500 2360 30 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+3.3V" H 2500 2510 30 0000 C CNN
1 2500 2400
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
2700 4600 2700 4850
Wire Wire Line
2850 5400 2850 5500
Wire Wire Line
2650 5500 2650 5550
Wire Wire Line
3200 5550 3200 5400
Wire Wire Line
2500 5400 2500 5500
Wire Wire Line
2500 5500 2850 5500
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Wire Wire Line
3150 1300 3150 1100
Wire Wire Line
2650 1200 2650 1100
Wire Wire Line
2800 1300 2800 1200
Wire Wire Line
2800 1700 2800 1800
Wire Wire Line
2600 1800 2600 1850
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Wire Wire Line
4550 3650 4550 3700
Wire Wire Line
4350 1950 4350 2050
Wire Wire Line
1500 3150 1500 3700
Wire Wire Line
3250 3600 3250 3700
Wire Wire Line
3250 2850 3250 2950
Wire Wire Line
1650 3050 1600 3050
Wire Wire Line
1650 2850 1600 2850
Wire Wire Line
1650 2650 1600 2650
Wire Wire Line
1650 2550 1550 2550
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Connection ~ 5600 3650
Wire Wire Line
5600 3650 5600 3750
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Wire Wire Line
5300 2750 5450 2750
Wire Wire Line
5750 3500 5750 3650
Wire Wire Line
5750 3650 5450 3650
Wire Wire Line
5450 3650 5450 3450
Wire Wire Line
5750 3000 5750 2950
Wire Wire Line
5750 2950 5300 2950
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Wire Wire Line
4650 2750 3650 2750
Wire Wire Line
3650 2750 3650 2800
Wire Wire Line
3650 2800 3550 2800
Wire Wire Line
3550 2800 3550 2850
Wire Wire Line
3550 2850 2400 2850
Wire Wire Line
4650 2850 3600 2850
Wire Wire Line
3600 2850 3600 2750
Wire Wire Line
3600 2750 2400 2750
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Wire Wire Line
4350 2650 4650 2650
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Wire Wire Line
5300 2650 5450 2650
Wire Wire Line
5450 2650 5450 3050
Wire Wire Line
5300 2850 5450 2850
Connection ~ 5450 2850
Wire Wire Line
4650 2950 4550 2950
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Wire Wire Line
1500 3150 1650 3150
Wire Wire Line
3250 3700 1500 3700
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1650 2750 1600 2750
Wire Wire Line
1650 2950 1600 2950
Wire Wire Line
2900 2750 2900 2950
Wire Wire Line
2900 3700 2900 3600
Wire Wire Line
2150 3800 2150 3350
Wire Wire Line
1550 2550 1550 2450
Wire Wire Line
2500 2400 2500 2650
Wire Wire Line
2500 2650 2400 2650
Wire Wire Line
2400 2550 2500 2550
Connection ~ 2500 2550
Wire Wire Line
4350 1400 4350 1350
Wire Wire Line
4550 2950 4550 3050
Wire Wire Line
4600 6750 4600 6650
Wire Wire Line
4400 5100 4400 5050
Connection ~ 2550 6250
Wire Wire Line
2450 6250 2550 6250
Wire Wire Line
2450 6350 2550 6350
Wire Wire Line
2550 6350 2550 6100
Wire Wire Line
1600 6150 1600 6250
Wire Wire Line
2200 7500 2200 7050
Wire Wire Line
2950 7400 2950 7300
Wire Wire Line
2950 6450 2950 6650
Wire Wire Line
1700 6650 1650 6650
Wire Wire Line
1700 6450 1650 6450
Wire Wire Line
3300 7400 1550 7400
Wire Wire Line
1700 6850 1550 6850
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Wire Wire Line
4600 6650 4700 6650
Connection ~ 5500 6550
Wire Wire Line
5350 6550 5500 6550
Wire Wire Line
5500 6750 5500 6350
Wire Wire Line
5500 6350 5350 6350
Connection ~ 5500 6650
Wire Wire Line
4400 6350 4700 6350
Connection ~ 2950 6450
Wire Wire Line
2450 6450 3650 6450
Wire Wire Line
3650 6450 3650 6550
Wire Wire Line
3650 6550 4700 6550
Wire Wire Line
2500 5000 2500 4850
Wire Wire Line
2450 6550 3600 6550
Wire Wire Line
3600 6550 3600 6500
Wire Wire Line
3600 6500 3700 6500
Wire Wire Line
3700 6500 3700 6450
Wire Wire Line
3700 6450 4700 6450
Connection ~ 3300 6550
Wire Wire Line
5350 6650 5800 6650
Wire Wire Line
5800 6650 5800 6700
Wire Wire Line
5500 7150 5500 7350
Wire Wire Line
5500 7350 5800 7350
Wire Wire Line
5800 7350 5800 7200
Wire Wire Line
5350 6450 5500 6450
Connection ~ 5500 6450
Wire Wire Line
5650 7350 5650 7450
Connection ~ 5650 7350
Connection ~ 2950 7400
Wire Wire Line
1600 6250 1700 6250
Wire Wire Line
1700 6350 1650 6350
Wire Wire Line
1700 6550 1650 6550
Wire Wire Line
1700 6750 1650 6750
Wire Wire Line
3300 6550 3300 6650
Wire Wire Line
3300 7400 3300 7300
Wire Wire Line
1550 6850 1550 7400
Wire Wire Line
4400 5650 4400 5750
Wire Wire Line
4600 7350 4600 7400
Wire Wire Line
2850 5000 2850 4850
Wire Wire Line
2850 4850 2500 4850
Wire Wire Line
3150 1850 3150 1700
Wire Wire Line
2450 1700 2450 1800
Wire Wire Line
2450 1800 2800 1800
Connection ~ 2600 1800
Wire Wire Line
2450 1300 2450 1200
Wire Wire Line
2450 1200 2800 1200
Connection ~ 2650 1200
Wire Wire Line
3200 5000 3200 4550
L +2.5V #PWR54
U 1 1 4C695DCD
P 3200 4550
F 0 "#PWR54" H 3200 4500 20 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+2.5V" H 3200 4650 30 0000 C CNN
1 3200 4550
1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 4C695F0A
P 3200 5550
F 0 "#PWR55" H 3200 5550 30 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 3200 5480 30 0001 C CNN
1 3200 5550
1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 4C695F09
P 2650 5550
F 0 "#PWR50" H 2650 5550 30 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 2650 5480 30 0001 C CNN
1 2650 5550
1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 4C695DFE
P 3150 1850
F 0 "#PWR53" H 3150 1850 30 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 3150 1780 30 0001 C CNN
1 3150 1850
1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 4C695DF8
P 2600 1850
F 0 "#PWR48" H 2600 1850 30 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 2600 1780 30 0001 C CNN
1 2600 1850
1 0 0 -1
L +2.5V #PWR52
U 1 1 4C695DA7
P 3150 1100
F 0 "#PWR52" H 3150 1050 20 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+2.5V" H 3150 1200 30 0000 C CNN
1 3150 1100
1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 4C6552BF U 1 1 4C6552BF
P 2050 6450 P 2050 6450
@ -148,10 +425,10 @@ USBD_VP
Text HLabel 1650 6750 0 40 BiDi ~ 0 Text HLabel 1650 6750 0 40 BiDi ~ 0
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1 5650 7450 1 5650 7450
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@ -166,15 +443,6 @@ F 1 "GND" H 2200 7430 30 0001 C CNN
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
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1 2850 5550
1 0 0 -1
L +2.5V #PWR43 L +2.5V #PWR43
U 1 1 4C6552B2 U 1 1 4C6552B2
P 1600 6150 P 1600 6150
@ -183,10 +451,6 @@ F 1 "+2.5V" H 1600 6250 30 0000 C CNN
1 1600 6150 1 1600 6150
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
Text GLabel 2550 6100 3 40 BiDi ~ 0
Text Notes 2600 6250 0 60 ~ 0
Warning!! VIF = 2.5!! ToDo: review the DS\n
$Comp $Comp
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@ -208,263 +472,37 @@ F 2 "0603" H 4400 6050 60 0001 C CNN
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L +5V #PWR49 L +5V #PWR57
U 1 1 4C6552AF U 1 1 4C6552AF
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1 4400 5050 1 4400 5050
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$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
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1 4600 7400 1 4600 7400
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$EndComp $EndComp
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1700 6750 1650 6750
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1700 6550 1650 6550
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1700 6350 1650 6350
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5650 7350 5650 7450
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5350 6450 5500 6450
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5800 7350 5500 7350
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5500 7350 5500 7150
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5800 6700 5800 6650
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5800 6650 5350 6650
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4700 6450 3700 6450
Wire Wire Line
3700 6450 3700 6500
Wire Wire Line
3700 6500 3600 6500
Wire Wire Line
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3600 6550 2450 6550
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3200 5000 3200 4850
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3200 4850 2500 4850
Wire Wire Line
2500 4850 2500 5000
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2500 5400 2500 5500
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2500 5500 3200 5500
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3200 5500 3200 5400
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4700 6550 3650 6550
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3650 6550 3650 6450
Wire Wire Line
3650 6450 2450 6450
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4400 6350 4700 6350
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5350 6350 5500 6350
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5500 6350 5500 6750
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5350 6550 5500 6550
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4700 6650 4600 6650
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1550 6850 1700 6850
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3300 7400 1550 7400
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1700 6450 1650 6450
Wire Wire Line
1700 6650 1650 6650
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2850 5400 2850 5550
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2950 6450 2950 6650
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2200 7500 2200 7050
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1600 6250 1600 6150
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2550 6100 2550 6350
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2550 6350 2450 6350
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2450 6250 2550 6250
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4400 5100 4400 5050
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4600 6650 4600 6750
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2850 4750 2850 5000
Text Notes 2850 4700 0 60 ~ 0
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2800 1050 2800 1300
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4550 3050 4550 2950
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4350 1400 4350 1350
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2400 2550 2500 2550
Wire Wire Line
2400 2650 2500 2650
Wire Wire Line
2500 2650 2500 2400
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1550 2450 1550 2550
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2150 3800 2150 3350
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2900 3700 2900 3600
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2900 2750 2900 2950
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2800 1700 2800 1850
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1650 2950 1600 2950
Wire Wire Line
1650 2750 1600 2750
Wire Wire Line
3250 3700 1500 3700
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1650 3150 1500 3150
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4550 2950 4650 2950
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Wire Wire Line
5300 2850 5450 2850
Wire Wire Line
5450 3050 5450 2650
Wire Wire Line
5450 2650 5300 2650
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4350 2650 4650 2650
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2400 2750 3600 2750
Wire Wire Line
3600 2750 3600 2850
Wire Wire Line
3600 2850 4650 2850
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3150 1700 3150 1800
Wire Wire Line
3150 1800 2450 1800
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2450 1800 2450 1700
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2450 1300 2450 1150
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2450 1150 3150 1150
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3150 1150 3150 1300
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2400 2850 3550 2850
Wire Wire Line
3550 2850 3550 2800
Wire Wire Line
3550 2800 3650 2800
Wire Wire Line
3650 2800 3650 2750
Wire Wire Line
3650 2750 4650 2750
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5300 2950 5750 2950
Wire Wire Line
5750 2950 5750 3000
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5450 3450 5450 3650
Wire Wire Line
5450 3650 5750 3650
Wire Wire Line
5750 3650 5750 3500
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5300 2750 5450 2750
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Wire Wire Line
5600 3650 5600 3750
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Wire Wire Line
1550 2550 1650 2550
Wire Wire Line
1650 2650 1600 2650
Wire Wire Line
1650 2850 1600 2850
Wire Wire Line
1650 3050 1600 3050
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3250 2850 3250 2950
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3250 3700 3250 3600
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1500 3150 1500 3700
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4350 1950 4350 2050
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4550 3650 4550 3700
$Comp $Comp
U 1 1 4C63F2B5 U 1 1 4C63F2B5
P 4550 3700 P 4550 3700
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1 4550 3700 1 4550 3700
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L +5V #PWR48 L +5V #PWR56
U 1 1 4C63F295 U 1 1 4C63F295
P 4350 1350 P 4350 1350
F 0 "#PWR48" H 4350 1440 20 0001 C CNN F 0 "#PWR56" H 4350 1440 20 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+5V" H 4350 1440 30 0000 C CNN F 1 "+5V" H 4350 1440 30 0000 C CNN
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1 4550 3350 1 4550 3350
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
Text Notes 2550 2550 0 60 ~ 0
Warning!! VIF = 2.5!! ToDo: review the DS\n
Text GLabel 2500 2400 3 40 BiDi ~ 0
$Comp $Comp
L +2.5V #PWR42 L +2.5V #PWR42
U 1 1 4C63EC16 U 1 1 4C63EC16
@ -503,15 +537,6 @@ F 1 "+2.5V" H 1550 2550 30 0000 C CNN
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
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F 1 "GND" H 2800 1780 30 0001 C CNN
1 2800 1850
1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 4C63EA1B U 1 1 4C63EA1B
P 2150 3800 P 2150 3800
@ -521,10 +546,10 @@ F 1 "GND" H 2150 3730 30 0001 C CNN
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
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1 5600 3750 1 5600 3750
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1

View File

@ -1,54 +1,11 @@
EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Sat 14 Aug 2010 08:20:37 AM COT EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Mon 16 Aug 2010 11:40:48 AM COT
LIBS:power LIBS:power,../library/v0402mhs03,../library/usb-48204-0001,../library/microsmd075f,../library/mic2550ayts,../library/rj45-48025,../library/xue-nv,../library/xc6slx75fgg484,../library/xc6slx45fgg484,../library/micron_mobile_ddr,../library/micron_ddr_512Mb,../library/k8001,device,transistors,conn,linear,regul,74xx,cmos4000,adc-dac,memory,xilinx,special,microcontrollers,dsp,microchip,analog_switches,motorola,texas,intel,audio,interface,digital-audio,philips,display,cypress,siliconi,opto,atmel,contrib,valves,../library/pasives-connectors,../library/x25x64mb,./xue-rnc.cache
$Descr A4 11700 8267 $Descr A4 11700 8267
Sheet 4 6 Sheet 5 6
Title "" Title ""
Date "14 aug 2010" Date "16 aug 2010"
Rev "" Rev ""
Comp "" Comp ""
Comment1 "" Comment1 ""
@ -56,300 +13,305 @@ Comment2 ""
Comment3 "" Comment3 ""
Comment4 "" Comment4 ""
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Copyright: Andres.Calderon@emQbit.com / Juan.Brinez@emQbit.com Copyright: Andres.Calderon@emQbit.com / Juan.Brinez@emQbit.com
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View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
EESchema-DOCLIB Version 2.0 Fri 13 Aug 2010 11:23:32 AM COT EESchema-DOCLIB Version 2.0 Mon 16 Aug 2010 11:40:48 AM COT
# #
D Condensateur non polarise D Condensateur non polarise

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
EESchema-LIBRARY Version Fri 13 Aug 2010 11:23:32 AM COT EESchema-LIBRARY Version Mon 16 Aug 2010 11:40:48 AM COT
# #
# #
# +1.2V # +1.2V
@ -440,6 +440,24 @@ X 1 1 -250 -100 150 R 30 30 1 1 B
# #
# X25X64MB
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X SI 5 850 -150 300 L 50 50 1 1 I
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X Vdd 8 850 150 300 L 50 50 1 1 W
X Vss 4 -850 -200 300 R 50 50 1 1 W
X WP# 3 -850 -100 300 R 50 50 1 1 O I
X SO 2 -850 0 300 R 50 50 1 1 O
X CE# 1 -850 100 300 R 50 50 1 1 I I
# xc6slx45fgg484 # xc6slx45fgg484
# #
DEF xc6slx45fgg484 U 0 40 Y Y 5 F N DEF xc6slx45fgg484 U 0 40 Y Y 5 F N
@ -685,192 +703,197 @@ X IO_L73P_1 P18 2200 1700 300 L 60 60 1 1 P
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X NC G9 3500 -600 300 L 60 60 5 1 P X NC G8 3500 -600 300 L 60 60 5 1 P
X NC H10 3500 -500 300 L 60 60 5 1 P X NC G9 3500 -500 300 L 60 60 5 1 P
X NC H11 3500 -400 300 L 60 60 5 1 P X NC H10 3500 -400 300 L 60 60 5 1 P
X NC H12 3500 -300 300 L 60 60 5 1 P X NC H11 3500 -300 300 L 60 60 5 1 P
X NC H13 3500 -200 300 L 60 60 5 1 P X NC H12 3500 -200 300 L 60 60 5 1 P
X NC H14 3500 -100 300 L 60 60 5 1 P X NC H13 3500 -100 300 L 60 60 5 1 P
X NC P16 3500 0 300 L 60 60 5 1 P X NC H14 3500 0 300 L 60 60 5 1 P
X NC D13 3500 100 300 L 60 60 5 1 P X NC P16 3500 100 300 L 60 60 5 1 P
X PROGRAM_B_2 AA1 3500 200 300 L 60 60 5 1 P X NC D13 3500 200 300 L 60 60 5 1 P
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X TCK G15 3500 400 300 L 60 60 5 1 P X SUSPEND N15 3500 400 300 L 60 60 5 1 P
X TDI E18 3500 500 300 L 60 60 5 1 P X TCK G15 3500 500 300 L 60 60 5 1 P
X TDO A19 3500 600 300 L 60 60 5 1 P X TDI E18 3500 600 300 L 60 60 5 1 P
X TMS C18 3500 700 300 L 60 60 5 1 P X TDO A19 3500 700 300 L 60 60 5 1 P
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X NC F8 -3500 -500 300 R 60 60 5 1 P X NC F8 -3500 -600 300 R 60 60 5 1 P
X NC F15 -3500 -400 300 R 60 60 5 1 P X NC F15 -3500 -500 300 R 60 60 5 1 P
X NC F14 -3500 -300 300 R 60 60 5 1 P X NC F14 -3500 -400 300 R 60 60 5 1 P
X NC F13 -3500 -200 300 R 60 60 5 1 P X NC F13 -3500 -300 300 R 60 60 5 1 P
X NC F12 -3500 -100 300 R 60 60 5 1 P X NC F12 -3500 -200 300 R 60 60 5 1 P
X NC F10 -3500 0 300 R 60 60 5 1 P X NC F10 -3500 -100 300 R 60 60 5 1 P
X NC E8 -3500 100 300 R 60 60 5 1 P X NC E8 -3500 0 300 R 60 60 5 1 P
X NC E14 -3500 200 300 R 60 60 5 1 P X NC E14 -3500 100 300 R 60 60 5 1 P
X NC E12 -3500 300 300 R 60 60 5 1 P X NC E12 -3500 200 300 R 60 60 5 1 P
X NC E10 -3500 400 300 R 60 60 5 1 P X NC E10 -3500 300 300 R 60 60 5 1 P
X NC D12 -3500 500 300 R 60 60 5 1 P X NC D12 -3500 400 300 R 60 60 5 1 P
X NC P15 -3500 600 300 R 60 60 5 1 P X NC P15 -3500 500 300 R 60 60 5 1 P
X NC R17 -3500 700 300 R 60 60 5 1 P X NC R17 -3500 600 300 R 60 60 5 1 P
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X IO_L24P_3 R4 -2100 700 300 R 60 60 3 1 P X IO_L25P_3 M6 -2100 400 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L23N_3 M8 -2100 800 300 R 60 60 3 1 P X IO_L24N_3 P4 -2100 500 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L23P_3 M7 -2100 900 300 R 60 60 3 1 P X IO_L24P_3 R4 -2100 600 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L11N_3 N7 -2100 1000 300 R 60 60 3 1 P X IO_L23N_3 M8 -2100 700 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L11P_3 N6 -2100 1100 300 R 60 60 3 1 P X IO_L23P_3 M7 -2100 800 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L10N_3 V3 -2100 1200 300 R 60 60 3 1 P X IO_L11N_3 N7 -2100 900 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L10P_3 U4 -2100 1300 300 R 60 60 3 1 P X IO_L11P_3 N6 -2100 1000 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L9N_3 T3 -2100 1400 300 R 60 60 3 1 P X IO_L10N_3 V3 -2100 1100 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L9P_3 T4 -2100 1500 300 R 60 60 3 1 P X IO_L10P_3 U4 -2100 1200 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L8N_3 P5 -2100 1600 300 R 60 60 3 1 P X IO_L9N_3 T3 -2100 1300 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L8P_3 P6 -2100 1700 300 R 60 60 3 1 P X IO_L9P_3 T4 -2100 1400 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L7N_3 P7 -2100 1800 300 R 60 60 3 1 P X IO_L8N_3 P5 -2100 1500 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L7P_3 P8 -2100 1900 300 R 60 60 3 1 P X IO_L8P_3 P6 -2100 1600 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L2N_3 W1 -2100 2000 300 R 60 60 3 1 P X IO_L7N_3 P7 -2100 1700 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L2P_3 W3 -2100 2100 300 R 60 60 3 1 P X IO_L7P_3 P8 -2100 1800 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L1N_VREF_3 Y1 -2100 2200 300 R 60 60 3 1 P X IO_L2N_3 W1 -2100 1900 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L30N_GCLK0_USERCCLK_2 AB13 -2000 -2300 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L2P_3 W3 -2100 2000 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L30P_GCLK1_D13_2 Y13 -2000 -2200 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L1N_VREF_3 Y1 -2100 2100 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L29N_GCLK2_2 Y12 -2000 -2100 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L1P_3 Y2 -2100 2200 300 R 60 60 3 1 P
X IO_L29P_GCLK3_2 W12 -2000 -2000 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L30N_GCLK0_USERCCLK_2 AB13 -2000 -2400 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L23N_2 R13 -2000 -1900 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L30P_GCLK1_D13_2 Y13 -2000 -2300 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L23P_2 T14 -2000 -1800 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L29N_GCLK2_2 Y12 -2000 -2200 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L22N_2 U12 -2000 -1700 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L29P_GCLK3_2 W12 -2000 -2100 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L22P_2 T12 -2000 -1600 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L23N_2 R13 -2000 -2000 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L21N_2 AB15 -2000 -1500 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L23P_2 T14 -2000 -1900 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L21P_2 Y15 -2000 -1400 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L22N_2 U12 -2000 -1800 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L20N_2 Y14 -2000 -1300 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L22P_2 T12 -2000 -1700 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L20P_2 W14 -2000 -1200 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L21N_2 AB15 -2000 -1600 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L19N_2 AB16 -2000 -1100 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L21P_2 Y15 -2000 -1500 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L19P_2 AA16 -2000 -1000 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L20N_2 Y14 -2000 -1400 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L18N_2 W13 -2000 -900 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L20P_2 W14 -2000 -1300 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L18P_2 V13 -2000 -800 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L19N_2 AB16 -2000 -1200 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L17N_2 W15 -2000 -700 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L19P_2 AA16 -2000 -1100 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L17P_2 Y16 -2000 -600 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L18N_2 W13 -2000 -1000 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L16N_VREF_2 AB14 -2000 -500 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L18P_2 V13 -2000 -900 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L16P_2 AA14 -2000 -400 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L17N_2 W15 -2000 -800 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L15N_2 AB17 -2000 -300 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L17P_2 Y16 -2000 -700 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L15P_2 Y17 -2000 -200 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L16N_VREF_2 AB14 -2000 -600 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L14N_D12_2 AB18 -2000 -100 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L16P_2 AA14 -2000 -500 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L14P_D11_2 AA18 -2000 0 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L15N_2 AB17 -2000 -400 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L13N_D10_2 V15 -2000 100 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L15P_2 Y17 -2000 -300 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L13P_M1_2 U15 -2000 200 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L14N_D12_2 AB18 -2000 -200 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L12N_D2_MISO3_2 U13 -2000 300 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L14P_D11_2 AA18 -2000 -100 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L12P_D1_MISO2_2 U14 -2000 400 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L13N_D10_2 V15 -2000 0 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L11N_2 W17 -2000 500 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L13P_M1_2 U15 -2000 100 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L11P_2 V17 -2000 600 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L12N_D2_MISO3_2 U13 -2000 200 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L10N_2 R15 -2000 700 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L12P_D1_MISO2_2 U14 -2000 300 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L10P_2 R16 -2000 800 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L11N_2 W17 -2000 400 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L9N_2 V18 -2000 900 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L11P_2 V17 -2000 500 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L9P_2 V19 -2000 1000 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L10N_2 R15 -2000 600 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L8N_2 U16 -2000 1100 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L10P_2 R16 -2000 700 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L8P_2 U17 -2000 1200 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L9N_2 V18 -2000 800 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L7N_2 T15 -2000 1300 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L9P_2 V19 -2000 900 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L7P_2 T16 -2000 1400 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L8N_2 U16 -2000 1000 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L6N_2 Y18 -2000 1500 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L8P_2 U17 -2000 1100 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L6P_2 W18 -2000 1600 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L7N_2 T15 -2000 1200 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L5N_2 AB19 -2000 1700 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L7P_2 T16 -2000 1300 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L5P_2 Y19 -2000 1800 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L6N_2 Y18 -2000 1400 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L4N_VREF_2 T17 -2000 1900 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L6P_2 W18 -2000 1500 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L4P_2 T18 -2000 2000 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L5N_2 AB19 -2000 1600 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L3N_MOSI_CSI_B_MISO0_2 AB20 -2000 2100 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L5P_2 Y19 -2000 1700 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L3P_D0_DIN_MISO_MISO1_2 AA20 -2000 2200 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L4N_VREF_2 T17 -2000 1800 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L2N_CMPMOSI_2 AB21 -2000 2300 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L4P_2 T18 -2000 1900 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L2P_CMPCLK_2 AA21 -2000 2400 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L3N_MOSI_CSI_B_MISO0_2 AB20 -2000 2000 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L1N_M0_CMPMISO_2 AA22 -2000 2500 300 R 60 60 4 1 P X IO_L3P_D0_DIN_MISO_MISO1_2 AA20 -2000 2100 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L35P_GCLK17_0 C11 -1700 -1000 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L2N_CMPMOSI_2 AB21 -2000 2200 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L34N_GCLK18_0 A10 -1700 -900 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L2P_CMPCLK_2 AA21 -2000 2300 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L34P_GCLK19_0 B10 -1700 -800 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L1N_M0_CMPMISO_2 AA22 -2000 2400 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L33N_0 C10 -1700 -700 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L1P_CCLK_2 Y21 -2000 2500 300 R 60 60 4 1 P
X IO_L33P_0 D10 -1700 -600 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L35P_GCLK17_0 C11 -1700 -1100 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L32N_0 D8 -1700 -500 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L34N_GCLK18_0 A10 -1700 -1000 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L32P_0 D7 -1700 -400 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L34P_GCLK19_0 B10 -1700 -900 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L8N_VREF_0 A9 -1700 -300 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L33N_0 C10 -1700 -800 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L8P_0 C9 -1700 -200 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L33P_0 D10 -1700 -700 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L7N_0 C8 -1700 -100 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L32N_0 D8 -1700 -600 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L7P_0 D9 -1700 0 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L32P_0 D7 -1700 -500 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L6N_0 A8 -1700 100 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L8N_VREF_0 A9 -1700 -400 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L6P_0 B8 -1700 200 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L8P_0 C9 -1700 -300 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L5N_0 A7 -1700 300 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L7N_0 C8 -1700 -200 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L5P_0 C7 -1700 400 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L7P_0 D9 -1700 -100 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L4N_0 A6 -1700 500 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L6N_0 A8 -1700 0 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L4P_0 B6 -1700 600 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L6P_0 B8 -1700 100 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L3N_0 C6 -1700 700 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L5N_0 A7 -1700 200 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L3P_0 D6 -1700 800 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L5P_0 C7 -1700 300 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L2N_0 A5 -1700 900 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L4N_0 A6 -1700 400 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L2P_0 C5 -1700 1000 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L4P_0 B6 -1700 500 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L1N_VREF_0 A4 -1700 1100 300 R 60 60 2 1 P X IO_L3N_0 C6 -1700 600 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L3P_0 D6 -1700 700 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L2N_0 A5 -1700 800 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L2P_0 C5 -1700 900 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L1N_VREF_0 A4 -1700 1000 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X IO_L1P_HSWAPEN_0 A3 -1700 1100 300 R 60 60 2 1 P
X GND P10 -2900 -1200 300 U 60 60 5 1 P X GND P10 -2900 -1200 300 U 60 60 5 1 P
X GND V10 -2800 -1200 300 U 60 60 5 1 P X GND V10 -2800 -1200 300 U 60 60 5 1 P
X GND M10 -2700 -1200 300 U 60 60 5 1 P X GND M10 -2700 -1200 300 U 60 60 5 1 P

View File

@ -1,54 +1,11 @@
EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Sat 14 Aug 2010 08:20:37 AM COT EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Mon 16 Aug 2010 11:40:48 AM COT
LIBS:power LIBS:power,../library/v0402mhs03,../library/usb-48204-0001,../library/microsmd075f,../library/mic2550ayts,../library/rj45-48025,../library/xue-nv,../library/xc6slx75fgg484,../library/xc6slx45fgg484,../library/micron_mobile_ddr,../library/micron_ddr_512Mb,../library/k8001,device,transistors,conn,linear,regul,74xx,cmos4000,adc-dac,memory,xilinx,special,microcontrollers,dsp,microchip,analog_switches,motorola,texas,intel,audio,interface,digital-audio,philips,display,cypress,siliconi,opto,atmel,contrib,valves,../library/pasives-connectors,../library/x25x64mb,./xue-rnc.cache
$Descr A3 16535 11700 $Descr A3 16535 11700
Sheet 1 6 Sheet 1 6
Title "" Title ""
Date "14 aug 2010" Date "16 aug 2010"
Rev "" Rev ""
Comp "" Comp ""
Comment1 "" Comment1 ""