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#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Converts PNG to Linux font character array.
import sys
# Python Imaging Library
# http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
import Image
def getCellSize(image):
x, y = image.size
width = (x / 32) - 1
height = (y / 8) - 1
assert 32 * (width + 1) + 1 == x, x
assert 8 * (height + 1) + 1 == y, y
return width, height
def createData(width, height, image):
data = []
# Scan characters.
for c in xrange(256):
row, col = divmod(c, 32)
y = 1 + row * (height + 1)
for i in xrange(height):
x = 1 + col * (width + 1)
pat = 0
mask = 128
for bit in xrange(width):
if image.getpixel((x, y)):
pat |= mask
mask >>= 1
x += 1
y += 1
return data
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Usage: python png2font.py <image_file>'
fileName = sys.argv[1]
assert fileName.endswith('.png')
outFileName = fileName[ : -4] + '.c'
image = Image.open(fileName)
width, height = getCellSize(image)
data = createData(width, height, image)
arrayName = 'fontdata_%dx%d' % (width, height)
out = open(outFileName, 'w')
print >>out, '#include <linux/font.h>'
print >>out
# print >>out, '#define FONTDATAMAX (%d*256)' % height
# print >>out
print >>out, 'static const unsigned char %s[] = {' % arrayName
print >>out
for c in xrange(256):
if c < 32:
cs = '^%s' % chr(c + 64)
elif c >= 128:
cs = '\\%o' % c
cs = chr(c)
print >>out, "\t/* %d 0x%02X '%s' */" % (c, c, cs)
for i in xrange(c * height, (c + 1) * height):
d = data[i]
ds = ''.join(
str((d >> bit) & 1)
for bit in reversed(xrange(8))
print >>out, '\t0x%02X, /* %s */' % (d, ds)
print >>out
print >>out, '};'
print >>out
print >>out, 'const struct font_desc font_%dx%d = {' \
% (width, height)
print >>out, '\t.idx\t= FONT%dx%d_IDX,' % (width, height)
print >>out, '\t.name\t= "%dx%d",' % (width, height)
print >>out, '\t.width\t= %d,' % width
print >>out, '\t.height\t= %d,' % height
print >>out, '\t.data\t= %s,' % arrayName
print >>out, '\t.pref\t= 0,'
print >>out, '};'